How to Steal a Thief’s Heart

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How to Steal a Thief’s Heart Page 7

by Wolf, Bree

  After casting another careful glance at the driver, who was still lying flat on the ground, Pierce stepped up to the door, his pistol pointed at the darkened corner. “I said step outside,” he growled.

  A deep sigh, tinged with a hint of anger, caught his attention, and he felt his brows draw down in suspicion the moment a woman moved into the dim light drifting into the carriage. “And what will you do if I don’t?”

  Shocked almost witless, Pierce stared at her.

  Her skin glistened with wetness, no doubt from the rain as her attire looked thoroughly soaked through. Her hair seemed almost black in the dim light as it hung wet and in disarray about her head, framing two large, dark eyes that looked at him with such reproach that he felt the sudden need to apologize.

  And then it hit him.

  He knew her!

  He’d been watching her. Of course, now she looked different. Gone was the stern hairdo. The grey, mouse-like gown lay hidden under a dark cloak. And her eyes looked back at him without the hindrance of those hideous spectacles.

  She looked different.

  So very different.

  But it was her.

  No doubt about it.

  It was his little, grey mouse.

  Miss Caroline Hawkins.

  Pierce could barely stop himself from blurting out her name, momentarily unable to form a coherent thought. He could not remember the last time someone had thrown him off guard quite like this. What on earth was she doing out here? On a night like this? Alone?

  “Well?” she prompted, her jaw hard as she glared at him. Still, a slight tremble lingered in her shoulders, and Pierce doubted it had been caused by the lingering cold alone.

  Intrigued, Pierce lifted a foot and then climbed into the carriage, reminding himself not to linger too long or someone might take notice. At his entrance, his grey mouse immediately scooted back to the far corner, her eyes widening in alarm. “What is it that you want?”

  Her voice trembled, and Pierce knew he was a beast for toying with her. He felt an almost desperate need to know what she was about. “I want your valuables,” he told her, keeping his voice low as he seated himself diagonally from her. He held out his non-pistol-bearing hand. “Hand them over.”

  Her throat worked, and her eyes widened. “I…I have nothing of worth.” Her chest rose and fell faster now, and her hands clamped onto her cloak, pulling it closed as though seeking to hide something.

  Pierce knew she was lying. “If you do not hand them over,” he told her, trying to hide his amusement, “I shall be forced to search you.” Suppressing a grin, he slid his pistol back into the holster at his belt.

  “You wouldn’t dare!” she exclaimed in outrage.

  This time, Pierce couldn’t hold back the grin that tugged on his lips. “Oh, little mouse, you have no clue how much I dare.” His eyes remained on hers, noting the way her own moved, her mind no doubt searching for a way out.

  Then her jaw hardened. “I have nothing. You’re simply wasting your time.”

  “I doubt it.” And without another thought, he surged to his feet, then dropped down onto the seat beside her.

  With a shriek, she pushed herself back, trying to get away from him. “I will scream if you—”

  His hands slipped under her cloak, and she stilled immediately, shock widening her eyes as she stared back at him.

  Pierce grinned, holding her gaze. “What are you hiding, little mouse?” he whispered as his hands found her small waist, slowly sliding up her ribcage, her heart pounding frantically beneath.

  Her delicate frame trembled, and he could feel her breath coming faster. Still, the steel in her eyes did not waver. “I demand that you release me immediately!”

  Pierce chuckled. “I have not yet found what I came for.” His hands traveled farther upward until they touched upon her arms, which lay crossed over her chest, her own hands clutching something as though it meant the world to her.

  Looking into her dark blue eyes, Pierce realized that he didn’t simply wish to know what she was about. It was not mere curiosity that drove him. No, a part of him needed to know as though he could not continue on otherwise. The secrets that she hid behind those large spectacles, now lay almost bared before him and all he needed to do was take a good look.

  Fire stood in her eyes.

  Defiance tensed her jaw.

  Courage pulsed in her veins.

  Pierce was intrigued. More than that. He was all but hypnotized. Who was she? Not the wallflower she’d led everyone to believe. Not the little, grey mouse she pretended to be. No, Miss Caroline Hawkins was much more than met the eye.

  Her breath sped up as his hands moved higher, up over her arms to her shoulders before sliding back down. Pierce knew where to find whatever it was she was trying to keep from him. And yet, he could not deny himself the warmth that lingered on her skin even through the layers of fabric that separated them. He wanted to touch her, feel her, know that she was real. Alive and breathing, not a figment of his imagination. For he had always wished for a woman who would steal his breath, addle his mind and upend his world.

  And Miss Caroline Hawkins did just that!

  As his hands slid down her lower arms, inching closer to her hands, she tensed and drew in a sharp breath. “You cannot have it.”

  His hands stilled as he gazed at her. “What are you hiding?”

  “That is none of your concern!” she snapped. Her voice was no louder than a whisper.

  Pierce’s forefinger slid sideways to her wrist, where her sleeve ended. Even through the leather of his gloves, he knew that now bare skin lay underneath and he wished he had foregone his gloves that night. “I disagree,” he whispered, then slid his forefinger inside her sleeve where her pulse beat frantically against her skin.

  His little mouse drew in another sharp breath. “Unhand me,” she demanded on a gasp, “and I shall…not report this to the authorities.”

  Pierce chuckled, enjoying the way her gaze narrowed…more in annoyance than fear. “I’m afraid I cannot,” he whispered, and his hands reached up to cover her own.

  Another gasp was torn from her lips as she tried to twist away from him. “You cannot have it!” she all but growled, a new determination coming to her eyes.

  One of his hands closed around the small leather pouch she held clutched to her chest while Pierce used the other to dislodge her hold on it. He loved that she didn’t give in, that she fought him, that she didn’t make it easy. He could not deny that he was enjoying himself. Indeed, she was a worthy adversary! And his heart all but sank when he finally managed to wrench the little pouch from her hands.

  “No!” his little mouse exclaimed, her eyes going wide with panic as her hands reached out to retrieve her pouch. “Give it back. You cannot have it.”

  Holding the pouch behind his back, Pierce chuckled when she all but moved onto his lap in her attempts to recover it. “I might be open to a trade,” Pierce heard himself say before his gaze shifted down to her lips, at present only a hair’s breadth away from his own.

  At the sound of his voice or perhaps the feel of his breath fanning over her skin, his little mouse stilled, and her eyes shifted to meet his own, her focus moving from the pouch to the man.

  Drawing in a slow breath, Pierce watched her face as he lifted his free hand and settled it around her waist, pulling her to him. “What will you do, little mouse? How much does this mean to you?” From the weight and feel of it, Pierce had no doubt that he would find a bundle of banknotes if he were to open the pouch.

  And a lot of them.

  Huffing out an indignant breath, she tried to pull away, but he held on to her. “Release me,” she snapped, her hands coming to settle upon his shoulders, trying to push him away.

  “Or what?” he asked, grinning.

  Her eyes narrowed, and he could see that her mind was far from frozen in shock. Indeed, he thought he could almost hear the little cogs working inside her head. And then a slow smile began to spread over he
r lovely face, full of confidence and imminent triumph, and Pierce thought his heart would stop. “If you do not return what’s mine,” she whispered as her brows rose in challenge, “I shall simply take what’s yours.”

  For a moment, Pierce was utterly confused…

  …but then her hands moved to settle upon his face, her fingertips brushing against his skin, and despite the tantalizing jolt he felt at her touch, Pierce suddenly knew what she was about.

  His mask!

  The little mix was going to unmask him!

  “Don’t you dare!” he growled, fighting the laughter that threatened to spill from his lips. Indeed, she was magnificent!

  “My possession if you please,” she said politely, her large, blue eyes fixed on his, the hint of a warning in them. “Do try and act like a gentleman, for I assure you I will make good on my threat.” Again, her brows rose. This time for emphasis. “And I’m quick.”

  Pierce had no doubt she was.

  Gritting his teeth against the smile that tugged on his lips, he moved his arm from behind his back, slowly bringing it forward and holding out the pouch to her. Never in his life had he enjoyed losing to another. It would seem there was a first time for everything!

  Her gaze moved to the pouch, but her hands remained on his face, her elbows resting on his upper arms, maintaining the distance his arm on her back sought to minimize.

  “Will you risk reaching for it?” he teased, curious to see what she would do.

  Her jaw tensed as she contemplated her options and her gaze traveled around their surroundings, from the windows to the open door before they returned to him. For a moment, she held his gaze as though trying to weigh his character.

  Then she moved.

  Onto his lap!

  Pierce froze.

  Her blue eyes held his as she moved closer, sliding all the way onto his lap. Never once did she blink or look away, but held his gaze as though willing him to sit still.

  Pierce couldn’t have moved if his life had depended on it.

  With her dark eyes still on his, she sighed before her tongue darted out to wet her lips. Then her gaze dropped to his mouth.

  Pierce could hear the blood pounding in his veins as she leaned in, her lips closing in on his, her warm breath mingling with his own. His heart beat wildly in his chest and his arm tightened on her, bringing her closer still. Anticipation drummed in every fiber of his being, and he closed his eyes and lifted his head, his lips straining to meet hers.

  Pierce wasn’t quite sure what happened next.

  Or first.

  Or in what order.

  What he did realize, however—even though the realization came far too late!—was that his little mouse had never intended to kiss him. Oh, no, she was far too crafty to simply give in! He should’ve known. He should’ve seen it coming!

  Instead of the soft touch of her lips on his, Pierce felt the leather pouch jerked from his hand and then the heel of a boot connecting rather painfully with his left shin. In the next instant, her warmth vanished as she all but jumped from his lap and darted out the door, slamming it shut behind her.

  Fortunately, there was no way for her to lock it. However, it did detain him long enough to give her time to pick up her heels and race down the street as fast as she could.

  The moment Pierce finally stumbled out of the carriage, he only caught a distant glimpse of her before she disappeared around the next corner.

  Pierce sighed, then glanced down at the driver, who still lay sprawled on the ground, before he whistled for his gelding, which came trotting toward him from a few paces away.

  “She’s something, isn’t she, Sport?” he whispered, brushing the gelding’s nose affectionately. In return, Sport nickered, then rubbed his head on Pierce’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. We’ll find her again.”

  With a smile, Pierce pulled himself into the saddle, once more glancing up and down the street to see if anyone had taken notice. Fortunately, on a night like this, most remained indoors, especially since the rain had once more turned from a drizzle into a downpour within the few, seemingly endless moments he’d spent in the carriage with his little mouse.

  Now, how best to tease her about tonight?

  Pierce couldn’t help but grin when he remembered that she hadn’t, in fact, unmasked him. So, she didn’t know who he was. He, however, knew her very well. Better with each passing moment they spent together.

  Now, about the next one!

  Chapter Nine

  Secrets Among Cousins

  How odd! Caroline thought. Was it truly a coincidence she seemed to see him everywhere she went?

  Ever since that rather odd encounter at the Cavendish ball toward the end of the last Season, Caroline had been unable to not think of Lord Markham. In truth, her inability to focus her own thoughts was quite shameful. After all, months had passed since that rather short-lived moment out on the terrace. Should she not have been able to put any lingering curiosity to rest by now?

  Of course, she should have.

  Then why hadn’t she?

  A part of Caroline didn’t dare look for an answer to that particular question for she suspected it would be deeply unsettling.

  Autumn was well on its way as Rebecca and Caroline made their way to Hyde Park one sunny afternoon. The leaves had turned golden, mixing with others shining in dark reds and deep browns as they swirled through the air, blown about by a soft breeze.

  “Is something wrong?” Rebecca asked, her green eyes narrowed as she looked at Caroline. “You keep looking over your shoulder.”

  Willing a noncommittal smile onto her face, Caroline shook her head. “It’s nothing. For a second, I thought I’d seen someone I knew.” She shrugged. “But I was wrong.” Still, she could not keep herself from glancing over her shoulder yet again.

  Had it been him? She wondered. The man on the black steed who’d just passed by on the opposite side of the small cluster of trees they were currently walking past?

  “Anyone I know?” Rebecca pressed, the hint of an amused curl coming to her lips.

  Smiling, Caroline shook her head. “I assume you’re relieved Father is finally allowing you out of the house again?” She rushed to change the subject.

  Rebecca sighed. “Indeed. The man is quite odious. After all, it’s been weeks. I think he did overreact quite a bit.”

  After Rebecca had sneaked away to visit her friend, it had, indeed, taken Caroline’s father about a fortnight to realize his niece was no longer under his roof. However, to this day, he did not know she’d been gone that long, merely thinking that she’d left a few days prior to his discovery.

  As planned, Caroline had placed a note from Rebecca onto her cousin’s vanity once her absence had been discovered, which stated that she’d left for Ravengrove to visit an old friend. Of course, Caroline’s father had been livid, but he had not realized that it had, in fact, been his own daughter who’d hidden her cousin’s whereabouts from him for so long.

  Furious, he’d gone after Rebecca and brought her back home, locking her inside for the next few weeks in order to teach her a lesson. Still, Rebecca being Rebecca, all she’d learned was to plan with greater diligence. Never would her vivacious and adventure-seeking cousin ever give up on that which her heart longed for.

  Caroline could not help but suspect that that was once again connected to one Lord Pembroke for after Rebecca had returned from Ravengrove, the man’s name had been on her lips almost constantly. Gone was the disappointment from the end of the Season when she’d feared his interest in her had vanished. These days, Rebecca seemed almost giddy with anticipation of the next Season when Lord Pembroke would no doubt return to London. What on earth had happened at Ravengrove?

  Rebecca, however, would not breathe a word of it, merely smiling that meaningful, but utterly secretive smile of hers and then changing the subject.

  Of course, who was Caroline to complain? After all, she, too, knew how to keep a secret. Many of them, to be precise!
r />   “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” Rebecca said all of a sudden, her green eyes sparkling with excitement as she reached for Caroline’s hands, pulling her to the side of the path and out of the way of others enjoying a beautiful autumn day in the park. “I simply didn’t dare in the house where your parents could have overheard.”

  Caroline’s gaze narrowed as she watched her cousin intently.

  “One night at Ravengrove,” Rebecca whispered, her eyes darting left and right, “an intruder broke into the castle.”

  Caroline drew in a sharp breath, her own thoughts immediately drawn back to the night she’d been called to the orphanage. “An intruder?” she asked, a little breathless.

  Rebecca nodded. “No one knows who he was because he was wearing a mask.”

  As though her cousin had slapped her, Caroline flinched. “A mask?” she gasped as another masked face rose before her inner eye, sending a shiver down her spine.

  “Yes, and he disappeared out the window before anyone could stop him,” she continued, her green eyes alight with excitement.

  Caroline frowned. “You sound all but happy about this occurrence.”

  Grinning, Rebecca shrugged. “You have to admit it’s fascinating.”

  “Fascinating?” In all honesty, Caroline could have done without making the acquaintance of her own masked bandit that night. Or could it perhaps have been the same man? How many masked men were currently on the loose in England? “What did he want?”

  At her question, Rebecca’s gaze moved from Caroline’s as though by coincidence and she sighed, looking out at the Serpentine glistening in the distance. “Oh, we never found out,” she said nonchalantly, lifting a hand to shield her eyes against the brilliant autumn sun. “He disappeared before providing any answers.” With a grin, she turned back to look at Caroline. “That was very rude of him, wouldn’t you agree? Keeping us all in suspense.”


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