Works of Ellen Wood

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Works of Ellen Wood Page 390

by Ellen Wood

  Up she started at the sound of his voice, and flew to him. There lay her protection; and in spite of her ill-temper and her love of aggravation, she felt and recognised it. Lionel held her in his sheltering arms, bending her head down upon his breast, and drawing his coat over it, so that she might see no ray of light — as he had been wont to do in former storms. As a timid child was she at these times, humble, loving, gentle; she felt as if she were on the threshold of the next world, that the next moment might be her last. Others have been known to experience the same dread in a thunder-storm; and, to be thus brought, as it were, face to face with death, takes the spirit out of people.

  He stood, patiently holding her. Every time the thunder burst above their heads, he could feel her heart beat against his. One of her arms was round him; the other he held; all wet it was with fear. He did not speak; he only clasped her closer every now and then, that she might be reminded of her shelter.

  Twenty minutes or so, and the violence of the storm abated. The lightning grew less frequent, the thunder distant and more distant. At length the sound wholly ceased, and the lightning subsided into that harmless sheet lightning which is so beautiful to look at in the far-off horizon.

  “It is over,” he whispered.

  She lifted her head from its resting place. Her blue eye was bright with excitement, her delicate cheek was crimson, her golden hair fell in a dishevelled mass around. Her gala robes had been removed, with the diamond coronet, and the storm had surprised her writing a note in her dressing-gown. In spite of the sudden terror which overtook her, she did not forget to put the letter — so far as had been written of it — safely away. It was not expedient that her husband’s eyes should fall upon it. Sibylla had many answers to write now to importunate creditors.

  “Are you sure, Lionel?”

  “Quite sure. Come and see how clear it is. You are not alarmed at the sheet lightning.”

  He put his arm round her, and led her to the window. As he said, the sky was clear again. Nearly all traces of the storm had passed away; there had been no rain with it; and, but for the remembrance of its sound in their ears, they might have believed that it had not taken place. The broad lands of Verner’s Pride lay spreading out before them, the lawns and the terrace underneath; the sheet-lightning illumined the heavens incessantly, rendering objects nearly as clear as in the day.

  Lionel held her to his side, his arm round her. She trembled still — trembled excessively; her bosom heaved and fell beneath his hand.

  “When I die, it will be in a thunder-storm,” she whispered.

  “You foolish girl!” he said, his tone half a joking one, wholly tender. “What can have given you this excessive fear of thunder, Sibylla?”

  “I was always frightened at a thunder-storm. Deborah says mamma was. But I was not so very frightened until a storm I witnessed in Australia. It killed a man!” she added, shivering and nestling nearer to Lionel.


  “It was only a few days before Frederick left me, when he and Captain Cannonby went away together,” she continued. “We had hired a carriage, and had gone out of the town ever so far. There was something to be seen there; I forget what now; races perhaps. I know a good many people went; and an awful thunder-storm came on. Some ran under the trees for shelter; some would not; and the lightning killed a man. Oh, Lionel, I shall never forget it! I saw him carried past; I saw his face! Since then I have felt ready to die myself with the fear.”

  She turned her face, and hid it upon his bosom. Lionel did not attempt to soothe the fear; he knew that for such fear time alone is the only cure. He whispered words of soothing to her; he stroked fondly her golden hair. In these moments, when she was gentle, yielding, clinging to him for protection, three parts of his old love for her would come back again. The lamp, which had been turned on to its full blaze of light, was behind them, so that they might have been visible enough to anybody standing in the nearer portion of the grounds.

  “Captain Cannonby went away with Frederick Massingbird,” observed Lionel, approaching by degrees to the questions he wished to ask. “Did they start together?”

  “Yes. Don’t talk about it, Lionel.”

  “My dear wife, I must talk about it,” he gravely answered. “You have always put me off in this manner, so that I know little or nothing of the circumstances. I have a reason for wishing to become cognisant of those past particulars. Surely,” he added, a shade of deeper feeling in his tone, “at this distance of time it cannot be so very painful to your feelings to speak of Frederick Massingbird. I am by your side.”

  “What is the reason that you wish to know?”

  “A little matter that regarded him and Cannonby. Was Cannonby with him when he died?”

  Sibylla, subdued still, yielded to the wish as she would probably have yielded at no other time.

  “Of course he was with him. They were but a day’s journey from Melbourne. I forget the name of the place; a sort of small village or settlement, I believe, where the people halted that were going to, or returning from, the diggings. Frederick was taken worse as they got there, and in a few hours he died.”

  “Cannonby remaining with him?”

  “Yes. I am sure I have told you this before, Lionel. I told it to you on the night of my return.”

  He was aware she had. He could not say: “But I wish to press you upon the points; to ascertain beyond doubt that Frederick Massingbird did really die; that he is not living.” “Did Cannonby stay until he was buried?” he asked aloud.


  “You are sure of this?”

  Sibylla looked at him curiously. She could not think why he was recalling this; why want to know it?

  “I am sure of it only so far as that Captain Cannonby told me so,” replied Sibylla.

  The reservation struck upon him with a chill; it seemed to be a confirmation of his worst fears. Sibylla continued, for he did not speak —

  “Of course he stayed with him until he was buried. When Captain Cannonby came back to me at Melbourne, he said he had waited to lay him in the ground. Why should he have said it, if he did not?”

  “True,” murmured Lionel.

  “He said the burial-service had been read over him. I remember that, well. I reproached Captain Cannonby with not having come back to me immediately, or sent for me that I might at least have seen him dead, if not alive. He excused himself by saying that he did not think I should like to see him; and he had waited to bury him before returning.”

  Lionel fell into a reverie. If this, that Captain Cannonby had stated, was correct, there was no doubt that Frederick Massingbird was safely dead and buried. But he could not be sure that it was correct; Captain Cannonby may not have relished waiting to see a dead man buried; although he had affirmed so much to Sibylla. A thousand pounds would Lionel have given out of his pocket at that moment, for one minute’s interview with Captain Cannonby.


  The call came from Sibylla with sudden intensity, half startling him. She had got one of her fingers pointed to the lawn.

  “Who’s that — peeping forth from underneath the yew-tree?”

  The same place, the same tree which had been pointed to by Lucy Tempest! An impulse, for which Lionel could not have accounted, caused him to turn round and put out the lamp.

  “Who can it be?” wondered Sibylla. “He appears to be watching us. How foolish of any of them to go out! I should not feel safe under a tree, although that lightning is only sheet-lightning.”

  Every perceptive faculty that Lionel Verner possessed was strained upon the spot. He could make out a tall man; a man whose figure bore — unless his eyes and his imagination combined to deceive him — a strong resemblance to Frederick Massingbird’s. Had it come to it? Were he and his rival face to face; was she, by his own side now, about to be bandied between them? — belonging, save by the priority of the first marriage ceremony, no more to one than to the other? A stifled cry, suppressed instantly, escaped his li
ps; his pulses stood still, and then throbbed on with painful violence.

  “Can you discern him, Lionel?” she asked. “He is going away — going back amidst the trees. Perhaps because he can’t see us any longer, now you have put the light out. Who is it? Why should he have stood there, watching us?”

  Lionel snatched her to him with an impulsive gesture. He would have sacrificed his life willingly, to save Sibylla from the terrible misfortune that appeared to be falling upon her.



  A merry breakfast-table. Sibylla, for a wonder, up, and present at it. The rain of the preceding day, the storm of the night had entirely passed away, and as fine a morning as could be wished was smiling on the earth.

  “Which of you went out before the storm was over, and ventured under the great yew-tree?”

  It was Mrs. Verner who spoke. She looked at the different gentlemen present, and they looked at her. They did not know what she meant.

  “You were under it, one of you,” persisted Sibylla.

  All, save one, protested that they had neither been out nor under the tree. That one — it happened to be Mr. Gordon, of whom casual mention has been made — confessed to having been on the lawn, so far as crossing it went; but he did not go near the tree.

  “I went out with my cigar,” he observed, “and had strolled some distance from the house when the storm came on. I stood in the middle of a field and watched it. It was grandly beautiful.”

  “I wonder you were not brought home dead!” ejaculated Sibylla.

  Mr. Gordon laughed. “If you once witnessed the thunder-storms that we get in the tropics, Mrs. Verner, you would not associate these with danger.”

  “I have seen dreadful thunder-storms, apart from what we get here, as well as you, Mr. Gordon,” returned Sibylla.

  “Perhaps you will deny that anybody’s ever killed by them in this country. But why did you halt underneath the yew-tree?”

  “I did not,” he repeated. “I crossed the lawn, straight on to the upper end of the terrace. I did not go near the tree.”

  “Some one did, if you did not. They were staring right up at my dressing-room window. I was standing at it with Mr. Verner.”

  Mr. Gordon shook his head. “Not guilty, so far as I am concerned, Mrs. Verner. I met some man, when I was coming home, plunging into the thicket of trees as I emerged from them. It was he, possibly.”

  “What man?” questioned Sibylla.

  “I did not know him. He was a stranger. A tall, dark man with stooping shoulders, and something black upon his cheek.”

  “Something black upon his cheek;” repeated Sibylla, thinking the words bore an odd sound.

  “A large black mark it looked like. His cheek was white — sallow would be the better term — and he wore no whiskers, so it was a conspicuous looking brand. In the moment he passed me, the lightning rendered the atmosphere as light as—”

  “Sibylla!” almost shouted Lionel, “we are waiting for more tea in this quarter. Never mind, Gordon.”

  They looked at him with surprise. He was leaning towards his wife; his face crimson, his tones agitated. Sibylla stared at him, and said, if he called out like that, she would not get up another morning. Lionel replied, talking fast; and just then the letters were brought in. Altogether, the subject of the man with the mark upon his cheek dropped out of the discussion.

  Bread fast over, Lionel put his arm within Mr. Gordon’s and drew him outside upon the terrace. Not to question him upon the man he had seen — Lionel would have been glad that that encounter should pass out of Mr. Gordon’s remembrance, as affording less chance of Sibylla’s hearing of it again — but to get information on another topic. He had been rapidly making up his mind during the latter half of breakfast, and had come to a decision.

  “Gordon, can you inform me where Captain Cannonby is to be found?”

  “Can you inform me where the comet that visited us last year may be met with this?” returned Mr. Gordon. “I’d nearly as soon undertake to find out the locality of the one as of the other. Cannonby did go to Paris; but where he may be now, is quite another affair.”

  “Was he going there for any length of time?”

  “I fancy not. Most likely he is back in London by this time. Had he told me he was coming back, I should have paid no attention to it. He never knows his own mind two hours together.”

  “I particularly wish to see him,” observed Lionel. “Can you give me any address where he may be found in London? — if he has returned?”

  “Yes. His brother’s in Westminster. I can give you the exact number and address by referring to my notebook. When Cannonby’s in London, he makes it his headquarters. If he is away, his brother may know where he is.”

  “His brother may be out of town also. Few men are in it at this season.”

  “If they can get out. But Dr. Cannonby can’t. He is a physician, and must stop at his post, season or no season.”

  “I am going up to town to-day,” remarked Lionel, “and—”

  “You are! For long?”

  “Back to-morrow, I hope; perhaps to-night. If you will give me the address, I’ll copy it down.”

  Lionel wrote it down; but Mr. Gordon told him there was no necessity; any little ragged boy in the street could direct him to Dr. Cannonby’s. Then he went to make his proposed journey known to Sibylla. She was standing near one of the terrace pillars, looking up at the sky, her eyes shaded with her hand. Lionel drew her inside an unoccupied room.

  “Sibylla, a little matter of business is calling me to London,” he said. “If I can catch the half-past ten train, I may be home again to-night, late.”

  “How sudden!” cried Sibylla. “Why didn’t you tell me? What weather shall we have to-day, do you think?”

  “Fine. But it is of little consequence to me whether it be fine or wet.”

  “Oh! I was not thinking of you,” was the careless reply. “I want it to be fine for our archery.”

  “Good-bye,” he said, stooping to kiss her. “Take care of yourself.”

  “Lionel, mind, I shall have the ponies,” was her answer, given in a pouting, pretty, affected manner.

  Lionel smiled, shook his head, took another kiss, and left her. Oh, if he could but shield her from the tribulation that too surely seemed to be ominously looming!

  The lightest and fleetest carriage he possessed had been made ready, and was waiting for him at the stables. He got in there, and drove off with his groom, saying farewell to none, and taking nothing with him but an overcoat. As he drove past Mrs. Duff’s shop, the remembrance of the bill came over him. He had forwarded the money to her the previous night in his wife’s name.

  He caught the train; was too soon for it; it was five minutes behind time. If those who saw him depart could but have divined the errand he was bent on, what a commotion would have spread over Deerham! If the handsome lady, seated opposite to him, the only other passenger in that compartment, could but have read the cause which rendered him so self-absorbed, so insensible to her attractions, she would have gazed at him with far more interest.

  “Who is that gentleman?” she privately asked of the guard when she got the opportunity.

  “Mr. Verner, of Verner’s Pride.”

  He sat back on his seat, heeding nothing. Had all the pretty women of the kingdom been ranged before him, in a row, they had been nothing to Mr. Verner then. Had Lucy Tempest been there, he had been equally regardless of her. If Frederick Massingbird were indeed in life, Verner’s Pride was no longer his. But it was not of that he thought; it was of the calamity that would involve his wife. A calamity which, to the refined, sensitive mind of Lionel Verner, was almost worse than death itself.

  What would the journey bring forth for him? Should he succeed in seeing Captain Cannonby? He awaited the fiat with feverish heat; and wished the fast express engine would travel faster.

  The terminus gained at last, a hansom took him to Dr. Cannonby�
�s. It was half-past two o’clock. He leaped out of the cab and rang, entering the hall when the door was opened.

  “Can I see Dr. Cannonby?”

  “The doctor’s just gone out, sir. He will be home at five.”

  It was a sort of checkmate, and Lionel stood looking at the servant — as if the man could telegraph some impossible aerial message to his master to bring him back then.

  “Is Captain Cannonby staying here?” was his next question.

  “No, sir. He was staying here, but he went away this morning.”

  “He is home from Paris then?”

  “He came back two or three days ago, sir,” replied the servant.

  “Do you know where he is gone?”

  “I don’t, sir. I fancy it’s somewhere in the country.”

  “Dr. Cannonby would know?”

  “I dare say he would, sir. I should think so.”

  Lionel turned to the door. Where was the use of his lingering? He looked back to ask a question.

  “You are sure that Captain Cannonby has gone out of town?”

  “Oh, yes, sir.”

  He descended the steps, and the man closed the door upon him. Where should he go? What should he do with himself for the next two and a half mortal hours? Go to his club? Or to any of the old spots of his London life? Not he; some familiar faces might be in town; and he was in no mood for familiar faces then.

  Sauntering hither, sauntering thither, he came to Westminster Bridge. One of the steamers was approaching the pier to take in passengers, on its way down the river. For want of some other mode in which to employ his time, Lionel went down to the embarking place, and stepped on board.

  Does anything in this world happen by chance? What secret unknown impulse could have sent Lionel Verner on board that steamer? Had Dr. Cannonby been at home he would not have gone near it; had he turned to the right hand instead of to the left, on leaving Dr. Cannonby’s house, the boat would never have seen him.

  It was not crowded, as those steamers sometimes are crowded, suggesting visions of the bottom of the river. The day was fine; warm for September, but not too hot; the gliding down the stream delightful. With a heart at ease, Lionel would have found it so; as it was, he could scarcely have told whether he was going down the stream or up, whether it was wet or dry. He could see but one thing — the image of Frederick Massingbird.


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