Works of Ellen Wood

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Works of Ellen Wood Page 772

by Ellen Wood

  His hair seemed to rise up in horror at the words. “Maude! have you any disease you are concealing from me?”

  “Not any. But the belief has been upon me for some time that I should not get over this. You must have seen how I appear to be sinking.”

  “And with no disease upon you! I don’t understand it.”

  “No particular physical disease.”

  “You are weak, dispirited — I cannot pursue these questions,” he broke off. “Tell me in a word: is there any cause for this?”


  Percival gathered up his breath. “What is it?”

  “What is it!” her eyes ablaze with sudden light. “What has weighed you down, not to the grave, for men are strong, but to terror, and shame, and sin? What secret is it, Lord Hartledon?”

  His lips were whitening. “But it — even allowing that I have a secret — need not weigh you down.”

  “Not weigh me down! — to terror deeper than yours; to shame more abject? Suppose I know the secret?”

  “You cannot know it,” he gasped. “It would have killed you.”

  “And what has it done? Look at me.”

  “Oh, Maude!” he wailed, “what is it that you do, or do not know? How did you learn anything about it?”

  “I learnt it through my own folly. I am sorry for it now. My knowing it can make the fact neither better nor worse; and perhaps I might have been spared the knowledge to the end.”

  “But what is it that you know?” he asked, rather wishing at the moment he was dead himself.


  “It is impossible.”

  “It is true.”

  And he felt that it was true; here was the solution to the conduct which had puzzled him, puzzled the doctors, puzzled the household and the countess-dowager.

  “And how — and how?” he gasped.

  “When that stranger was here last, I heard what he said to you,” she replied, avowing the fact without shame in the moment’s terrible anguish. “I made the third at the interview.”

  He looked at her in utter disbelief.

  “You refused to let me go down. I followed you, and stood at the little door of the library. It was open, and I — heard — every word.”

  The last words were spoken with an hysterical sobbing. “Oh, Maude!” broke from the lips of Lord Hartledon.

  “You will reproach me for disobedience, of course; for meanness, perhaps; but I knew there was some awful secret, and you would not tell me. I earned my punishment, if that will be any satisfaction to you; I have never since enjoyed an instant’s peace, night or day.”

  He hid his face in his pain. This was the moment he had dreaded for years; anything, so that it might be kept from her, he had prayed in his never-ceasing fear.

  “Forgive, forgive me! Oh, Maude, forgive me!”

  She did not respond; she did not attempt to soothe him; if ever looks expressed reproach and aversion, hers did then.

  “Have compassion upon me, Maude! I was more sinned against than sinning.”

  “What compassion had you for me? How dared you marry me? you, bound with crime?”

  “The worst is over, Maude; the worst is over.”

  “It can never be over: you are guilty of wilful sophistry. The crime remains; and — Lord Hartledon — its fruits remain.”

  He interrupted her excited words by voice and gesture; he took her hands in his. She snatched them from him, and burst into a fit of hysterical crying, which ended in a faintness almost as of death. He did not dare to call assistance; an unguarded word might have slipped out unawares.

  Shut them in; shut them in! they had need to be alone in a scene such as that.

  Lord and Lady Hartledon went down to Calne, as she wished. But not immediately; some two or three weeks elapsed, and during that time Mr. Carr was a good deal with both of them. Their sole friend: the only man cognizant of the trouble they had yet to battle with; who alone might whisper a word of something like consolation.

  Lady Hartledon seemed to improve. Whether it was the country, or the sort of patched-up peace that reigned between her and her husband, she grew stronger and better, and began to go out again and enjoy life as usual. But in saying life, it must not be thought that gaiety is implied; none could shun that as Lady Hartledon now seemed to shun it. And he, for the first time since his marriage, began to take some interest in his native place, and in his own home. The old sensitive feeling in regard to meeting the Ashtons lingered still; was almost as strong as ever; and he had the good sense to see that this must be overcome, if possible, if he made Hartledon his home for the future, as his wife now talked of doing.

  As a preliminary step to it, he appeared at church; one, two, three Sundays. On the second Sunday his wife went with him. Anne was in her pew, with her younger brother, but not Mrs. Ashton: she, as Lord Hartledon knew by report, was too ill now to go out. Each day Dr. Ashton did the whole duty; his curate, Mr. Graves, was taking a holiday. Lord Hartledon heard another report, that the curate had been wanting to press his attentions on Miss Ashton. The truth was, as none had known better than Val Elster, Mr. Graves had wanted to press them years and years ago. He had at length made her an offer, and she had angrily refused him. A foolish girl! said indignant Mrs. Graves, reproachfully. Her son was a model son, and would make a model husband; and he would be a wealthy man, as Anne knew, for he must sooner or later come into the entailed property of his uncle. It was not at all pleasant to Lord Hartledon to stand there in his pew, with recollection upon him, and the gaze of the Ashtons studiously turned from him, and Jabez Gum looking out at him from the corners of his eyes as he made his sonorous responses. A wish for reconciliation took strong possession of Lord Hartledon, and he wondered whether he could not bring himself to sue for it. He wanted besides to stay for the after-service, which he had not done since he was a young man — never since his marriage. Maude had stayed occasionally, as was the fashion; but he never. I beg you not to quarrel with me for the word; some of the partakers in that after-service remain from no higher motive. Certainly poor Maude had not.

  On the third Sunday, Lord Hartledon went to church in the evening — alone; and when service was over he waited until the church had emptied itself, and then made his way into the vestry. Jabez was passing out of it, and the Rector was coming out behind him. Lord Hartledon stopped the latter, and craved a minute’s conversation. Dr. Ashton bowed rather stiffly, put his hat down, and Jabez shut them in.

  “Is there any service you require of me?” inquired the Rector, coldly.

  It was the impulsive Val Elster of old days who answered; his hand held out pleadingly, his ingenuous soul shining forth from his blue eyes.

  “Yes, there is, Doctor Ashton; I have come to pray for it — your forgiveness.”

  “My Christian forgiveness you have had already,” returned the clergyman, after a pause.

  “But I want something else. I want your pardon as a man; I want you to look at me and speak to me as you used to do. I want to hear you call me ‘Val’ again; to take my hand in yours, and not coldly; in short, I want you to help me to forgive myself.”

  In that moment — and Dr. Ashton, minister of the gospel though he was, could not have explained it — all the old love for Val Elster rose bubbling in his heart. A stubborn heart withal, as all hearts are since Adam sinned; he did not respond to the offered hand, nor did his features relax their sternness in spite of the pleading look.

  “You must be aware, Lord Hartledon, that your conduct does not merit pardon. As to friendship — which is what you ask for — it would be incompatible with the distance you and I must observe towards each other.”

  “Why need we observe it — if you accord me your true forgiveness?”

  The question was one not easy to respond to candidly. The doctor could not say, Your intercourse with us might still be dangerous to the peace of one heart; and in his inner conviction he believed that it might be. He only looked at Val; the yearning face, the tearfu
l eyes; and in that moment it occurred to the doctor that something more than the ordinary wear and tear of life had worn the once smooth brow, brought streaks of silver to the still luxuriant hair.

  “Do you know that you nearly killed her?” he asked, his voice softening.

  “I have known that it might be so. Had any atonement lain in my power; any means by which her grief might have been soothed; I would have gone to the ends of the earth to accomplish it. I would even have died if it could have done good. But, of all the world, I alone might attempt nothing. For myself I have spent the years in misery; not on that score,” he hastened to add in his truth, and a thought crossed Dr. Ashton that he must allude to unhappiness with his wife— “on another. If it will be any consolation to know it — if you might accept it as even the faintest shadow of atonement — I can truly say that few have gone through the care that I have, and lived. Anne has been amply avenged.”

  The Rector laid his hand on the slender fingers, hot with fever, whiter than they ought to be, betraying life’s inward care. He forgave him from that moment; and forgiveness with Dr. Ashton meant the full meaning of the word.

  “You were always your own enemy, Val.”

  “Ay. Heaven alone knows the extent of my folly; and of my punishment.”

  From that hour Lord Hartledon and the Rectory were not total strangers to each other. He called there once in a way, rarely seeing any one but the doctor; now and then Mrs. Ashton; by chance, Anne. Times and again was it on Val’s lips to confide to Dr. Ashton the nature of the sin upon his conscience; but his innate sensitiveness, the shame it would reflect upon him, stepped in and sealed the secret.

  Meanwhile, perhaps he and his wife had never lived on terms of truer cordiality. There were no secrets between them: and let me tell you that is one of the keys to happiness in married life. Whatever the past had been, Lady Hartledon appeared to condone it; at least she no longer openly resented it to her husband. It is just possible that a shadow of the future, a prevision of the severing of the tie, very near now, might have been unconsciously upon her, guiding her spirit to meekness, if not yet quite to peace. Lord Hartledon thought she was growing strong; and, save that she would rather often go into a passion of hysterical tears as she clasped her children to her, particularly the boy, her days passed calmly enough. She indulged the children beyond all reason, and it was of no use for their father to interfere. Once when he stepped in to prevent it, she flew out almost like a tigress, asking what business it was of his, that he should dare to come between her and them. The lesson was an effectual one; and he never interfered again. But the indulgence was telling on the boy’s naturally haughty disposition; and not for good.



  As the days and weeks went on, and Lord and Lady Hartledon continued at Calne, there was one circumstance that began to impress itself on the mind of the former in a careless sort of way — that he was constantly meeting Pike. Go out when he would, he was sure to see Pike in some out-of-the-way spot; at a sudden turning, or peering forth from under a group of trees, or watching him from a roadside bank. One special day impressed itself on Lord Hartledon’s memory. He was walking slowly along the road with Dr. Ashton, and found Pike keeping pace with them softly on the other side the hedge, listening no doubt to what he could hear. On one of these occasions Val stopped and confronted him.

  “What is it you want, Mr. Pike?”

  Perhaps Mr. Pike was about the last man in the world to be, as the saying runs, “taken aback,” and he stood his ground, and boldly answered “Nothing.”

  “It seems as though you did,” said Val. “Go where I will, you are sure to spring up before me, or to be peeping from some ambush as I walk along. It will not do: do you understand?”

  “I was just thinking the same thing yesterday — that your lordship was always meeting me,” said Pike. “No offence on either side, I dare say.”

  Val walked on, throwing the man a significant look of warning, but vouchsafing no other reply. After that Pike was a little more cautious, and kept aloof for a time; but Val knew that he was still watched on occasion.

  One fine October day, when the grain had been gathered in and the fields were bare with stubble, Hartledon, alone in one of the front rooms, heard a contest going on outside. Throwing up the window, he saw his young son attempting to mount the groom’s pony: the latter objecting. At the door stood a low basket carriage, harnessed with the fellow pony. They belonged to Lady Hartledon; sometimes she drove only one; and the groom, a young lad of fourteen, light and slim, rode the other: sometimes both ponies were in the carriage; and on those occasions the boy sat by her side, and drove.

  “What’s the matter, Edward?” called out Lord Hartledon to his son.

  “Young lordship wants to ride the pony, my lord,” said the groom. “My lady ordered me to ride it.”

  At this juncture Lady Hartledon appeared on the scene, ready for her drive. She had intended to take her little son with her — as she generally did — but the child boisterously demanded that he should ride the pony for once, and she weakly yielded. Lord Hartledon’s private opinion, looking on, was that she was literally incapable of denying him any earthly thing he chose to demand. He went out.

  “He had better go with you in the carriage, Maude.”

  “Not at all. He sits very well now, and the pony’s perfectly quiet.”

  “But he is too young to ride by the side of any vehicle. It is not safe. Let him sit with you as usual.”

  “Nonsense! Edward, you shall ride the pony. Help him up, Ralph.”

  “No, Maude. He—”

  “Be quiet!” said Lady Hartledon, bending towards her husband and speaking in low tones. “It is not for you to interfere. Would you deny him everything?”

  A strangely bitter expression sat on Val’s lips. Not of anger; not even mortification, but sad, cruel pain. He said no more.

  And the cavalcade started. Lady Hartledon driving, the boy-groom sitting beside her, and Eddie’s short legs striding the pony. They were keeping to the Park, she called to her husband, and she should drive slowly.

  There was no real danger, as Val believed; only he did not like the child’s wilful temper given way to. With a deep sigh he turned indoors for his hat, and went strolling down the avenue. Mrs. Capper dropped a curtsey as he passed the lodge.

  “Have you heard from your son yet?” he asked.

  “Yes, my lord, many thanks to you. The school suits him bravely.”

  Turning out of the gates, he saw Floyd, the miller, walking slowly along. The man had been confined to his bed for weeks in the summer, with an attack of acute rheumatism, and to the house afterwards. It was the first time they had met since that morning long ago, when the miller brought up the purse. Lord Hartledon did not know him at first, he was so altered; pale and reduced.

  “Is it really you, Floyd?”

  “What’s left of me, my lord.”

  “And that’s not much; but I am glad to see you so far well,” said Hartledon, in his usual kindly tone. “I have heard reports of you from Mr. Hillary.”

  “Your lordship’s altered too.”

  “Am I?”

  “Well, it seems so to me. But it’s some few years now since I saw you. Nothing has ever come to light about that pocket-book, my lord.”

  “I conclude not, or I should have heard of it.”

  “And your lordship never came down to see the place!”

  “No. I left Hartledon the same day, I think, or the next. After all, Floyd, I don’t see that it is of any use looking into these painful things: it cannot bring the dead to life again.”

  “That’s, true,” said the miller.

  He was walking into Calne. Lord Hartledon kept by his side, talking to him. He promised to be as popular a man as his father had been; and that was saying a great deal. When they came opposite the Rectory, Lord Hartledon wished him good day and more strength, in his genial manner, and turned in at the Rector
y gates.

  About once a week he was in the habit of calling upon Mrs. Ashton. Peace was between them; and these visits to her sick-chamber were strangely welcome to her heart. She had loved Val Elster all her life, and she loved him still, in spite of the past. For Val was curiously subdued; and his present mood, sad, quiet, thoughtful, was more endearing than his gayer one had been. Mrs. Ashton did not fail to read that he was a disappointed man, one with some constant care upon him.

  Anne was in the hall when he entered, talking to a poor applicant who was waiting to see the Rector. Lord Hartledon lifted his hat to her, but did not offer to shake hands. He had never presumed to touch her hand since the reconciliation; in fact, he scarcely ever saw her.

  “How is Mrs. Ashton to-day?”

  “A little better, I think. She will be glad to see you.”

  He followed the servant upstairs, and Anne turned to the woman again. Mrs. Ashton was in an easy-chair near the window; he drew one close to her.

  “You are looking wonderful to-day, do you know?” he began in tones almost as gay as those of the light-hearted Val Elster. “What is it? That very becoming cap?”

  “The cap, of course. Don’t you see its pink ribbons? Your favourite colour used to be pink, Val. Do you remember?”

  “I remember everything. But indeed and in truth you look better, dear Mrs. Ashton.”

  “Yes, better to-day,” she said, with a sigh. “I shall fluctuate to the end, I suppose; one day better, the next worse. Val, I think sometimes it is not far off now.”

  Very far off he knew it could not be. But he spoke of hope still: it was in his nature to do so. In the depths of his heart, so hidden from the world, there seemed to be hope for the whole living creation, himself excepted.

  “How is your wife to-day?”

  “Quite well. She and Edward are out with the ponies and carriage.”

  “She never comes to see me.”

  “She does not go to see anyone. Though well, she’s not very strong yet.”

  “But she’s young, and will grow strong. I shall only grow weaker. I am brave to-day; but you should have seen me last night. So prostrate! I almost doubted whether I should rise from my bed again. I do not think you will have to come here many more times.”


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