The Hudson House Three (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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The Hudson House Three (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 1

by Louisa Neil

  The Hudson House Three

  Jeff Dallen knew all his life he'd never inherit the family property on the Hudson River in New York. So he is astonished when cousin Theo dies and he becomes the rightful owner of the estate. It's easy to convince his business partners, Alice Parker and Mason Shelton, to relocate their computer company to the old homestead.

  His fiancée, Naomi, realized the social opportunities Jeff's name carries, but ultimately she takes a better offer, staying out West to marry an architect. For Jeff, the news is a relief. He acknowledges he was in love with the idea of marriage and family, just not so much Naomi.

  Alice decides she wants a relationship beyond friends and business with Jeff and Mason. Years before she'd been with them at different times. Now that they are all living under one roof, she can't think of two better men to satisfy her sexual needs. All she needs is to convince them she's right.

  Genre: Contemporary, May-December, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 77,583 words


  Louisa Neil


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage and More


  Copyright © 2013 by Louisa Neil

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-713-0

  First E-book Publication: March 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  For my husband, my erotic muse.



  Copyright © 2013


  Alice had Jeff’s erection swallowed to the base. Swirling her tongue around his shaft, she glanced up at him. Beyond handsome, with the afternoon light muted by the rain, she saw the man he only occasionally released. His head was thrown back, and his eyelids were closed. His brown hair had fallen across his brow. This side of him, relaxed and not for public consumption, was so different from the gruff persona she’d witnessed in his lab. It still amazed her that they’d gotten to this point. He moaned as she changed the pace of her tongue, using her muscles to suck him further down her throat.

  When he started jutting his hips forward, she bit his base lightly. He stilled, and she watched his brown eyes open then widen as he looked down at her. She grasped his base with her fingers as she slid her lips up his length.

  “Don’t stop,” he whispered. “It feels too good.” He reached forward and tucked a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear.

  “If I don’t stop, you’ll come, and then I’ll have to wait for you to fuck me.” He gave her a guilty grin. “That smile won’t help you. I want to feel you stretching my body.” She moved from between his legs and lay across him, reaching to the nightstand where they’d dropped the condoms. Snatching one, she didn’t pull back when he grasped her breasts, pinching her nipples. “Suck them.” He did, until a shiver of heat flowed through her body.

  Alice groaned as she reluctantly pulled her breast from his lips. She fumbled with the package, finally getting it to tear apart. She tossed the wrapper to the side, not caring where it landed. Then she slid back over Jeff, rubbing her clit against his chest and hip until she settled between his legs. She allowed herself to lick the drop of pre-cum from his tip but then couldn’t resist taking several, passing along his length. He surged against her tongue, and she released him. Sitting up, she quickly rolled the condom over him and rose to straddle his thighs.

  Jeff grasped her waist, steadying her as she lifted her leg over his and shifted him closer to her pussy. Then without warning, she dropped her weight over him and around him, impaling herself on him until he was buried deep within her. He reared up, grabbed her around the neck with his arm, and pulled her to stare directly at him.

  “Don’t move,” he said, watching her intently. Her body pulsed around him, and he tightened his grip on her. “What don’t you understand about ‘don’t move’?” He kissed her hard on the lips and rolled her under him. He took her with him as he moved back, balancing his weight on his heels.

  “Fuck me, Jeff. Stretch me wide around your cock. Make me come.”

  He winked at her and grasped her by the hips, pulling her up onto his thighs until he was completely buried in her. Then with the slightest movements, he moved his cock within her walls. She felt him surge fuller. “That’s it. That feels amazing.”

  “Tell me how this feels.” Jeff shifted his weight and began to thrust in her quickly. His outward movement was slow and measured.

  “That feels amazing. Pinch my nipples, Jeff.” His hands reached to cover her breasts, his fingers rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. “Hum, do it again.”

  “I’ll do it again,” he teased but pulled from her abruptly. Jeff moved back and dropped between her legs. His tongue flicked at her clit then took long licks of her pussy lips.

  Alice knew she was writhing under his touch, but she needed more to actually push her over the edge. “Jeff.” He gradually slowed his movements
and shifted back over her. His cock slid in her with ease. “Now will you fuck me full-out?”

  “Never disappoint a lady,” he told her and began to fuck her outright. He released just a small amount of the control he always held back. She loved when they’d finally get to this point, when he would just bang her until they both came. It wasn’t romantic. They’d done that the first time this afternoon after they ran from the storm to the warmth of his small off-campus apartment. They peeled off wet clothing and dropped onto the bed. That round had been loving. Stroking hands, whisper kisses, and murmurs expressed their needs as they moved with each other.

  They’d collapsed when they both came. For Alice it was her third orgasm of the afternoon. She loved that he licked her pussy with such enthusiasm. His hands were large, his fingers like small cocks inside her. He’d stretch her wide and suck her clit until she crumbled into the pinpoint lights of orgasm. What had followed was Jeff’s first of the afternoon. They’d snuggled under the covers while their breathing found a pattern. When they could finally talk, it was to agree they didn’t want to move at all. For her, it was the perfect time to spend in bed. A dark, rainy afternoon somehow leant itself to sex. She knew he’d drifted off to sleep by his breathing pattern. That was when she had decided to just close her eyes for a few minutes.

  She had woke half an hour later, relaxed but not completely sated yet. She’d grasped his cock and stroked him until he woke. “I want to fuck this time.” Her blatant statement was one of need. “I don’t want sweet and loving. I want you to fuck me this time. Full-out.” That was when she’d inched down and started to suck him. Now she was getting exactly what she had asked him for. Full-out without restraint.

  “How far, Alice?” His tone was harsh, labored.

  He was always aware of his strength and careful not to use it without thought. That was one of his most endearing qualities, she’d decided when they first got together. Even in the throes of sex, he never hurt her for his need. Of course, spankings didn’t count.

  “As far as you can take me. I’m not a china doll, Jeff. I’m a flesh-and-blood woman who wants to get off by you shoving your cock in and out of my body.” He granted her wish, pushed aside his normal gentleness, and used her body for his relief, which she knew, in turn, would push her over the edge into yet another orgasm. His fingers bit into her hips as he held her in place, using her until she recognized the look, that moment of realization that he couldn’t hold back much longer.

  Jeff dropped one of his hands over her, pressing the heel of it against her clit. As he took his last strokes, she came from the pressure from inside and outside. Her body clamped around his cock, and she clung to him as his body quaked with his release. He released his hold on her and dropped his head to her chest.

  “Is that what you wanted?”

  “Absolutely.” She stretched to unkink her neck. “How soon can you do it again?”

  “Liquids and food, Alice. You have to feed me occasionally.”

  “Spoilsport,” she teased him, but neither moved. In fact, they dozed where they were, their limbs entangled and the blanket long gone from the bed. It was dark when Alice woke. Her neck ached, and she was cold. Gently, she pulled from his embrace and searched the floor with her hand until she felt the corner. She pulled the blanket up to cover them both.

  Jeff spoke but hadn’t moved. “You still didn’t feed me.”

  “Do I get a quickie before food?”

  “Food, Alice.”

  “Fine.” She rolled to the side and reached for his phone. Rolling back beside him, she handed it to him. “You decide and call for it. I don’t want to go out tonight.”

  “Fine.” He struggled to sit up. Pulling a pillow behind his head, he used his fingers to massage his neck. “Any druthers?”

  Alice had managed to move from the bed, slowly standing beside it and stretching each of her limbs. She was padding to his bathroom when he called after her. She paused, turned, and smiled at him over her shoulder. “Like I said, a quickie!”

  He tossed a bed pillow in her direction, which missed her by yards. Alice used the pillow as an excuse to bend forward in front him, exposing herself to his view. She reached the pillow, and after straightening, tossed it back to him. “Chinese or Italian. Maybe some hot soup.”

  “Oh, that sounds good. Wonton or chicken from the pizza place?”

  “You decide. I’m going to jump in a shower.” She sauntered the rest of the way to the bathroom, a woman sated yet looking for more. As she waited for the hot water to make it to his third-floor walk-up, she smiled at her reflection in the mirror over the sink. “Some days it pays to skip a class,” she said, feeling feminine and female at the same time. It was a feeling she hoped she’d never take for granted or forget existed.

  She knew when she graduated in a few weeks, their affair would end. For now, she wanted to just enjoy the last of the time she had to spend with Jeff.

  Chapter One

  Alice liked school, but she loved having a full-time paying job. When she’d been anxious about the first day of work, she found she was so busy getting her station set up that it had flown by. Several of her new coworkers had asked her to join them for a drink afterward, but she begged off, explaining she still had to unpack the rest of her life in her new studio apartment. She added that she hoped they would ask again when she was settled.

  Finally comfortable with her new lab, she decided to head home. She was living out of a suitcase and cardboard boxes. She met Mason at the elevator, both of them leaving work late. He’d been shy while introducing himself. She noted his cheeks blushed pink while they shared the elevator to the main floor.

  Alice decided she liked him. He was older then she was. She figured him to be midthirties to her midtwenties. She liked that he was tall, at least six foot four inches. She was a tall woman in her own right. Without heels, she stood five foot eight inches and towered over most men she came in contact with. Mason had brown hair that brushed his collar and soft-blue eyes.

  For the next few months, they’d meet occasionally in the elevator or at the cafeteria. It was during their company’s summer party that he actually talked to Alice beyond work and the company. He admitted he found her beyond beautiful. He told her that in a state where most women piled on makeup, Alice was just natural. She’d known her almost-nonexistent makeup routine surprised many people, but locked away in the lab all day it didn’t make sense to her. On occasion when she did dress to impress, she turned heads. They’d quietly joked that on a hot summer afternoon at the park, most of the women wore full dress makeup and hair.

  She’d done the politically correct thing, talking with other employees and management. But each time there was a pause in the required social thing, they’d wind up together. She realized he’d engineered the first few meets, and she’d made sure she was near him when possible. They had their work in common and both had the same dry sense of humor. After that one afternoon, she knew he’d fallen in love with her, just a bit. To her surprise, she had strong feelings for him, too.

  Over the next months, they began sharing lunch or an occasional supper together. Then one Saturday afternoon when they were wandering the beach, the heavens had opened, showering them with a cold rain. They’d raced back to his car, shivering and laughing. His apartment was closer, so he drove them there.

  * * * *

  Once in the apartment, he tossed her a towel to blot her hair and offered her the first hot shower. He gave her his terry-cloth bathrobe to wrap herself in when she was done. He took a few moments to accept that she was really in his home and wondered if she’d be interested in taking their new friendship to a higher level, a sexual one. Hell, he’d get erect just passing her in the hall or thinking about her. Knowing she was in his shower was a perk he never thought about. When she closed the bathroom door, he began stripping off his wet clothes. Alice opened the door, asking where she could find hair conditioner. He froze in place when she found him completely nude. He’d watched
something come over her, as if a veil had been lifted. Her smile was different from any he’d seen before.

  Alice walked toward him, seemingly not fazed by her nakedness and reached to stroke his cock. He watched her face as his erection grew in her palm, and she leaned up on her toes to kiss him. If he’d thought she was hot when dressed in jeans and a lab coat, naked she was a goddess. Her breasts rode high and full, and he didn’t have to question if they were her own. She slimmed at the waist and curved outward over generous hips. Her legs were long and toned. She was, Mason decided, the most sensual woman he’d ever come in contact with.

  There were no long discussions, she simply wrapped her free hand around his neck and continued to kiss him. She rubbed her breasts against his chest, continuing to stroke him. It was Alice who maneuvered them toward the bed, and it was Alice who pushed him backward to sit on the foot of his bed. Then she dropped to the floor and captured his cock between her lips. Mason wasn’t a virgin by any means, but Alice had a technique that excited him like no other woman had. He’d wanted to believe she excited him because she was new to him, that beginnings were always erotic just because they were new, that one day their lovemaking would become staid like all the rest had become. But for this one flash of a moment in time, he wanted to believe this would last forever.

  That afternoon, they made love and fucked. Their first time was slow, exploring, and tender. When he brought her to her first orgasm with his tongue and fingers, she’d been spurred on to take more. The first time he entered her pussy he almost thought she was a virgin, so hot and tight around his cock. Her pussy was like a velvet vise surrounding him.


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