Dating: One on One: Eastridge Heights Basketball Book 1

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Dating: One on One: Eastridge Heights Basketball Book 1 Page 2

by Stephanie Street

  It wasn’t easy meeting potential boyfriend material when you were half an inch shy of six feet tall and not only was this guy brand spanking new- he was a good half foot taller than me. That was almost unheard of. The only guy in our high school in that height range was Randy McDonald, who was six-seven. For a brief, irrational moment last year I’d considered what it would be like to date Randy. But the idea was quickly squashed since Randy hadn’t quite mastered the idea of personal hygiene and while I couldn’t really afford to be picky, a girl had to have standards. Deodorant and showers were non-negotiable. Besides all his hygienic faults, he wasn’t at all athletic, preferring to spend his days smoking weed and being a grease ball.

  “So,” I drug out the word, “Do you have a name, newbie?”

  “How do you know I’m new,” he asked, grunting a little at the end as he jumped, shooting a three.

  Without thinking, I stepped to the exact spot where he’d just shot once he stepped away to get his ball, starting a game of PIG. I dribbled a couple times and then sent the ball to the basket, silently cheering for myself when it landed.

  “Um, because I’ve never seen you before and I know pretty much everybody who plays on this court.” I watched as he ran the ball in for a right-handed layup.

  “So? That could just mean I’ve never played on this court before. For all you know, I’ve lived here all my life.”

  As before when he went to shag the ball, I stepped into the exact spot where he’d begun his layup and followed the path he’d taken to make his shot.

  “No way. I’d know you if you were from around here.”

  I knew everyone on our basketball team and most from the nearby teams. This guy didn’t play for any of them. He could be from one of the smaller schools. 1A or 2A. But I doubted it.

  “Do you play for your school?” That would clear things up.

  He shook his head and made a mid-range jump shot. Frowning, I worked to sort that out. Maybe he already graduated. He looked old enough to be in college.

  I repeated his shot, making it. “Really? Why not? What grade are you in?”

  I cringed, really hoping he was still in high school after that juvenile question popped out of my mouth.

  “I’ll be a junior this year,” he answered that question without prevarication.

  “Oh, yeah? Me too.”

  “Your brother said he was a junior.” There was a question on his face as he shot a free throw.

  I rolled my eyes. “Twins,” I answered, moving to the free throw line.

  He grunted in response and waited for me to make my shot.

  “So, where do you go to school,” I asked, knowing I wouldn’t sleep tonight unless I solved this mystery.

  “Eastridge Heights.”

  I made my free throw and he snagged my ball with one hand before bouncing it toward me.

  “What? I go to Eastridge Heights.” I caught my ball and held it, waiting to see what he would do next, and wondering if there was any way I had missed this guy at our school.


  There was no way I’d missed this tall hottie. “I know all the ta-” I cleared my throat and started again. No sense letting him know I checked out all the tall guys. “I’ve never seen you there before.”

  “It’s a big school, isn’t it?” He nodded toward the ball. “It’s your shot.”

  “It is a big school. Wait. Don’t you know? I thought you said you went there.”

  Drew shrugged one big shoulder. I swallowed the drool collecting in my mouth again. He was tall and muscular, not skinny like a lot of the big guys our age were. And being tall didn’t automatically mean you were good at basketball. It was a common misconception, especially in Indiana. All I had to do was think of Randy McDonald and I was reminded. But this guy was good.

  He, I really wished he would tell me his name, moved to the outside and shot a three-pointer. I was a better inside shot, but I could sink a three when I needed to, especially undefended and on the opposite side from where he’d shot from, like the one I’d shot this morning. The ball fell through the net with a quiet snap. As soon as he vacated his spot, I moved into it and dribbled a couple of times before lifting the ball and shooting.


  Dang it! Shaking my head, I jogged to retrieve my ball.

  Mr. Handsome smirked. “That’s a ‘P’ for Piper.”

  I rolled my eyes. Like I hadn’t heard that one before. Every time Luke and I played PIG, he said the same thing.

  “I wish I hadn’t told you my name now.”

  He chuckled and moved to shoot another outside shot. Of course, he made it.

  Catching my tongue between my teeth, I concentrated on making the shot. Yes!


  She was pretty good. And she was pretty. I hadn’t known many girls as tall as Piper, but none were as attractive as her. Long strawberry blonde hair fell loose out of a messy bun on top of her head, framing her angular face which was decorated with smooth creamy skin dotted with freckles that shouldn’t be as cute as they were.

  I’d been too focused on the game earlier to spend much time looking her over but she’d given me plenty of opportunity tonight. I’d been a little surprised when she walked up earlier. A pretty girl like her shouldn’t be walking around alone at night, even in a quiet neighborhood like this one.

  My eyes raked over her athletic body as she moved to repeat the basket I’d just made. Piper was tall and strong. Her long legs twisted my stomach in knots and my fingers wondered what the miles and miles of her skin would feel like under them.


  The last thing I needed right now was distractions. Girls were not on the agenda this year. It made me angry how easily I allowed my mind to wonder what it would feel like to hold a girl like Piper, one that stood higher than my elbow. My last girlfriend had been so short, I had to pick her up or stand her on something to kiss her. Not that there weren’t aspects of that that were super hot, there were. But kissing Piper- I wouldn’t have to lift her up to reach her full lips.

  Of course, I could…

  And those legs wrapped around my waist-


  Jeez, I’d just met this girl!

  Piper shagged her ball and stood there waiting.

  Right. My turn. Shaking thoughts of Piper’s legs from my brain, I wondered what shot I could make that she couldn’t. Ha. Let’s see how good this girl really was.

  Without preamble, I dribbled the ball and drove down the lane. Jumping high, I slammed the ball through the hoop.


  Grinning, I went to retrieve my ball. There was nothing quite as exhilarating on the basketball court as dunking.

  Turning back to see Piper’s expression, I was gratified to see she looked a little impressed. And apprehensive.

  Her caramel brown eyes met mine as she inhaled deeply. I raised an eyebrow in question.

  Her shoulders slumped as she exhaled. But she wasn’t beaten. Curious to see what she’d do, I watched with fascination as her apprehension turned to determination.

  “You got this, Pipe.” I don’t know what made me encourage her that way. And so familiarly. But the words were out before I could think better of them.

  Her eyes narrowed at me. “Okay, but if I make this, you have to tell me your name.”

  I had to laugh at that, not at all understanding why I didn’t just tell her when she offered up her own. I guess I’d been a little annoyed at her intrusion on my playing time, thinking she was just another basketball groupie, coming to flirt and drive me crazy. But she wasn’t like that, not at all. And the way she’d just begun copying my shots without even talking about it had been kind of- intriguing.

  “If you can dunk that ball, I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.” Either I didn’t think she could do it or I really was willing to tell her all about myself. Even I didn’t know which.

  Both brows raised high on her forehead before lowering with concentration. Piper dribbled the ball and then he
r long legs carried her to the basket.


  It wasn’t pretty, definitely wouldn’t be winning any contests, but she’d dunked it. Grinning, I clapped my hands. Piper, out of breath, ran for her ball. She picked it up off the ground and spun it in her hands as she turned to face me.

  And I was struck stupid by the smile on her face. Wow. Piper was gorgeous. Even in cut off shorts and a loose-fitting t-shirt, she was cute. But that smile. That sparkle of joy after making that dunk- she was stunning.

  I’m not sure what made me do it. Maybe it was all the jacked-up emotions from our move, my parents’ ridiculous issues that threatened everything, or maybe it was just the pull of a pair of hot lips. Next thing I knew, before my brain could control the other parts of my body that wanted to rule, I dropped my ball and gripped her face in my hands.

  My eyes searched hers for less than a second before my mouth descended. She could have stopped me. I made sure of it. But she didn’t.

  “You taste like strawberries,” I told her after the first taste. So sweet. So undeniably feminine. This wasn’t like me. I’d never kissed a girl I didn’t know before. I hadn’t even told her my name.

  She held herself stiff for a long moment but I didn’t care. I moved my mouth over hers until it wasn’t enough and I wanted more. Finally, her hands made their way to my waist and I nudged her lips open with mine. I had no idea what I was doing or what the consequences would be, but from the moment this girl walked onto the basketball court tonight, I’d wanted to kiss her. Taste her. Forget all my problems and lose myself in her.

  She wasn’t an experienced kisser and the knowledge wasn’t disappointing. I coaxed her into participating, teasing her tongue with my own. Her hands closed around handfuls of my t-shirt. Kissing this long-legged girl had me forgetting all the promises I’d made to myself before moving here. I shifted my hands from where they’d buried themselves in her hair and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her deep into an embrace.

  Piper shivered in my arms and I was ready to lose any amount of restraint I had left. My hands itched to reach for her bottom and lift her up. I was suddenly desperate to feel those legs wrapped around me. Releasing my arms, I slid my hands down her back-


  That one word was more effective than a cold shower. I dropped my hands from her completely and took a step back. My lips lingered as long as they could and then I wasn’t touching her anymore.


  Her lips were swollen and red. Inviting me still. Her mussed hair had gone from messy ‘I need a brush’ to sexy ‘Drew’s fingers were here’. I ran my hands over my face.

  What the hell did I just do?

  “Um-” she took a step back.

  I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to apologize, but I wasn’t really sorry. That was one hell of a kiss. In fact, I wanted to kiss her again. The deer-in-the-headlights look on her face told me that wouldn’t be a good idea.

  “I should go.” She took another step back and stumbled.

  “You okay?” I reached out to steady her.

  “No. Yes.” She shook her head. “Yes, I’m fine. You stay there.”

  I grinned at the flustered expression on her face, hoping she’d been just as affected by our kiss as me. She took several more steps away from me.

  “See you around, Piper,” I called once she’d disappeared into the relative darkness of the field by the court. Her pale face turned toward me over her shoulder for a second before she raced away.

  At least, she didn’t flip me the bird.

  Chapter 3


  “Where have you been? You were supposed to be home hours ago.” Dad’s angry voice had my muscles tensing.

  “Out.” Succinct, that’s how I preferred our conversations. If they could be called that.

  “Hey, I’m talking to you!” Dad’s hand snaked out, grabbing the front of my t-shirt before I could escape up the stairs.

  With a calm I didn’t feel, I gripped his wrist and removed his hand from my clothes, my eyes never leaving his. I wasn’t intimidated by him anymore.

  I turned to go upstairs.

  “Don’t forget who pays for your car, Drew. And all the shit you have.”

  Digging my keys from my pocket, I tossed them over my shoulder. They landed on the carpet with a thud and a jingle. Dad picked them up with a sigh. They’d be back on the hook in the hall by tomorrow morning. He could threaten all he wanted, but we all knew who wore the pants in the family these days. And it wasn’t him.

  At the top of the stairs, a soft hand tapped my shoulder.

  Where have you been? Dad has been raging for hours, my sister, Kittie, signed to me. Kittie’s real name was Mary, but we’ve called her Kittie since she was a baby because of the way she always curled up when she slept- like a little kitten.

  “Basketball,” I said the word out loud as I signed even though Kittie couldn’t hear me. Kittie struggled to read lips, so I always spoke out loud as I signed.

  Why didn’t you call? Kittie’s expression was confused and exasperated. That’s okay. I didn’t need to explain my relationship with Dad to her.

  “Were you worried about me?” I asked, hoping to distract her.

  Kittie scoffed. I was worried Dad would kill you!

  Shaking my head, I pulled my sister, who was tiny like our mother, into a hug. She was the perfect height to stuff her face into my armpit.

  “Drew!” she shouted in her deep, nasal voice as she tried to break free from my hold. I let her out from under my arm enough that she could see my sign.

  “I’d like to see him try.” Not that he would. I’d grown into my six-six frame this last year. I could take him if I had to.

  That’s not funny. Kittie’s face scrunched up in a scowl. Why are you always fighting him?

  That was between Dad and me. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sorry you were worried. I will try to text you next time.”

  You don’t need to text me. You need to text Dad! Kittie jabbed her finger in the center of my chest.

  It wasn’t worth arguing with her. Sighing, I gave her a hug. Kittie gripped my waist with her arms and fell against me. It was an old game we used to play when we were younger and she tried to keep me from leaving.

  “You are getting too heavy for this,” I told her as I stepped toward my room dragging her limp body behind me.


  I playfully pushed her down into one of the two recliners sitting in front of my entertainment center.

  Want to watch a movie?

  “Yeah, but I need a shower first.” Badly. She probably did, too, after I stuffed her face in my armpit.

  Kittie wrinkled her nose. Yes, you do.

  “You pick a movie while I clean up.” Kittie nodded and moved to the shelves beside my seventy inch television. I tossed a dirty sock to get her attention, hitting her back. “Make some popcorn.”

  Kittie waved a hand over her shoulder, immediately turning back to the movie selection. I skirted around my king-sized bed and made my way into the en suite. Once in my bathroom, I turned the shower on and stripped out of my sweaty clothes wondering if I would ever get used to the humidity in Indiana. It was mid-summer and the temperatures were in the nineties with ninety percent humidity.

  After kicking my shorts and t-shirt into the corner of the bathroom, I stepped into the cool spray. It was almost as good as taking a dip in the huge pool in the backyard. I’d give it to him, Dad picked a cool house. After a quick wash, I turned off the water and stepped onto the white tile, vigorously rubbing at my skin with my towel.

  Stepping into the walk-in closet the size of a small bedroom, I bypassed the ridiculously expensive clothes my mom insisted on filling it with. I hated all of them. Reaching into a dresser drawer, I withdrew one of my many pairs of athletic shorts and a well-worn t-shirt. Too bad Mom wasn’t around to be annoyed at my choice. Dropping my towel on the floor, I stepped into a clean pair of boxers and then pulled on the shorts
and t-shirt.

  “Did you pick out a movie,” I asked Kittie back in my room as I plopped down into the other recliner. Kittie was still messing with the Xbox controller.

  “Yes,” she spoke aloud.

  The microwave sitting on top of the mini-fridge between the recliners dinged. I removed the bag of popcorn and then dug out two bottled waters from the mini fridge, tossing one into my sister’s lap.

  Where did you play today?

  “The rec center. There were a bunch of old guys there this morning.” I grinned. “They razzed me pretty good.” It was good for me and reminded me of the times Dad and I used to play when I was younger. Before.

  Then what? You were gone a long time.

  “I ran into some guys from the high school playing at a park.” I’d been on my way to the city when I’d seen the guys playing and decided to see if I could jump in.

  Where they any good?

  I shrugged. “I worked up a sweat.”

  Kittie rolled her eyes. I work up a sweat sitting by the pool.

  I had to laugh at that. “I know, right.”

  Kittie focused on maneuvering through the beginning set up of the Blu-Ray.

  “Ugh, really? This again.” I placed my hand on Kittie’s arm to get her attention.

  She just smiled. It’s my favorite.

  “I know. We’ve seen it a dozen times.” And we had. Kittie had a major thing for Charlie Hunnam and even though the new King Arthur movie had only been out for a couple of weeks, we’d already watched it three or four times. Plus, we’d seen in that many times, at least, at the theater.

  I love Charlie Hunnam.

  “Really? I didn’t know.”

  Kittie rolled her eyes.

  Shaking my head, I tossed some popcorn into my mouth. I really needed to start eating better. After playing PIG with Piper, I stopped for a large shake and now popcorn.

  Piper. Heat pumped through my body as I relived every moment of Piper. From the second she walked onto the basketball court until she walked away, probably hoping to never see me again. But that kiss-


  The sound of Kittie’s voice brought me out of my thoughts. I raised an eyebrow. Her fingers flew as signed.


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