Dragon's Angel

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Dragon's Angel Page 9

by Donica Covey

Keely wanted to cry at the thought of losing him. But here was no time for tears, not now. If Xavier was going to try to take over Grogan and be a cruel tyrant then she had to stop him.

  "I don't know the land, Mother. I don't know where villages are."

  "I be here to lead ye,” she heard Tiengl say.

  Keely looked over to find the little man standing by some browning bushes. His clothes were torn and burned. She rushed to him. “Are you hurt?"

  "Warm, but me no harm.” He flinched slightly and she saw the blisters on his hand.

  "I thought you said you weren't hurt."

  "Burn wee bit. Bad it not be."

  She took his hand in hers and blew on it gently. As her breath cooled his skin, the blisters disappeared. “I keep forgetting,” she said and turned to her mother.

  Her mother smiled. “It is coming naturally. Soon you will direct it completely. Each day will find you stronger than the one before."

  "So where do I start?"

  "Remember the things I told you to look for? The auras and the eyes. When the time comes you will find amazing things inside yourself."

  "Can't you just be straight with me and tell me what you keep hinting at?"

  "When you need it, the power to shift will be yours. As the unicorn you will be able to outrace the wind. You will be able to elude Blacdrake if he truly cannot be saved. The horn that you possess will be able to heal the sick by just a few scrapings taken from it. So even when you cannot physically reach someone in need your power can still be there to help them."

  Keely's temples were pounding. Her shoulders sagged and it took almost all her effort just to breathe. There were so many people suffering. There was so much to do; she wasn't sure she was up to the task. “I just want to go back to my normal life, my friends, my boring job, tiny apartment and my parents."

  Her mother's eyes took on a sad appearance. “I am so grateful to them for keeping you safe. I just wish I'd been there."

  She reached for her mother's hand and pressed it to her lips. “I understand why you did what you did. I had a good life, but I don't know that I'm cut out for all this magic stuff."

  "Its part of who you are. There is no removing it. Now that it has been tapped into, it is going to remain. I know you are afraid, uncertain and miss your ... other home, but think of the people who are in misery now, and who will continue in torment if Xiuhcoatl is truly evil and takes control. This world could well be destroyed. Then you too will have innocent blood on your hands.

  "If after you fulfill your destiny and save Grogan you still want to return to the other world you will be guided there. If you choose to leave now, you will not be allowed to change your mind and return. You will have helped in the destruction and will be unable to reverse it."

  It weighed heavily on her. She could turn away, go back to a relatively safe little world and continue on doing menial, mundane tasks or she could stay and help save millions from oppression, brutality and death. “Just call me Wonder Woman,” she mumbled.

  Obviously her mother didn't understand the reference but smiled anyway. “That's my daughter. Tiengl will lead you to the next village and then you will travel from town to town until you have found everyone who is willing to join forces with you. As word spreads, more and more will band together and you will have your army."

  "If I must, um ... if I have to kill Xavier, how can I overpower him?"

  "The power of your horn. Shift to your unicorn state and drive the horn into his heart. It will stop him and he will reduce to ash."

  "How do I shift?"

  "When the time comes to need the transformation you will feel it and it will happen.” She stood and was translucent.

  "Wait. There is still so much I'm not sure about."

  "I'm never far, my child. But this is your time and you must fulfill your destiny.” Her mother vanished and Keely looked down at Tiengl.

  "We need to pack. We've got a hard journey before us."

  He nodded and dashed out the door.

  Keely walked around the room, healing the ones who were burnt or suffering from smoke inhalation, and did her best to comfort the shaken.

  A young boy of twelve or so walked over to her. “Go with ye?"

  "What's your name?"


  She knelt down and placed her arm around the boy's waist. “Nasderath, I'm sorry but you can't come."

  "Be me grown."

  "I see that, but I need you to stay with your people. They need strong protectors. This is what I need."

  He set his jaw stubbornly and she traced her finger across his cheek. “You would do as I ask, yes? You want to help me in this course?"

  He gave a vigorous nod.

  "Then I need someone to guard these people and keep them safe until I can get my army built."

  He looked dubious, but finally nodded. “Be me the guard. But ye will come for me when gather army?"

  She grinned and ruffled his hair. “I will.” She walked out the door and waited for Tiengl. He scurried about, gathering as many supplies as he could. “Wait Tiengl. They will need those supplies more than we will. I don't think those meager provisions will supply."

  She cupped her hand and imagined a large cask full of water that never emptied. She also created a hidden door in the ground for safety, a second cellar filled with food that would never run out. “This will hold you until we return. I just wish I could do more."

  "Be ye kind, there be no more ye can do. It is good for we. Soon tribe come to we and safe we be."

  She nodded. Inhaling a steadying breath she looked down at Tiengl. “Ready?"

  "Be we gone,” he answered.

  Keely waved goodbye to the Quibleks and set off on the path behind Tiengl.

  * * * *

  The Seer stood in the arched doorway watching Xavier pace the great room. His desire for power was consuming him. Soon there would be no stopping him. If only he'd managed to kill just one of those rotten little creatures then the evil that was a small speck in his heart would grow. If he killed the Unicorn then his transformation would be complete.

  She smirked. With the girl out of the way then she would find nothing to prevent her from joining with Xiuhcoatl, bearing the most powerful child this world had ever seen and ruling it all. Her lineage would live on. Once Grogan was conquered, there were other worlds to control.

  She walked into the room and stopped at his side. “Sit and rest. It's been a hard day for you. So much turmoil, confusion and hurt."

  He dropped into one of the large chairs. “I'm exhausted."

  "Understandable. The power drains you until you learn how to control it."

  "Then why didn't it last night or yesterday morning?"

  "Because you only used a small amount. Today you destroyed an entire village and forest. That took a great deal and you need to regain your strength."

  "How soon do I kill Montrose?"

  So hungry. This battle wouldn't take long thanks to the beast before her. “Soon my love, very soon."

  * * * *

  "My love?” he looked at the Seer. “My love? I don't think so, witch.” What made her think he was going to accept her? He stood. “I have no desire for you."

  "You only desire power,” she replied, her head held high. “If you and I were to join there would be power unlike any ever known before."

  "That's what you said of a union between me and Keely.” Thinking of her made a spot inside ache. He relived the feeling of his hand around her throat as she struggled to breathe, to beg him for her life. The ache inside became almost overpowering. What had he done?

  "She's going to try and stop you,” the Seer whispered in his ear. “You want power more than anything else. If she succeeds, you will find nothing but death. You must stop her before she stops you."

  He struggled to push aside the feelings he had for Keely. If he went soft on her now he was setting himself up for destruction. He couldn't allow that. “The king sent his forces to her already?"
  "Yes. Soon he'll bring her to him and everything she knows will be used against you. Montrose will keep his throne and the suffering the people knew before will be nothing compared to what is in store for them."

  Suffering? He should care but he couldn't muster it up. The people would raise his food, pay his taxes, put clothes his back and fortify his army. Who cared if they suffered? “That's not my concern. Getting rid of Montrose is my only interest."

  She patted his hand. “Then we will have to make a plan."

  A niggling pricked his conscious and he felt a brief moment of guilt. He didn't care that people were suffering? He examined his heart.

  No, he didn't. They were simply a means to an end. “The people believe this great prophecy of a union between me and an Alicorno?"


  "Then let's give them one."

  Her eyes flew open in shock. “But you can't. She will destroy you, she's not who she claims to be."

  He rose and placed a hand on her cheek. “Alicorno have your coloring. If the people believe you are of the house then they will support me and help me in not only defeating Montrose but in finding and killing his witch."

  She released a cackling laugh. “You will indeed make a great ruler. You are the puppet master."

  He flashed his eyebrows. “I am the great Xiuhcoatl

  Blacdrake, descendant of the house of the Dragon. There is no one who can succeed in defeating me."

  "That is true."

  He knew she was calculating something. He peered into her mind and found it. She wanted to rule as his queen, have his child and fight alongside of him in the coming war. He gripped her shoulders and pulled her close to him. “I can read your mind now, Seer. Don't think you can plot anything without my knowledge."

  After pushing her away, he crossed the room to a window. “I will need an heir one day, but I may not want you."

  "There is no one in the kingdom with more power than me. Allow me to give your son life."

  A son.

  A son would help rebuild the house of Draco. A son would help protect from all challengers to the throne. But would the boy grow up to be competition?

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  Sitting in the Seer's home he watched as the sun set once more on the world. His world, and it would literally be. He shouldn't be so indecisive. It was a simple matter really. He would be the one with the entire world at his feet. How could anyone ignore that?

  Keely's image came into his mind's view and he thought of the way she felt in his arms. The soft silk of her hair and the warm touch of her body as they shared his bed, it made him burn with not only physical desire for her, but for the spiritual connection they shared. She made him complete. Since they'd been separated he felt a hole in his heart. A part of him was missing and he didn't know what to do to get it back.

  The small voice was becoming louder again. The one that was warning him that all wasn't as it seemed. That he needed Keely. The mental intrusion came through and chased away the images. He could sense the Seer probing his thoughts. He had to block her way into his mind. The only way to truly know what he was to do would be to listen to his heart.

  Her intrusion was gone and he leaned back in the chair. Had he been successful? “I'm going for a walk,” he called and headed for the door.

  He stepped into the darkening evening and ambled through the abandoned, desolate pasture. He strolled to a large rock under a copse of trees and sat down to do some true soul searching. He'd never wanted money, power before. He'd grown up in an affluent family but it hadn't ever been important before. Why was it suddenly so overwhelming?

  "Xiuhcoatl,” the voice came from the trees.

  "Who's there?” he demanded. He wasn't sure exactly how it had happened but a large sword appeared in his hand. It had a blade that gleamed in the evening light, and a hilt made of jeweled gold that fit perfectly in his grip.

  The trees trembled and a red dragon appeared above him. Shock reverberated through him. He was too stunned to move.

  "Come,” it ordered.

  Xavier forced his legs to move and he stepped next to the large beast. “What?” Had his tone sounded as insolent to the dragon as it had to his own ears?

  The dragon shifted and became the ghostly shade of a man with dark hair, a broad chest and a stubborn set jaw. “Xiuhcoatl,” the man spoke. He closed the distance between them. “Do you know me?"

  Xavier studied him and then shook his head. “I don't think so."

  A pained look momentarily filled the man's eyes then it was gone. “I shouldn't be surprised. I died before your second year had been seen."

  "But you know me?"

  The man nodded. “I am Xanthus Blacdrake. Your father."

  Xavier felt his breath catch and his legs wobble. His head swam. Is this the way Keely felt when she met her mother? “My father?"

  "I am. I know of your struggles, Xiuhcoatl. I have been where you are now. The temptation of power, the calling to the side of evil. It is so strong and it will remain so until you finally make a choice. If you choose to use your gifts for dark purposes, then you will be forever in its clutches. There will be no return."

  "So all I have to do is say I'm not evil and I won't ever be?"

  His father smiled. “Not as easy as that, my son. Though you choose the path of white there will always be the temptation for power."

  Xavier paced away and then back. “So, now wait. If I

  go bad, I can't go back, but if I go good I can always possibly go bad? What the hell kind of sense does that make?"

  "I do understand. I have struggled with that my entire life. Now in death I can say that the struggle made me stronger when I was alive."

  "Did you ever waver?"

  "Only once did I have any doubts. But your mother, Xylia, gave me her support to lean on. It has been that way since the beginning of time. Draco's and their lifemates have always had the ability to help their mates remain strong in the fight against the influence of dark magic."

  Xavier needed to do a little leaning right at that moment. The talk of lifemates brought Keely's image to his mind. If he chose the path of the white he would have no one to help him fight the temptations. “I don't know what to do, Father. I have no one to lean on save the Seer."

  His father jerked his head up and his black eyes glittered hate. “The Seer? The woman you are with now? I thought she was the Alicorno."

  "No. Keely, the Alicorno, left. But the Seer is of white light,” he studied his father's apparition. “Isn't she?"

  "The woman has glamoured, there can be no other explanation. The Seer is not to be trusted Xiuhcoatl. She is the advisor to Montrose. She has always had aspirations of power and wealth for herself. She only uses her position to create a foothold for herself.” His father stroked his chin. “You must not let her influence you, Xiuhcoatl."

  "My name is Xavier."

  Xanthus smiled. “I know that, too. Your mother told me the ones who raised you in the other world gave you a name that is in the family line."

  Xavier's confusion must've shown on his face because his father spoke again. “All of the house of Draco has had an name that begins with an X. Your mother told me she had whispered the suggestion into the ear of your adoptive parents and they took it to heart."

  Everything seemed so wild and turned upside that the song “Tradition” from one of his favorite musicals popped into his head. He had to force concentration back. “All right, so if a Draco needs a Draco to help them keep on the path of good, then I'm screwed. There is no Dragon left."

  "True. But destiny says you are to unite with the unicorn. The purity of the magic that flows from her line through her veins will help keep you strong."

  Xavier gave a wry laugh. “That ship has sailed. It's not possible. What am I supposed to do walk up to her and say, ‘gee honey, sorry I tried to strangle you. Want to marry me anyway?’”

  "I did not say it would be easy. You will
have to earn back her trust. Only then can you get on the right path. That is the way you choose?"

  That was a good question. “I don't know. It's hard to know where my thoughts go. As you said, I do battle with myself. What do I do? How do I decide?"

  "Clear your mind. Listen to your heart.” Xanthus moved to his side and nudged the back of his knee. “Sit on the ground."

  Xavier did as commanded. He looked up at the other man. “Now?"

  "Now inhale a deep slow breath, hold it several seconds and then exhale."

  Xavier did, and repeated the action a number of times. Peace settled over his heart as images danced in his mind. Images of a successful battle. Scenes of prosperity: fields filled with healthy green plants; people smiling and happy, safe in the knowledge their world was once more set to rights.

  These images were chased by darkness. An overwhelming sense of power flooded him. He was strong. He would be all-powerful. He would victorious. “I will be king,” he muttered. “I have decided."

  The other man's pupils changed from round to slits. The skin began to toughen and red scales formed along the arms. Soon the red dragon stood before him. Flames sparkled in the puff of gray smoke the dragon expelled. “So be it,” the great beast growled then shoved from the ground It took to the sky, and faded from sight.

  * * * *

  Just as the sun rose Tiengl and Keely bid goodbye to the Quocalk village with a promise to alert them when it was time for the army to assemble.

  The sun had climbed high into the gray blue sky and still they had not found another encampment. “Tiengl, is there not another village near?"

  "Be it not away much."

  "Are these people also Quocalk, or are they Quiblek?"

  "No. Be they Brimborion."

  She chuckled wryly. “A map might be helpful. And a scorecard to keep them all straight."

  Tiengl looked up at her and she could see it on his face he didn't understand what she meant. How to explain scorecard? “Forget it,” she said with a sigh.

  "Be map drawing, yea?"

  "Right. A piece of paper with all the villages marked on it. Also, all the waterways and mountains. The location of the king's palace and places we can set up for the people to gather, hide when they need to. Do you have a map?"


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