Dragon's Angel

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Dragon's Angel Page 13

by Donica Covey

  His needed reassurance stirred her heart. He needed to hear it and she would answer him truthfully. Now and forever, Xiuhcoatl.

  He growled and captured her lips with his.

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  The Seer crushed the final Delinca bloom into the powder and wrapped it tightly in a cloth bag made from a Metilama spider web. The joining between the Alicorno and Draco had already occurred; she had felt the surge in the positive energy that surrounded all of Grogan. Damn.

  "Seer!” a voice boomed from the courtyard.

  It was Montrose. Damn.

  The door pounded and ripped open. “You have failed me, Seer. They are here. You guaranteed they wouldn't survive. Explain!"

  She glanced down at the Delinca powder. “I won't let anything stop me,” she swore and picked up the bag.

  Rage was quickly chased away by uncertainty and then fear. Montrose, the great conqueror was afraid. He was rummaging through the sack gripped tightly in his hand but she couldn't tell what he was looking for. “I may spare you a painful end if you tell me how the dragon power was produced."

  His face paled. “I found the secret. I used a spell to make it happen. A formula to give me the power."

  "You found a spell?” she sneered. How was it she didn't know about this? “Tell me."

  His eyes darted to the bag and back to her face. “I found it in an ancient scroll. I have the formula at my castle. I can show you."

  "You will.” She grabbed hold of him and chanted an incantation that took her from her keep to his private chambers. “The spell."

  He nodded and opened the secret passageway. He was full of surprises. The things inside stunned her. She cast a studying glance in his direction. Montrose wasn't overly smart. How had he managed to conceal this from her? The little troll must have discovered some very powerful magic.

  He would give it to her and then he would pay.

  He moved from her side and pulled out a scroll from a shelf dug into the wall then handed it to her. “It's here."

  She accepted the parchment and unrolled it. “Tell me true Montrose, how have you been able to seal your mind from me?"

  His body trembled and his gaze swept the room. She didn't need to read his mind to know he was looking for an escape. Finally, he looked back at her. “It's the crown. It protects me from your intrusions."

  "Why is it I didn't know of this room? How have you kept me out?"

  "The scepter and the dragon scale."

  Interesting. According to myth as long as he possessed the dragon scale and scepter anything he wished to be held invisible, anything he chose to close off, would be protected. Myth? No. She would claim them as her own. “Where are these objects now?"

  "The crown is in my chamber. The dragon scale and the scepter are here.” He opened a small chest and pulled out the items in question. He passed them to her. His body trembled, his face chalky white.

  "I should've killed you long ago.” She paced away then materialized a dagger and spun to drive it into his chest.

  Blood spewed from the wound and splattered across the wall. His eyes slowly glazed and he sagged in her arms. One threat to her power gone, it was time to rid herself of the others. She rolled up the scroll then returned it to its hiding place. She examined the scale. It's dark green surface reflected green, gold and blue in the torchlight. Her power was building. Soon nothing would keep her from conquering this world and the next.

  She called for the Delinca packets. “Alicorno and Draco, now you will die."

  * * * *

  Sunlight dappled heat on his face and Xavier opened his eyes. Keely lay next to him, her body barely covered by the tunic he placed over her after they made love. Love. He couldn't tear his eyes from her. She was so peaceful. So beautiful. His.

  A sound from the brush to his left made him jerk to his feet and he scanned the area. Someone was there, but whom? “Keely, wake up."

  Her eyes flew open and she began to sit up while trying to keep the tunic in place. “What is it?"

  "I'm not sure. Get dressed."

  She nodded and pulled on the tunic then hunted out and pulled on her leggings. “What is it?” she asked again.

  He still shook his head. He couldn't get a line on whatever it was but knew they weren't alone. “Can you sense anything?"

  He didn't look back but he sensed her mind reaching out. I don't know. Something ... it's not right, Xavier. We should go. We need to get back to the village.

  He nodded and reached for her hand to lead her back to the group.

  The Seer stepped out from the brush to block his path. “It's time, Draco.” She held a pouch in her hand.

  He felt Keely's fear and moved to shield her. “That it is.” He summoned his power and flame burst from his fingertips.

  The Seer cackled and rose from the ground to float above their heads. Then she tossed a fine dust at him and the tiny particles coated his skin. Keely was sprinkled with the powder as well.

  "Keely.” He reached for her hand. “You've got to get us out of here."

  Her face appeared almost frozen. The powder coated her porcelain skin. She nodded and reached for his hand but lines creased the corners of her eyes. It seemed to require all her strength to grasp his hand and pulled him close. He felt them begin to move and they were soon materializing in the village.

  "You must hurry and leave!” he shouted to the Brimborions.

  Abhorson's gaze flicked from him to Keely. His eyes widened as he grasped the situation. “Hurry. Hurry!” Finally the people in the village scrambled.

  Bellerophon rushed from his hut. “What's happened?"

  "I'm not sure.” Xavier turned to Keely, but she didn't appear to be hearing. “Keely.” She swayed slightly then her legs crumpled. Before anyone could reach out, she hit the ground with hard thump and lay still. He ran to her side and pulled her into his lap. Her eyes were open but she was barely breathing, her heartbeat was nearly impossible to detect.

  Xavier searched her mind but found only darkness. “What the hell is happening?"

  Bellerophon shook his head. “I don't know.” He grabbed Keely from Xavier. “I'll take her to my people. Maybe our healers can figure out what happened."

  Xavier tried to tamp down the rising anger. He hated to let her go, was afraid to see her leave. “I'll take her."

  "I can travel faster. You need to get these people to safety. I'll come for you when I've gotten her secreted away."

  Xavier paused for a moment more. Keely would want to know her friends were safe. “Fine. Go. I don't know how close the Seer is."

  Bellerophon nodded and took to the sky.

  Xavier turned back to the villagers. “You don't have time to take anything with you. Run!"

  Abhorson gathered his people and led them from the village. Xavier fell in behind them casting continuous glances back, watching for the Seer. His mind was beginning to cloud and his body felt heavy but adrenaline pumped through him.

  Ahead, a Brimborion woman carrying a child stumbled. He reached down and quickly pulled her upright. She was soon sprinting ahead of him.

  He was having trouble keeping on his feet, the world seemed out of kilter. He threw one last look over his shoulder and then forward. The Seer was somewhere behind them. His senses couldn't respond no matter how hard he tried to force them.

  His body slowed in responding to his orders for movement and heat rose. Was it flames of anger or was it fever? He slipped off the path and into a deep covering of brush. A stream lay a few steps ahead and he slipped into the cool water without stopping to remove his shoes. He sank beneath the surface letting the cooling water ease the all-consuming heat.

  The water flowed over him in a gentle wash. He didn't feel quite as hot as before but his body was still slow and heavy. He had to keep awake. Where was Keely? What had happened? Had Bellerophon reached his village? Had the Pegusian healers been able to help Keely?

  He had to get his body ba
ck under control.

  * * * *

  Keely felt like she was floating. Bellerophon held her close as his wings pumped behind them. What was happening? “Where is Xavier?” she asked. There was no reply and she realized she hadn't actually spoken the words. She tried to lift her arms but they wouldn't move. Why couldn't she move?

  Air rushed over her body. She smelled the spicy scent of the redwood-like trees.

  Bellerophon landed and her body jerked as he ran across the ground. Things darkened and it took a moment to realize she was no longer out-of-doors but inside a dark room and being placed on a soft mattress.

  "What's happened to the Lady Aldmakeelia?” a woman's voice asked and soon she bent over Keely, lines etched across her face, the skin between her brows puckered with worry.

  "I'm not sure. She and the Draco appeared in the village and they started yelling for people to get to safety. Suddenly the Lady collapsed. She hasn't moved since."

  The woman lifted Keely's arm and held her wrist tight. Keely willed her hand to move, but nothing happened.

  "I feel no heartbeat.” The woman leaned down and pressed her ear against Keely's chest for a several moments. “There is no movement.

  Tears gathered in the woman's eyes and Bellerophon pulled her close. “Torina. Not the Lady.” His tears soon trekked down his cheeks to mingle with Torina's.

  "But I'm alive,” Keely tried to shout. How could they not know? Her heart was beating. She was breathing. Panic raced over her. “I'm not dead. I'm not dead!"

  "Where is Blacdrake?” Torina asked.

  "I promised to fetch him as soon as I had the Lady in safety."

  "How can the prophecy be fulfilled now?” Torina sobbed. She dabbed at the tears on her cheeks. “You must go and find him."

  Bellerophon nodded. “I'll return as soon as I can."

  "Please Bellerophon. I'm not dead.” Xavier could hear her calling out when she was in trouble. He'd know she wasn't dead. Xavier, please I need you, she sent out the plea and prayed he'd hear her.

  The door opened and Keely sensed Torina was no longer in the room. It seemed as if hours passed before she returned with several other Pegusian women. They were sobbing too. Their sadness radiated to Keely.

  "Please. I'm not dead."

  "As soon as Blacdrake arrives we'll prepare for the burial."

  At Torina's words Keely's blood turned to ice. Burial?

  The women moved around her. She felt the chill as her clothing was removed and then the warmth as she was bathed. Sweet scents filled the air as they applied oils to her skin.

  She was moved and jostled like a doll. Soon she was dressed in some fine silk material. Something touched her head and then she was looking at the room through a veil of lace. Torina lifted the lace and carefully pressed Keely's eyelids closed.

  They were going to bury her alive!

  Please Xavier, I need you now, she sent the pleading call out once more.

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  Xavier panted hard. His body began to respond. Not much, but it was loosenin up—some. He slipped down into the water and it took all his strength just to keep his head above the surface.

  He felt a calling, a deep pain filling his mind. Somehow he managed to flop himself on the creek bank and with small handfuls of grass and earth, he pulled himself out. His strength waned and he dropped stomach-down on the ground.

  His breathing seemed to be getting easier and he pushed upward with his arms. The muscles bunched and strained with his movement but he was finally able to make it not only off his stomach but onto his feet. He stood on weak legs and staggered in place trying to get his bearings. Pain. Fear. Loss. The emotions tugged him closer and closer to the path he'd veered from.

  The Seer appeared from nowhere and loomed before him. “You're still live?"

  He wavered but stared her in the face. “I am. But you won't be.” He summoned the firepower.

  "Even if you kill me you will fail. Keely is dead."

  Xavier froze in place. Dead? His Keely. “You lie, witch. I'd know if she was dead."

  She shrugged. “Search for yourself. The pain, the emptiness you feel can only mean her death."

  He focused all his energy on Keely. He couldn't sense her. “What have you done?” he roared and fire erupted around them. “You bitch. You will die!” he shouted as he fed the flames with his rage.

  "Will I?” The Seer laughed and disappeared.

  Xavier continued to rage; the fire grew with each passing second.

  "Lord Blacdrake,” he heard someone calling above the crackling flames.

  He began to pull back as he followed the voice that called him again and again. Finally, nothing but smoke and ash surrounded him.

  The Pegusian gradually lighted to the ground. “I've come for you, Lord Blacdrake. The Lady,” he choked and tears filled his eyes.

  A black hole devoured Xavier's soul. Keely was gone. “I know,” he said brokenly.

  "I will take you to her."

  Xavier nodded and allowed the Pegusian to transport him to a village in the slopes of green mountains. White houses with silver roofs dotted the landscape below.

  When they landed, Bellerophon led him the house where Keely lay. Her body was still. Xavier didn't bother to try and hide the tears. “My Keely. Aldmakeelia, my lifemate. How can I go on without you by my side?"

  Around him the Pegusians trickled from the room leaving him alone with the one woman he loved more than anything in this, or any other, world.

  He knelt close beside her. She was dressed in a silver gown laced with amethyst ribbons. A fine lace veil barely concealed her beautiful face. Calla lilies and roses in shades of silver and purple were twisted together and formed into a long vine had been placed lovingly around her body. The air was filled with mingling sweet fragrances. There was a wave in her lovely hair that had been framed around her perfect face.

  Xavier lifted the veil and placed a kiss on her cold lips. “I'll love you forever, my beautiful Aldmakeelia. The Seer will suffer greatly before I finally kill her. I will continue the fight. I will win the battle for you."

  His tears dropped to her cheek and he gently brushed them away. His rage returned as he thought of the Seer and Montrose. They wouldn't live to see another day.

  He stormed from the house and out into the streets. “I'm going after the Seer and then Montrose. Who will fight with me?"

  A chorus of 'I will' erupted into the sky.

  "Let us go!"

  Xavier ran down the street to the edge of the settlement and as he ran, he felt the transformation. His arms lengthened and broadened. His face stretched and the bones inside crackled painfully. His legs became heavier and his skin slowly shifted into black scales. When he opened his mouth, a deafening roar split the sky. His body lifted from the ground and he soared through the amethyst sky.

  "We follow the Dragon,” Bellerophon shouted and soon an army of winged Pegusians filled the sky to follow in his wake.

  * * * *

  Keely tried to force movement but nothing happened. What was wrong? Why had Xavier been unable to sense her life? His heart had appeared shattered and his rage consumed him. Even now she could feel what he thought, sense what he was doing. He was going to battle the king and his witch. Keely could see the sky filled with white winged bodies soaring all around Xavier's dragon form.

  She sensed the people on the ground. They were chanting, shouting, and running to a large field. The war was coming and all she could do was lay here and wait to be buried. There had to be some way. There must be.

  She felt a presence and the fragrance that signaled the arrival of her mother filled the room. “My daughter. You must fight this. You can do it, Aldmakeelia. It is in you to conquer this."

  Keely strained to communicate with her mother but it wasn't working. She felt her mother's gentle touch. “Please, help me,” she begged but no words came.

  Her mother continued stroking her cheek. “
Trust yourself, Aldmakeelia. Have faith in what you can do. You have the power."

  Keely struggled against the invisible bonds that held her in their death like grip. Straining she poured her energy into breaking through. Slowly the heavy feeling began to subside. She blinked open her eyes. “Mother?” she whispered.

  "I am here. Keep trying."

  Keely finally found the strength to sit up on the bed. Her body trembled and her breath came in heavy bursts but she was up. “You knew I lived. Xavier..."

  "You forget I am of the spirit land now."

  The door creaked open and Keely faced the front. Torina stood inside the doorway and sagged heavily against the frame. “By the gods of Lyre,” she screamed and appeared as if she would faint dead away at any second. “You live. Oh my Lady!"

  Keely glanced at her mother and realized the shade had slipped away unnoticed. “I'm all right, Torina. You must help me get to the battlefield."

  "But my Lady, you are so weak."

  Keely stood and rested her weight on the headboard to get her balance. She drew herself to her full height and stiffened her spine. “Torina. I must get to Xavier,” she commanded in her best empirical voice.

  Torina studied her for a moment and then a small smile slipped across her lips. “Yes, my Lady."

  Keely looked down at her burial attire. “I'm going to need something else to wear."

  "Yes, my Lady,” Torina dropped a small curtsy and ran out the door.

  Keely heard the excited chatter from the streets and when the door opened a handful of women entered. They handed Keely another pair of leggings, these were a light blue color, and a shorter tunic in a deep navy. Navy blue slipper boots were handed to her and when Keely finished dressing, she flicked her hair over her shoulder. “I need to fix this."

  A young woman nodded and stepped forward. She gently dragged an ivory comb through Keely's long tresses and began plaiting it into two long braids down her back then the braids were encircled around her head and fastened in place.


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