Repent: A Very Bad Boy Romance

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Repent: A Very Bad Boy Romance Page 6

by Faulk, Mercy

  Pastor Randy buried his own fingers in my hair as I worked on his cock, eliciting deep, guttural groans from him. I was groaning myself, especially when he hit the back of my throat.

  His hips started pulsing rhythmically, driving into my face faster. I kept up with his new pace, twisting my hand and mouth in opposite directions. When I started sliding my thumb over the tip of his cock every time I pulled my head up, he grunted loudly, fisted his hands in my hair and started face fucking me in earnest.

  My hand was no longer necessary as Pastor Randy rammed his cock all the way down my throat. I did my best to relax and not gag but he was going so fast it was hard. All I could do was brace myself. Well, that and slip my dripping wet hand down under the waistband of my skirt and panties to my thrumming clit.

  Faster and harder he pulled my head down into his crotch. I could feel him grow more turgid in my mouth, and the heat from his dick nearly set my mouth on fire. Knowing he was about to come in my mouth made my pussy clench. I groaned louder, which made him groan louder.

  Every time he buried himself in my mouth, I swallowed, which I knew drove him crazy. I couldn’t wait to taste his salty seed on my tongue, feel it shoot down my throat. Every thrust brought me closer to my own orgasm.

  With a muffled cry, he thrust one last time, cramming his cock so deep into my mouth that I swear it touched my stomach! He was pulling my hair so hard it hurt, but in a good way, as he filled my mouth with hot spurts of his ‘blessing’.

  He kept pumping as he came and I could feel every jet shoot down my throat as his dick pulsed between my lips. The sensation — and my desperately working fingers — sent me over the edge. I sucked harder and moaned louder as my body clenched and spasmed, which made him thrust even deeper. Finally, the throbbing in my pussy and my mouth eased, and he slowed to a stop, with his softening dick still firmly planted between my sweet lips.

  I sucked and licked him clean, lapping up every drop of him. I didn’t want any of that precious liquid going to waste!

  “Ooh, Stacey, you’re such a good girl,” he cooed as I gobbled up every bit of his offering and licked my lips, hungry for more. I just couldn’t get enough of him. I craved his cum, whether in my mouth, my ass or my tight pussy.

  In fact, I liked it there the best. The thought of it doing what it was supposed to do turned me on more than anything. But Pastor Randy had ordered me to get on some kind of birth control almost from the very beginning of our ‘lessons’. I chose a diaphragm, which I faithfully put in every time I knew we’d be getting carnal. Other times, such as this one, we contented ourselves with…other lessons.

  “Thank you, Pastor Randy,” I replied. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  He was silent for a moment. “Now that you mention it…”

  I was hoping for another blessing because my pussy was on fire and needed quenching. My anticipation was heightened by the knowledge I hadn’t put in my diaphragm.

  “I’d like for you to join my pre-marriage counseling session for the next two nights.”

  What?! “Um, okay?”

  “I have a very special lesson I’d like to teach each group, and I think you’ll be the perfect assistant.”

  I was secretly pleased that he thought I was the perfect anything. I loved doing things to please him. “Anything for you, Pastor Randy.”

  He smiled benevolently at me and stroked my hair into less of a mess. “That’s my girl. Now get your sweet ass back out there with your mother before she starts to suspect.”


  Pastor Randy’s pre-marriage counseling group had two stages. Guys and girls together, then guys and girls separately. The group had just split and tonight was ladies’ night.

  I wasn’t entirely sure what he had in mind for me, so I wasn’t sure how to dress. But since I’d be sitting in a room full of mostly young women, I picked out a cute little pink sundress with a soft cream cardigan to go over it. Just a whiff of sexy for Pastor Randy’s benefit.

  My mom dropped me off, letting me know she’d be outside waiting when class ended at nine. “See if you can scoot out a few minutes early,” she’d instructed before we left the house. “I don’t want to miss my show.”

  I arrived at the same time as a few of the gals. They were all twittering together about wedding plans as they walked in a group, ignoring me completely.

  I have to admit, I was a little jealous of them. Here they were, in the final preparations of marrying their true loves. And I was just a plaything. A toy. Dammit, I wanted more!

  That foul mood followed me into the church’s meeting room while everyone found their seats. I tried to catch Pastor Randy’s attention, but he was busy pulling a table into the middle of the circle of chairs. Not knowing what to do, I tucked myself into a corner of the room and tried to be invisible.

  “Ladies!” His booming voice filled the room, instantly silencing the gabby girls. “I’m so glad you all made it. I have a very special lesson planned for tonight, so please open your Bibles to the Song of Solomon.”

  My ears perked up at that. While Pastor Randy’s sermons were always passionate and exciting, I’d been prepared for a boring pre-marital class. Now we were going to read my favorite book of the Bible!

  “Janice, please start reading, and each of you take turns,” he instructed.

  “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth for your love is more delightful than wine,” started Janice. She stopped and looked around the room, blushing furiously. “Um, is this okay to read, Pastor Randy?”

  He leveled a look at the poor girl that would have turned my blood to ice, and very cooly asked, “Why, pray tell, would any part of God’s Word not be okay to read, Ms. Price?”

  I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but Janice turned an even brighter shade of red. “It’s just that, um, this is, um, sorta the, um…”

  “Spit it out, child!”

  Frightened, she cast a pleading look up at him. “This is the dirty part of the Bible, Pastor Randy!”

  A few of the other girls nodded their agreement, clearly uncomfortable.

  “I see,” he said, rubbing his chin in thought. “So you think sex between husband and wife is sinful, Ms. Price?”

  “No! It’s just…I dunno. Why are we reading this?”

  “Because, my dear, it’s one of the most important lessons the Bible teaches us about marriage.”

  The girls all looked confused.

  “SEX!” Pastor Randy’s shout made everyone in the room jump, including me. It also made me instantly wet between my thighs.

  “It’s called sex, ladies, and you’d better get comfortable with the word in a hurry, because your soon-to-be husbands are going to want it day and night.”

  Janice looked a little embarrassed but the other four young women squirmed in their chairs. It was clear they were looking forward to their wedding nights!

  “Now, if you please, continue, Ms. Price.”

  Janice continued reading the sensual poem for a few lines before passing it off to another gal, and so on around the room. By the end, the room had become considerably hotter, and several of the girls were fanning themselves. Me, I considered it a minor miracle that I didn’t have my hand dug into my pussy!

  “Now who amongst us can say this is wrong?” Pastor Randy was getting worked up into a preaching frenzy. God, he was so sexy when he did that! “Who amongst us can say sex is a sin?! Tell me, young brides, is sex a sin?”

  “NO!” They all cried in unison, even Janice.

  “Do you all see how the couple in this poem pleasure each other? How eager they are to do so?”

  They nodded in response, eager to hear more. They were getting worked up, I could tell. I knew the signs.

  “So how will you?”

  He looked at each of them in turn. They seemed to be waiting for him to say more, but then the question finally sank in and they blinked in confusion.

  “How will we what?” asked Janice.

  “How will yo
u please your new husbands on your wedding night?”

  A few of the girls gasped in shock, though I think they just did it because they thought they were supposed to.

  “Don’t you think that’s as important as learning how to live with another person or figuring out how to discuss your feelings without starting an argument? Don’t you think your husband is going to want you to know how to please him? It’s God’s divine will that a wife pleasure her husband, ladies. Do you want to learn or do you want to defy God?”

  “We want to learn, Pastor Randy! Teach us!” I couldn’t believe Janice said that, but her eagerness was obvious. The others all nodded in agreement.

  “Bless you, children! Ms. Richards, please join me.”

  I jumped from the surprise of being called up, but I stood and moved to the center of the circle, about as red as Janice was earlier, my heart pounding.

  “Ladies, God spoke to me earlier today and showed me His divine path to teaching you the joys of married love, and Ms. Richards is going to assist me. Ms. Fletcher, please read verse 2:3.”

  Daisy Fletcher stood and cleared her throat. “Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste.”

  “Tell me what you think that means, Ms. Fletcher.”

  Daisy blushed but was brave enough to say what she thought. “I think it means that she gave him a…a BJ.”

  “Excellent!” roared Pastor Randy. “Do any of you know how to perform such an act?”

  I know for sure that some of them did but they all shook their heads and averted their eyes.

  “Then God has commanded that Ms. Richards demonstrate the proper way to perform this act on your husband.”

  I looked at him in awe and embarrassment. He’d brought me here for this?! I was shocked, and pissed, and turned on, all at the same time. The one thing I knew was that I wanted to suck him off right now more than anything. But in front of all these girls?

  The look in my eyes pleaded with him for mercy, but all he would say was, “It’s God’s will, Ms. Richards.”

  As I dropped to my knees, Pastor Randy unzipped and pulled out his already throbbing cock. My mouth was filled with saliva just looking at it and I would have gobbled him up, just like I had earlier, but he put his hand on top of my head to stop me.

  “Now Ms. Richards will show you all, very slowly, how to perform this very chore on your own husbands. Please, come closer so you can see everything she does.”

  Surprisingly, they all gathered around us in a tight circle. The heat was intense and so was my lust for the dick bobbing in front of my face.


  As I took him into my mouth, Pastor Randy explained the importance of making sure their teeth didn’t catch on any sensitive skin. I moved slowly, and opened my mouth wide to show them how my tongue worked the head and flicked along the shaft. My hand cupped and tugged on his balls, drawing a low moan from him, and a testimonial on how much their husbands would enjoy that.

  I honestly wasn’t paying much attention to the other girls the longer the demonstration went on, but finally Pastor Randy pulled his spit-slickened cock from my eager mouth. I whimpered in protest but quieted when he pulled me up to stand next to him.

  “Any questions on that?” His voice was tight, and I knew it had been difficult for him to stop mid-blowie.

  Trisha Baldwin raised her hand tentatively. “Yes, um, what do you do with the, ya know, stuff?”

  “You do God’s will, Ms. Baldwin, and swallow what your husband gives you!”

  Trisha looked down in shame for having thought to do any differently. I leaned in and whispered, “It actually tastes really good, especially if he’s just eaten something sweet.” She gave me a small smile in return.

  “But just as a wife must please her husband, so must a husband please his wife. You’ve just seen a demonstration of the former, and now you will see a demonstration of the latter. Ms. Richards, on the table, if you please.”

  My pulse quickened at what I knew was coming next. I still couldn’t believe we were doing this in front of five young women, and was even more flabbergasted that they were all actively enjoying the show.

  I sat on the table edge and lay on my back, keeping my legs together. My breathing was shallow and my heart was racing. I looked up and all five girls were huddled around my feet. Weird…and exciting!

  “Now typically there will be a fair amount of foreplay before you get to this act of love,” Pastor Randy was saying as he gently reached up under my dress and slipped my drenched panties from my legs. His hands gripped my feet and tugged me farther down the table so my ass was hanging over the edge.

  “But we’ll forego that so you can learn the process.”

  Pastor Randy knelt, hooking my legs over his shoulders and running his smooth hands up my smooth thighs. Flipping the hem of my dress up, he exposed my cleanly shaved pussy to the gathering of girls. A couple gasped in surprise.

  He glanced in the direction of the gasps and muttered, “God’s will…”

  Then his fingers started exploring my folds. The girls leaned in, watching closely as he named each part, stroking as he went along. I’d never felt so exposed before and I found it absolutely thrilling.

  I could feel moisture gathering at my entrance as he slipped a finger in. I sucked in my breath and a couple girls got worried looks on their faces. “No, it feels soooo good,” I moaned at them before closing my eyes and giving myself over.

  His tongue was firm and slow-moving as he licked and lectured at the same time. It felt wonderful but wasn’t getting the job done and I started getting frustrated. I finally took matters into my own hands and started masturbating while he was talking.

  Pastor Randy chuckled. “Ms. Richards is showing us exactly what she needs, which is what you will need to do with your husbands. Now I’ll do as she asks.”

  With that, he wrapped his arms around my thighs and buried his face in me. My back arched involuntarily at the assault and my fingers clenched his mop of blond hair. God, I loved how he ate me out!

  Sucking and lapping and nipping, his tongue probing, slipping in and out, Pastor Randy showed the class exactly what it took for a man to bring a woman to climax in a matter of minutes. The combination of his skillful technique and being on display while he did it caused my body to tense and clench and nearly levitate off the table.

  I was ready to explode, and the moment his probing finger slid down to my tight pucker, my eyes rolled back into my head and the world crashed in on me. I bucked into his mouth, crying out in ecstasy, completely oblivious to my surroundings. Pastor Randy had given me many spectacular orgasms, but never so quickly.

  His voice filtered through my consciousness as I slowly descended from the stratosphere. The words were a jumble but my body responded instantly when I felt his cock press at my dripping entrance. He was lubing himself up to enter me. Suddenly, everything became pinpoint sharp.

  “And this is what the actual consummation will look like,” he was saying. I half-opened my eyes to see all five students with their faces looming over my pussy. A few of them had their hands down their pants playing with themselves and the others were fidgeting like they wanted to.

  I opened my mouth to speak up, to protest, to tell Pastor Randy that I hadn’t put my diaphragm in because I didn’t think we’d have a chance to get intimate that night. Then I closed it.

  He slid into me slowly, giving each girl plenty of opportunity to see what he was doing, every inch of his rock-hard flesh searing my inner walls, branding me as his. A loud sigh escaped my lips and I wrapped my legs around his hips.

  “You see, my children,” Pastor Randy was saying, his voice quavering with barely controlled lust, “how Ms. Richards’ virginal entrance can accept the blessing the Lord has endowed me with. And so it will be with your husbands.”

  I pinched and tugged at my nipples, heedless of the other girls. They didn’t
exist to me. All that mattered was that Pastor Randy was inside me, unprotected. I could almost feel that dollop of pre-cum coating my pussy, lubing it and sending little, tiny Pastor Randys out in search of a new home. A flush skimmed across my flesh at the thought.

  What would it be like to have his baby? Would he marry me? Would we be cast out of the church as sinners? Or would Pastor Randy figure out a way to brainwash everyone that this was God’s will? I couldn’t wait to find out!

  He’d stopped talking and the other girls didn’t seem to mind. He was slurping in and out of my tight, wet pussy, moving faster. The show we were putting on turned him on even more, so I knew he’d come soon, shooting his seed deep inside me.

  Tension built quickly in my body, and Pastor Randy’s thumb on my swollen clit sent me to new heights of pleasure. My hands clutched for the rough edge of the table and found a hand. It was small and soft, but I didn’t care whose it was — I gripped it so tightly I’m surprised she didn’t cry out.

  Faster and faster he skewered me, lifting my feet to his shoulders to plunge ever deeper. I couldn’t hold back any longer and cried the Lord’s name when I tumbled over the abyss. My walls clamped down on Pastor Randy’s cock as he continued to pound into me until he gave a shout and a shudder.

  He unloaded a torrent of semen into my eager womb. I felt it coat my lips and dribble down my ass as his movements slowed, and it was all I could do to stop myself from scooping it up and trying to cram it back inside. I wanted all of him, every last drop, in there to work its magic and make me pregnant.

  Panting, out of breath, Pastor Randy pulled himself free, conscientiously pulling my dress down to cover the mess between my legs and tucking his softening cock into his trousers.

  “There you go, ladies,” he said thickly, looking around at the flushed and dazed faces of his class. “That’s what your wedding night will be like, if it’s God’s will.”

  “Praise Jesus,” I whispered.


  I hadn’t been expecting to get blessed by Pastor Randy at the women’s class, so I’d neglected to put in my diaphragm. But while I was getting ready for the men’s class, I knew what would be happening going on in that back room (or at least thought I did).


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