House of Sin: Part One

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House of Sin: Part One Page 8

by Vince Stark

  “I have to wash my hair now that it’s wet, can you go inside and make sure the fire doesn’t go out” She held onto my large cock as if to keep me in place while she was speaking, then let go when she was finished as if to let me go.

  I walked back to the house, the grass was cool under my feet. I realized this was not the perfect plan since my clothes were still in the dirty barn. I just walked into the house naked and found a towel. I put some wood on the fire and I sat on the couch and rested. Before long she came in wet and naked. She disappeared down the hall and came back with a large quilt blanket and a towel around her. Before long the lights were off and we were wrapped up in that big heavy blanket, lying naked together on the deep couch. I thought of my cottage as I always do before falling asleep and drifted off with a smile on my face. This was a hell of a week-end, damn near perfect.

  Chapter Eight

  I woke-up that morning, with her on her couch, happy until I realized it was Monday morning. I found my phone to check the time and was sure I was late but then realized I was actually closer to work then if I were home and I could make it if I hurried. I went to the barn in my towel and got dressed and returned to the house to give my farewell.

  “Thank you” I whispered to Leah sleeping on the couch.

  She smiled in response but didn’t open her eyes, I grazed my fingers through her hair and off I went.

  When I arrived at the office Heather commented that I smelled like a barn, yes, Heather works for me. We have a complex relationship that doesn’t need to be discussed. It was a trying week, everyone around me were in dark places and I was counting the minutes to see Leah again. We were exchanging texts throughout the week, something I never really do. Leah was getting under my skin, I hadn’t felt this way before about a women. When I first met her I never would have guessed she was so sexually charged, I never would have guessed she had a dark side. I knew very little about her, I was getting to know Leah in a different way, Leah was showing me a side of her that very few would ever see. In a way, just from our week-end, I could have gotten to know her better then someone she has known for years. Could this be intimacy?

  Reaching people on this level is basically all I have ever done, but this was different. Leah was different. As the week went by, if I saw something nice I wished she was there to share it with me. If I did something good I wished she was there to witness it. I wanted to impress her, I wanted to share something with her I didn’t realize I had.

  Friday finally arrived and on my drive home I passed by her exit, Princeville, my truck wanted to pull off the highway but I stayed due course. I blew smoke from the cigar that was half finished out the window and let my mind wonder. What was to come next I thought, Leah has been full of surprises and I suspected there were more to come.

  Chapter Nine

  We have had the same rehearsal space for years, just on the edge of town. I was headed that way, unfortunately I had to take my truck because I was bringing a new guitar that had just arrived at the house. Sometimes packages arrive at my house and I have no idea what they are. These packages are the result of drinking alone, this has become a slight problem, online shopping, not the drinking. It is a little game I play with myself, I open these packages, hung over and bewildered. It’s like Christmas morning, what did I buy for myself? Sometimes I am happy and give myself a pat on the back, most of the time I am left confused as to why I bought such a thing. Did you know they have a robotic vacuum, it can be considered hazardous for people who drink alone to have one of these machines. I will forever walk with a limp due to a late night tangle we had, that damn machine.

  When I arrived home from work today the package was waiting for me, this time it was a guitar. She was pretty, I noticed that I don’t always have the best of taste when late night shopping but this time I nailed it. It was a Gibson es-335, if you were interested. I didn’t think to get a case with it so it sat next to me in the truck.

  The rehearsal space has become something of a boys club, sometimes we get together and barely play a note. It is an escape for all of us. At one time it looked like the after math of a frat party but over the years we have changed. We keep adding to the room, a pool table, nice couches, pinball machine, humidor for cigars, wine rack. The space it’s self is impressive, it looks over the river and onto Bonneville. It is a large industrial space with cathedral ceilings, the paned window is massive. Sometimes at night the lights of Bonneville are enough to light the room even from across the river.

  Most of what surrounds is abandoned, the streets of this area are filled with broken women that break your heart. Anytime you see a car in this area it is almost certain there is a demon driving it. I pull my truck into the garage and the door closed behind me. I park between Brad and Greggs cars. We are on the second floor, below us is a meat packing plant. We have a good relationship with them, in fact we rarely see them because we don’t use the space when they are open. They must have minimal storage space because the stairway that leads to our space is lined with hooks, cleavers, and chains. You would swear you are walking into a torture chamber. I pushed open the large heavy metal door and felt the weight of everything that happened this week lift off my shoulders. It is Friday, I am with my friends in my favorite spot, finally.

  “Jack!” everyone greeted me shouting my name in unison.

  “boys” I shouted back and rested my new guitar on a stand, and went directly to the bar.

  As I poured Jameson into my glass I surveyed the room, I was only expecting Brad, Gregg and maybe a hand full of pals but there were unfamiliar faces all around, I could feel the presence of cocaine even though I couldn’t see it. Brad came over to where I was and greeted me warmly.

  “So I was talking to Frankie, what do you think about the festival?” Brad’s jaw rolled around and his mind was visibly racing.

  “I’m game if you guys are, I was planning on staying at the cottage anyway” I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket but ignored it for the moment.

  “Gregg’s in too, his Wife’s parents are staying at his place that week-end so he wants to get out of dodge. You know Christy from high school?”

  “Yeah I remember her”

  “Well, she is the boss lady of the whole thing, she is putting us on the big stage just before the head-liner” Brad gave a cocaine chuckle.

  “How big is this thing gonna be?” I asked

  “Big. Seventy thousand people are expected”



  Brad’s cocaine mind could not focus on this discussion any longer, clearly he was due for another line, and by his glances to a vamp sitting on the couch she had the blast. I fucked around with coke in my early twenties but it got old, watching the sun come up and in a shaky cold sweat ain’t fun. I never could let it go once I got into it. I could go years with-out touching the stuff but one line and fangs would come out, I would do line after line until it is all I could taste in the back of my throat and I was a vibrating mess. I know better now, I prefer the taste of pussy on my tongue then cocaine in my throat. Brad hovered over to the sultry stranger that had what he wanted. I wanted something very different.

  I was not expecting such a crowd here, in fact I was hoping to have a show and tell with my new guitar and have a few drinks with the boys. Maybe jam a little, but when coke enters the picture it’s game over, the whole night is surrounded by it. There were some women here whom I did not recognize, they must all be a part of the same group. They all share the same style and seem comfortable around each other. They were attractive and young. I never cared for these type of women. They have so much perfume that it fills your nose and it’s all you can taste if you lick their skin. Their faces shine with make-up that seems to stifle there expressions.

  What they do not realize is that perfume is covering up there unique smell, the make-up is taking away from subtle things that make them sexy. I am often attracted to the girl in the room that seems quite average at first glance, then once you t
alk to them all these things seem to surface. Talking out of the corner of their mouth, teeth that aren’t perfect but somehow make them sexier, or tiny feet are all little things that can somehow make a girl sexy. The way they laugh that hints at what they sound like when they cum. If there was a photo shoot with bikini clad giggling girls I might be more drawn to the girl behind the camera yelling orders at the models, but that’s just me.

  It comes down to eyes, It’s all about how someone looks at you, if they invite you in or tell you to fuck off.

  The eyes of the girls in this room ask you to give them some sign that you find them attractive so they can move on to the next validator.

  When it comes to meeting women that I have chemistry with It can go in two directions, it either feels like I am making a friend or it is something more animalistic. Both are fun but I prefer the later, we are just animals after all.

  They take so much time getting dolled up, these modern vamps, all they want is some kind of validation. Most of their attention is on their phones. They create these bullshit little poses and take pictures of themselves, then instantly send the pictures out on the world wide web to be further validated.

  No, they are not my type at all. I knew if I stuck around they would be all over me, not because they wanted me particularly, they would just pick-up on the fact that I didn’t care about them and feel the need to win me over. Mean-while there is a room full of decent enough fellas that would treat them like gold that they would ignore. My phone was vibrating in my pocket again, I have a habit of not checking my phone for days but I had a pulling feeling that it was Leah. Before I could look at the message Gregg came over to the bar where I stood.

  “Hey man”

  “Hey pal”

  Gregg very rarely did cocaine and I could tell he didn’t tonight, he was no angel but he was a family man and seemed to pick and choose when he would let loose. When he did things usually got nuts.

  “Alison has her best friend over so I’m hiding”

  I was pouring a bottle of beer into a glass as he spoke, I handed it to him and he accepted batting his eyes like a child in a candy store. Gregg is a good guy with endless strange idiosyncrasies that makes him a true individual.

  “Where did all the skirts come from?” I asked

  “Brad has some kind of on-line thing” Gregg pulled his ear tilted his head and raised his eye brows. He seemed to be able to convey ten emotions at once with his strange body language, there was always a ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibe with him.


  We watched on as girls took turns sitting on the drums and posing for pictures. They would instantly upload them to something and laugh at comments that would come in.

  “I like the new guitar”

  “Thank you, I was hoping to play it but it can wait”

  I poured a beer for myself and raised a glass to my old friend.

  “To Galliano and a summer to remember” Gregg responded.

  I drank most of what was in the glass and let my mind go for a moment, I thought about that festival. It made me nervous and excited. My day dream was broken as my eyes focused on two girls kissing on the couch. It’s always a sensual thing when two girls kiss, not always erotic but this time it was. My phone vibrated in my pocket again.

  I looked at my phone it was a single text message, I guess it just kept on vibrating to let me know I haven’t checked it. In-fact it was a single word “Madeline’s?”

  It was from Leah, something changed in me. The message woke me up, I stood a little taller, thought a little faster. I responded,

  “I can pick you up in 30 min”

  “I’m already here”

  I wasn’t expecting that, I imagined what she was doing there, who she was with. I always avoid awkward conversations via text messages. Keep it clean and simple.

  “Ok see you soon”

  I pressed send and gave a farewell to Gregg, I patted Brad on the shoulder on the way out. It isn’t that often that this many people crowd out little hide-away. It’s ok, I can’t say I like it but I have learned to let things go. The walls of that room have soaked up so much evil you can smell it on your cloths then you leave. This little fortress serves its purpose.

  I raced out of the industrial slum to the bridge, there are a few wide turns that I habitually drift around leaving a cloud of smoke and rubber behind me. I have done it so many times I know exactly when to hit the gas and when to lay off, it makes me smile every time. The music was loud in my speakers, I love driving alone and blasting music. I was obsessing over Leah as I got closer to Madeline’s, what was she doing over there? Now that I am getting know Leah it is becoming more and more clear that she has a dark side that she needs to explore.

  I parked the truck and walked the rest of the way, I slithered through moon lit city streets, I felt like an animal on the hunt following a scent. I was going to my dark place, this city brings out something in me that I can usually keep at bay. My mind was on her, one moment I wanted to hold her and kiss her beautiful face. The next moment I wanted to violate her, tear her clothes off without invitation shove my tongue in the shadows between her legs. Slap her white ass and make it red, my dear Leah be careful what you wish for, I am not an angel.


  I gave Rex a nod and walked on by and down the stone walled hall. The music poured down the hall from the main room at the end. Lights flashed and fake smoke poured in, the music was louder than normal, it was going to be difficult to find her. I walked into the main area and was overwhelmed by the immensity of the crowd, it was far busier than normal. The band had the crowd in a trance. I needed high ground to find her, I headed for a stairway. I made my way through, it smelt like pussy and sweat, this really is my kind of place. I saw Heather in her usually mask for a moment, she saw me too but we tend to ignore each other here, an unspoken agreement. Heather and I have a very strange relationship that doesn’t need to be discussed.

  I almost made it to the stairs when I spotted Leah, I barely recognized her. Her hair was tied up tight, a little simple orange dress barley covered her. She did not notice me staring at her. Leah was stepping outside herself and I could tell. She was almost in costume, she wanted to be someone else this evening. At the very least she was exploring a side of herself she usually buried deep. I approached her slowly, I didn’t want to break her spell. She could be whoever she wanted with me, I’ll play. She was dancing by herself, her eyes were closed and her movements were gentle. Her dress, it stuck out in this sea of black. Something about the orange color against her tanned skin made her look like a living breathing sex toy. Leah slowly opened her eyes, somehow her eyes immediately met mine through the crowd. We looked into each other’s eyes from across the room. My chest got warm, I could see a smile that formed in the corners of her lips. Then, she walked away and disappeared into the crowd and the moment was gone. I saw the direction she was heading so I guessed she was heading to the bar, I doubled back and made my way over and found her there.

  The music was too loud to attempt any conversation, I could tell Leah didn’t want to talk anyway, neither did I. She was facing the bar tender making an order, looking over her shoulder she saw me and smiled. I leant my back against the bar and she shuffled over to face me. She looked up at me, her eyes were submissive and willing. Leah raised a drink and offered it to me, I took it reluctantly. I knew what it was by the blue color. I held it in my hand and watch her drink hers. She took a small sip and giggled like a child that got into her parents liquor cabinet. Her enthusiasm was infectious so I laughed and drank my entire glass in one swoop. She matched my challenge and did the same.

  We were drinking Swell of course. Swell is the name we call it anyway, god only knows what it is comprised of. Well, god and Madeline. I can’t say I never partook, but it’s been a long time. I didn’t need anything to make me more sexually charged and my time doing drugs is far behind me, make no mistake Swell is a powerful drug. It gets under your skin and rip
s out any inhabitations you may have had. Like any drug it has a dark side but like I said Leah needed to try something new, and I could play along.

  She handed me another, we held our sinister potions in hand and looked at each other with curious smiles. I already felt that familiar tingle in my chest, one is usually plenty. We slammed back the second glass, and she handed me yet another. It doesn’t take long to take hold, the music seemed to slow down and get inside me. I became calm and excited at the same time, my sense of wellbeing was high, I was high. I could tell Leah was having a similar experience her jaw was slightly open and she looked around with her new eyes. She smiled and breathed in through her nose, she looked at me, her eyes wide and wild. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the stirring crowd, this is a very different place when you have a head full of this stuff. I knew it was to be an adventure this evening, I was ready.

  I mentioned before that I don’t really dance, I stand-by this statement, tonight was . . . an exception. Well, we will call it dancing but I am not sure what I was doing. I was completely at the mercy of the music around me, pouring into me and manipulating me. Letting go completely is an unusual thing for an adult, with good reason, it looks ridiculous, I looked ridiculous.

  The dance floor was full of the usual suspects, with their usual partners. I have spent many evenings just watching this crew dance their hearts out, it was clear there was a story here and I often wondered where they came from. They seemed like professional dancers of sorts, I never saw them upstairs in the private rooms. So there we were, Leah and I, in the middle of all this, being complete fools, the drug had taken hold and this is how it begins. Leah’s body twisted and curled, she moved slowly with brief whipping movements contorting her body into new shapes. The song was unfamiliar, I think it was something from Massive Attack.


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