The Doctor's Little Girl

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by Alex Reynolds

  The Doctor’s Little Girl


  Alex Reynolds

  Copyright © 2014 by Stormy Night Publications and Alex Reynolds

  Copyright © 2014 by Stormy Night Publications and Alex Reynolds

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.

  Reynolds, Alex

  The Doctor’s Little Girl

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images by Dreamstime/Sandor Kacso, Bigstock/Franck Boston, and 123RF/Luca Bertolli

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

  Chapter One

  Andrew Harrington surveyed the crowd gathered before him with disbelief. He had booked an early morning flight specifically to avoid being caught in huge lines, but it seemed like everyone else had had the same idea. He was waiting to use an automated kiosk to check in to his flight, print his boarding pass, and check his bags. There were several, each with a long line. Andrew pulled his brown leather laptop case off his shoulder and set it on top of his roller board. This was going to take a while.

  He was glad to be heading home, even though the conference had been a good break from his daily life. He’d gotten a chance to visit with some of his friends from medical school, which was a rarity these days. Although happy enough with his little house and the stability his practice brought, Andrew missed the days when all his friends were a short drive away.

  He especially missed seeing David, his best friend, and the two of them had spent as much time together as possible during the conference. They had spent plenty of time catching up and swapping stories of their recent adventures, although Dave’s had been much more exciting. It had always been that way, with Dave pulling Andrew out of his shell, and without him around to come up with some crazy idea, Andrew’s life had become positively boring.

  Not as boring as waiting in line, though. Things had come to a standstill. Craning his neck and taking advantage of his height, Andrew could see over the heads of the travelers ahead of him to identify the problem.

  There was an older woman attempting to use the kiosk without much success. She was starting to mumble to herself with frustration. Andrew noticed a tall, thin woman in the airline’s uniform worming her way through the crowd of people in an attempt to get to the baggage desk. He was about to flag her down to see if she could help the woman at the kiosk, but the older woman noticed the employee herself before he had a chance to catch her eye.

  “Excuse me,” she said, her voice sounding a bit weary. “Would you please help me with this machine here? I’ve been trying to get my boarding pass and it just doesn’t seem to like me.” She laughed nervously. “Maybe you could print the boarding pass for me at your computer? I think that you used to do that, right?”

  The tall woman didn’t even fully look at the woman speaking to her, although she did stop walking for a moment. “The system is fully automated now, ma’am,” she told her coldly. “Just use the kiosk. It asks some simple questions and then prints your boarding pass.” She started to walk away.

  “Miss, I’m sorry, it’s probably my fault but I just can’t…” started the older woman.

  “Yes, it’s your fault,” snapped the airline employee. “We have a simple system to keep things streamlined and you’re holding up this whole line because you can’t figure it out. Look at all the people behind you! Do you think they want to wait here because you’re technology resistant?”

  Andrew felt his face start to get warm as he listened to this. The poor lady looked like she was starting to tear up, her cheeks getting pink with embarrassment as people started to stare at the scene that was unfolding. He was hoping that this horrible woman would get her act together and help the customer, and knew that he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from saying something soon if she didn’t.

  “I just need help. I’m sorry,” she muttered.

  The employee sighed melodramatically, moving her shoulders far more than she needed to. “Let me help you then, since you can’t figure out the easiest thing in the world.” Her tone was as condescending as can be. “First, you have to push the button on the screen that says start. Can you do that? Can you take your finger and push the button?”

  The woman looked positively humiliated as she reached out with her trembling, aged finger and tried to press the button. Not used to using touch screens, she didn’t make the contact properly on her first attempt.

  “No? You can’t?” the employee asked. She started to actually laugh out loud.

  Just then, a second airline employee stepped out from behind the baggage counter. She was a shorter and younger girl wearing a slightly rumpled uniform. Her face was unmade up, although her plump lips were shiny with Chapstick. Her chocolate brown hair was tied behind her head with a fuzzy pink barrette, which Andrew guessed probably wasn’t technically permitted with the company’s dress code.

  While all the other flight attendants and check-in employees Andrew had seen that day had been wearing pumps, this girl had on a pair of scuffed black ballet flats. The girl’s awkward motion as she attempted to climb over a duffel bag brought a clear image of Lisa to his mind. In fact, everything about this girl reminded him of her. She seemed as lost and out of place in her uniform as Lisa had in her lab coat.

  “Are you laughing at a customer, Theresa?” the second employee asked with anger and indignation. “How dare you talk to her like that! She’s just confused by the system. That’s not her fault.”

  Theresa, the taller airline worker, rolled her eyes and stared down at the second girl. “This isn’t your problem, Molly. Get back behind the baggage desk. When this dumb old woman finally figures out how to pay for her bag, I’ll need you to print the stickers.”

  Molly’s eyes narrowed. “That’s it. You can’t treat people like this. It’s mean and awful and I’m going to make sure that someone stops you from being such a bitch to everyone. I don’t care if you’re my supervisor. I’m done listening to you and I’m done standing aside while you treat people like garbage.” She put her hands on her hips.

  Theresa leaned in closer. “You’re right. That’s it. That’s it for you working here, Molly.”

  “What are you talking about?” Molly asked, confused and annoyed.

  “You just called me a bitch and told me that you aren’t going to listen to the direct commands of your supervisor. As soon as I get off the floor I’m going to go right to HR and start filling out the paperwork to have you fired. You’ve had it coming for a while now anyway, you little brat. You don’t listen to anyone, you’re hard-headed, and you always look like a slob. When I look at you, the first thought that comes to my mind is ‘easy to replace.’” With that, Theresa turned and walked behind the baggage counter and then through a door.

  Molly stood wide-eyed, looking like she was doing her best not to cry. Remembering what had caused the whole conflict, she turned back to the older woman.

  “I’m so sorry about that, ma’am,” she said, her voice trembling a little. “Let me walk you through how to use the system. It’s totally understandable to have some trouble with it, but I’ll help you figure it out.”

  The woman smiled at Molly, and she gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “You’re a sweet person, dear,” she said. “Thank you so much.”

  Molly tried to smile back, but her eyes looked worried. She got t
o work showing her how to use the touchscreen system, and soon she had her boarding documents printed. Watching this whole proceeding had gotten Andrew very impassioned. His first thought had been that Theresa surely wouldn’t be able to get Molly fired for this, but after mulling over it for a few moments, he realized that she probably could.

  Sad as the thought was, Molly probably would be easy to replace. She hardly looked old enough to have the job anyway; she seemed like she was right out of high school. Andrew knew that in today’s market, there wasn’t a lot of slack to be given. He sighed, then stepped up to where Molly was working at the counter just as she finished lifting the older woman’s bag onto the conveyor belt.

  “Can I help you?” she asked, brushing a few stray hairs behind her ear. Her voice, her gestures, and her quiet, meek demeanor all made him feel like he was talking to Lisa, not a stranger.

  “I wanted to let you know that I was impressed with your behavior today,” Andrew told her. “You’ve obviously got a good heart. I’m going to call the airline as soon as I get through security and let them know what happened here today and tell them that I, for one, do not think you deserve to be fired.”

  Molly blushed a little, and smiled a genuine smile for a second. It was unbearably cute. There was nothing that made Andrew’s mind wander more than an adorable girl blushing.

  “Thanks so much,” Molly said. “I hope it helps. I really wanted to keep this job. I don’t have a lot of other options right now.”

  Andrew reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small silver case. He flipped it open and pulled out a business card, which he handed to Molly.

  “Look, if it doesn’t help, give me a call. I’m a doctor, and I know quite a few people in the medical field in this area. If you find yourself in need of a job, just give me a call, alright? I’ll see what I can do.”

  Molly nodded and put the card in her pocket. “Thanks again,” she said, her voice not much louder than a whisper.

  Andrew smiled at her, then snuck back to where he had left his bags in the line.

  The line had started moving again after the woman who was holding things up had been taken care of, and before Andrew knew it he had his boarding passes and had checked his bags. As he walked toward the gates, he couldn’t help but take a final glance back at Molly, who was dutifully checking bags still, but kept peering at the door through which Theresa had exited earlier. He felt a little bit silly about how concerned he felt toward a girl who he basically knew nothing about.

  There was just something about her that made him feel particularly protective. She had a kind and sweet demeanor, but obviously wasn’t used to be reined in. It was her feistiness, combined with her big, dark eyes and her sweet little smile that drew him, he thought.

  They were the same features that had made him fall for Lisa all those years ago. He had them both on his mind as he waited in the line for security, wondering what the chances were that Molly would actually call him. Part of him hoped that she wouldn’t, because that would mean that things would have worked out alright for her. Part of him wished that she would. He was sure that he could help this girl in more ways than just giving her a job. Something about her screamed to him that she needed to be loved.

  Once Andrew had gone through security and he had gotten himself together again, he checked the monitor to figure out where his gate was. As he walked toward it, he pulled out his phone and looked up the number for the airline on its website. He had been serious when he told Molly that he would do his best to make sure that she didn’t get fired.

  Andrew was immediately put on hold once he dialed the airline, so he walked the rest of the way to his gate and then paced back and forth, occasionally glancing at his watch to make sure that he still had plenty of time before his plane took off.

  The conversation when he finally did get through went by very quickly: Andrew told the man who answered what had taken place and had been assured that a note about it had been made. He was unable to connect Andrew to anyone higher up, but he thanked him for his concern. Andrew felt a rush of frustration as he hung up the phone, just before his boarding group was called. He had to let it pass, though. There was no use in dwelling on a stranger who he was about to fly away from.

  * * *

  Molly Parker opened the door to her old, battered Toyota and sat down in the driver’s seat. She couldn’t understand why this sort of thing kept happening to her. She had been so thankful to get hired by the airline after three long months of unemployment. It had been hard to get a job when she didn’t have any references that she felt comfortable giving out: this made the sixth job she’d been fired from in the past year. That’s probably a record, she scoffed to herself.

  It didn’t make sense. Molly had just been trying to do the right thing today. Theresa was a bully, and it wasn’t uncommon for her to talk to travelers in a rude or hurtful tone, but something about seeing that woman’s face as Theresa belittled her had broken Molly’s heart. In fact, she was angry that only she had felt the need to say something.

  True, she knew that she could have been gentler about it, but it seemed like the best thing to do at the time. Still, she hadn’t expected Theresa to really try to get her fired, or for it to actually work, and so quickly! The last thing she had expected that day was to end up in a disciplinary meeting in Human Resources, and for that meeting to end with her being told to collect her things.

  Discipline. That’s what people had always been telling Molly that she needed. She needed to get herself together. To run her life better. To have a cleaner apartment. In school, she was always being told that it took self-discipline to meet deadlines. At her series of short-lived jobs, she kept being told that she needed to be tidier, calmer, more proactive, more punctual… the list of traits that she was lacking went on and on.

  I guess I really am just a fuck-up, she thought, just like my parents. At least she wouldn’t have to call them and let them know that she had been let go from yet another job.

  Molly started the car and drove off. It wasn’t like she had enjoyed working at the airport anyway. The hours were always so weird and her feet ached from standing on the hard floor in her cheap shoes all day. Still, it was better than nothing. And now, that was what she had: nothing. The combination of disappointment in herself and anxiety about what would happen next made tears build up in her eyes.

  As her mind wandered over lists of bills that needed paying and chores that needed to be done, she remembered the man at the airport who had given her his business card. It had been unusual but nice to have someone stick up for her. That tall stranger had been handsome, too, in a distinguished kind of way. His blond hair and pale, storm-gray eyes had stuck in her memory. Molly wondered if he had actually called the airline. If he had, it hadn’t mattered anyway, but she liked the idea of that. It made her feel cozy inside to think of him caring enough about her to want to prevent her from being fired.

  It was a strange feeling, like a light touch on her skin. It felt warm and inviting that someone wanted to look after her. She thought about the business card in her pocket, and considered calling him as soon as she got home, but she realized quickly how silly that would be. He obviously hadn’t meant that he would give her a job if she got fired. Besides, Molly took care of herself. She always had.

  * * *

  Four months later…

  “There you go,” Andrew told the young man who he had just finished examining as he handed him a prescription. “This should help clear things up. Remember to ask Samantha to make an appointment for a follow-up in about a week.”

  The patient shook Andrew’s hand and thanked him, then Andrew exited the exam room. In the hallway, Rebecca, Andrew’s nurse, caught up with him.

  His practice was small but efficient: it was just him, Rebecca, and Samantha, who did all of his clerical work and billing. She had just had her first baby, and it had been a mess to use temps while she was on maternity leave. She was back now, but only working part time, whic
h meant that in the evenings Andrew still had to deal with the most recent temp. She was nice enough, but didn’t understand the way that Andrew liked his office to be organized and often ended up making things much harder for Samantha.

  “You have a little down time before your next appointment,” Rebecca told him. “I left some paperwork on your desk for you. Can you take a look at it when you get a chance?”

  Andrew told her that he would, and went into his office.

  He sat at his desk and picked up the papers that Rebecca had left. They were mostly charts that he had left information off of by accident, but there was a sticky note saying that a drug rep from Questru had called to see when it might be convenient for him to stop by. He didn’t pay it much attention, certain that Samantha would have given a good answer.

  Just then, his desk phone rang. Andrew picked it up.

  “Dr. Andrew Harrington,” he answered.

  “Um… hi?” asked a quiet, timid female voice on the end of the line.

  “May I ask who’s calling?” Andrew queried, a little confused by the call.

  “This is Molly, from the airport,” the girl told him. Andrew had to think for a second, but once he realized who it was, he felt his heart race for a second. Molly. Of course he remembered her.

  “Hi, Molly,” he said, his voice sounding gentler. “I didn’t think I’d hear from you after this long. I figured everything must have worked itself out.” He could hear Molly gulp a little on the other end of the phone.

  “I hope I’m not bothering you,” was all she said.

  “No, not at all!” Andrew told her. As surprised as he was to hear from her, it certainly wasn’t an unwelcome call. “Is there something I can do to help you?”

  “Well, you see, I’m having kind of a situation,” Molly admitted.


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