The Doctor's Little Girl

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The Doctor's Little Girl Page 5

by Alex Reynolds

  “Stand up,” he ordered. Molly stood, seeming like she had trouble balancing on her own two feet. Nervous little Molly reminded Andrew of a baby deer sometimes. She had the potential of grace, but her body just never moved exactly the way it should and she often teetered around in a way that he found endearing.

  Andrew took a minute to inspect her. She was wearing a badly wrinkled blue and pink striped blouse that was messily tucked into her knee-length black skirt. Her legs were bare and she was wearing her old, scuffed flats. Her hair had been messily tied back, and her face looked slightly shiny. She was probably sweating a little with nervousness. He couldn’t help noticing, despite the seriousness of the situation, how strikingly pretty Molly was. The usual word he used to describe her was ‘cute,’ with her button nose and her clumsy mannerisms. Still, her dark eyes were captivating and her features had a doll-like beauty to them. “Don’t move,” he told her.

  Andrew walked out of the reception office and into the waiting room. He double-checked that the main door to the medical suite was locked, then grabbed one of the straight-backed chairs and carried it into the room where Molly stood, waiting. She was twirling her hair in her fingers anxiously. Andrew wondered if she had figured out what was going to happen to her next. He decided to fill her in.

  “You’ve been behaving like a naughty little girl, not a proper young lady, haven’t you?” he asked.

  Molly seemed to be incapable of speaking and simply nodded slowly.

  “Do you know what happens to little girls who don’t behave themselves? Who don’t listen to what they’re told to do? Who break rules and treat people with disrespect?” he asked.

  Molly shrugged, still muted by her fear.

  Andrew sat down in the chair, making sure that he was comfortable. “They get spanked.”

  “Spanked?!” Molly cried out. “You can’t possibly mean that!”

  “Oh, I mean it, young lady. I’m going to turn you across my lap and give you a spanking on your bare bottom.”

  The girl turned brighter and brighter red. “But, Dr. Harrington, I’ve never been spanked before!”

  “Yes, that’s clear to me from your behavior. It’s time we changed that. Come here.” He beckoned to her with his finger.

  Molly inched her way over, dragging her feet across the blue office carpet as she did. She stopped about two feet away from Andrew. Having had enough of this, he reached out and grabbed her by the arm, forcefully pulling her over his lap. She let out a gasp.

  “This is the position that you’ll find yourself in every single time you disobey me in the future. That’s the only way this is going to work, and I think you’ll see that it’s going to work well,” he told her.

  Much to Andrew’s surprise, she didn’t struggle much. Instead, she adjusted herself, almost snuggling into his lap as she lay with her toes just touching the floor and her hands supporting her upper body.

  “Now,” Andrew told her. “I want you to ask me to lift your skirt and pull down your panties so I can give you a bare bottom spanking.”

  He could feel Molly trembling over his lap. In all honesty, he was trembling, too, although he tried to hide it. He couldn’t believe that this was real. He was really doing this, and she was really letting him.

  “Do I really have to ask?” she managed to get out, her voice cracking.

  Andrew forced himself to remain the calm and collected authority figure that he realized the young girl needed him to be. “Yes. Ask me for it and tell me you deserve it.”

  Molly lay still for another few moments, presumably building up the courage to speak. Finally, she let out: “Dr. Harrington, will you please lift my skirt and pull down my panties and… spank me?” The word ‘spank’ had been almost inaudible.

  “And how will I spank you, Molly? Andrew prompted.

  “On… on my… on my bare bottom,” she whispered.

  “And why?”

  Molly twitched and shuddered. “Because I deserve it, sir. For being a naughty little girl.”

  Andrew felt satisfied by this. Not only was Molly listening to him, but she seemed to be accepting what he was doing very well. He had expected that he would have to practically chase her around the office to get her to take her spanking, and he had been prepared to do that, but this was much… nicer.

  He felt exhilarated by his current position, but also filled with care and affection toward Molly. Lifting her rumpled skirt, he took a moment to look at her panties. They were soft cotton with butterflies printed on them and a narrow strip of lace trim at the top. They were childish and sweet-looking: the kind of panties that he always expected he would lift a naughty girl’s skirt to find. This felt very right. It was almost a shame to pull them down and expose her bottom.

  Almost. Andrew had a task to accomplish, and he was going to do it properly. He hooked his fingers in the edges of Molly’s panties and slowly rolled them off her bottom. They turned inside out as they went down and he couldn’t help but notice that the gusset was glistening with wetness. He smiled to himself. Good, he thought. I’m not the only one showing signs of arousal from this. His cock was hard as could be, and he had been somewhat worried that Molly would be able to feel it while lying over his lap. It didn’t matter that he was enjoying the sight of Molly’s naked butt, or that he had been fantasizing about spanking her ever since he first laid eyes on her. This was serious, and he was going to make sure that she knew that.

  “How does it feel to have your bottom bared and exposed for punishment, little girl?” he asked. He could hardly hear Molly’s response.

  “I’ve never felt so embarrassed.”

  “Good. You should feel embarrassed after behaving the way that you did.”

  Andrew placed his hand on Molly’s round, pert bottom cheek. Then, he raised it and landed it with a sharp smack. Molly bucked forward on his lap. He immediately repeated the action, slapping her crisply on the other cheek. He gave her a moment to let the fact that she was really getting a spanking sink in as he watched the lightest pink flush rise on her bottom, sensitive and responsive to its first attentions of this kind. Then he raised his hand again and began to spank with a quick tempo. Molly immediately began to squirm.

  “I’m disappointed in the way that you behaved today,” Andrew scolded. “I know that a smart and caring girl like you is capable of making better decisions than that.” Molly thrashed and kicked as he continued to spank without lessening the pace. The palm of his hand began to sting a little, but he didn’t care. If anything, he started to spank harder, feeling the momentum grow.

  “Owwwwwwwwww!” Molly cried, wiggling and struggling. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

  “You’re well on your way to being sorry,” Andrew told her, enjoying the redness that was growing on her cheeks. “I’m just getting started. I’m going to see to it that you really learn what you need to.” He continued to smack her bottom without giving her any break, hoping to build the sting to the point where it was overwhelming. Molly was obviously approaching that point, as she threw one of her hands back to protect her bottom.

  “Please, Dr. Harrington! This hurts!”

  Andrew grabbed her hand, holding it away from her bottom in his left hand with firm grip and began to spank even harder, focusing stinging swats on the undersides of her bottom, where she’d eventually have to sit. Molly let him hold her hand away and didn’t resist anymore, but he continued to smack that sensitive area, the slaps resonating throughout the office. Soon, he heard sniffles coming from the girl over his lap.

  “I can tell you’re starting to learn your lesson, Molly. That’s good. That doesn’t mean I’m going to stop, though.”

  Soon, Molly was crying outright, her complaints having turned to sobs. She heaved and wailed over his lap as he colored every inch of her bottom bright red, the places that he had focused on looking even redder. She had stopped supporting herself and was just lying over his lap, the fight gone out of her. Something about her crying, her helplessness, and the w

ay that she had given over to the spanking made Andrew feel even more aroused than he had before. He gave her a final volley of smacks, each one harder than the last. Molly’s crying intensified, and she shook as she wept over his lap.

  Finally satisfied that she had learned a lesson, Andrew rested his hand against her bottom. “Shhhh,” he whispered. “It’s all over, honey.” He rubbed her back gently in circles as she hiccupped with tears.

  After a few moments, he helped her to her feet and she immediately climbed into his lap, resting her head on his shoulder and crying into his shirt.

  “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I promise it won’t happen again,” she repeated.

  “I know you’re sorry, and I believe you. You’re alright now, aren’t you?” he reassured her.

  “Yes, sir,” she agreed, clinging to him more tightly. Andrew didn’t mind. He could stay like this all night.

  * * *

  Molly couldn’t believe what had just happened. Dr. Harrington had taken her over his lap and spanked her. Spanked. She didn’t understand why just the word made her tummy feel funny. She stood in the bathroom of the office, trying to dry her eyes. The doctor had just spanked her bare bottom. She had cried her eyes out. And she had never felt more loved in her life.

  The whole thing had been strange. It had hurt terribly. In fact, her bottom was still incredibly sore, and it felt hot to the touch, the skin seeming all swollen and hardened from the impossibly high number of swats she had endured. Yet the whole time it was happening, she had never wished that it would stop. Something clicked inside of her and she felt content and safe over Andrew’s lap. He seemed like far more of an authority figure than anyone had ever to her in her life, and she felt very young and small and vulnerable.

  And aroused. She could feel just how wet she was between her legs, and her pussy felt just as hot and swollen as her bottom. She lifted her skirt and twisted around so that she could see her bottom in the mirror. It was a bright red color, especially in the area where her bottom and thighs met. She marveled at the contrast between her white skin and her red backside. It felt strange to see herself this way, and part of her thought that this was just a dream, and that she would soon wake up in her bed, cuddling her bear. Still, she knew that it was real. It couldn’t not be. She had never been this horny in a dream before.

  Hell, she had never been this horny in her life. She leaned up against the bathroom door, her skirt still raised. She imagined that her bottom should have sizzled as it made contact with the door, but it only gave her a surge in the pain that she felt there. She slipped her hands into her cotton panties and began to feel the slick wetness all over her vulva.

  Slipping two fingers inside her tight and throbbing pussy, she began to rub her clit with her other hand. Masturbating was usually a long process for Molly. Normally, she lay on her back and took her time exploring her body, slowly climbing toward orgasm with every little circle that she made on her clit and every thrust she gave with her other hand until she finally exploded with climax and then always fell asleep exhausted, often with her hands still in her panties.

  She hadn’t touched herself at all since she moved out, because she was so loud, moaning and writhing when she experienced pleasure and it embarrassed her to think that Andrew was just down the hall. Now, she didn’t care that, for all she knew, he was just standing outside the door waiting for her to take her home. She had to cum. She felt like she was going to erupt.

  Unlike usual, it only took Molly a few minutes, and as she got closer and closer, her chest and face flushing red, she took her fingers out of her pussy and used her other hand to grab her sore bottom cheek, hard. The reminder of the spanking and the feeling of her own heat sent her over the edge and despite her best efforts, she wailed as an orgasm ripped through her. She slid down the door as she finished, wincing as she made contact with the cool surface of the floor, and sighed dreamily. Dr. Harrington had said that he was going to spank her every time she needed it, and she had a feeling that was going to be often.

  * * *

  Andrew smiled to himself as he heard the sounds of Molly’s orgasm echo through the office. He couldn’t have asked for a stronger sign that the spanking had been well received, although he hoped that she had maintained the important lesson that he was trying to impart on her despite her enjoyment. He was quite sure that she had, though. It seemed difficult to believe that she could have cried the way that she had without taking it to heart. No girl he had ever spanked had cried before. Those had just been playful spankings, something that girls had put up with as part of foreplay, and if they enjoyed it, it was only for the hot rush of blood to the lower halves of their bodies. But this had been real. There was no denying how real it was.

  After a few minutes, Andrew knocked on the door to the bathroom. “You finished in there, little girl?” he asked.

  “Sorry! I’ll be right out,” he heard Molly call. In a moment, the door opened and Molly exited. Her eyes were still red from crying and her face was still red from arousal. He was certain that her bottom was still red from the spanking, and that it was going to be for some time, but she had pulled her skirt back down, so he couldn’t see her glowing cheeks. She moved slowly and shyly, obviously very embarrassed by the whole situation.

  “After I punish you,” Andrew told her, his tone stern. “I expect you to thank me for correcting you. Do you understand?”

  Molly looked at the floor, looking like she was unable to speak from the shy feeling that was obviously overwhelming her. “Yes, sir,” she muttered.

  “Then go ahead now, Molly,” he instructed.

  Molly ground her toe into the floor, fidgeting nervously. “Thank you for p-punishing me, Dr. Harrington,” she whispered.

  “Louder,” Andrew insisted, “and look at me when you’re speaking to me, little girl.”

  Molly sighed, but mustered the courage to look him in the eye. “Thank you for punishing me, sir,” she repeated, louder and clearer.

  Andrew could see the flush of embarrassment overtake her whole face, her ears probably glowing as brightly as her bottom.

  “Good girl,” he praised her. “You took your punishment very well. I’m proud of you.”

  Molly smiled.

  “Now, to show you that I forgive you and to remind you that I only punished you because I care about you, I’m going to give you a little relief. Come into the exam room with me.”

  Molly’s eyes widened as he said that, and he was sure that her mind was racing. They walked into one of the exam rooms, Andrew flicking the light on as they came in.

  “Hop up on the table and wait for me,” he instructed as if he was talking to a young patient. Molly did as she was told, squirming about as pressure was put on her sore and punished backside. Andrew went into the prep area to look for some lotion. He knew there had to be something appropriate in there somewhere. Not finding anything and not wanting to put something actually medicated on Molly’s tender skin, he tried Samantha’s desk, where he found a bottle of ‘soothing lotion for tired hands.’ He checked the ingredients for anything that might be too harsh for Molly in her current condition but decided that it would do the trick.

  When he walked back in, Molly was still seated in the same position as she had been when he left. He smiled at her, pleased with her obedience.

  “Lie down on the table, on your tummy,” Andrew instructed. Molly did as she was told, her movements a little cautious and nervous, though. The doctor approached her and lifted her skirt out of the way, then pulled her panties back down, noting just how wet the gusset had become. He marveled at the sight of her bright, reddened backside in the sterile, white room. It was the most colorful thing in sight, and he couldn’t take his eyes off it.

  He then squeezed a generous handful of the lotion into his palm, rubbing his hands together to warm it up before touching her. When he did, she let out a little gasp of relief, and she cooed and wriggled happily as he tenderly massaged the cream into her skin. He rubbed her gentl
y until all the lotion had been absorbed, and then gave her bottom a soft pat.

  “There you go, Molly,” he said. “You can pull your panties back up and get up.” Molly did as she was told, and Andrew enjoyed the view of her red bottom for one last moment until it was encased in her cotton panties again. Then she climbed up and adjusted her skirt. “Let’s go home and put you to bed,” Andrew suggested. It wasn’t even eight o’clock yet, but Molly nodded vigorously. She reached out to hold Andrew’s hand as they exited the building.

  * * *

  When they got home from the office, Andrew parked the car in the driveway and then immediately turned to Molly and told her to go upstairs and get ready for bed. Molly couldn’t remember a time in her life when she had been sent to bed by someone. Even as a young child, her mother hadn’t really cared when Molly was awake or asleep: she was too busy wrestling with her own demons to notice things like that.

  Molly liked the feeling of being taken care of, and she was, after all, impossibly tired. She felt like she hadn’t slept in a week, and now that she had cried out all the stress that was keeping her awake, it was hard to keep her eyes open. She gave a quick “Yes, sir,” and then followed Dr. Harrington into the house.

  She climbed the stairs and went into her room. She changed out of her work clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor, then put on a clean pair of panties and an oversized t-shirt. She went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth quickly, then turned out the light and climbed into her bed, adjusting the blankets over her since it was unmade. She found her teddy bear and cuddled up to it. Just as she was about to close her eyes and start trying to fall asleep, she realized that Andrew was standing in the doorway.

  “Oh!” she said. “Hi, I’m in bed now.” She always found herself saying stupid, obvious things when she felt shy or nervous.


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