An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 3

by Suzy Shearer

  “But why? I’ve said no.”

  “I don’t know.” He grinned and cocked his head to one side. “Maybe the fresh country air might change your mind.”

  She immediately saw just how attractive he was. She thought she could understand why Erica had seemed to like him immediately. There was something playful, open, and inviting about him.

  “I’ve been trying to place you. I was sure I knew the face and I’ve just realised who you are, or rather who you were. You were ‘Issie.’ I remember you were in high demand and even now considered one of the best artist’s models in the business!”

  She groaned as he continued. “I’m sorry, Isabella, but I wish there was some way I could make you change your mind.”

  “I doubt it.” Isabella smiled to take the sting out of her words. “To be honest, I just don’t think I could hold poses anymore.”

  “Is that the only reason?”

  She shrugged.

  “I haven’t even considered modelling for a long time. I’ve been very busy. The last time I worked in the field was almost fourteen years ago. It was only when Erica started talking about it the other day that even made me think of it.”

  “Well, if you do change your mind will you let me know? Gabriel is desperate to find someone. He’s been asked to do a piece for a large upcoming exhibition at the Tate on sex and the female form.”

  Surprised, Isabella said, “They asked him to paint something? Wow, that’s an honour.”

  “I know. The exhibition is bringing pieces in from all over the world but he’s been asked to do something special, sort of the central piece linking the whole exhibit. It’s due in the middle of May so he’s got almost seven months before the exhibition opens.”

  Despite herself Isabella felt a stirring of interest.

  “What style of painting does he do?”

  “Mainly he does nudes. He works in oils. I guess traditional with a slight modern twist. Usually works on very large canvases.”

  Before Isabella could reply she saw Erica bearing down on them with a large foreign looking man about seventy in tow.

  “There you are, Isabella! Come, come! I want to introduce you to Señor Vargas.”

  Ian stood and said good-bye then added, “Please rethink your decision.”

  Standing, she shook hands with him and smiled before being introduced to Señor Vargas. In broken English he told her he had just seen Leigh Price’s grouping at the insurance company and wondered if Señor Price would consider a commission from him.

  Erica winked at Isabella as she said, “Señor Vargas happened to mention liking the figures and I told him you were Leigh Price’s agent, Isabella, and he wanted to meet you.”

  Erica then left the two of them to talk. Señor Vargas wanted a male nude stretched over a bull for his building in Seville. He wanted a sculpture for the front plaza. His real estate and investment company was called Tori Negro and he wanted something arresting for the place.

  “Building she no finish long time but want for Señor Price to make statue.”

  “Thank you, Señor. I’m sure he would consider it an honour. Can you tell me more of what you actually want?”

  “English no good.”

  He laughed, shaking his head. The following conversation was confusing because of his lack of English but she got the idea of what he was interested in.

  “We speak next week. Um…daughter’s office here.” Señor Vargas pulled out a business card. “Have daughter speak good.”

  Isabella smiled warmly and agreed.

  “You talk me lunes um…Monday. We take comida?”

  He mimed eating and Isabella said, “Lunch?” He nodded.

  “Thank you, that would be lovely, Señor.”

  He handed over the card and asked, “Twelve?”

  Isabella agreed and they parted. She felt really excited. A new commission always made her want to hug herself. She’d do a few rough sketches to take to the meeting and hoped he liked them. Also the commission would solve her problem about modelling. Now she could honestly say she didn’t have time.

  She’d been almost swayed into agreeing to model when she heard it was for the Tate. Isabella had been thinking it was just for some minor art work but if this Gabriel person had been invited to do a piece for the Tate exhibition then he was obviously someone with a very good art pedigree. She decided to escape and go back to the hotel. Searching inside, Isabella found Erica helping herself to dessert from the buffet.

  “Are you going, Issie?”

  “Yes, I hate these things. If it hadn’t been for Jake I wouldn’t have come. But guess what?”

  She proceeded to tell Erica about the offer of a commission from Señor Vargas. Erica pulled a face.

  “Damn, I was really hoping you’d take the modelling job. I was sure I could talk you into it.”

  Laughing, Isabella shook her head.

  “Can’t now.”

  “Hey, does that mean you were considering it?”


  “Double damn!” Laughing, she kissed Isabella good-bye. “Make sure you tell me if you get the commission.”

  “I’ll ring you after lunch on Monday and tell you how it all went.”


  * * * *

  Isabella was able to extend her stay by an extra day at the Shangri-La rather than drive home. She went out Sunday morning and bought a sketch book and a couple of pencils then spent Sunday afternoon sketching out ideas for the bull statue. She wasn’t exactly sure what Señor Vargas wanted but she could easily give him a few ideas to look at. Her sketching wasn’t all that good but at least it would give the man some direction.

  Taking her sketch book to the Monday lunchtime meeting, she was delighted to meet Señor Vargas’ daughter, Antonia. She looked to be around forty and was a very attractive woman with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes that seemed to sparkle.

  The meal was relaxed and most enjoyable. After dessert while they had coffee she asked Antonia to explain that she wasn’t the agent for Leigh Price but was actually Leigh. It took several hurried translated conversations back and forth as she told them she worked under that name and would prefer if they did not make it known “Leigh” and “Isabella” were one and the same. Señor Vargas tapped his index finger to his nose a few times and grinned.

  “Is our secreto.”

  She thanked him and then handed over her sketch book. Señor Vargas opened it then clapped his hands in delight. The three discussed poses. He wanted a few changes on one that struck his fancy, finally agreeing when Isabella roughly sketched his requests.

  Now the nude man would be lying lengthways with his back against the bull’s back, the head near the bull’s neck. His arms would dangle down as if he were unconscious or dead. Apparently Señor Vargas was against bullfighting and wanted it to be a mute statement. He wanted it to be the reverse of the bull dying. This would be where the injured unconscious matador was triumphantly carried out by the bull.

  When she asked for a date they would like the piece finished Isabella discovered that the building hadn’t even been started. The plans had just been approved and building was due to start in a month’s time. She groaned inwardly.

  Señor Vargas fired off a rapid speech in Spanish to his daughter who then told Isabella it was estimated that the entire building would be completed in approximately two to two and a half years. Señor Vargas was hoping that the plaza out front where the bull would go would be finished well before the inside of the building. He thought it would be ready possibly earlier than two years. Would she still accept the commission?

  As far as Isabella was concerned a commission was a commission. She could work at her leisure and still have plenty of time to accept other offers of work.

  “Yes, of course.”

  Señor Vargas smiled delightedly and then they got down to discussing price. Because the statue would have to be transported in two pieces to Spain and Isabella would need to be there for the installa
tion, the cost would be high but the man seemed quite happy to pay whatever she wanted. Jokingly Isabella said at least a million and a quarter and Señor Vargas didn’t even blink. He gave a broad smile and replied through Antonia.

  “If that is the complete price including transportation and installation, my father would be happy to pay.”

  “It would be.”

  “Then you have the contract.”

  They shook hands and Isabella told Antonia a contract would be drawn up soon. She explained about the “non-disclosure clause” regarding her name. Once it was signed Señor Vargas would have to pay a non-refundable deposit covering the cost of all the materials Isabella would have to buy. Then Isabella explained that payments would have to be made at various stages along the way until the final payment when the sculpture was installed.

  Señor Vargas wanted the contract drawn up immediately and would deposit the initial amount as soon as he signed. It seemed to Isabella he was worried she might change her mind so she told him she would have the contract sent to his office by the end of the week. She added that she would send him progress pictures all the way through the procedure so he could comment on the design. He would be welcome to come down to her studio at any time to study the piece.

  “Just let your father know that once the clay models are fired there can be no more changes.”

  Another rapid fire Spanish conversation between father and daughter followed. Señor Vargas grinned in delight once again.

  “My father is very happy with that arrangement.”


  After handshakes all round Isabella left in high spirits. Normally with this sized commission she would allow six to ten months but now she had around twenty-four. On the drive home she rang Erica and told her.

  “I can’t believe he agreed to the price. I was actually joking and thought we’d get down to some hard bargaining.”

  “He obviously wanted you to do the piece regardless. I looked him up and he’s filthy rich. His company is the most successful real estate one in Spain. Owns lots of houses scattered through Spain and France. He has an apartment in London, too, near the office where the daughter is in charge. She’s some big time investment broker.”

  “Well, that’s good to know. I told him there has to be a non-refundable payment made before I start and then progress ones. He wants to sign the contract now and give me the first payment.”

  “Now that’s great news. So you said it’s a bull?”

  “Yes, with a naked man stretched across its back. I have no idea where to find a bull to take photographs and do some sketches. Thank goodness I now live in the country. I guess some of the farms around me might have bulls but I’m not sure. I’ve definitely seen plenty of milk cows but can’t recall any bulls.”

  “I’ll ask around, too. I seem to recall someone said something about a farm recently but I can’t think who at the moment.”

  “Wonder where on earth do you find bulls?”

  “Don’t forget you’ll need a model for the male as well, Issie.”

  “Yes, I know. Have to go through your books and see who jumps out at me. I’ve got an image in my mind. Lithe, muscular but athletic rather than big thick muscles.”

  “There’s plenty of cute young things on my books.” Isabella could hear the laughter in Erica’s voice.

  “I have oodles of time so I’ll work on the bull first then sort out the figure.”

  “Well, if I find any bulls I’ll let you know.” Erica gave a giggle and said, “I know where there’s plenty of bullshit, just need to find the bull that dropped it.”

  “Oh, very funny. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.”

  “Bye. Hey, now you’ll have plenty of time to do the modelling gig.”

  Erica hung up quickly before Isabella could react.

  Chapter Three

  “So I found you some bulls,” Erica said gaily down the phone.

  “You did? That’s great, Erica. I went to the farm near me but they only have cows, it’s a dairy. The farmer told me I need to either find a cattle ranch or a stud farm. So is it far away from me?”

  “Actually, no. It’s about a thirty-minute drive. It’s a stud farm so they have a number of bulls.”

  Excited, Isabella wanted to know all about them.

  “They told me they have black Herefords and Angus when I rang. And guess what? You’re going to love this. The owner told me there’s a place a few kilometres away from the stud farm and they have a Miura bull which apparently is a breed used in bullfighting.”

  “You’re joking? Oh Erica, that’s wonderful!” Isabella felt so excited. “When can I see them?”

  “Whenever you like. The ones on the stud can be viewed by appointment.”

  “Can you give me all the details so I can make arrangements to see them?”

  “Sure. The stud owner sounded really nice, very friendly.”

  “That’s good.”

  Isabella noticed Erica’s voice change as she said, “Um…yes, the stud. I’ll text you the details.”

  “But what about the bullfighting one?”

  Evasively Erica replied, “You’ll need to speak with the owner.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  Erica breathed heavily down the phone.

  “It’s like this. It was Ian Holland who had said something about a farm. I remember him telling me that someone had a bull and had spoken with the stud farm owner about how to care for it. Not sure how we actually got onto that conversation but anyway I rang and asked him the name of the farm.

  “When I rang the farm the stud owner gave me the name of the bull owner when I asked if he knew. Well, um…Gabriel Milford just happens to own the bull.” Erica went on quickly before Isabella could add a retort. “Apparently he rescued it when he was in Spain on some painting thing. Got it shipped back here. So I just happened to ring Ian back and mentioned about your search for bulls. I didn’t say why, just that you were looking to take some photos of bulls.”

  Exasperated, Isabella groaned. “Oh no, Erica. You didn’t, please tell me you didn’t.”

  “Honestly, I just said you’d speak with the artist in return for letting you see the bull. I never said a word about modelling.”

  “Argh. Erica!”

  Isabella felt furious with her friend. It felt like she’d conspired against Isabella to get her to model.

  “I wasn’t to know, Issie. Let’s face it, who has a frickin’ bull for a pet?” Erica sounded surprised as well as embarrassed.

  Isabella counted ten silently before replying.

  “Okay, I guess you’re right but all the same.”

  “Look, all you have to do is speak to the man, that’s it. I said you needed to photograph a Spanish bull. Ian suggested you just speak to Gabriel, nothing else. Said the guy is nuts over the bull and always wants to vet who sees it.”

  Still fuming, Isabella said, “I don’t like this, Erica. I’ll speak to him but I don’t like it one bit!”

  “I’ll give you Ian’s number and you can work it out between you.”

  Angrily Isabella said, “Give me the stud number as well.”

  When Isabella hung up she felt like throwing the phone across the room. She knew Erica hadn’t intentionally put her on the spot but all the same now she was stuck. If she wanted to she could do some searching to find another bull or just use the ones from the stud. But she knew from a brief search online that she’d need a bull with horns to get the proportions and anatomy right. Unfortunately that was when she discovered that apparently not all bulls have horns.

  Did Herefords and Angus have horns? she wondered.

  Quickly logging onto her computer, Isabella discovered that Angus didn’t and nowadays most Herefords bred were Poll Herefords which meant they didn’t have horns.

  “Bugger! I’m on the horns of a dilemma.” She giggled then sobered.

  Looked like she’d have to speak with Ian but just to check first she rang the stud farm. She discov
ered that both breeds were polled, which meant they were hornless. She thanked the man on the other end of the phone after explaining who she was and why she was enquiring. He told her she was welcome to visit anytime, just give them a heads-up before she arrived.

  Well, she thought, that’s that.

  Isabella had a habit of talking aloud to herself as she mused, “I have to take this bloody bull by the horns and ring.”

  Before she could change her mind, she called Ian.

  “Hi, Ian. It’s Isabella Coburn. We met on Saturday night.”

  “Isabella, hi! How are you?”

  “Fine. Look, I know Erica spoke to you about bulls and I know your artist friend has one. I’m still not interested in the modelling job but if I have to meet up with him in order to get permission to see the bull and get some photos then I will.”

  “I understand, Isabella. Let me say first of all you’re under no obligation. I promise you that. I do understand that you’re not interested. Let me contact Gabriel and I’ll ring you back.”

  Isabella gave him her phone number then waited. About half an hour later Ian called her back.

  “Hi, Isabella. I’ve spoken to Gabriel. Rest assured I didn’t tell him you were a model. I just mentioned about the bull. He’s rather stupid over the damn thing and demanded he meet whoever wants to see it first. Basically if he doesn’t like you, you don’t get to see the bull. So if you’re willing to at least meet him then I’m very happy.”

  “Well, give me your address and I’ll come out there this afternoon, if that’s possible.”

  “No use coming to mine, no bulls here.” She could hear the laughter in his voice as he added, “But I’ll give you Gabriel’s address and meet you there about two.”


  Reluctantly Isabella wrote down the address and realised it was very close to her. She spent the morning in her studio. Now it was finished it looked clean and tidy but she knew within a few weeks it would be the usual organised chaos she tended to work in. Her clay had been delivered on time and she’d supervised the unloading. At least in this studio she had a designated area for the clay without it infringing on precious space.


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