An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 6

by Suzy Shearer

  Isabella felt so angry she was still fuming. How dare he come and apologise? She knew perfectly well it was all fake. He just wanted to get in her good books. Well, he was in for some major disappointment. She looked at the large pile of clay in front of her and groaned. Why on earth had she thrown so much on the table?

  Damn him.

  Grabbing a wet cloth, she covered the clay well then wrapped and tightened plastic over it all. Tomorrow she’d start working it. She dropped the clay-covered pair of glasses she used out here on top of the plastic. After washing up and rubbing her hands on an old towel, she turned off the heater, walked out of the studio and into the house. There was no other word for it, she felt despondent. Isabella thought taking her anger out on the clay would help but who could have guessed that Gabriel would turn up and apologise.


  Ha! What a joke.

  She could see through that easily. He thought if he gave her access to the bull then she’d feel obliged to pose for him. Well, she had news for him. It wasn’t going to happen. A plan began forming in her head and she laughed gleefully. Her idea seemed like a good one.

  Isabella intended finding out when he wouldn’t be home then go and take as many photographs as she could and hopefully get in a sketch or two. He’d given her permission. Yep, that’s exactly what she’d do. Tomorrow she’d ring Ian and see if she could work her little scheme.

  Arrogant prick. How dare he? She stood in the kitchen, tears prickling behind her eyes. Damn man! Why did he have to be so gorgeous? Why did she have to be attracted to him? She gotten used to being alone. How dare he fill her mind with such sexy ideas?

  When she’d turned and saw him looking at her she felt hot and bothered. Then when he kept apologising she wanted to throw herself into his arms and beg him to kiss her. This wouldn’t do. She’d sworn off men forever years ago. It wasn’t fair that he’d come into her life. Somehow Isabella had to make sure she never saw him again.

  The truth was she couldn’t trust herself around Gabriel. Everything she’d tried to ignore all these years had bubbled to the surface. Somehow she knew he would strip away all her defences. No—she had to make sure Gabriel Milford was kept well away.

  When Isabella rang Ian the next morning, she told him exactly what had happened.

  “It’s like this, Ian. He said I could see the bull any time I liked, in fact he said it twice. He didn’t say anything about him being there. So I figure if I ask you nicely you’d tell me when he was going out and I could nip over. I could get a few sketches done and take a pile of photos.”

  “Gee, Isabella, I don’t know. If Gabriel found out what you were doing and that I was helping…”

  Isabella could hear the apprehension in his voice and she cut in, “Look, Ian, if I get caught I certainly won’t bring your name into it. I’ll just tell him I came over but when I discovered he wasn’t home I thought I’d just take some photos.”

  Isabella knew he was wavering when he replied, “I don’t want to get offside with him. Not only is he my client but he’s my best friend as well, I think of him as my brother.”

  “I do understand. Will you help me?”

  There was silence for about half a minute then she heard him sigh.

  “Okay, as long as you promise if you get caught you won’t mention me helping.”

  “I promise.”

  “Isabella, I’ll help you but are you absolutely sure you won’t reconsider posing?”

  “Ian, the man’s an absolute pig. I don’t know anything he could do that would make me change my mind.”

  “I suppose I understand,” he said reluctantly.

  “Thank you.”

  “Look, I’ll ring you when I know he’ll be missing. He and I are supposed to be going through some photographs of some of his work for a book tomorrow. I think I can arrange for him to come to my London office to look at them instead of me taking them to him.”

  “Perfect. Thank you.”

  When Isabella hung up she had a twinge of conscience but not enough to call Ian back and cancel the whole plan. Going into her office, she grabbed her camera bag and made sure the camera was fully charged. Pulling her pencil case from where she’d thrown it after getting home, she laid it with her sketchpad on top of the camera bag, all ready to grab when she got the call.

  * * * *

  Ian walked into Pink Salt and followed the maître’d to his table. He told the man a guest would be joining him as he sat. About ten minutes later the man ushered Erica to the table. Ian stood and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Sorry I’m late, got stuck in traffic.”

  “That’s fine.”

  They both sat and she smiled across the table at him. Ian thought he could get used to seeing those lovely smiles on her beautiful face. They ordered their meal and a drink. Relaxing, Ian asked her how things were and she told him about the client she’d just spoken to. They discussed various common clients and then Erica asked him about Gabriel.

  “Isabella was really furious with him.”

  “She still is.”

  He told her about the plan Isabella had wrangled him into. Erica laughed.

  “That’s Issie all over.”

  She stared across the table at Ian and he got the feeling she was trying to decide whether to say something else or not. Finally she dropped her eyes to the table then back up again.

  Taking a deep breath, she said, “I think she’s scared.”

  It seemed a strange thing to say and it puzzled Ian as he asked, “Scared? Of what? Why?”

  “I told you he attracted her. You have to know Issie but she’s… well, she’s got this thing. She was attracted to an older man when she was just nineteen. Actually she thought she was in love with him but he treated her very badly. She discovered he was actually married with children and liked having younger women at his beck and call. While she was with him he started chasing other young women. Then something happened that she won’t talk about. I don’t know the full story, she refuses to tell me.

  “She left him suddenly but whatever it was it hurt her deeply and it changed her. For ages after it was as if she’d crawled inside a shell. For years she avoided any sort of relationship, she became very hesitant about men. Anyway, then she married another arsehole when she was thirty. I have no idea why, maybe she was frightened she’d end up alone. Anyway, everyone knew he was an absolute prick. He had a series of affairs and they separated a few months after getting married.”

  “Okay. I kind of understand.”

  “Yes well. They were separated eight years before they got a divorce. He moved overseas and for some reason Issie just never bothered making it formal. Anyway, he came back on the scene when she started making more money. Said he loved her still and wanted them to get back together. She refused so he turned nasty. Sent letters threatening her, he’d turn up at galleries or her house and abuse her physically and mentally. Of course he ended up getting nothing when they did divorce, in fact he got arrested and charged with assault. He had to serve community service and got a big fine.”

  “Oh my goodness, you’re right, he was a prick.” Ian shook his head in disbelief at the awful antics of the man.

  “You said it. Anyway, the outcome of those two experiences made her completely shut herself off from men. I wish I knew what was behind it all. I’ve tried several times to get her to talk but she clams up. For all her confidence she is really an innocent as far as men and sex go. She has the rare date for a meal but that’s it. Sex is completely off the table. Now she’s met someone who really attracts her for the first time and she’s terrified.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Oh yeah. She likes him more than she’ll admit and she’s running scared.”

  The two turned their attention to their meals and the talk turned to more general things. Ian was disappointed when Erica said she had to leave. He paid the bill and walked her back to her car.

  “I’ve really enjoyed today, Ian.”

  “So have I. I wonder if you’d like to go out again.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “How about tomorrow night?” He added, “I could fill you in on the bull surveillance.”

  She laughed with him and agreed. Ian arranged to pick her up at her apartment around seven and gave her a chaste kiss before saying good-bye. Smiling, he walked back to his own car jauntily when his phone rang.

  “How come we have to go to your London office to look at the photos? I thought you were bringing them here?”

  “Hello to you, too, Gabriel.” Ian laughed. “I was bringing them to you but now it’s easier to do them in the office because I have an early meeting in London first. It makes it easier than me rushing out to you. Anyway, there’s too much paint on everything in the studio.”

  He heard Gabriel agree reluctantly.

  “I’ll even buy you lunch,” Ian added as a temptation.

  “All right. I’ll be there at eleven-thirty.”

  “Perfect. I’ll book us a table somewhere. Don’t be late.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  Driving back to his office, Ian rang Isabella.

  “Gabriel is coming into my London office tomorrow. He’ll have to leave his place about nine-thirty to get here in time.”

  “Thank you so much, Ian. I promise I’ll only be there about an hour at the most and then I’ll get out. He won’t know.”

  Ian had his fingers crossed in his mind as he said darkly, “I just hope you’re right.”

  * * * *

  The next morning Isabella loaded up her car and drove over to Gabriel’s. She parked a short distance from the front gate and waited. About nine-forty she saw a black sporty-looking car pull out with Gabriel at the wheel so she scooted down in her seat so he wouldn’t see her as he drove past. She gave him another five minutes then pulled into the driveway. Ian had told her to drive past the main house until she came to a small walkway on the left between the buildings. The bull was housed behind in a very large field with an open stable. Following his instructions, she parked the car and walked down the lane way carrying her bag and case.

  Isabella couldn’t hold back her groan of dismay. Yes, there was the bull but the damn thing was right down the end of the field under a couple of trees. She dropped her sketchbook and case behind her then pulled out her camera and tried to focus on him but he was really too far away to get anything decent, even with the telephoto lens.

  “Hey! Bull!” she shouted and waved her arms. “Here, bullie!”

  Nothing. He didn’t even turn his head. Damn. There was a side door on the stable but she had no intention of going in there. Isabella looked up and down the fence line but there was no way she could get closer without entering the field. Knowing how unpredictable cattle were, plus this was a bull they used in Spanish bullfighting, she shelved that idea. There was no way she would get herself in any position where the bull could get to her.

  She called again. This time he actually looked in her direction.

  “Yes, come on!” she yelled loudly.

  He took a step then another. Isabella gave a grin of delight as he began moving slowly toward her. Another ten more metres and she could start taking photos. She’d just lifted her camera to her eye and taken one distance shot when her phone rang.


  “Get out! Get out now. Gabriel’s on his way back.”

  In panic she screamed, “What!”

  “He forgot his wallet. I told him it didn’t matter but he’s gone back. I don’t know how close he is so you need to get out of there fast.”

  Isabella quickly grabbed her camera bag off the fence post where she’d hung it and shoved the camera in. Racing down the walkway, she jumped into her car and drove quickly down the drive. As she pulled out and turned left she saw Gabriel’s car heading toward her. She kept her eyes ahead as they passed, her heart pounding, her mouth dry.

  She got to the end of the street and turned down a road to head home.

  “Oh shit!”

  She’d left her sketchbook and pencil case on the ground. In her panic she’d forgotten to pick them up. Pulling over to the side of the road, she thumped the wheel in frustration. There was no other choice. She’d have to give him time to get his wallet and leave then she could go back and collect the evidence.

  Isabella sat at the side of the road for a full thirty minutes. Gingerly she drove back and turned into the driveway. A sigh of relief escaped as she saw no other car parked anywhere. Leaving the car alongside the little lane, she raced down.

  It was gone.

  No sketchbook. No pencil case.

  Isabella sank to her knees. This was a nightmare!

  There was nothing to do but get out of there. Should she ring Ian and tell him? No. Better he act surprised honestly. As she drove home she rang Erica in tears.

  “What’s happened, Issie?”

  Pulling over to the side of the road, she poured out the story to Erica, who didn’t seem very sympathetic.

  “Maybe you should have just faced him and asked nicely to take photos instead of sneaking in behind his back.”

  “But he gave me permission,” she wailed.

  “I don’t think this was what he had in mind when he said you could see the bloody bull, Isabella,” Erica replied angrily.

  “Okay, okay. I know but…”

  “No buts. You’re going to have to face the music, Issie.”

  “I don’t want to see him.” She cried desperately, “I can’t see him. What am I going to do?”

  “Heavens, Issie, you’re a grown woman, not a teenager. Just say sorry.”

  “He’s going to make me pose.”

  “Is that so bad?”

  “I can’t be naked in front of him.”

  “Why ever not?”

  A fresh round of tears poured down her face.

  “I just can’t. I can’t see him. You don’t understand,” she cried unhappily.

  Erica’s voice softened.

  “Sweetie, it’s okay. I know you’re attracted to him. Just be professional. He’ll never know.”

  “I…it’s…” She sniffed back another sob. “I guess so but I don’t know if I can resist. If I can …”

  “Go home and relax,” Erica suggested. “It won’t be as bad as you think.”

  “Ya think?” Pessimistically she added, “I just know it will be awful.”

  “Open a bottle of wine, have a long relaxing bath. Stop imagining all the things that could happen.”

  “I suppose you’re right. I’ll ring you tomorrow.”

  “Bye, Issie.”


  Five minutes later Isabella pulled out onto the road and continued home. Her mind was in turmoil. How could she face him? She had no doubts he would confront her and demand she pose. She had no excuse. She’d have to do it. But how could she?

  She would have no defence against him, nowhere to hide. He hit every single button on her sexually. He was drop-dead handsome, he had that bad boy attitude. He looked like the sort of man who would make demands on a woman and expect her to comply without hesitation. She thought he would take a woman way out of her comfort zone but he would deliver so much pleasure. All these years she’d easily resisted men but with Gabriel she would let him take whatever he wanted. What was she to do?

  By the time she’d reached home and put her car away her mind was churning over. Every hidden awful fantasy surfaced and she tried very hard to push them down. He’d made every hidden dark thought of hers make their way to the front of her mind with his aggressive and assertive attitude.

  Those hidden secrets she kept locked away tightly most of her life. The ones just the thought of him made her crave. The dark desires she was so ashamed of feeling.

  The ones where she was tied spreadeagled and naked to a bed.

  The ones where she had no choice but to obey every single sinful order given to her.

  The ones where a hand would hit her tender flesh. The ones where… />

  Chapter Six

  Ian looked up in surprise as Gabriel stormed into his office like a whirlwind and asked, “Get your wallet?”

  “Yes, and that’s not all I got.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Gabriel dropped a sketchbook on the desk in front of Ian.

  “Had a visitor.”

  Ian looked at the sketchbook then looked at Gabriel with a puzzled look on his face.

  “I must be missing something.”

  Gabriel pointed to the book.

  “That sketchbook belongs to Isabella. When I went back home I thought I saw someone pull out of my driveway and I looked at the driver in the car as it passed me. It was her.”

  “She must have changed her mind about seeing you. Probably thought you’d be home in the studio.”

  “I don’t know. I was a bit suspicious so I wandered down to say hello to Ferdinand and there was this sketchbook and a case lying near the fence. Now you tell me. Why would she leave stuff there?”

  “How the hell should I know? You’ll have to ask her. Maybe she forgot it.”

  Gabriel glowered at Ian and put both hands on the desk.

  Leaning forward, he said suspiciously, “I think she snuck in knowing I was missing but panicked, leaving her stuff.”

  “How would she know you weren’t there and anyway why would she panic?” Ian was looking more and more confused.

  “You tell me.”

  With a bewildered look Ian said, “You’ve lost me, Gabe.”

  “Sure you didn’t tell her I’d be missing? Sure that wasn’t the reason you got me in here today?”

  Now Ian looked completely baffled as he said, “Why on earth would I bother doing that? You know as well as I do that when you’re in the studio everything you touch gets covered in paint. I’ve lost more photos to paint than I can count. I didn’t want these photos messed up. Anyway, I had a nine o’clock meeting here in London.”

  Gabriel wasn’t sure if Ian was telling the truth but he had to accept what he said made sense. Plenty of times he’d ruined photographs because of paint and Ian had been forced to get new copies done. He’d just have to take his word. Anyway, Ian looked completely baffled by Gabriel’s outburst and insinuations.


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