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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 18

by Suzy Shearer

  “It’s really beautiful.”

  “I think so, too. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. Ian thought I was crazy. Maybe I am. There’s seven bedrooms in the main house, each with their own bathroom plus what they call reception rooms—there’s seven of them.” He laughed, “Then that building on the left as you drive in is a self-contained home. It’s got another four bedrooms, three bathrooms, reception rooms and everything else under the sun.”

  “Heavens, Gabriel, that’s a big property,” Isabella said, surprised at just how large his home was.

  “Sure is. There’s so many outbuildings I’ve lost track. Not to mention a heated outdoor pool, tennis court which, I might add, I’ve never used and a dedicated gym. There’s close to three hectares of land all up, including the houses. I’ll have to give you the grand tour one day.”

  “Gee, it gets bigger and bigger. I’ve got four bedrooms and three reception rooms and I thought that was enormous, it’s on almost two hectares. There’s also a huge self-contained annex with two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room and laundry.”

  “Do you have family?” Gabriel asked. She liked the way he really sounded interested in their conversation.

  “Just my parents. They had a small pig farm. They still live in the same small cottage they bought when Dad finally had enough of pigs, sold the farm and retired about six years ago. Since I’ve bought the place I want them to move in with me but they’re still thinking about it. Actually I think my mother would but dad just needs a little more persuading. They’re both in their seventies—mum’s seventy-one and dad’s seventy-two. I worry about them being so far away, it’s almost five hours of driving, they live in Plymouth and the annex would be so perfect for them.”

  “Do you think they’ll eventually come?” he asked.

  “I do. Dad loves gardening and when I told him my place is overgrown and needs someone to give it a little love his eyes lit up. I think their main reason for not coming is they feel they’ll be taking some of my house and cramping my style.” She laughed. “Heaven knows what they think I do all day. But since I said they could live in the annex if they prefer rather than the house they seem to be more open to the idea.”

  Their steaks arrived along with a fresh small loaf of bread. They were both silent for a while, while they ate.

  “This is delicious, Gabriel.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you have any family?”

  “Yep, dozens.”

  Isabella gave him a startled look.

  “I have four sisters and three brothers.”

  “Oh my. That is a big family. Do you see them?”

  “Oh yeah, we’re actually all pretty close. I’m the second oldest. I have twin sisters, Milly and Angie, they’re fifty. Then there is me. In case you’re wondering, I’m forty-seven. Then let’s see.” He counted off on his fingers. “Ruth, she’s forty-five then there’s Michael forty-one, Raphael thirty-nine. Then the twins Hannah and Adam and they’re thirty-two.”

  “Two sets of twins?”

  “Yes, the last lot were a bit of a shock. Think my parents didn’t expect mum to get pregnant.”

  “I see you have a few archangels.”

  His raucous laugh had a few heads turning as he confided, “Yeah, but I’m the only corrupted one.”

  Isabella couldn’t stop her blush but she did giggle.

  “So what about your parents? Does everyone live close?”

  “My parents are both seventy. They live about ten minutes west, not far from you. Most of the family live within a twenty minute drive. Everyone’s married except me and Adam although Adam just recently got engaged, a nice girl called Marisa. I have heaps of nieces and nephews but don’t ask me to name them all. Everyone lives around this area.

  “My brother Raphael and his wife Jenny moved back here a year ago after living in France for six years. They’ve got two kids. I think they’re about ten and eleven. So if we’re all together I think there’s thirty-nine or forty of us. We have a big lunch once a month, rotate through each house.”

  “It must be good to have everyone living close.” Isabella sighed, wishing her family were near.

  “Adam actually lives in a tiny flat in Leicester but he’s looking for a house now he’s getting married. His fiancée’s family lives in the area so they want something close to everyone. Marisa works in London, rents a flat there but she wants to find a position out this way so she doesn’t have that two hour commute.”

  “What about Adam? Does he work in the area?”

  “Yeah, he’s a plumber, started his own business about five years ago. Got a couple of staff now and doing well. He keeps all his equipment at our parents’. Adam’s actually going to move into the guest house, should be here sometime next week, I think. I’ve told him he can stay there permanently if he wants.”

  “How will you feel having someone living there?”

  “It’s fine. My brother Michael and his partner Andrew lived there for a year while they were building their house. It’s separate from the main house and far enough away not to bother me. The good thing is Adam’s agreed to look after the upkeep of the grounds in return for living there. Anyway, Adam will be at work most of the time and then when he and Marisa get married they’ll probably have enough to do without worrying about me.”

  “That’s true.”

  “Can I interest you in a coffee or tea?”

  “Yes, thanks, I’d love a tea.”

  Gabriel stood and walked off to order their drinks. Isabella admired the way he moved. It was almost panther-like as he prowled rather than walked. She noticed a couple of women eyeing him as he walked past them and she got a thrill knowing she was with him. He came back about ten minutes later with a tray. Tea for them both plus two desserts.

  “I didn’t know what you like or if you normally have desserts so I bought two different ones—a sticky date and a bread and butter pudding.”

  “Are you kidding? I love desserts, any kind.”

  Gabriel’s grin made her smile. He put the two bowls between them and gave her a spoon.

  “These are my favourites. Let’s just dig in and share them both.”

  They worked their way through the desserts and drank their tea. Isabella was surprised at how relaxed she was with Gabriel now. They’d had a rather turbulent meeting but it seemed they had reached calmer waters, especially now that Isabella had well and truly accepted their mutual attraction. Gabriel drove back to his home a different way and pointed out a couple of houses.

  “That’s mum and dad’s house. I won’t inflict them on you yet.” He glanced her way and winked. Closer to his house he said, “That’s where Michael and Andrew live. They’ve just adopted a little girl.”

  He slowed as they went past a large sprawling complex. It was a large plant nursery and there was also a restaurant and parkland onsite. She could see a fairly new house built beside the main area of the nursery.

  “Is the nursery theirs?”

  “Yes, this whole complex belongs to them both. Michael has a horticulture degree and Andrew is a Permaculture Designer.”

  Isabella sighed. Gabriel was so lucky.

  “I often wished I’d had brothers or sisters. It was lonely growing up but my parents are really great people.”

  “Hell, you can have some of mine, I’ve got enough to spare.”

  Isabella laughed. It seemed this man could make her laugh often and she was loving it. By the time they reached his house she had a sore stomach from giggling. He helped her out of the car.

  “Thank you for lunch, Gabriel. I really enjoyed it.”

  “Maybe we can make it a regular thing, we’ve both got to eat.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “I should let you go. I know it’s been a rather…um…interesting day. I’m guessing you probably want to sort through your feelings.”

  Isabella was surprised because that’s exactly what she’d been thinking. It seemed this man was already insid
e her head.

  “I think I do.”

  He took her hands.

  “Issie, please don’t regret what happened.”

  She looked at him with surprise. His voice had sounded very uncertain.

  “I don’t regret it, Gabriel, not at all. I just need to…I don’t know. I need to understand my reactions, know there’s nothing wrong in enjoying things and realise that there is nothing sinful or perverted about them.”

  “That’s good. I know this has been a big day but know this. I loved every single minute. I’d love nothing more than to show you my world.”

  She searched his face. His desire for her was written all over it and something else—something more. It was almost as if he wanted her to love him. She caught her breath. In that instant she realised that if she took this further it wouldn’t be a little sexual fling, it would be a loving relationship—if she allowed it and she knew she would.

  “Are you okay, Issie?” he asked, concerned at her change of facial expression.

  She shook her head.

  “Um…yes. I just…” How could she say she could easily fall in love with him? “I’d like to see your world.”

  His grin turned her heart over. He pulled her close then dropped her hands so he could enfold her in his arms. He sighed happily then kissed the top of her head. Isabella looked up at him and he captured her mouth with his. She clung to him as if drowning, it felt as if he was all that was between herself and death. Her heart soared, her pulse raced, her arousal went through the roof as he took her mouth, fucking it with his tongue. When he finally released it, she hung on tight.

  “Shit, Issie! All I want to do is hold you forever, make love to you. Fuck you like crazy until you’re screaming non-stop. I want you to fall in love and love me forever.”

  It hit her like a runaway train—that was what she wanted too! It scared her, too. Was this just because she’d finally discovered she wasn’t a freak or was this real?

  Time will tell.

  “I guess we just see what happens,” she managed to say.

  “I guess we do, sweet Issie.”

  He opened her car door and set her in the seat. Leaning down, he ran a finger across her lips.

  “Think of me.”

  She almost rolled her eyes. How could she not? She gave him a grin as she started the car. He kissed her again, a soft gentle kiss but one that still held dark promises. Then he stood and closed the door. Isabella unwound her window and he leaned down to speak.

  “Want to have dinner tomorrow night? I can work on the painting through the day.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Okay, I’ll pick you up about six-thirty.”

  He stepped back from the car, allowing her to drive around the green circular patch. As she drove away he stayed watching her and when she reached the gate he lifted a hand in farewell. She tooted the horn then drove off, her mind soaring.

  What would tomorrow bring?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Not surprisingly, that evening Ian rang and asked Gabriel what was going on.

  “What happened?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “One minute you and Isabella are mortal enemies, the next you’re acting like two love-struck kids.”

  “We settled our differences.”

  Ian roared with laughter at that comment.

  “Come off it. If that’s a euphemism for having sex then I guess it worked.”

  “She’s amazing.”

  Ian’s voice went serious as he warned, “Really, Gabe, don’t mess with this one. She’s something special.”

  “I know, Ian, and I don’t intend to fuck up any more with her.”

  “I believe that. Hell, I’ve never heard you speak about a woman like this before. I can’t remember you getting all mushy and kissing a woman in front of me.”

  “Ian, I don’t want to lose her.” Gabriel’s voice cracked with emotion. He took a deep breath before continuing, “I’m not falling in love with her. I’m already there.”

  “Wow. That’s…shit. I don’t think I’ve ever known you to fall before.”

  “I don’t think I have but this is for real. I’m going to do everything in my power to make her love me.”

  “Well, I hope it happens, I really do. I love you like a brother.”

  Gabriel groaned. “Fuck, Ian, I’ve got enough of them.”

  They both laughed.

  “You know what I mean, anyway I just hope you both find happiness.”

  “Thanks, mate. What about you and Erica?”

  “Well, maybe you can keep your fingers crossed for me, eh? I like her a hell of a lot.”

  “For you I will.”

  “Hey, I’m fuckin’ blown away knowing that Leigh Price and Issie are one and the same.”

  “Me too!”

  “Shit. I don’t know, it’s like this really cool secret that I keep chuckling about.”

  “Funny how we both love Leigh Price and now Issie is in our lives.”

  “Yeah, know what you mean. That statue—man, it’s awesome,” Ian said and Gabriel could hear the amazement in his voice.

  “I know. It blew me away when I first saw it, still does.”

  “Gotta go. Don’t forget I’m coming to lunch with you and the guys on Sunday week.”

  “Damn, thanks for the reminder, I’d forgotten.”

  “Thought you might. Andrew and Michael would be very impressed I don’t think, especially after they got your mum and dad to babysit for them.”

  “Say, you going to bring Erica?”

  “When she gets back I intend to ask her.”

  “Then I’d better go to The Deli and figure out a meal for us.”

  “Good idea. I’d rather not have to raid your pantry, we’d only be drinking tea or coffee and eating biscuits.”

  “Yeah, know what you mean.”

  “I’m sure the guys at The Deli must consider you their best customer. Bet they rub their hands with glee when you walk in.”

  Gabriel could hear Ian’s laughter.

  “Probably, but the food is great. Anyway, thanks for the reminder, gives me a week to get organised.”

  “Perfect. Talk later, bye.”


  When Gabriel picked up Isabella the next evening she looked amazing. There was something about her that was different and finally he realised that she didn’t have a shadow hovering over her. He hoped it was because of the things they’d done.

  The night before his dreams had been filled with Isabella. Her beautiful body, the way she’d bite her lip. Her groans and the way she’d screamed his name when she came. All he wanted to do was throw her against the wall and fuck her brains out but somehow he managed to act normal. He gave her a chaste kiss hello and waited while she picked up her bag.

  She looked so beautiful in his eyes. Tonight she had on a simple dark green dress with long sleeves. It had a V-neck and buttons.

  Maybe I could just undo a few.

  She threw a thick shawl around her shoulders as they walked to his car. There was a conversation on two levels—one he was having with Isabella and the one he was having with his cock. It was hard to concentrate, especially when he leant in to pass her the seat belt. His face was level with those soft delicious breasts.

  Fuck it! She’ll have to get used to me if we want this to work.

  He let his cock take over and kissed the mound of her bosoms as he moved to stand up. He grinned to himself when he heard her little gasp. Walking around to the driver’s seat, he got in and looked across at her. That bottom lip was being savaged.

  “I know it’s too soon to expect total trust from you but will you put your faith in me to only do things that I know will excite you?”

  Nodding wide-eyed and warily, she said, “I guess so.”

  “Good. Then take off your panties.”


  The shocked look on her face made him wonder if perhaps it was too soon to go all macho on her.
  Still he said, “You heard. I’m in charge so take them off now.”

  He watched the struggle on her face and almost said he’d changed his mind when, after a minute or two, she wriggled and took them down.

  “Hand them over.”

  Reluctantly she passed them across to him. He stuffed them into the side pocket on the car door.

  “Ready for dinner?”

  A little voice said, “I guess.”

  He gave her a grin and drove off. When they reached the main road and settled into the drive he put his hand on her thigh. He could feel the tension in her body.

  “Relax, beautiful.”

  “It’s a bit hard to when you know you have no underwear.”

  He almost laughed aloud at the whiny attitude she gave him.

  “Hey, I let you keep your bra on, I could have asked you to take that off, too.”

  She turned her head quickly to look at him.

  “You wouldn’t.”

  He glanced her way and squeezed her leg.

  “Wouldn’t I? Told you I play dirty.”


  She clamped her mouth shut, maybe realising he could pull over and demand she take more off. He had no intention of pushing her too far yet but just the thought was enough to keep him happy.

  “Trust me, Issie, by the end of dinner you’ll be so turned on you won’t care.”

  She exhaled loudly through her nose but didn’t say anything. Pulling into the car park of a local Spanish restaurant, he helped her out of the car and ushered her inside. She tried to shrink against him as they were shown to a table.

  “Relax, Issie, no-one but me knows,” he whispered in her ear as she sat.

  The waiter gave them both a menu and left. Gabriel scanned his but watched her sneakily over the top of it. Flustered, she rummaged in her bag and pulled out glasses. He could see her hands shaking as she tried to concentrate on reading. He gave her five minutes then spoke.

  “I think I’ll have patatas bravas then huevos a la flamenca. What have you decided on, Issie?”

  “The gazpacho followed by pollo a la parilla, please.” Her voice held a timid shake and Gabriel almost burst out laughing.



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