An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 27

by Suzy Shearer

  Erica sat down. Isabella knew her tears were close to the surface again. She kept thinking about Gabriel, praying he would survive. When Ian came in she almost jumped out of the bed.

  “Tell me, Ian. Is he..?” she asked fearfully.

  “Hush. I’ve spoken to the doctors. His surgery is finished, they’ve got him in recovery, but he’s going to be okay.”

  Desperately she asked, “Are you sure, Ian? Really sure?”

  “Yes. It was touch and go for a while, his heart actually stopped on the operating table. The knife in his abdomen entered his liver. He lost a lot of blood and was bleeding internally. The paramedics rang ahead and the OR was ready as soon as he arrived.”

  Isabella sobbed. She looked up at Ian.

  “He died. I saw him die,” she cried helplessly.

  He took her hand and brushed her hair from her face.

  “They told me that he coded at the scene and he did the same thing on the operating table. You know Gabe always likes the dramatic.”

  Isabella couldn’t help it, she burst into tears with relief. Ian held her as she sobbed and when she finally stopped she looked at him.

  “What about his hand? That was cut, as well. I don’t know how bad it is.”

  “Neither do we but you’re both alive and that’s all that matters.” Ian wanted to know everything and said, “So tell us exactly what happened?”

  Haltingly again Isabella went through what she could remember. Some parts were vivid in her mind and others blurred and confused.

  “My god, Isabella! If Gabriel hadn’t turned up you’d be dead!”

  Tears were running down Erica’s cheeks as well as hers. Isabella began to realise just how serious things had been. She thought she’d been running high on adrenaline before but now it was all used up and the reality was setting in. Her lip and nose felt so swollen and she was having trouble speaking properly. The egg on her head felt so tender and painful.

  “It was Peter all the time. He was the one wrecking the studio and sending me those horrid letters.”

  “But why? I mean, he obviously wanted money but why be prepared to hurt or kill you?”

  “I don’t know.” Isabella shrugged.

  A nurse entered the bay where Isabella was and asked how she was feeling.

  “I’m better than I was.”

  “That’s good. I checked on Mister Milford. Once they let you out of here you will be able to go up. It’s on the second floor and he’ll be in room two-twenty-five. The surgeons are very happy with how things went with him.”

  “How much longer do I have to stay?”

  “Probably another hour at least. A doctor will have to give you the once over before they release you.”

  “I understand.”

  When she left, Erica sat back on the edge of the bed and Ian said he was going to see if Gabriel was back in the ward.

  “We looked in the studio. The police were just leaving. I shut the door and told your parents not to go in. Hell, Issie, there’s gallons of blood everywhere.”

  “Most of it’s Gabe’s, I think. He was covered in it, both his stomach and hand were gushing it out.”

  “I still can’t get my head around Peter attacking you like that.”

  “Neither can I. I mean, he’s money crazy but the way he was going on. He said he owed money.”

  “Stupid idiot probably got involved with a shonky money lender.”

  “Maybe. He told me he wished he killed me, even said it in front of the police.” She shook her head and held one hand out. Erica grabbed it and squeezed. “Erica, he was like a crazy man. There were four policemen restraining him.”

  Isabella still had trouble believing what had happened.

  “Hell. I wonder if he was on drugs.”

  Isabella shrugged again. “What time is it?”

  “A little after seven.”

  “Wonder how much longer I have to stay here?”

  Erica shook her head just as Ian walked into the bay.

  “Gabe’s out of recovery. Got his whole arm in this sling thing hanging up.” He laughed. “Looks dopey.”

  “What? The sling or Gabe?” Erica asked.

  “Both, actually.”

  “Did they say anything?” Isabella asked fearfully.

  “No, Issie. I just watched as they got him settled into the room. He was still groggy from the anaesthesia so I came straight back here after I saw him.”

  Three quarters of an hour later the doctor who had stitched up Isabella came back into the room. He asked her the usual amount of questions, checked her eyes, face and her head. Then he removed the cannula and put a small band aid across the wound.

  “Miss Coburn, I can probably release you but I don’t want you to be alone for the next day or so just to be on the safe side.”

  Erica piped up, “That’s okay, Doc. I live nearby and her parents live on the property with her.”

  The doctor smiled at Erica.

  “Excellent.” He looked back at Isabella. “Now, Miss Coburn, if you feel ill, feel dizzy or if you have a headache that just won’t go away I want you to go straight to your doctor. As well, you may feel a little disoriented, your memories of the event may be muddled or you may not remember it at all.”

  “I can remember all of it now but it’s kind of jumbled up.”

  He nodded.

  “That’s not uncommon at all. You may find your sleep pattern isn’t the same but everything should settle down over the next few weeks but if it doesn’t go back to your doctor.”

  “I understand. What about the stitches?”

  “Two weeks and they can come out. Just be careful using that arm. I want you to keep it in that sling just for a couple of days. It was a very clean cut although deep.”

  “I will.”

  “Your mouth will heal fairly quickly. The swelling and bruising around your face is the worst. You were very lucky. Neither your nose nor your cheekbones were broken. We’ll give you some cream to rub in to help bring out the bruising.”

  He left the bay and was back in ten minutes with her discharge paperwork, a tube of cream, and a small bottle of tablets.

  “There’s a note in there for your own doctor and these are for pain. You’re going to be in a lot of pain once the stuff we’ve given you wears off. These will help, they are a morphine-based painkiller. There’s enough for two weeks.”

  “Thank you. So I can go now?”


  Ian took charge of the paperwork and walked out of the cubicle so Erica could help Isabella change her clothes then they walked slowly out of the emergency department with Erica holding her arm, and to the lifts where Ian waited.

  “How do you feel?” he asked as they entered the elevator.

  “Not too bad. Dull headache and my arm is killing me. Feel a little lightheaded, too. My face feels like I’ve been hit by a truck.”

  Erica gave a snicker, “No offence, girlfriend, but it looks like it.”

  “Gee, Erica, you say the nicest things.”

  “Well you do. It’s all swollen and purpley red.”

  “Great,” she muttered.

  Then Erica asked, “When did you eat last?”

  Isabella shrugged.

  “Had a slice of toast about six this morning.”

  “What, girl? No wonder you’re lightheaded. We need to get you some food.”

  “Forget that. I need to know if Gabe’s okay. I have to see him.”

  Erica just gave her a look then said, “Well, you can spend the next few weeks relaxing.” Erica grinned at her. “I’ll stop at your house tonight.”

  “Erica, what about your work? You can’t stay, mum and dad can look after me. Anyway, you and Ian live only ten minutes away.”

  “Course I can. I just need a phone. I carry my diary all the time and anyway everything’s on my tablet. I can drive into the city in the morning while you’re checking up with Gabriel then I’ll come back. Anyway, it wouldn’t really matter if I didn’t go
in. Remember, I am moving the main office out to Leicester so I don’t have this two hour commute. The renovations to the new office will be finished next week.”

  Ian laughed as he said, “No good arguing, Issie. Erica will do whatever she thinks is right.”

  The three walked slowly down the corridor and into the room where Gabriel was. Isabella couldn’t hold back her moan of dismay. He looked awful, lying palely on the bed, his arm was elevated in a Bradford sling. He opened his eyes when he heard their voices. Isabella felt a tear run down her cheek—this was all her fault.

  “I’m sorry, Gabe. I’m so sorry,” she said as she reached his side.

  He held out his uninjured hand to her and she almost flung herself onto his chest, only stopping when she remembered his injury.

  “Issie, I have no idea what you’re apologising for. Give me a kiss,” he said weakly.

  She looked up. He grimaced when he saw her face.

  “On second thoughts, maybe you shouldn’t. My darling, are you all right?”

  “I don’t care if it hurts,” she said petulantly then lightly kissed him carefully.

  Sitting on the chair Ian pushed forward to her, she saw Ian leave the room. She took Gabe’s uninjured hand in her uninjured one.

  “I should have hit him on the head or got the knife off him.”

  They both laughed at her and Gabe smiled sweetly.

  “Dearest Issie, there’s no way you could have stopped him. You would have ended up being killed. As it was, if the cops hadn’t turned up when they did, I…well anyway. Are you okay? I mean apart from being smashed in the face,” he asked worriedly. “Why the sling?”

  “I don’t care about me, tell me the truth, Gabe. What’s happening with your stomach?”

  “It’s okay. Just a cut to my liver but it’s been repaired and I’m going to be fine. They gave me some blood. Now tell me what they said about you, Issie.”

  Angrily she retorted, “I’m fine. What’s happening with your hand?”

  “Isabella, tell me what they said about you first.” He may have been still recovering from his surgery but there was no mistaking the order.

  Stubbornly she said, “They said I’m okay.”

  Gabriel looked over at Erica. Erica raised her eyebrows.

  “She’s got a grade two concussion, a nice lot of needlework up her arm under that bandage and sling. Of course her face is a Picasso crossed with a Pollock study, as you can see, but nothing’s broken.”

  “Honestly, Isabella, why on earth can’t you tell me instead of leaving it to others,” he said in frustration.

  “I…I don’t want you to worry and anyway I’m okay now.”

  He snorted and gave her a look that sent chills down her spine and they had nothing to do with fear.

  “Gabe, what’s happening with your hand, please tell me,” she begged.

  “Apparently some of the tendons were damaged.” Isabella cried out as he continued. “They’ve repaired it all. Takes about six weeks to heal at least. Have a splint to wear on it all the time and they’re going to give me some exercises to do. I can’t use it at all yet but they said it should be completely healed in two or three months.”

  “Two or three months! Oh no.”

  He squeezed her hand.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve virtually finished that commission and I’m ahead of time so it won’t matter.”

  “But it will be okay, won’t it?” she asked fearfully, her eyes wide.

  “The doctors seem to think there’ll be no problems. They’re referring me to a physiotherapist.”

  Ian came back in and gave Isabella a packet of sandwiches and a cup of tea. She took them gratefully as Ian nodded wisely then asked Gabriel, “When do you get out of here?”

  “Friday morning. I’m just in here because I caused a bit of trouble. They want to make sure I’m fine before I get discharged.”


  He squeezed her hand, “I’m okay now, Issie, but apparently it was touch and go.”

  Isabella could feel a tear making its way down her cheek. She remembered seeing him lying covered in blood and unresponsive and she gave a shiver.

  “I saw you. You died.” Isabella covered her mouth with her hand as she tried to get the image of him lying there dead out of her head. “Gabe…Oh god, you were dead. I saw you.”

  “Hey, baby, don’t cry. I’m very much alive. Come on, sweetheart, stop getting upset.”

  “I thought I’d lost you.” She sobbed. “I didn’t want to live without you, you’re my whole world.”

  He took her hand and tried to pull her closer. Lifting her hand, he kissed it tenderly.

  “You two better live in the same house when you get out, Gabe. Isabella isn’t allowed to be alone for a few days.”

  Gabriel interrupted Erica to ask why so she explained about the after-effects of concussion then continued, “You’re going to be out of action for a few months, Gabe. Makes sense to move in together.”

  “That’s true,” Ian added.

  “Which house do you want to be in, Issie? They still haven’t finished the studio renovations for you at my place.”

  “Maybe we’d be better at mine. You can’t be tempted to sneak down and paint.”

  He grinned at her and she knew full well that he’d thought about doing just that. Ian twisted his foot.

  “She can read you like a book, my friend.”

  Gabriel laughed then looked frantic, “Fuck, my mum and dad. Ian, have you contacted them?”

  “Yeah. I’ve played it down. Told them I’d ring when I knew a little more. I said you and Issie had been injured but were both okay. Your mum wanted to come to the hospital but I said to wait until I knew if they were going to release you tonight or not.”

  “Did she accept that?”

  “Yes, on condition I ring her as soon as I spoke with you. I’m going to ring now so is there anything you want me to say?”

  “For god’s sake, don’t tell her I died. She’ll freak. Tell them it’s too late to come now.”

  “Will do.”

  Ian left the room and Gabriel closed his eyes. Isabella realised how drawn he looked. Now she knew he was safe she could relax.

  “Think we should go when Ian gets back, Issie. Gabe needs to rest and visiting hours are finished. Plus you need to rest, too.”

  Before she could answer Gabriel opened his eyes.

  “Yes, Issie. Go home. You need to recover as much as I do. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Isabella didn’t want to go home without him but knew it was impossible to stay. She nodded her head reluctantly. Ian came in with a grin on his face.

  “Your parents will be here as soon as visiting hours start tomorrow. I imagine the whole bloody clan will descend on the hospital throughout the day.”

  Gabriel groaned at the thought. Erica snickered.

  “I’ll drop you here in the morning, Issie, then I’m sure there will be plenty of people to get you back home.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Erica spent the night at Isabella’s. Isabella’s parents were so very relieved to have her home, her mother fussed over her, tucking her into bed while her father kept giving her hugs and kisses. Her father sat on the edge of Isabella’s bed after Erica had gone to bed while Jane made Isabella a cup of cocoa.

  “I’m so glad you’re safe, sweetheart. We’ve been so worried.”

  She sat up and leant into her father.

  “I’m okay, dad, but I’m so scared about Gabe, about what happened and if he’s going to be all right.” Isabella cried into her father’s shoulder.

  “He’ll be fine. You said the doctors were happy with the surgery.”

  Holding her away from him, he looked into her face, his eyes filling with tears. “Oh, Issie. We owe Gabe big time, he saved you.” His voice broke as he tried to continue. “If Gabe hadn’t come…If they hadn’t been able to save Gabe…”

  “Hush, dad, we don’t even want to think about that
. We know it’s all over, we just have to get better.”

  “I know, but it’s hard to stop thinking about it.”

  Isabella agreed as Jane came in with the cocoa and put it on the bedside chest. She fussed and fiddled with the blankets, pretending to act normal as Richard settled Isabella back in the bed.

  “Try and sleep, Issie.” She bent over and kissed her gently. “Do you want anything else?”

  “No, mum. Go to bed. You and dad look as tired as I feel.”

  Jane kissed her again as her father stood and gave her a light peck on the cheek before taking Jane’s hand and leaving the room.

  The next morning Erica dropped her off at the hospital. Isabella’s parents told her they would come to visit Gabriel in the afternoon. She had only been at the hospital about fifteen minutes when Gabriel’s parents arrived. She and Dorothy shared a hug and a gallon of tears.

  “So tell us the truth, son. I know Ian was holding a lot back.”

  Gabriel looked at his father and sighed. He didn’t want them to know how bad things had been but he couldn’t lie to them. They deserved the truth. When everyone sat Gabriel held Isabella’s hand and told them everything.

  His mother sobbed as Michael held her tight and Isabella blamed herself for all that happened. She kept apologising, saying it was all her fault. Gruffly Michael stood, came around the bed to where she sat and pulled her into his arms.

  “Never for one moment blame yourself for this, Issie. The only person to blame is the idiot who did this to you both. If Gabe hadn’t been there you would be dead.”

  “But Gabe died!” she wailed against his chest.

  “Isabella, look at me.”

  When she raised her tear-stained bruised face he smiled down at her with compassion and love.

  “What happened is over and done. Gabe is very much alive now. We’ve got you both. Do you understand? We couldn’t lose either of you, you both mean the world to us—both of you. Understand?”

  She gave a watery nod and he kissed the top of her head. After setting her back on the chair he gave Dorothy a hug and sat down. They talked about Gabriel’s physiotherapy on his hand and how it would affect any work he had at the moment.

  Isabella began relaxing. The past twenty-four hours had been the most terrifying she’d ever experienced and she hoped nothing else would happen. She kept touching Gabriel to reassure herself he was safe. Her arm ached and her face felt so tender, not to mention a delightful blend of rainbow colours but just the knowledge Gabriel was alive made her so happy.


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