An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 29

by Suzy Shearer

  “Don’t you dare open them until I give the word.”

  Leading him carefully down the step then onto the path, she took him to the grass circle.

  “Okay, open your eyes.”

  Gabriel looked at the sheet then at Isabella before tearing it off with a “ta da.” He stood silent for a moment then grabbed her.

  “Issie! Issie, it’s Ferdinand.”

  He sounded so excited, just like a child as everyone clapped and cheered. Letting her go, he ran his hand over the statue. He came back to Isabella and she could see tears in his eyes.

  “It’s beautiful. I love you. Thank you so much.”

  Isabella could finally relax. He kissed her again then went back to feeling the statue. Then he took a few steps away so he could see it better.

  “It looks perfect on the grass. Look at the way he holds his head. That’s just what Ferdinand does.”

  That made everyone decide to go down to the paddock to look at the cattle. Ferdinand’s girlfriend, Esmeralda, had arrived four months back and she was settling in very well with the handsome bull. Ian had warned him there would be calves running around if he kept them together but Gabriel didn’t mind. He knew of a few people who would be interested in having a Miura calf.

  The cold made the visit to the bulls short so en masse the family went back to the warmth of inside. The remainder of the day went off without a hitch and by four o’clock everyone was spread through the house relaxing. The older kids played on the Xbox in the upstairs reception room while some of the adults were still sitting around the table chatting. Isabella and Gabriel had settled on one of the couches in the main family room talking with Marisa and Adam. Marisa had accepted a post that Ian had arranged for her earlier in the year. They intended to get married the following April so Marisa had moved into the annex house with Adam. Isabella was playing with Ayesha perched on her knee.

  At the moment the bust she’d made of her was in the studio ready for final polishing. She hadn’t told Michael or Andrew, wanting it to be a surprise. The foundry had poured two casts—one for the parents, one for Michael Senior and Dotty. They’d already been sand-blasted and now Isabella was applying chemicals to give the pieces their patina, the oxidisation of the surface. Once she’d achieved the desired patina she would heat the surface with a torch then coat the pieces with Carnauba wax. This would stop any further oxidisation and she could hand out the sculptures. She’d been exceptionally pleased with the way they had turned out.

  One of the days she’d photographed Ayesha she’d been dressed in a fairy type dress. She’d been smelling a flower and looked so charming that Isabella had made a full length figure as well as the bust. She’d had two poured and they too were now ready for patination. She intended to put one in an exhibition she’d been asked to show at. The exhibition subject was children and Isabella thought it would be perfect. At the next family get together in November, being held at Dorothy and Michael’s, she would give the busts out and also the extra figure for Michael and Andrew. By ten everyone had left and Isabella and Gabriel went to bed, it had been such a full day.

  In two weeks the trial for Peter would be held and now that Gabriel’s birthday was over Isabella’s thoughts turned to it with fear.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Speaking to Isabella and Gabriel outside the courtroom sounding satisfied, Sergeant Wales said, “I don’t think this will be long, hopefully it will only take a day or so. Mister Watson has admitted the break-ins were designed to frighten you. Several of his accomplices have admitted giving false statements about Mr Watson’s alibi and also one has admitted lending his car. Watson’s also cheerfully signed a confession about the attempted murders and assaults.”

  “I hope so. Thanks for everything, sergeant.” Isabella shivered.

  “Yes, thanks, sergeant, you’ve made things much easier for Isabella.” Gabriel said shaking the sergeant’s hand.

  The sergeant said good-bye and left them. He’d been keeping them informed on all aspects of the case and Isabella had been thankful. Still, she’d be glad when the trial was over and hoped it went as quick as he’d said. This was her last ghost.

  Amazingly, and to the surprise of all those concerned, by late afternoon it was all over.

  Peter had admitted everything, in fact he seemed to brag about it. He signed his own guilty verdict when he screamed out that he wished he’d cut Isabella’s throat rather than her arm as they brought him into the courtroom.

  Apparently he’d taken to gambling and borrowed heavily. He’d been hoping Isabella would give him enough money to get a money lender and a bookie off his back after both men had threatened him, telling him he would suffer a serious accident if he didn’t come up with the cash. He thought he could force Isabella into giving him at least half a million.

  The only negative to come out of the proceedings was the knowledge that Isabella and Leigh Price were one and the same. Peter had discovered her secret and his idea was to try a little blackmail if the assault hadn’t worked. He seemed to blame everything that had happened in his life on Isabella and spent most of the time cursing and threatening her in court. The result was a forgone conclusion. Gaol with a long non-parole period and a permanent order against him to never contact Isabella again.

  With mixed feelings Isabella and Gabriel left the courthouse but discovered a rather large press contingent outside. In the courtroom there had only been two bored reporters who were probably covering the trial just in case it got juicy. The case itself wasn’t all that interesting to the general public. Unfortunately when Peter had outed Isabella as Leigh Price it became more interesting, especially adding in the fact that Isabella was the very famous nude artists’ ex-model “Issie.” It looked likely that the famous sculptor Leigh Price and paintings of a naked “Issie” would grace many front pages.

  Ian must have somehow got wind of the paparazzi gathering. He’d left the courtroom when the jury convened. As Isabella and Gabriel climbed down the stairs in front of the court house, he pulled up in front and they managed to scramble into the car. Still, the damage was done as they sped off to the sound of dozens of cameras clicking.

  “I was hoping I could smuggle you out the back entrance, Issie, but you’d left the courtroom.”

  “Doesn’t matter, Ian,” she said resignedly. “I’m going to have to face them at some point.”

  “Erica suggested you invite one or two to the studio to take photos and maybe give a brief interview. It should help to calm the frenzy in the art world.”

  Gabriel squeezed her hand, saying, “That’s probably a good idea, Ian.”

  “I guess so,” Isabella answered reluctantly.

  That was the last thing Isabella needed but she knew it made sense.

  “You know you’ll be hounded unless we head them off. There’s that photo of me standing in front of the Tate piece and speculation is now rife that I’m Archangel. Maybe I should end the speculation at the same time. Get the whole thing out in the open.”

  Ian looked satisfied as he said, “I was going to suggest that, Gabe. I’ve had a lot of reporters nosing around and asking if it’s true.”

  “Are you sure, Gabe?” Worriedly Isabella looked at him. “You could lay low.”

  He hugged her.

  “I think it’s time. It won’t devalue my work or yours for that matter, in fact it will possibly increase it. Probably be a nine days wonder and then we can get back to work.”

  Ian gave a quick glance back to them.

  “If you both agree, I’ll set something up. Get Erica on board because there’s bound to be questions about the great ‘Issie.’”

  “Argh, don’t remind me. There were enough when the Tate exhibit opened. Erica’s phone went crazy with artists wanting to book me and a lot got really angry when she told them it was a one-off.”

  Ian dropped them in a mid-city car park where Gabriel had parked the Subaru, telling them he and Erica would arrange the press conference at their home as soon as
possible. They drove back to Isabella’s house where her parents were anxiously waiting to hear what had happened. They were extremely glad that it was all over.

  “I must say, Issie, I think Ian’s right—get it all out in the open and hope the paparazzi get beaten at their own game.”

  They had coffee with her parents then drove across to Gabriel’s parents to report the news.

  Isabella felt so drained, these last few weeks she’d been feeling sick. Still, it had been an emotional day. Peter’s mad rants had hurt even though there was nothing more he could do to harm her. She’d pushed all the fears from the attack aside and once Gabriel’s hand had completely healed she’d try to pretend it never happened. Today she’d had to face it all again then to be outed on top of it all.

  Early the next morning Ian rang to say he and Erica had set the date for the press conference. It would be held at the studios the day after tomorrow at ten o’clock. He and Erica had worked on a press statement that would be sent out beforehand. In it would be the fact that Gabriel was the painter Archangel as well. It would give background on both of them.

  “You will probably both have to answer questions but we’ll try to keep it to a minimum. Also have to give them photo ops. They can take pictures of you in either studio—let’s face it, they’re close enough.”

  Gabriel had laughed at that comment. All that separated the two studios was a joint wash area and bathroom.

  The next morning he caught Isabella standing in the kitchen waiting for the coffee machine to finish making a coffee for Gabriel, her mind far away. For some reason she was still feeling nauseous. Isabella had thought these feelings of being ill would have passed now the trial was over. This morning she’d actually thrown up and couldn’t face drinking anything. She put it down to nerves because of the press conference.

  Maybe it was because so much had happened in the past eleven months. Now that the court case was over she actually felt elated despite this growing sick feeling. It felt as if the final thing from her past was now dead and buried. She knew now at last she could finally concentrate on the future—the future with Gabriel.

  “Earth to Issie.”

  “Sorry, did you say something?”

  “You were miles away, sweetheart.”

  “Just thinking that the past is finally gone.”

  He cocked his head and looked at her. He had the ability to make her weak at the knees with just a look. Somehow she just knew it would always be like this, he was so deeply entrenched in her heart nothing could ever move him from his home there. He reached out and ran a finger down her cheek. She shivered in delight.

  “We have all our tomorrows to look forward to.”

  She nodded.

  “I love you, Gabe, I love you more than I can say.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and murmured into her hair.

  “I love you, my darling Issie. You’re my whole life.”

  Isabella snuggled against him, this was where she belonged, safe in his arms.

  “Issie,” Gabriel’s voice sounded uncertain.


  “Marry me.” She pulled back slightly and looked up at those mesmerising eyes. She could read the apprehensive look on his face. “If you don’t want to, it doesn’t matter, Issie, just know I love you.”

  She realised that she honestly did want to marry him. All her ghosts were gone. They were finally laid to rest.

  “I want to. Yes.”

  “It’s okay, I understand.” Then he gave her a wide-eyed look. “Hang on! You said yes!”

  “I did.”

  He laughed and swung her around then crushed his lips against hers. She clung to him as his mouth took charge.

  “Are you sure, Issie? Don’t do it for me.”

  “I’m positive. When you asked me before I was frightened. Both my relationships had been disasters and the ghosts of them were still living in my head no matter how hard I tried to dislodge them.”

  She looked at him then around the room.

  “I know that’s a stupid reason for saying no but I think I needed to clean out the skeletons. I finally feel free. I finally understand it’s okay to want the dark side. Peter and Derek are no longer shadows in my head. I don’t have any doubts about myself, about you, about our future together.”

  “I understand, Issie. When you said no before at first I was hurt but when I came back and saw you’d been crying I knew it wasn’t because of how you felt about me, I knew you really did love me. I had an idea it was all caught up in the past. Think that’s why I asked today.”

  “Oh, Gabe, I love you, I really do.”

  “I know, sweetheart, and I love you more than I could ever have imagined.”

  He tipped her face toward him and looked down seriously.

  “Issie, there’s something else, isn’t there? I heard you this morning.”

  “Oh. I thought you were still asleep.”

  “That’s not the first time you’ve been ill. You’re not eating much lately. Tell me what is it?”

  “I don’t know. I thought it was the stress of the trial but that’s over. I should be feeling better,” she replied uncertainly.

  “Maybe we go see the doc.”

  “I’m sure it’s just a bug.”

  Gabriel put on his bossy face and Isabella knew no matter what she said or did they would be going to see the doctor today.

  “I’ll ring and see what time we can get in,” he told her then kissed her before picking up the phone.

  Late in the afternoon she and Gabriel left the doctor’s office. Neither spoke as they walked back to the car. Gabriel helped her in and did up her seatbelt. Once on the road he took her hand in his as he drove. Still the silence reigned. Isabella was so shocked that she had no idea how to talk to Gabriel and she knew he felt the same.

  They pulled into the garage and Gabriel helped her from the car. Hand-in-hand they walked across the gravel drive to the side entrance of the house. They’d almost reached it when Gabriel stopped suddenly. He grabbed her and swung her around and around until she was laughing. He set her back on her feet and looked into her face.

  “Isabella…” He pulled back a sob and she could see his eyes fill with tears. “Issie, I love you more than life itself. I can’t believe this. It…I…I never expected this,” he stammered.

  “Neither did I. I’m still in shock.” Isabella grinned at him. It was finally beginning to sink in. She couldn’t wipe the huge smile off her face and it seemed Gabriel couldn’t either.

  He kissed her with all the love and passion he felt for her then screamed at the top of his voice, “We’re going to be parents!”

  * * * *

  The next day Gabriel knew how nervous Isabella felt. This press conference coming on top of learning she was pregnant had really got to her. He’d tried to distract her all morning but it just didn’t work. By quarter to one she was a nervous wreck.

  “Sweetheart, why on earth are you so worried? You’re normally so confident.”

  “Yeah, well, normally no one knows who I am,” she said wryly. “On top of that I’m hoping I don’t puke.”

  He roared with laughter and tugged her braid. “Silly girl, you already did that this morning. Plus no one can deny your talent. It spoke for itself as Leigh Price. You never cashed in on Issie the model so hold your head up proudly.”

  “You’re right.”

  Ian and Erica took charge and spoke with the reporters first. Gabriel was amazed at just how many had turned up, including quite a number from foreign presses. The two agents explained that Gabriel and Isabella both worked in studios on the property and would be available, after a few questions, for photographs. Then the conference swung into action.

  At first most were interested in the fact that Isabella was once a nude model but then the questions about Leigh Price and Archangel took over. Finally Ian called a halt after thirty minutes, saying one last question. He pointed to a local reporter who had often given positive reviews t
o the works of both Archangel and Leigh Price.

  “Thanks. So last question. You both work from here. I’ve been inside and seen the two studios. Is there anything more to the relationship than art?”

  Gabriel glanced at Isabella and saw her bite her bottom lip. Trust her to excite him in front of all these reporters!

  “Isabella and I have been together for quite a while.” He took her hand. “In fact, she has recently consented to be my wife.”

  The loud gasp he heard was from Erica. Her mouth dropped open in surprise. Ian looked as if Gabriel had announced his retirement then he gave a huge grin. The cameras went crazy as flash after flash almost blinded them.

  Finally Ian stepped forward. “You’ve got fifteen minutes for photographs and then this is over.”

  Photos were taken inside and out. Isabella with Ferdinand and with her statue “Please,” a few in the studio where she’d begun work cleaning up the pieces of the bull. Gabriel stayed with her until Erica marshalled her into the house. Gabriel’s photograph was taken in front of a few of his pieces that graced the studio walls or standing alongside a pile of canvases. Someone wanted him standing with a handful of paintbrushes pretending to paint but the glare on his face soon dismissed that idea. Finally Ian ushered the remaining reporters and cameramen out, breathing a loud sigh of relief.

  “Thank bloody goodness that’s over.” He then hugged Gabriel. “Why didn’t you tell me about you and Issie?”

  “Probably because it only happened yesterday.”

  “Congratulations. I’m so happy for you both.”

  He put his arm across Gabriel’s shoulders and the two men walked into the house.

  Erica looked at Gabriel furiously, “I don’t know if I’ve decided to forgive you, Gabe.”

  “Forgive me? What for?”

  “For not telling me you and Issie are engaged.”

  He groaned but then she laughed. “Ha ha, got you. Issie told me you only asked her yesterday but I’m still angry you never told me. Why didn’t you ring us last night?”


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