An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 31

by Suzy Shearer

  Andrew spoke for them both when he said earnestly, “Oh, Issie, thank you. She’s beautiful, it’s our little girl. There’s no mistake. Thank you, thank you.”

  Before long the rest of the family were gathered around the van admiring the piece. Isabella knew it was good but to have the family’s approval was more important than all the prizes in the world. When the statue was finally re-wrapped and everyone had gone back to the warmth of inside, Gabriel pulled Isabella to him.

  “I told you they would love them.”

  “I know but I couldn’t help worrying.”

  He laughed. “You’re more nervous giving the family things than when you make a big commission piece.”

  “I know, isn’t it crazy.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  She, Erica, and the two mothers went bridal shopping. Isabella would have been happy to just wear something plain but Erica told her she’d regret not having a wedding dress. In the end she agreed so off the four of them went. They drove up to London to look in a few salons that Erica felt would have something Isabella liked but she just couldn’t find anything. They did find a lovely dress for Erica, an A-line dress with high boat neckline but with an intricate criss-cross and draped fabric detail on the very low back. It was in steel grey satin chiffon and they found a matching jacket that would keep Erica warm outdoors. The four lunched at a restaurant just down the street from the London office of Modern Models before heading off again in the afternoon for another round of salons.

  “This is crazy. I’m not going to find anything I like so let’s just forget this.” Isabella was feeling more and more depressed the longer they looked.

  “No.” Erica said, “let’s try the last two places on the list.”

  Jane took her daughter’s hand and asked her gently, “Issie, what would you like to wear?”

  “I…I do want to wear a lovely dress.” She was almost in tears. “But those we’ve tried on make me look like a beached whale.” Looking down, Isabella patted her stomach. “It doesn’t help that junior here is making me bulge in the middle.”

  Erica’s laugh was infectious and before long Isabella began to smile.

  “Come on, Issie, let’s go find one that makes you look like a spectacularly awesome beached whale.”

  Isabella burst out laughing so hard she thought she’d be sick. Her friend always knew the right things to say to make her feel better. Isabella allowed the others to drag her to the next salon. Still she was getting very down-hearted. This was the main reason she hadn’t wanted to wear a wedding gown. Most were designed with a slender figure in mind while those for plus-sizes tended to look like tents. Adding to that, she had a pregnant belly to contend with. Still, she’d give it these last two places then go find a nice dress instead.

  The four separated and looked through the racks, Isabella getting more and more discouraged with every passing minute. A saleswoman had hovered around her until she told her to leave. Suddenly Dorothy and her mother came rushing over.

  “We found it! Come look, it’s beautiful.”

  Isabella allowed the two mothers to pull her across the floor. Jane took a dress off the rack and held it up.

  “Mum, that’s no good. It won’t look any good on a larger woman.”

  “It will. Trust me.”

  “Do they have my size?”

  “Yes, this is. Go. Try it on.” Jane urged.

  Reluctantly she followed the saleswoman into a change room. The woman fussed and fiddled but wouldn’t let Isabella look in the mirror at all.

  “This is perfect for you. You look stunning.”

  Having heard that with every dress she’d tried on, Isabella wasn’t confident. Still not allowing her to see herself, the woman took Isabella back into the showroom. The other three were seated on a long couch as she was led in. She watched their faces fill with amazement. Her mother and Dorothy wiped their eyes as if crying.

  Hell, if I’ve got that sort of reaction maybe this one is okay.

  She was made to stand on a small raised dais then finally allowed to turn and look at herself. Isabella couldn’t believe it at first. The dress was so beautiful on her and she looked fabulous. The ivory lace A-line gown had a v-neckline, beaded detail at the bodice, empire waist, and long lace sleeves. A cathedral train completed the look.

  “Oh, Issie, you look stunning.”

  Isabella could hardly take her eyes off herself. No matter which way she looked she couldn’t fault this lovely gown. It fitted her perfectly. With the empire waistline her baby bump wasn’t too noticeable.

  “When are you getting married, Miss?”

  “In a couple of weeks, December sixth.”

  “Here in London?”

  “No, in Leicester where I live. In St. Margaret’s.”

  “How lovely. I hope you don’t get an early snow.”

  “Hey, Issie. Look at this.”

  Erica had got up and was now holding up a long fur cloak with a hood. It was the same shade of ivory as the dress. The saleswoman took it from Erica and laid it on Isabella’s shoulders, pulling up the hood.

  The effect was amazing.

  “Oh yes, Issie,” her mother said and stood. Tearfully she came over to Isabella and hugged her. “It’s perfect. You look so beautiful.”

  Dorothy stood and joined her.

  “She’s right, Issie. This is just perfect. Gabe won’t know what hit him when he sees you walk down the nave toward him.”

  Isabella felt as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world. She felt sexy, elegant, and stunning in the gown and the cloak. The saleswoman was all smiles as she made the sale. Isabella handed over her card, feeling very relieved and oh so very happy. The two fitted perfectly so there was no alteration to be done. The women grabbed a cab to take them back to Erica’s car then they drove home. She left the dress with her mother, she’d leave from her old house on the day. Thanking the two mothers, she and Erica drove back to Gabriel’s.

  “Are you happy, Issie?”



  * * * *

  Gabriel was as nervous as hell. Raphael kept laughing at him as he fumbled at the buttons on his shirt. In the end Ian fastened the buttons, tied his tie, and helped him on with his vest and coat.


  “I can’t believe how nervous I feel.”

  “I know the feeling, mate.”

  Jennifer tapped on the door and came in with a shot of whiskey. He grabbed it like a thirsty man and downed it.

  “I figured Gabe would need this.”

  Looking at the three people in the room, he said, “You’ve all been through this, how come it’s so nerve wracking?”

  They all laughed as Jennifer took Gabriel’s hand, she pushed him down onto a chair and proceeded to redo the bun on his head.

  “It’s a big step. It’s making a lifetime commitment to the person you love for all the world to see. Which reminds me. Andy rang. The press got wind of the wedding.”

  “Shit!” from Ian.

  From Raphael, “Fuck!”

  Gabriel sat in stunned silence as his father walked in the room.

  “Everyone ready? Time for photographs then we have to go.”

  They all traipsed out the room and down the stairs. Gabriel’s mother stood at the foot of the stairs, a flower for his buttonhole in hand. She pinned it to Gabriel’s coat and kissed him.

  “You look very handsome even if you’re as pale as a dead fish.” Dorothy laughed.

  Frazzled, he replied fretfully, “Oh gee, thanks, mum.”

  She laughed again and threaded her arm through his.

  The photographer took several shots of the group then a number of Gabriel by himself until he called a halt. He was convinced they’d look terrible anyway because of the way he felt.

  Dorothy whispered to Gabriel after kissing his cheek.

  “Relax, nothing will go wrong, and you’re marrying a wonderful woman who we all adore.”
/>   “I know, mum, but shit, this is nerve wracking.”

  She gave him a quick hug then said loudly, “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Somehow they managed to get a shaking Gabriel into one of the cars and to the church. Fortunately they were able to park behind it and avoid the press photographers gathered at the front. Dorothy said it was amazing that they got Gabriel into the church without him passing out. Ian made him sit in the front pew while they waited. Gabriel’s stomach was churning. He felt physically sick. He couldn’t understand it because he loved Isabella more than anything on this earth. From the moment he’d seen her he wanted her. Yet why feel so ill?

  With each passing minute he felt sicker. What if Isabella changed her mind? What if she’d only said she’d marry him just to make him happy?

  He heard Michael come into the church—no one could miss his booming voice. He came over to Gabriel and took one look at him.

  “Fuck, Gabe, you look terrible.”

  “Shut up, Mick,” Ian said gruffly.

  “Well, he does.”

  Gabriel looked at his brother and shook his head.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Yeah. Well, you’ve only got ten minutes to change your mind.”

  “Hey, Andy!” Ian called. “Come get your husband and tell him to shut his mouth.”

  Andrew handed Ayesha to Milly and came to the front pew. He took one look at Gabriel looking green and laughed before pulling Michael back to their seat. Gabriel tried to ignore everything around him and concentrated on his shoes. Finally he felt Ian jostle his arm and the pair stood, moving across the transept to the chancel. At last Gabriel took in his surroundings, noting the stained glass, the bays, columns, and arcades. It really was a beautiful church, when this was over he and Isabella would have to come back here and really look at it.

  * * * *

  Isabella surprised herself. She thought she’d be so nervous but in fact all she could feel was elation. She, Erica, and the two mothers had gone to have their hair and makeup done before returning to the house. Isabella had opted for a long convoluted braid with flowers here and there rather than a veil. She would be wearing the cloak to and from the church so a veil seemed a waste of time. When they returned to the house Dorothy kissed her good-bye, wished her luck, then went to Gabriel’s with Jennifer, who had dropped off the flowers. Isabella actually managed to eat a very light lunch before her mother told her it was time to dress.

  The nerves finally kicked in when she looked in the mirror and saw a beautiful bride staring back at her. Carefully she went downstairs with Erica holding her train. Her mother had arranged for a photographer to come to the house to take a few photos and for his partner to head to Gabriel’s.

  Once the photographer had taken a few dozen shots of her in the house, Erica helped her on with the cloak. She felt so glad Erica had found it because although the day was perfect, the temperature outside hovered around one degree Celsius. More photographs were taken outside then it was time to leave. Adam had insisted he and Marisa take her mother to the church so she had a final hug with her before Isabella entered the car with her father.

  Her father hugged her tight. “You look radiant, Issie. I do love you.”

  “Oh, Daddy, I love you, too. I’m so happy.”

  They were met at the church by a barrage of cameras.

  “Oh no, Dad, look at all the press.” Isabella was uncomfortable at seeing so many.

  “Just smile, Issie. You look beautiful so who cares.”

  He kissed her and then took her hand as she alighted from the car. Handing her the bouquet, he arranged her cloak, pulling the hood carefully onto her head. Together they walked up to the church entrance amid the sea of press photographers calling to her to look this way and that. Once they’d made the safety of the church Erica was there to help take off the cloak, check her hair and arrange her dress, ensuring the long train wasn’t tangled.

  Her father’s cheeky grin made her smile as he asked, “Ready?”

  “Ready,” she grinned back at him.

  He kissed her cheek. “For luck.”

  The organist had been playing Bach’s “Air on the G String” softly in the background when she gave a flourish and the guests all stood as Handel’s “Arrival of the Queen of Sheba” played. Dressed in a long flowing dress of soft dove grey, Erica walked toward Gabriel and Ian, a huge smile on her face. She reached the two men and the minister behind them, she winked then smiled.

  Isabella clung on to her father nervously until they heard the opening fanfare of Handel’s Water Music Alla Hornpipe begin. Taking a huge breath as her father gave her another kiss, they entered. Isabella felt as if all her life had been building to this moment, she felt so serene. Gabriel looked toward her, pale but smiling.

  * * * *

  Gabriel took a huge breath and turned to look down the nave. All thoughts of being ill fled as if they’d never been. He felt truly mesmerised as Isabella walked toward him, her lacy gown trailing behind her. As she got closer and closer it stunned him at how gorgeous she looked. He held his breath until she finally reached his side. Richard put her hand in his then kissed his daughter’s cheek. She smiled at Gabriel and his heart flipped.

  My god, this is real! She’s truly mine.

  He managed to remember his vows and recite his promises to her. Her sweet voice filled him with such love when she recited hers. They exchanged rings and finally were declared man and wife. He wrapped his arms around her and didn’t care who saw as he kissed her roughly and with every ounce of love he felt. Almost savaging her mouth, he took it for the first time as his wife. She clung to him as if in desperation as they kissed, his beard scratching against her tender skin. He’d kissed her like that very first time—rough and hard. Oh, how he loved her.

  He could hear Michael’s voice cheering them, hear others clapping and wolf-whistling but he wanted to keep kissing her forever. Alas, they finally parted breathlessly to more applause. After signing the register they walked back down the nave to the cheers of their friends and families.

  Isabella whispered to him, “I feel like I’m floating on a cloud.”

  “You must be because I feel the same way.”

  When they arrived back in the church vestibule, Gabriel helped her with the warm cloak before they walked out into the hordes of press photographers who had been barred from inside the church but were now waiting like a pack of rabid wolves. Dozens of flashes almost blinded them as the photographers vied with each other for the best photograph of the happy couple. Surprisingly, Gabriel no longer cared, he was also in the mood to be cooperative. They both smiled and happily turned when asked. After giving the press fifteen minutes they moved to the cars and travelled to Michael’s nursery. Gabriel held her hand tightly as if she might escape if he didn’t.

  * * * *

  “You look breathtaking. Have I told you how much I love you, Mrs. Milford?” he whispered in her ear.

  “No, Mister Milford, you haven’t,” she replied with a very cheeky grin.

  “Then I should rectify that. I adore you, you make me whole, Issie. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Gabe, more than I could have ever imagined,” she told him honestly and with passion.

  He leant in again to whisper seductively in her ear, “Do you have any panties on?”

  “Of course.”

  “Take them off.”

  Isabella felt a surge of excitement as she glanced at the driver then managed to wriggle out of her panties. Gabriel took them from her. Looking at the tiny lacy bikini, he then put them in his coat pocket.

  “Mm, now I know you’re naked from the waist down underneath.”

  He kissed her in his usual forceful way and Isabella could only melt against him. When they arrived at the restaurant in the nursery grounds Gabriel helped her out of the car then more photographs were taken with the family and their closest friends before heading to the warmth of indoors.

  The reception was an unmit
igated success. The food delicious, the band excellent, and the venue perfect. Isabella lost track of who and how many dances she had. It seemed as if she and Gabriel danced with everyone at least twice.

  The only hitch or rather embarrassment came when Raphael grabbed Gabriel’s coat for some reason. Gabriel had thrown it over the back of his chair earlier in the night. Raphael might have been looking for breath mints that Gabriel had thrown in his inside pocket. Whatever the reason Raphael put his hand in the pocket and pulled out Isabella’s tiny bikini panties. Surprised, but in typical Milford fashion once he realised what he had, he waved them around for all to see. Isabella felt her face burn but everyone seemed to find it very amusing. Some very X-rated suggestions were made as she and Gabriel became the subject of much family ribbing.

  Finally after one last dance together they made their escape. They’d had talked about getting a hotel room somewhere but both wanted to go home to their own bed instead. They were flying out the next day as they were spending a week in Paris before heading to a remote farmhouse in Ireland for another week and a half. Raphael drove them back. He flung Isabella’s panties out the window then laughed as Gabriel carried Isabella over the threshold before driving away. Gabriel looked down at her held in his arms.

  “Well, Mrs. Milford, what do you think I should do with you now?” he leered at her.

  “As I’m legally yours, I guess anything you desire.”

  “So I should tie you to the bed and smack your beautiful arse until it’s bright red.”

  “Mmm, sounds wonderful,” she answered eagerly.

  Dropping the cape on the floor, he carefully carried her up the stairs then stood her on the floor of their bedroom before taking a huge breath in.

  “My god, you look gorgeous in that dress but sadly it will have to come off.”

  She went to turn so he could undo the many tiny buttons but he stopped her. Lifting the front of the gown, he raised it until he could see her panty-less pussy. He gave a gasp of surprise.


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