Lily: Captive to the Dark

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Lily: Captive to the Dark Page 3

by Alaska Angelini

  I pressed my lips together as I pulled out the small card. The one word had me crumbling it in my hand before my brother could see.

  “Well?” Slade’s head cocked to the side. “What did it say?”

  “Nothing.” I forced a smile and stepped back, clenching my fist even tighter. At his step forward, I could so easily see the brother in front of me and not the boss. He’d try to get that card any way he could and I had every intention of trying my best not to let that happen.

  “Lily, let me see it.”

  My head shook and I felt the pins holding my hair up, loosen. “No. It’s gibberish, really.”

  “Lily.” The way his tone deepened, I knew this was my last chance before he’d physically remove it from my hand. Fuck, I hated how overbearing he was at times. But I couldn’t deny how much he’d helped me. Hell, continued to help. I was safe because of my brother. Back here…because of him. Would he understand what the card said?

  No. Even as I watched him take another step, I knew my guilt was making me overreact. Besides, maybe I was misunderstanding the meaning.

  “Fine. Here.” The small ball of paper that sat in my palm was picked up and unfolded. As I watched my brother concentrate, I knew he was trying like hell to decipher the same message I had.

  Red. It could be the color of the flowers. Passion. The code word for when I wanted the pain to cease. No. That was ridiculous. Zain was history. He didn’t exist anymore. What we had died in Afghanistan and all the memories I carried over were forbidden to resurface here. He was the enemy. He’d brainwashed me into thinking I loved him. And I had allowed it.

  “You want to explain?” Slade asked the question, but his attention was focused on the card.

  “Color of the flowers? It would make sense. They’re usually white.”

  That got his attention. His head snapped up. “Usually? I wasn’t told you were getting flowers.”

  I shrugged, trying to brush it off. “Maybe they’re from Brace. Maybe that’s why he neglected to mention it.”

  He tilted his head, even angrier, and I forced a laugh to cover my unease.

  “Calm, Slade, they’re not from your guard. He probably doesn’t even know they’re for me, if he’s seen them delivered at all. Your men stay downstairs now, at my request. The flowers could have been for anyone on this floor. Besides, they’ve been coming every work day for three weeks or so. They’re not a big deal. Today was the first day they were red or held any sort of card. They’re harmless, I’m sure.”

  “They’re flowers. They arrive every work day. They are not harmless.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Let’s drop it. Tell me more about Mary. Where is she? Is she at the penthouse?”

  “Hotel. And we’re not just going to push this to the side, Lilian.” He tossed the card to the shelf the flowers were sitting on and pulled out his phone. “The insignia is from a shop not two blocks away. I want to know who sent these.” At his back turning to me and the phone rising to his ear, I made my way back to the desk. Still, I couldn’t stop the shaking.

  “Marcio, I need some information. Lily has been getting flowers for the last few weeks. They’re coming from Betty’s Flowers. Figure out who they’re from. I want an address of where this person lives and a telephone number.” He hung up, but I didn’t miss the anger behind his stare before he softened. Slade might try to hide who he really was, but I’d seen that look before. I knew what he was capable of.

  The chair squeaked as I sat down. “So, what do you plan to do once you find out who my secret admirer is? Gouge his eyes out for being interested in me? Remove his brain so he can never think of me again?”

  My patience was gone. Something about my brother mixing in anything possibly having to do with Zain left me in a weird place. I knew my guess was probably way off. I doubted my Master even remembered my name, but I couldn’t help but get defensive on his behalf. And that only had my temper spiking even more. I shouldn’t try to protect the worst kind of criminal known to man.

  “Removing his brain or eyes because he has an interest in you is a little extreme. Even for me. What I will do is make it a point to meet this man and see what his intentions are. Why hasn’t he contacted you? You said it’s been three weeks. That’s plenty of time.”

  I shrugged. “Probably because he can’t get close enough to ask.”

  “Bullshit. All he would need is ten feet and he could try to get your attention from there. Or, he could call. He obviously has the address and phone number of where you work.” Slade came to stand before the desk. “Or maybe, he could have done the gentlemanly thing and called me. Asked my permission to date my sister. I would have respected that and possibly set something up.”

  A laugh burst from my mouth. “Call you? Slade, you can’t be serious. You’re…intimidating.”

  His full lips twisted into a smile. “All the more respect I would have had for him. Either he doesn’t have the balls to step up or his intentions aren’t good.”

  Zain wouldn’t have been afraid to face my brother.

  “I’m sure his intentions are fine. He’s probably just shy. Anyway, I’m not looking to date until I’m at least thirty. I need to focus on my career first and I seriously don’t see when I’d have the time.”

  “Career is good. Stick with that. I like the idea of not having to worry for at least another seven years. It works out for both of us. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go hunt through my computer for those documents for Mary. Call me later and we’ll set up dinner.” He began to walk toward the door when my hand outstretched before me. Panic was resurfacing and I didn’t like that my brother would know who this admirer was before me.

  “You’ll let me know, right?”

  “Know what?” Slade pulled the door open and I frowned at his blank expression.

  “Who sent the flowers. I want to know who it is.” I paused. “You’ll tell me, won’t you?”

  Silence reigned between us, but he eventually shrugged and nodded. “I’ll call you when I get a name.”

  The door clicked as he shut it behind him and I let myself lean back in the chair. Red. Could it be? Zain did say he wouldn’t let me go. Well, more yelled it as they were pulling us apart. And I always had taken him for his word. But…

  “No,” I whispered, shaking my head. I only knew him for four months. That amount was short enough where someone could hide their true colors. He wouldn’t keep his word on this. It had been too long. Where I expected him to come at the beginning, he hadn’t. It was over. I needed to just focus on what my shrink said and let this go. Let him go. He was my enemy. I had to remember that.

  Chapter 3


  Tests. Life was full of them. You either failed or they had the opportunity to change the path you were on. I pushed through the large glass double doors of Slade Industries, about to face the biggest one of my life.

  Metal detectors rested ahead and I noticed three guards in black uniforms standing beside them. Two of the men were on the younger side and another was a tad bit overweight. They were the least of my problems. The other four in civilian clothes, talking beside the elevators, were my challenge. Two were Lily’s. One had a shaved head and was almost seven feet tall. Brace. The other was a few inches over six feet and just as muscular as his partner. Terrance. The other two were Slade’s. Marcio and Caleb. They all seemed deep in conversation, but their eyes never stopped scanning the room. I’d done my research on those four and they were a force to be reckoned with. Together, they surpassed deadly. They were the finger of God and if they knew who I was, I was as good as dead.

  The hum of footsteps echoed through the large entrance, but I tuned myself out to everything as I strode through the detector as if I didn’t have a care in the world. My attention stayed straight ahead as I made a beeline for the elevator closest to them. If I was going to go through this test, I wanted to make it as hard as possible. To do that, I’d have to face my obstructions head on. For Lily, I’d do it with
honor. She deserved that after my failure to protect her.

  “Hey, where do you think you’re going?”

  I looked at the dark skinned man known as Marcio. He worried me the most. There was something not right with that one.

  “I’m getting on the elevator,” I said, nonchalantly.

  “You have an ID card? You’re not wearing one.”

  Fuck. This was exactly what I wanted to test out. Time to go with plan B and I didn’t necessarily like it. It would put me too close to Lily, too soon. But, it was either that, or these men were going to pry more into who I was. That could be dangerous.

  “No, I’m sorry. I just came here to visit a friend. I wasn’t aware I needed a card to do that.”

  Marcio’s eyes narrowed. “Who’s your friend? Do you usually socialize with them while they’re working?”

  I kept my face devoid of any nervousness. “Well, my friend happens to own this company and I was in town so I thought I’d stop by.”

  “Who would that be?” Marcio looked to Brace and relaxed his right hand for better access to his weapon. I knew he was carrying beneath his expensive suit.

  “Slade Roberts, of course. Should I call him so you can talk to him personally?”

  Tightening erupted down Marcio’s jawline and I knew he was starting to doubt himself.

  Before he could think too much, I continued. “I don’t mind, really. I can call Slade if you’d like to talk to him. Or, why don’t you call him? Let him know Zane Collins is downstairs. He’ll tell you to send me up.” My hands pushed into the pockets of my slacks as sweat broke out under my suit’s shirt. The damn red tie I wore was giving off the impression that it was choking me. Shit, I didn’t like showing up on Slade like this. Our run-in wasn’t coincidental like the others had appeared. Now, I would be here for a purpose and I’d have to make it believable.

  “Hold on.”

  My heart leapt as he pulled out his phone and hit a button. A few seconds went by before he spoke. “Boss, I have a Zane Collins down here. He says you know him.” Marcio’s eyes narrowed even more and he hung up the phone. Fuck, I didn’t like this. If Slade had forgotten who I was…if he had found out who I really was.

  “Go on up. Top floor. Head straight back and make a left. It’ll be at the end of the hallway.”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled as I walked into the already opened doors. My pulse exploded in rhythm and I couldn’t shake off how bad this was. If Lily saw me, it was all over. Damn, I should have come up with something better for plan B.

  The door shut and I took a deep breath, letting myself calm. Nothing ever got to me. I was a dead soul walking in a shell of a body unless it concerned my slave. Everything about her brought me to life. The new feelings were something I wasn’t used to, but I’d be damned if I was going to run from what I knew was too good to be true. I loved Lily with everything I had. Fuck, she was all I had.


  A light hum of voices all but seemed to stop as I exited. A man peered over the top of his cubicle, but lowered as he seemed to deem me unimportant. Or a threat. I wasn’t sure yet. My jaw was aching at how hard I was clenching my teeth together. I kept my head down as I walked toward the back at a torturous pace. My instincts told me to rush, to get out of sight before I was spotted, while the killer in me said if I did, it would draw attention.

  “Excuse me, may I help you?”

  I turned at the woman’s voice. She was a redhead, standing from her cubicle. The side of my mouth lifted into a charming smile, one I’d practiced repeatedly to mold into society. “I’m just here to see Mr. Roberts. His office is that way, right?” I pointed toward the left.

  “Yes, sir.”

  I didn’t miss the wariness on her features as she lowered and fixed her eyes back on the screen. Did people fear him so much? I didn’t. I’d yet to see anything threatening about him. Sure, there was that underlying dominance behind his mask, but I could see through it. He was someone to watch, yes, but be afraid of? I wasn’t so sure. Of course, I’d yet to spend any significant amount of time with him.

  A door opened toward the right and my chest caved in at the sight of my Lily. Her quick turn took her away from me and had me heading in her direction before I could stop myself.

  “Sir,” the redhead whispered, loudly. “That way.”

  A battle like none I’d ever known played out in my head and body. My legs didn’t want to move in the direction they needed to. It took pure willpower to turn myself and walk the other way. Angrily, I headed toward Slade’s office. The hall opened up at the end and another woman sat behind a large desk.

  “Zane Collins to see Mr. Roberts.”

  I didn’t even give her time to ask who I was. If I didn’t make it in there quick, there was no going back. I’d blast my way out of this motherfucker with Lily in tow. The beast inside of me was dying to claw its way back to her.

  “Go right in. Mr. Roberts is waiting for you.”

  The knock I gave came off louder than I intended, but I didn’t give it further thought as I opened the door and made my way into my once enemy’s office. Still seeing him, the temptation was there to spill his blood. He’d taken what was mine. Sure, she’d been abducted first, and she was his sister, but once she was owned by me, there was no going back.

  “Mr. Collins. Great to see you again. What can I help you with?”

  Slade stood, walking around his desk. He leaned back against the large mahogany structure to stare in my direction. Flashes of Lily hit me hard. I could see her in him. The lips, the color of their eyes. And then…nothing. My mind blanked for the first time in my life as I thought his question over. There were plenty of things that wanted to come, but rational answers wouldn’t break through. I licked my lips, lowering my head, but never taking my eyes off him. I could see his curiosity and something else. Regret? Uncertainty for letting me in his space?

  “I’m here to collect what’s mine.” And just like that, my eyes closed, only to wrench back open. I cursed in my mind.

  “I beg your pardon?” He pushed from the desk, tilting his head. There it was. Anger. But more than that. It was threatening rage, as if he only hoped I’d say something to set him off. Now I could see what put people at unease. Luckily, it didn’t faze me like it would most.

  “I have money and I want to partner with you. Name your price.”

  A deep laugh echoed through the room and I felt myself relax.

  “You want to partner? That’s hilarious. Sorry, I’m not looking for anyone to buddy up with. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  My mouth jerked, playfully. “Maybe.” I switched to French. “I’m in a predicament. You can say this is a turning point in my life. I need to start a legitimate career. Work on some form of stability.” I switched to Russian. “I have plenty of skills, but no work history. None that I can put down on paper anyway. Not unless it’s written in blood, that is.” Arabic. “I’m a killer. It’s something I love to do, but I can’t continue if I want to settle down and have a real life. A life with your sister. Fuck, I love her with every fiber of who I am. Soon, I’m taking her and keeping her for the rest of my life and there’s nothing you’re going to be able to do about it. Do you hear me?”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Slade raised his hand. “You lost me halfway through the Russian. I don’t speak the language very well. So, let me get this straight. You need a job, but you don’t have work history? Am I getting that right?”

  I shrugged. “Close enough.”

  “Sit.” He walked over, pouring two glasses of Scotch. I took the offered glass and watched him return to his chair. The man people feared was back. He looked ready to eat me alive. I almost wished he would try. A fight would do me good, although I wasn’t sure how much of one it’d be. I knew of ways to kill someone in two seconds flat. He didn’t appear to be an actual fighter.

  “I’m a little confused as to who you are. You attended the Paxton Banquete. I’ve seen you a few places after that. But you
don’t belong in the business world. I see that now. So, who the fuck are you?”

  My Scotch disappeared in one swallow and I rotated the glass back and forth in my hand. “I’m a man with a dark past, but I’m hoping to improve my future. My skills are varied and I don’t accept failure. I speak four languages fluently. I know a lot about money. How to earn it, and how to spend it. If it’s persuasion of a client, I can do that, too. Name it and I’m your man.”

  “You didn’t answer my question. Who’s the real you?” He took a gun out from inside his jacket, pointing it at me, but I never broke my stare.

  “I just told you.” I stood, walking a little closer to him. “If you don’t mind, I can demonstrate.”

  “You come any closer and your brains will decorate my floor. Who. The. Fuck. Are. You?”

  A sigh left my mouth. This was backfiring in my face. What the hell was I doing? “My name is Zane Collins. You know that. I’m a jack of all trades. All. Although, I’d like to put that part of my life behind me and look for something a little more…respectable.” A step closer brought me within perfect range. My hand lunged forward, removing the gun from his grasp. I had it disassembled in seconds flat. “I’m asking for your help. Something I never do,” I said, placing the pieces on the desk next to him.

  “Quite the party trick,” he said, raising his eyebrow, “but I’m not impressed. I’ve seen it before. And I’m not sure I can help you. You’re hiding something pretty big. I can feel it.”

  I laughed. “Aren’t we all?” The darkness in me swirled and I brought up my hand, shaking my head. “Listen, I’m going to be frank. You and I have the opportunity to get along great or we can be worst enemies. I really don’t need any more of those.”

  The ring of his phone had his hand coming up.

  “Marcio.” He pushed off the desk and headed back for the Scotch. Shit, was he going to have me thrown out? Killed for showing up and running my mouth, not to mention threatening him?


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