Lily: Captive to the Dark

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Lily: Captive to the Dark Page 31

by Alaska Angelini

  Knock. Knock.

  I opened my eyes, sitting up. “Come in.”

  Zain stepped through, giving me a smile. My stomach fluttered as I returned it. I had to rub my eyes to make everything focus. I still felt so tired.

  “Everyon is already gone for lunch. Well, minus the people eating in the lounge, and a few still at their desks.” Shit, had I fallen asleep and not known it? He shut the door and I stood. My pulse skyrocketed as he locked it and came forward. The look in his eyes darkened the closer he approached. “How are you? You doing okay? Pretty ugly argument earlier.”

  My hands held the edge of the desk and I nodded. “I’m good. It had to be done. Should have been done a long time ago but I wanted to give Willard the benefit of the doubt.”

  He paused, as if he were thinking something over. “I figured as much. You get Volstin?” His hand cupped my hip and he pulled me forward. My palm settled on his chest as I tried to stop the trembling from my arousal and fear of being caught. “I think so. Slade and I are meeting the owner tomorrow morning. It’s pretty much in the bag.”

  “I knew you’d do it.”

  Tighter, my hand buried into his suit jacket as he leaned down and nipped at my bottom lip.

  “My brother has cameras in here,” I rushed out. “He’s probably watching.”

  Zain shook his head slowly. “He left about fifteen minutes ago. Besides, he doesn’t have it recording. No one is watching. Would it matter anyway? I already told you my terms, slave. If I want to tie you to your desk and eat your pussy until you come all in my mouth, I will. Do you think you’re going to try to stop me?”

  My body swayed as he jerked at the clasp and zipper of my slacks. I could barely open my mouth before his hand was pushing into my panties and his finger was rubbing over my entrance.

  “Fuck, I’ve been so hot watching you all day. I’m half tempted to bend you over this desk and pound your pussy right now. I’ve missed hearing you scream.”

  I gasped as his hand latched in my hair and he pulled back hard. It lined up perfectly with his finger surging into my pussy. A small cry escaped me as he began a hard and steady thrust.

  “Master, I…”

  “Are going to come before we go to lunch. Better stop worrying about all of these people outside of your door if you want to hurry things along. Otherwise, when my hand gets tired, I’m going to strip these pants completely off of you and sit your sweet little ass on your desk while I suck all over what’s mine. I bet you’ll come so fast that way, won’t you, baby girl?”

  Imaging Zain’s head buried between my legs had me moaning out. “Yes, but…”

  “I already explained this, but let me do it once more. You are the slave. I am the Master. Period. It’s too late to go back on your decision now. You’ve already made it. Now, you don’t have a choice.” I nearly pushed down on his finger and begged him to fuck me. It was so hot, him leaving the decision out of my hands. It was something I needed. “I’m tempted to make you prove it.” I pulled at the buttons on his shirt, pushing the material back on his chest so I could place my lips against the tattoos covering his skin. Pressure pulled me back until I had to look into his face.

  “That’s a very dangerous thing for you, Lily. Don’t trigger my dark side. Right now is not the time. You get better first and then you’ll get more than you can handle.”

  “Did you ever think that maybe your dark is something that might help me, versus make things worse?”

  Zain’s lips pressed into my mouth, as if to silence me. “There’s no guarantee. Now unless you’re moaning, no talking.” His hand left my hair to move to my ass. I was pulled in close as his finger rubbed against my channel. At the pressure of his palm over my clit, I held him tighter.

  “Move, slave. Fuck my fingers and make yourself come.”

  The command sent my hips moving in a rocking motion. I didn’t hold back or worry about anything outside of my door. All I knew was my Master and how he was touching me on the inside. The push and constant attention to my G-spot left me rotating my hips even more.

  “Can I touch you?” My voice was thick and deeper as I stared up at him.

  Slowly, he shook his head, applying more pressure to the top of my slit. “Not this time. Right now, it’s just for you.”

  He pushed in deep and I could barely control not releasing. Faster, he thrust, until I was biting my lip not to scream out.

  “You’re so fucking tight around my fingers. I know you want to come, but you’re fighting it.” A smile pulled at the edge of his mouth.” Maybe you need some help.” The arm around my waist tightened and he lifted me higher, until I could barely reach with my toes. My face shot to bury in his neck while his fingers pounded into me. The slapping against my clit had my hand clawing at his suit. There was no way I could hold off any longer. “Do it. Come, baby girl, but you better fucking leave your mark as you do.”

  Even as he said it, I was already reaching up and pulling at the buttons and tie. With his neck before me, I aimed low and sucked as hard as I could. The spasms hit me in waves, causing me to moan while my body jerked against him. French poured from his mouth and it was something I noticed he did a lot when he was in his element.

  “God, I love you.” He left my pussy and brought his arm up, sucking my juices from his fingers, only to pull me in to kiss over them. My tongue traced up his digit, pushing into his mouth. “Fuck,” he growled. “I’m going to enjoy ravaging you tonight.”


  “Oh, you have no idea.” Blindly, he buttoned up his shirt and tightened his tie. “I have the day all planned out. We’ll eat lunch. Your brother explained I would only be working the first part of the day, so Richard already knows I won’t be coming back until tomorrow. After your appointment, I’ll drop you off at home and pick you up for dinner. Seven sound okay?”


  As I fixed my pants and put on my coat, I couldn’t stop from smiling. I felt lighter. So much more relaxed now that he’d made me release.

  Zain led me out and only a few people looked over as we got onto the elevator. The ride down was a blur, as I stayed trapped in his gaze. There was such intensity that I was shifting to have more of him. The moment the doors opened, Brace met my gaze and I smiled, nodding my head just the slightest bit.

  We turned to the right and I didn’t glance back to see if my guards were following. I had no doubt they were. When we made it to my car, Zain got in and started it, looking over. He was truly happy. The big smile he wore was nothing like I’d seen in our past. Even at our happiest moments, his face had never lit up as much as it was now.

  “This is great, right? You, me, work. And here I am, taking you to lunch and a doctor’s appointment, like I should have always been doing. It really couldn’t get better than this.”

  “I suppose not.” I smiled, a million things bombarding me. I might have been happy that this was the way our lives were turning out, but there was still a lot on my mind. Like Saul, for one. And then there was the whole Slade thing. How long was he going to put restraints on our relationship? It aggravated me. I felt so…out of my control. I’d had it for so long and now I didn’t. And Zain had no part in that. I loved submitting to him, but…there were things that just weren’t right.

  We left the parking garage and headed onto the main street. Warm air engulfed me from the heater and I tried to let myself relax. The problems would be there until they were addressed. In the meantime, there was no use in worrying over them. My guards would be keeping an eye out for any threats and time was the only thing that was going to assure my brother. I just had to take it day by day and with Zain by my side, I knew everything would be okay.

  Chapter 42


  One hour? Two? How long did Lily’s appointments usually last? I’d assumed an hour, that was the standard amount, but she’d been in there for over two and at the moment, I could hardly think. There was only one thing on my mind and it took me over completely.
  I scrolled through the display of rings on my phone, not really seeing anything that felt right. My slave would need the best, but not the usual style most women wore. She was special, therefore needed something just as much so. If I could get an idea of what I wanted so I could show the jeweler, I’d be better off.

  A groan poured from my mouth and I glanced back at the door that sat between us. What in the world was going on in there? If I didn’t know she was perfectly safe on the fourth floor, I’d have been knocking to check on her already.

  “Sometimes it takes a while.” Brace entered the lobby area, sitting down next to me. His hand came up to rub over his shaved head and I lowered the phone.

  “Define a while.”

  He shrugged. “Longest it’s been was a little over three hours. Lily doesn’t have a set time. When she’s finished, she’s finished.”

  “Ah.” I lifted the phone, beginning to scroll again. My eyes cut back over to Brace. “You’ve been following us all day. Is that a precaution on your part, or a lack of trust on hers?”

  The confused expression melted from his face into something of annoyance. “How the hell did you see us? We stayed as far out of view as possible. Any more and we would have missed everything.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I look out for Lily, regardless of what she may or may not order.”

  My forehead drew in. “Did she order you to or not?”

  “That’s between me and her. I like you, Zain, but one hundred perfect of my loyalty is with Lily. You have to understand that.”

  “Are you going to sit outside of my house when she stays over in the future? Or when she moves in with me?” It had been made as a joke but from the look on his face, I sat up straighter. “You’re not going to still be there, are you?”

  Brace sat back in the chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “If Slade wants me, or even Lily, all she has to do is say the word and I’ll be there. I have to admit, I don’t think I’ll back off until this uncle of yours is taken care of. I don’t like Lily under that sort of danger.”

  “That makes both of us, but you have to know that I’m always on the lookout. I won’t let anything happen to her again.”

  “Oh, I know you won’t mean to. It doesn’t mean to say that something won’t happen that’s beyond your control.”

  A sigh left my mouth and I looked back down at the phone, moving to the next page. “Lily will be safe. I’m putting all the precautions out to protect her from all angles. If you want to follow us around, that’s fine, too. It will just mean she’s safer.”

  “Exactly,” he agreed. Movement from the corner of my eyes caught my attention and he leaned in closer. “Rings, huh?”

  “Yep. I’m trying to find the right one and it’s proving to be harder than I thought.”

  “Does Slade know you’re going to ask?”

  Muffled voices had me clicking off the phone. “Yeah, he knows it’s coming. Not really sure what he thinks about it, but I’m not waiting. Lily’s belongs with me. If I can’t marry her, my ring will be on her finger until the day comes, however long that may be.”

  The door opened and Brace and I stood as Lilian walked out. Her eyes were puffy and I immediately headed in her direction.

  “Remember to call me if you need anything.” The blonde woman’s eyes narrowed at seeing me, but she stayed quiet.

  “I will, thank you.”

  My arm went around Lily’s shoulders as we headed for the exit. Brace followed behind and I stayed quiet until we made it to the car. “You okay?” I pulled the strap over her chest, buckled her in, and kneeled down, staring deep into her eyes.

  “Yeah, I think so. Reliving all of that just wears me down. I feel better, though.”

  “As long as you’re okay.” I gave her a light kiss on the lips and stood, shutting her door. Brace was walking in the opposite direction of the parking lot and I waited until he got closer to the SUV before I moved. Lily watched me warily and I wasn’t sure why. Did she know I suspected that she was having Brace follow us? Did she not trust me or was Brace truly just being safe? I got in, buckled my seatbelt, and started the car.

  “You feel like telling me how things went in there?”

  A sniffle had her wiping her nose. “Eight to nine months. That’s the average of how long I’ll have to go through this. That’s why I’m upset. My doctor said it could become manageable before then, but there’s no telling. I just can’t imagine having these flashbacks for that long. And, yes, they might not happen every day or even every week, but it just seems like a long time. Especially when you throw that number out of the window and face facts that this could continue forever.”

  “Or never again,” I assured.

  “I just want to be normal.”

  Where I thought she’d burst into tears, she didn’t. Lilian’s face turned hard, but a tear still escaped.

  “What is normal other than someone else’s view of the way things are supposed to be? It’s bullshit.” My hand cupped her cheek. “I’ll be here for you, no matter what happens. If it continues forever, then so be it. You have nothing to fear with me by your side. When you return from whatever scares you, I’ll be there to hold you and remind you that there’s no reason to be afraid. I’ll take care of you, Lilian. Forever.”

  Her hand reached out and grasped my wrist, holding it while I kissed her again. When she pulled back, she gave me a grin.

  “There, I like that. Keep smiling, baby girl. That’s what I love to see on your face the most.”

  I started the car and took off toward Lily’s building. The drive was hindered by traffic but we made it to the parking garage just in time to see Slade walking toward his car with Mary and his guards in tow. He waited until we parked and got out.

  “I was just about to head out to do a little shopping. How’d the appointment go?” His attention went to Lily and she stepped in closer to me. My arm automatically pulled her to my side.

  “It went good. I still have quite a ways to go before things get back to the way they were, but I feel better now that I’ve talked about it.”

  Slade nodded. “Good. I’m glad to know you were able to open up to your doctor. It’ll do you well.” He paused. “Listen, I was going to call a little later, but I should just tell you now. I talked to Mr. Volstin. He changed his mind about the meeting in the morning. He wants to discuss things over dinner. Be ready by six. You can ride with me. It may take a few hours to negotiate what I have in mind, but it has to be done.”

  Lily’s head lowered, only for her to look up at me confused. I could tell she was torn on what to do. This was her job, but I knew she was worried about our plans.

  “Go. We’ll have dinner tomorrow night.” I gave her a reassuring squeeze and I could feel the tension in her shoulders ease almost immediately.

  “Thanks,” she whispered to me. When she turned to her brother, her confidence was back. I could so clearly see it by the way her face became serious as she took on her business expression. “I’ll be ready at six.”

  “Good. See you then.” Slade turned and headed toward his car where Mary was waiting. She gave a wave that Lily returned. Brace and Caleb were getting out of the SUV and they trailed behind as we made our way to the elevator.

  “I’m going to leave you here,” I said, turning Lily to face me. “I have a few errands to run. Are you going to be okay?”

  There was surprise on her face while she peered up at me. “Yeah, I mean, I’ll just be getting ready in an hour or two.”

  “Rest before then. You need all that you can get after what you just went through. If for some reason you need me, don’t hesitate to call. I’ll come right back.”

  “I will.” There was strength in her voice as she stood tall. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in my slave. She’d been through so much, but if I knew anything about Lily, she was a fighter. She’d come back from this and the setback would only make her stronger in the end.

  Brace and Caleb led her inside and my stomach dropped as the doors shut. I knew what I was about to do had nothing to do with rings or visions of fancy romantic engagements. It was time I found out if Saul was trying to locate me, and I didn’t even have to go back to my car to find out. If anyone had talked to the front desk of my old building, they’d tell me. What I discovered would set the path on what I needed to do. Or…who I needed to deal with.

  Chapter 43


  First the multiple dinners, now this?

  I stared up from my desk, glaring at Slade. I knew what he was up to and I wasn’t so sure I liked it. Four days of nonstop distractions for both me and Zain. I was quickly discovering the motive of my brother’s plan was to keep us apart.

  “Lunch with the team?” My voice was sarcastic as I stood and crossed my arms over my chest. “What’s next, a business trip to the Cayman Islands? A business meeting in Tokyo?”

  Slade’s lips parted and his finger pointed at me, bouncing just the slightest bit.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I snapped. “That’s going too far. I’m not ready to be out of this state, let alone the country.”

  “Damn. Would you consider going to Tahoe?”

  “No!” I walked around the desk, trying to compose myself. Zain was bent over paperwork, his fingers working the keys on the keyboard. The pile next to the one he was working on was so high, I knew it would take him weeks to reach the bottom of it.

  “Come on, Lily. Work with me here. It’s barely been any time at all. If I can just get you to draw this out for just a little longer, we’ll have our answer.”


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