Black Mark Series Book 3: Black Mark's Heart

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Black Mark Series Book 3: Black Mark's Heart Page 20

by Ebony Olson

  "Dare!" I scolded. "That's our child's breakfast you're stealing.” I couldn't believe he was enjoying drinking breast milk.

  Darius let go. "Supply and demand, baby. You'll refill the milk bar while you sleep, and Mora, we are both going to sleep so well." He swapped to the other breast.

  I stared at the ceiling, surprised to find I was enjoying this. His hips thrust into my hand, and I started pumping and caressing him again. Darius's fingers found my heat and delved into me. There was no gentleness, just pure want and lust in the way he touched me. Darius lifted back to kissing me, a brilliant smile across his face. He most definitely looked like a cat that got the cream.

  "God, I've wanted to do that since Christmas, Mora." He looked down at my body. "And I've wanted to do this for a hell of a lot longer."

  He kissed me passionately while his fingers encouraged me to the brink of orgasm. Darius dropped his mouth to my shoulder and kissed along my collarbone as he grew thicker in my hold.

  "I want to be inside you, Mora. I want to fuck you so hard you leave nail marks in my back. I want to make you scream my name and feel your cunt milk my cock as you cum for me," Darius growled, his hand thrusting harder into me, forcing my spine to arch away from the bed.

  I rotated my wrist as I stroked him harder. Darius dropped his forehead to my shoulder. "Jesus, Mora! You're going to make me cum. I want to enjoy this for a lot longer."

  He pulled away from me and flipped me over to my stomach. Darius lay between my thighs, pulled my butt cheeks apart, and spat on my rear passage. I jolted, surprised. That was new. Darius's hands holding my cheeks apart also effectively pinned me. He used his thumb to massage his spit around my rear opening and I lay there blinking at the new sensation, unsure if I wanted to stop or see where this led.

  Jasper was into a lot of things, but he'd never once asked to penetrate my rear. It was the first thing Darius had asked me for when we'd finally gotten back together, and I'd said no. This time he wasn't asking.

  His fingers plunged back inside my dripping sex as he started licking my sphincter. I was suddenly very glad I'd showered before coming to bed. I closed my eyes and dropped my head into the pillow as I moaned loudly at the pleasure his hand was causing me. I could feel Darius's body moving back and forth against the sheets and understood he was using the friction of the bed to keep stimulating himself.

  I was on the brink of orgasm again when Darius spat on my butt a second time, used his thumb to rub it around, and then probed his tongue into my rear passage. It yanked me right away from orgasm while I blinked wide eyed at the unusual sensation. I wasn't sure if I liked it, but I wasn't not liking it.

  Darius moved to the bedside table, opening the drawer to take something out. "You're going to really enjoy what I'm about to do to you." Darius slid my vibrator into me and turned it on. He gave the vibrator a few tugs until I threw my head back and moaned. Darius left the vibrator there, knowing he'd found the right spot. "I can't believe you'll let a guy bleed you, but not bugger you."

  "Jasper's not into that," I informed him.

  "He's missing out," Darius chuckled. He moved into the bathroom to get the lubricant. He lay beside me, his face close to mine. His expression was one of caring and concern as he moved my hair back behind my ear and watched me carefully.

  "You could have said no from the start, Mora. You're curious for this, I can read that easily. It may be really uncomfortable to start with, maybe even the first couple of times, but I promise, you will cum harder than ever before."

  I was ready to cum now, the placement of the vibrator holding me on edge.

  "Do you trust me, Mora?" Darius asked.

  "Of course." I didn't have to hesitate with that question.

  Darius kissed my nose. "Then trust me to know your limits."

  He moved back behind me and I felt the coldness of the lubricant fall over that tight hole. Gently, Darius moved over me. Placing his hardness between my cheeks, he started sliding back and forth along the channel.

  I moaned. The weight of him pushing against me, combined with those small nudges to my vibrator, made my eyes want to fold back in my head. He didn't press to enter me, but I felt the weight of his cock growing heavier against me, and I could feel the tension in his hips.

  "Dare?" I moaned his name.

  "Mora?" He lowered himself into a sustained push up to bite across my shoulder.

  "I'm scared."

  "Do you want me to stop?" he asked carefully.

  I sucked in a breath and turned my face to his, using my hand to bring his mouth to mine for a passionate kiss. When my neck couldn't handle the angle any longer, I pulled back and dropped my face to the pillow. "Do it," I murmured.

  Darius pulled back, dragging my hips back with him to put me on all fours. "As I press in, push back as if you are trying to relieve yourself. It will make it easier and less painful on you."

  I nodded, hoping to God I didn't actually relieve myself. Once you've had a baby, these things become untrustworthy. Darius added more lubricant to his monster, spreading it before placing himself at my sphincter.

  He pushed gently forward, letting me know to start. I focused on his direction and bit my lip as he pressed into me. Uncomfortable wasn't the right word. There was an edge of pain to it, but with my front passage already full, there was pleasure to it also. Darius took his time pressing into me. He was gentle and careful.

  "Are you okay?" Darius asked once he was balls deep.

  I blinked at the full sensation. "Yes."

  "I hate that we lost two years together, Mora," Darius mourned. "I hate what I allowed to happen to us. I'm going to make it up to you, baby. I promise."

  "I never stopped loving you, Dare," I assured him. "Even when I hated you, I still loved you more."

  "I'm going to start fucking you now, Mora," Darius warned. "If it becomes painful, just tell me and I'll stop." Darius growled and thrust forward.

  I cried out, pain and pleasure mingling in my body so intensely that I wasn't sure which was more powerful. Darius gripped my hips and started pounding into me. I concentrated on opening my body to his anger and lust, and it was anger he was pouring into me now.

  I reached down and upped the power on the vibrator. My eyes went wide at the pleasure suddenly riding my body. I felt so full, but as much as society said what he was doing to me was wrong, there was something so right to my body about being stuffed completely.

  Darius hammered me hard and fast. I dropped my face to the pillow as I cried out at the mixed sensation of it. Pleasure quickly rising to overpower pain, Darius encouraged me to let go. I turned the power on the vibrator to full and could have screamed the hotel down. Darius cried out, able to feel the vibrations through my body. Then something new happened.

  I came, but I came screaming my pleasure into the pillow. I'd never been able to vocalize my pleasure before, never been able to breathe when my body clamped down. This time, while Darius unleashed himself on me, I was able to let him know exactly how much I'd enjoyed it.

  Darius jolted, and then suddenly, his rhythm changed, his thrusts deepened and became angrier as he groaned deeply. His body jerked against mine, then halted. He took a moment to catch his breath then laughed.

  "Shit!" Darius pulled out and dropped to the bed beside me with a glorious smile. I removed the vibrator and dropped to the bed fully. "That was even better than I fantasized," Darius confessed.

  "Hmmm," I murmured, biting my lip, my body still squirming.

  Darius grinned and kissed my lips. "Did you like it, baby?"

  "I came."

  Darius got that egotistical grin on his face. "I heard."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Two Weeks After Bora Bora

  "I'm going to kill him," I muttered to myself.

  I turned my head at the slight knock at the door. "Mora, you ready to go?"

  With a sigh, I packed my bathroom bag and closed it before I unlatched the bathroom door and opened it. Darius was leaning on
the other side looking at me nervously.


  His eyes raked over me, and I recognized that look in his eyes. He wants to tell me to forget tonight and let's get naked. Darius smiled. "Thank you for doing this with me. I know there are going to be people here you'd rather never see again, but business is business."

  "As long as we are home by lunch tomorrow," I reminded him. We were two days out from Willow's first birthday and I wanted to be home in time to set up for the party. I also missed my babies.

  Darius took my hand. "You know we will be."

  I let him tug me out of the bathroom and hand me my jacket as we walked out the door. He was nervous, trying not to show it, but I could tell. It would be the first event in London we would attend openly together, despite being a year after the tabloids had a field day with our secret marriage. His former Fehu brothers would all be in attendance tonight, and Darius was about to turn up and flaunt that he'd not lost a thing when he chose me.

  We rode silently in the car for a few minutes before I squeezed his hand. "You realize this is our ninth-year anniversary tonight?" I asked. Darius looked at me. "Nine years ago, we met at this same charity event, and you took me home and stole my virginity and my heart," I teased.

  Darius smirked. It didn't reach his eyes, that's how tense he was. "Want to be my virgin again tonight, baby?"

  I shook my head. I leaned in and bit his ear, my hand sweeping inside his tuxedo jacket and down to his groin. "No," I murmured. "I much prefer enjoying sex with you." I felt him harden in my hand. "Now relax. We are together, and they can't touch you anymore."

  Darius moved my hand from his groin gently. He cupped my face in his hands. "It's not me I worry about, Mora. Don't leave my side tonight."

  "What if I need to pee?" I asked seriously.

  Darius gave me his first real smirk all day. "We aren't staying that long, Mora. Two hours at best."

  I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding.

  "Now, do you want to tell me what's going on with you?" Darius asked.

  "Me? What do you mean?" I tried for innocence.

  Darius quirked a brow at me. "I'm talking about this." He touched my breast. I flinched and pulled back from his contact. Darius lifted my chin to look at him. "For days I haven't been able to touch you without you recoiling from me. Considering you are normally hanging to get me naked, Mora, that's quite a turnaround. Want to tell me what I've done to..." Darius's eyes went wide. "Did I do something wrong on Wednesday night? I followed Jasper's instructions..."

  "Dare, stop." I took his hands in mine to calm him. "You did really well with the bleeding. I loved it, if you couldn't tell." I smiled and Darius looked absolutely relieved.

  "So, why do you not like me touching you suddenly?"

  "I love you touching me, Dare. I hate when you are away from me because I hate going to sleep without your hands on me. It's not you touching me, it's where you're touching me," I educated. "My breasts are very tender right now. Give me a few more weeks to settle into the first trimester and I will want your hands on me all day long."

  Darius looked at me, confused. "First tri..." His eyes went wide and dropped to my belly. I hadn't managed to get it flat again after Willow was born. It was like I had a permanent little pouch now. "You're pregnant again? But you're on the pill."

  "Yeah well..." I grumbled. "Remember how I was really sick before we went away?" I asked. Darius nodded. "That rendered the pill ineffective, so, because you refuse to wear a condom, I'm pregnant again," I grouched. "Jeez, I must be the most fertile woman on the planet. We have unprotected sex even once and wham, I'm pregnant."

  Darius watched me, and I could see him trying really hard not to smile.

  "Don't you dare smile about this, Darius Rafal. I'm going to have three children under three when this bub is born," I warned.

  "We did agree on four, Mora." Darius struggled to keep his face straight while he reminded me of our agreement.

  "Yes, but at no point did I agree to have a baby every year until we got those four," I debated. "I expected a few years between each child like Jeremy and Cassandra." I hid my face in my hands. "God! Jeremy is going to kill me. My bookings were just picking up, and I go and get pregnant again."

  Darius took my hands away from my face, and that egotistical smile couldn't be hidden anymore. "Baby, you don't need to work for anything more than the love of your music, so don't start with that."

  I smacked his shoulder. "Stop being happy about this."

  "How can I not be?" Darius laughed. "I love you, Mora. I love you even more when you are carrying my child inside of you," he teased, rubbing his hand over my abdomen.

  "I'm serious, Dare, I'm not happy about this," I warned.

  "Mora, baby, I've spent the last few days thinking I hurt you or that something had happened to make you not want me anymore," Darius admitted. "I wasn't anxious about this party tonight. I couldn't give a shit what those assholes think. I was worried you didn't love me anymore. That I wasn't spoiling you or loving you enough. I was starting to have daydreams about you and Bill having crazy sex romps while I'm at work and..."

  "Bill?" I frowned. "You're insecure about Bill?"

  Darius looked at me. "You're always saying how good he is with the kids, you're the same age, and..."

  "And he's nothing like you," I reminded him. "Not in looks or personality. More importantly, he is not the father of my children or the man I love."

  Darius smiled, his eyes glittering as if he was the happiest man on earth. He sat forward and tapped the driver of the hired car on the shoulder. "Take us back to the hotel."

  "Dare?" I asked, surprised.

  "Mora, you don't want to go to this party. I would rather be home with my family. Let's go get our stuff, get on the plane, and go home." Darius squeezed my thigh. "I want to make love to you in our own bed."

  I smiled and nodded.

  "Back to the hotel please, and wait for us. We'll need you to take us to the airport," Darius directed.

  "Yes, sir," the driver acknowledged.

  Darius moved toward me and kissed me passionately. "What do you think it is? Boy or a girl?"

  I laughed, "It's a tadpole right now, Dare."

  He put his mouth to my ear. "I'm going to fuck you so hard tonight, Mora." I swooned. Darius laughed, pulling back to look me in the eye. "I have to get it while I can, Mora. A few more weeks and I'll have to be gentle until you're ready to let me have you again."

  I grabbed his tie, pulling his mouth to mine. "When we get back to the hotel, you're going to take me hard and fast, because I'm so horny my panties are drenched."

  Darius grinned, "Whatever you want or need, baby."


  Ten Weeks Later

  "Mora?" Darius looked at me, worried. I hadn't said a word since we'd left the medical center. "Mora, baby, come on, talk to me." Darius held my hand in the backseat.

  "I'm going to kill you," I muttered.

  Darius rolled his eyes. "Yes, you've said that three times now, baby. Can you tell me something other than my impending doom?"

  "We're going to need another nanny," I told him.

  Darius nodded. "I agree. Bill can handle the other two and the new nanny can deal with the twins."

  I looked up at him, those first moments of shock returning. "Twins," I whispered and looked back down at the picture in my lap. "They said we could still lose one," I reminded him quietly.

  "Mora," Darius pulled me close to soothe me, "They said if it was your first pregnancy, you may. This being your third, it's highly unlikely."

  "We're having twins?" I asked. I looked at the picture and started crying.

  Darius put his arms around me. "Come on, Mora, it won't be that bad. Yes, you'll have four kids under three for two months, but at least this will be your last pregnancy." Darius held my face to his chest.

  "Damn straight it will be, Darius Rafal," I growled. "As soon as these twins are born, you are booking in for a vasecto

  "What?" Darius tensed.

  I looked at him. "You heard me. We can both have stitches at the same time, but you'll still heal before my lady bits, so do not even think of looking for pity."

  "Just because Jeremy went and got one..."

  As soon as Cassandra found out I was pregnant again, she personally booked Jeremy in. They already had one child more than they planned, and since we'd been pregnant twice together, she wasn't taking the risk or giving Jeremy a say in it.

  Of course, we'd then found out that Alex and Tabitha, who married in the late summer, were expecting their first baby a few weeks before the twins were due.

  To top it off, Sophie and Warren found out they were expecting their first baby. Sophie's morning sickness kicked in while out to dinner for their six-month wedding anniversary last week. We were all waiting anxiously to hear if Zander's girlfriend was also knocked up.

  "Vet or no sex, Dare. That is your choice," I warned. "You heard the doctor. Any subsequent births could also be twins, or triplets."

  Darius sighed in surrender. "Let's talk about it when the twins are born. The likelihood is that after a few weeks of dealing with two babies simultaneously, I'll be very keen for a vasectomy."

  Clark burst out laughing in the front. Darius glared at him. I smiled. Darius saw it and touched my cheek gently. He kissed me on the nose then put his forehead to mine. "I love you, Mora Rafal. We'll be happy. I promise you."

  I lifted my eyes to Darius, saw how happy he was, and gave in. We were the family we'd always dreamed of being. The family he talked about us being that first night. I gave my innocence to him, he gave me his dream, and I'd held onto it from that moment on. Yes, we had some rough patches, but what relationship didn’t? We still disagreed sometimes, but the monster usually puts any arguments to bed with smiles on our faces.


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