BRICK (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 17)

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BRICK (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 17) Page 106

by Samantha Leal

  “So Liam, what do you do?” Ginny inquired as she sipped her latte. Liam added a single sugar packet to his Americano as he contemplated how to answer her question.

  “I guess the best way to answer that would be to say that I am a businessman of sorts.” Ginny gave him a puzzled look.

  “And what do you mean by that?” Liam was hesitant to expand on it any further, yet there was something about Ginny that made him feel at ease. The usually closed off and private man saw something in Ginny, something that he hadn’t seen in a very long time. It was a comforting feeling, almost familiar in nature. Perhaps that was why Liam didn’t stop the words from pouring out of his mouth. There was a connection between him and this girl, a connection he wanted to explore in more detail.

  “My family owns the Langley Corporation.” Ginny thought she was going to spray her drink everywhere. The Langley Corporation was a family with money in the billions, and if this guy in front of her was for real he was likely the second son, William Langley, of the current CEO, Edward Langley. The whole ‘Liam’ nickname was likely a way to help keep his identity secret. The family had gained its wealth starting all the way back with the railroads, and through constant diversification with new ventures they had built a reputation of being the closest thing to royalty in the United States. Ginny almost couldn’t believe she was sitting across from such a ‘prince.’

  “Are you really William Langley?” Ginny had to set her latte down for fear of another crazy revelation. Liam seemed rather perturbed by the question but answered it nonetheless.

  “Yes, though I would prefer if you didn’t share that with anyone. I enjoy my privacy.” Ginny shook her head in understanding.

  “No, I get it. It’s just a bit of a shock. It’s not every day that you meet a billionaire.” Even saying the word billionaire was blowing Ginny’s mind. Here she was, a nobody journalist, having coffee with the heir to the corporate throne. To say it was overwhelming would be an understatement.

  “I appreciate your understanding. I just want to enjoy my coffee with my beautiful date.” Ginny felt her face turn red again from embarrassment; he was almost too much.

  “You aren’t too bad looking yourself.” Ginny wanted to slap herself silly. Had she really just said that to the William Langley?! Shoot me now, Ginny thought to herself.

  Liam chuckled a bit at her slightly awkward statement, but didn’t tease her about it, which Ginny was forever thankful for. Instead Ginny decided to shift the conversation back onto Liam and away from herself.

  “So if you are from such a well-known family why do you walk around here every day? Wouldn’t it be better to just take a car or limo or whatever it is you drive around in?” Ginny questioned as she re-gathered her latte in her hands. Liam leaned back in his chair and smiled.

  “I like to walk the streets and breathe in the … well, I guess ‘fresh’ isn’t the right word, but I like to breathe in the air of the city. I don’t like to be so isolated from the people around me. Besides, no one really knows what I look like so I can get away with walking around town unnoticed. Though, I will say I wasn’t planning to have near constant run-ins with a certain red headed woman.” Liam smirked and Ginny thought she was going to die again from embarrassment. Ginny sputtered for words, but there was really no defense for her blatant actions. “Don’t worry, I always enjoyed our little run-ins,” Liam half-smiled. Oh God, Ginny thought to herself.

  “Heh, yeah, well anyways, what else do you do during the day besides get semi-harassed by me in the streets?” Ginny was determined to learn more about the secretive man in front of her. And damn it if she wouldn’t get the topic off of her semi-stalker behaviors. It was bad enough that the conversation had primarily revolved around that singular topic.

  “Well I also enjoy Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain.” Liam stated.

  “Those are lyrics to a song,” Ginny called him out on his tease. Liam only beamed back and her.

  “You caught me, though Pina Coladas are delicious. I mostly just help out at the company doing boring business stuff like emails, memos, meetings and phone calls. It’s rather monotonous, which is why I love walking through the streets. Everyday something different can happen.” Liam eyes lit up as he talked about the near daily adventure of walking down the street and Ginny couldn’t help but smile along with him. His personality was infectious and the more they talked the more she came to like him.

  It was strange Ginny thought, sitting here with a man that was essentially a stranger and yet feeling like there were old friends, or even old lovers. Ginny had never felt such an instant connection with someone before and it was exhilarating. There was an easiness to him that instantly drew Ginny in and talking with him was comfortable and pleasant. The entire hour they enjoyed their coffee there wasn’t a single moment of silence or awkwardness. The conversation flowed from one topic to another, covering things from life in the Big Apple, to their careers, to the minutest of topics such as pet names and Ginny’s irrational fear of pool drains. There was just so much they had in common - it was uncanny the instant connection they shared.

  Every time Liam’s hand brushed hers, whether intentional or by chance, Ginny could feel an almost electric charge pass between them. There was just something that lit a fire deep within Ginny and she was eager to fan the flames, if only to see how much they could burn. In the back of her mind Ginny wondered what about this man before her was so intoxicating, so captivating, that he nearly had her heart on the very first ‘date.’

  The coffee date went as smoothly as it could have and ended with William and Ginny exchanging numbers. It was an afternoon Ginny was not likely to forget anytime soon. She had met an amazing man, who also happened to be an extremely hot billionaire. Things like that don’t just happen to people like Ginny. It was a day to remember and in that moment Ginny felt like she was on top of the world. There was nothing that could bring her down.

  That night, after Ginny went home, she wrote about her experience, about her date with a billionaire. It was just too good of a story to pass up. Of course she changed both of their names but it was too much to keep to herself, so Ginny decided to write it all down. Since it was fresh in her mind Ginny wrote down in as much detail as possible the entire story of her first ‘encounter’ with the nearly perfect man. When she finished she looked it over and contemplated what to do with the piece of writing. Sure she could keep it as a sort of diary, but something pulled at her to do something more with it.

  As a last minute decision Ginny decided to post it to a blog site. She didn’t think much about whether or not she would get any followers, but as a journalist Ginny just had a deep urge to report her experience, whether it was warranted or not. Perhaps it was the day and age of oversharing, but Ginny was compelled to throw her story in with the rest out there on the World Wide Web. It wasn’t like she was printing it in the paper. It was just a harmless and unassuming blog post, just a way for her to keep a journal of sorts. What could be the harm in that?

  Chapter Two

  A few days later Liam texted Ginny inviting her over to his penthouse for a home cooked meal. After a good solid ten minutes of extremely happy dancing - that took her around her entire apartment - Ginny responded with a calm, cool and collected: ‘Sounds good.’ She got the time and address and spent the rest of the day trying to decide on the perfect outfit. It couldn’t be too sexy because she didn’t want to give the wrong impression to him, but she didn’t want it to be too casual and blasé. It was a fine line she was walking.

  In the back of Ginny’s mind she was worried that maybe there were going to be some expectations here that she hadn’t thought of. Was that why he was so interested in her? I mean, he was a Billionaire and could have any girl, so why her? Being a rich and handsome guy he surely had women falling all over him. Ginny didn’t want to be just some girl he slept with. Well, she decided, rich or not, that wasn’t what she was looking for. She had no intention of getting in the sack with him on a first
date if that’s what he had in mind. Sure she was open to kissing and making out, but nothing more than that. If he tried to push her further then Ginny would know exactly what kind of guy he was. It was a little weird to go to his place on what was really a first date, but she somehow had a good feeling about him and decided it would be ok. Still, she had her fingers crossed that he was an upstanding guy though. All in all, she wasn’t too worried. She had done pretty well following her instincts.

  After trying on dozens of outfits Ginny settled on a black cocktail dress - her standby “little black dress”. It was a solid choice since it was a respectable knee length but conformed wonderfully to her curvy figure. All that was left was to do something with her mess of red curls. Ginny had already donned some pale green and brown eyeshadow to highlight her vibrant green eyes and pale skin.

  Pushing her hair together into some semblance of order in the form of a simple ponytail Ginny gathered up her purse and made her way out of her apartment and towards the street to hail a cab. It was a short ten minute ride to Liam’s apartment building. A door attendant greeted her and showed her the way to the front desk where she had to give her name and wait for them to contact Liam personally about his guest. Ginny had to wait about five minutes before she was cleared to go past the security guards and onto the elevator.

  It was a bit overwhelming and Ginny was starting to second guess her choice to come at all. But when she finally arrived at Liam’s door her worries subsided. She knocked gently and held her breath, suddenly anxious to see him again. It was as though a dozen butterflies were dancing around in her stomach. In addition to the nerves there was a distinct case of the giddy jitters flowing through Ginny’s body. As her body practically vibrated with excitement Ginny could only wonder if what she was feeling were the first signs of love. Liam opened the door and smiled at her and Ginny could feel her insides doing backflips. Yep, that had to be love.

  “Welcome to my home, come in.” Liam took a step back so that Ginny could enter the home.

  To say it was luxurious would be an understatement. It was high end everything to the extreme. There wasn’t a single item or square inch of the penthouse apartment that didn’t scream pricy. At first Ginny felt incredibly out of place in such a fancy apartment. Liam seemed to sense her discomfort and brought her by the hand into the kitchen. The simple touch of his hand once more sent jolts of electricity coursing through her and Ginny couldn’t help but wonder what his rough yet gentle hands would feel like on other parts of her body.

  Much to Ginny’s surprise there wasn’t a chef waiting for them. Instead Liam stepped into place behind the cutting board and finished up what he had been in the process of chopping, a red onion. His strong hands worked dexterously and Ginny’s mind continued to wonder how those hands would feel in more…private areas of her body.

  “I just need to get this on before I can relax for a bit. It’s all about the timing with this kind of dish.” Liam made the last few chops before adding the onions to a pan on low heat with a bit of oil in it. Timing, indeed, Ginny thought.

  “Would you like wine or beer?” Liam walked over to his fridge and pulled it wide open, revealing a decent selection of both high end beer and white wines as well as the good old favorites, Bud Light beer and Barefoot wine. He was prepared for any and all kinds of tastes and preferences when it came to his selection, it appeared.

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having.” Ginny didn’t want to step out of bounds on anything and by putting it in his court she allowed him to set the standards.

  “Alright then,” Liam smiled and pulled out a uniquely shaped bottle with a dark red liquid in it. It wasn’t labeled at all and that made Ginny nervous.

  “What is that?” She eyed it as Liam pulled out two short glasses and poured a small amount of the liquid into each cup.

  “It’s an age old family recipe for a kind of liquor that isn’t really made too often anymore. It’s a special mead made from red and black currants - and a few other things.” Liam handed Ginny one of the glasses. He held up his glass in a sort of ‘cheers’ motion and Ginny followed suit. “To a wonderful dinner with a wonderful guest.” Liam clinked his glass with Ginny’s and she nodded before taking a tentative sip. It was a burst of fruit and honey flavors backed with a strong alcoholic finish.

  “This is delicious.” Ginny took another sip. Liam smiled, pleased that she was enjoying it.

  Liam got back to work in the kitchen and in no time a full roast with all the fixings was set out on the table. There were potatoes, a variety of cooked vegetables, a delicious onion gravy and perhaps most impressive, homemade Yorkshire puddings. It was a full English feast, in keeping with his family’s heritage. Ginny was incredibly impressed with Liam’s cooking abilities. They far surpassed her own.

  “Everything looks wonderful.” Ginny stated as her seat was tucked in for her by Liam. He seemed to be a gentleman in everything he did.

  “Why thank you, I hope you enjoy it.” Liam took his seat opposite of Ginny and together they partook in the feast.

  Once the meal was complete and the dishes placed into the sink, Liam led Ginny over to the couch with a view overlooking the city. From their seats they could see the entire city spread out before them. It was a sight that Ginny was sure she would never see anywhere else. It was another reminder to her that Liam was more than just a well off guy, he was a freaking billionaire! That was with a “B,” she had to remind herself.

  Liam sat down on the couch and beckoned for Ginny to join him. Without reservation she nestled up next to him, content to fit in the crook under his arm. It just felt natural to do so. For several long moments they just sat and watched the world beneath them turn. It was Liam who ended the comfortable silence between them with a statement that threw Ginny off a bit.

  “You remind me of a woman I once knew and cared for deeply. You make me feel so comfortable so easily I wonder if you aren’t somehow connected in this world.” Liam caressed the side of Ginny’s face, and a look passed over his eyes that said so much more than his words did. There was an ageless yearning clearly painted on his face and a much deeper hurt underneath than perhaps even he knew about, she imagined.

  “What was her name?” Ginny was curious, who was the man behind the money?

  “Philippa.” An indeterminable look crossed Liam’s face then.

  “There is more you aren’t telling me, isn’t there?” Ginny felt something stir deep within her, something she didn’t quite understand. But part of her subconscious screamed out at her. Was it a warning or a remembering? Liam looked long and hard at Ginny, as though debating what to tell her. With a deep sigh it was clear he had decided to go with the truth, whatever that entailed.

  “Do you believe in vampires?” It was such an odd – and totally bizarre and out of left field - question that Ginny didn’t even know how to answer it properly.

  “Are you being serious?” Ginny made a move to get up from the couch, suddenly unsure of things. But Liam held her close and pleaded with her.

  “Please, I want to be honest with you. I don’t know exactly why I feel like this, but I won’t make the same mistakes again.” Liam held Ginny close and waited for her to concede in letting him continue. “I am a vampire, and I have been one for a very long time. Sometimes I don’t even remember what my first life was like. It’s like a ghost of a memory.” At this point, Ginny was sure Liam was insane, there was no way he could be a vampire. They didn’t exist. Was he seriously saying this? For a brief moment Ginny wondered if perhaps Liam had in fact spiked her drink. There were no such thing as vampires. It was ridiculous of Liam to even suggest otherwise. Maybe it was some kind of joke.

  “But vampires aren’t real,” Ginny started to reason. She was cut off however by Liam baring his fangs to her. The fear that Ginny thought she should have felt was somehow overshadowed by her innate curiosity and wonder. She reached out to touch the sharp fangs and pulled back when she realized they were real.

assure you I am very much real. Though I must say that those ridiculous Twilight books have it all wrong. I do not sparkle in the daylight.” The joke was exactly what the moment needed and an odd sense of pressure was lifted. Ginny didn’t feel uncomfortable or afraid in the least, rather her journalist instincts came raring to life and her need to assess and analyze the story became too strong to overlook.

  “Do you suck blood?” Ginny was fascinated - still slightly skeptical - but fascinated nonetheless. Liam chuckled at her question. His laughter made her spine tingle with the reminder of her less than subtle lust for the man, or vampire, or whatever, was in front of her. Vampire or not, he was still hot.

  “That does always seem to be the first question anyone asks. Yes, I do, but only from willing participants and never to the extent of draining all of their blood and killing them. Contrary to popular belief we vampires can exist on relatively little blood. The main thing we need is the iron in blood and sometimes a rare steak will do a decent enough job if blood is not readily available.” Liam was trying to be as informative as possible to help Ginny believe in what he was saying.

  “I would have never guessed that.” The reality of being a vampire was clearly not represented well in the modern interpretations that Ginny had seen in books and movies. “How long have you been a vampire?” This was going to be a truly interesting thing to know, seeing as Liam only looked to be in his late 20s-early 30s. Ginny loved history and all things antique, so if Liam was a really old vampire he would surely know interesting thing about the past.

  “About 700 years or so. I have seen my fair share of history repeating itself.” There was a hint of sadness and despair in Liam’s voice that made Ginny wonder if perhaps she had unknowingly trodden onto territory Liam would rather not talk about. It made Ginny’s heart hurt with the desire to soothe his worries so Ginny decided to change topics completely.


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