Class Reunion

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Class Reunion Page 12

by Linda Hill

  As she surveyed the property, Jen’s eyes fell to a patch of multicolored flowers, newly planted around the cacti and wildflowers to the left of the front porch.

  A smile crept to her lips. She wasn’t paying much attention to their home these days, but someone else was. Everything was in perfect order, in spite of her neglect.

  The sun was setting, the sky becoming purple where it met the horizon in the west.

  She heard the screen door slide open and then shut behind her. Without turning, she felt her lover’s presence behind her.

  “Are you hungry? I could make you some dinner.”

  “No. I’m too tired and too hot to eat,” she replied quietly, still distracted. Her eyes fell again to the unidentifiable new flowers, and she gave voice to her musings.

  “You planted new flowers. They’re lovely.”

  Slender arms sneaked their way around her waist from behind, and the warmth of Heather’s body sent a contented sigh through her own.

  “Last week,” Heather’s voice was quiet.

  A sigh of frustration fell from Jen’s lips. “I’m never here anymore. I’m missing too much. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” Heather gave her a quick squeeze and rested her chin on Jen’s shoulder. “I need to cut back. Maybe to part-time.” “Good idea.”

  “I don’t want to spend another summer behind that counter while you and Amy have the summer off,” Jen continued her rationalizing.

  “We’d love to have you here more.”

  “Besides, another year and Amy will be off to college. Who will take care of everything around here?”

  “You will.”

  “I mean it, honey. I’m going to do it.”

  Heather paused before replying. “Have you heard even a word of what I’ve said?”

  Jen slid her a sheepish look. “No.”

  “I’ve been telling you that it’s okay to cut back.” She leaned forward, just enough to catch the corner of Jen’s mouth in a kiss. “How many years have I been suggesting just that?”

  Jennifer’s smile grew. “I know. I’m finally ready now, though. It’s kind of scary.”

  “Well I, for one, can’t wait.”

  They watched as Amy bolted the gate that surrounded the paddock and began walking toward the house, Banjo on her heels.

  Watching her approach, Jennifer couldn’t help but think how much she resembled her mother. She was smiling, pulling work gloves from her hands and slapping them against one thigh to shake out the dust. Amy had taken to the ranch as if she’d been born there.

  “Hey, Jen,” she called out as she reached the veranda. “Are you going to be around this weekend? I noticed a few splits in the fence out back, and I could use your muscle to help fix them.”

  Jennifer chuckled. She felt suddenly old, rememŹbering how many times she had carefully shown Amy how to repair fences, how to feed and groom the horses. At first she had been eager to teach Amy, to draw her in and bond with her. Before long she’d actually needed Amy’s help. And now, it was Amy asking for Jen’s help instead. Times were changing.

  “I’ll be here.”

  “Great.” She reached down, unconsciously rubbing the top of Banjo’s head. She seemed to hesitate as she cocked her head to one side and addressed her mother.

  “Have you told her yet?” she inquired, her voice playful.

  “Sh.” Heather lifted her chin from where it rested on Jen’s shoulder. “Not yet.”

  “Uh-oh.” Jen slid a look from mother to daughter. “What are you two up to now?” she teased.

  “Nothing. Nothing.” Amy tried to hide her grin as she lifted both hands. “I have a final tomorrow that

  I have to study for.” She rolled her eyes. “So I’m heading in.” She turned toward the front steps and waved. ” ‘Night, Jen. ‘Night, Mom.” She threw a wink toward her mother before patting her thigh. She turned, and Banjo leaped after her, staying at her side until they disappeared inside the house.

  Jen waited until she could hear the sound of Amy’s feet trudging up the stairs to her bedroom. “What was all that about?”

  “Your sister called today.” Heather dropped light, lingering kisses along her neck. Even after ten years, a single kiss could send ripples along Jen’s skin.

  “Really? And just what did she have to say?” It was almost a joke. Jennifer spoke to her sister nearly every week.

  “That Allison has been badgering her again.” Heather was nibbling now, causing goose bumps on Jennifer’s arm. “She wants to come out for the sumŹmer.”

  Jennifer chuckled. “I’m not surprised. I guess I just assumed that she’d come out again this year.” She lifted her hands, covering Heather’s where they lay at her waist. She settled back in her lover’s arms. “Is it all right with you if she comes back?”

  “Of course.” She lifted her lips from Jen’s neck and stepped around beside her, joining her at the railing. “I know Amy can’t wait to see her. And it will be good to have someone else her age around. I worry about her sometimes. She doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends.”

  Jennifer raised an arm to wrap it around Heather’s waist, gently pulling her close. “Amy’s a wonderful girl. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” She reached out a hand to push a strand of hair back from her lover’s brow, taking a moment to look into her eyes. “She’s happy, Heather.”

  “I know she is. But she doesn’t have any special friends, really.”

  “She and Allison are close.”

  “We have the phone bill to prove it,” Heather conceded, but continued her musing. “She never talks about boys, either. Does she talk about them to you?”

  “Not much,” Jen admitted, then she grinned. “Hey, maybe she likes —”

  “Don’t be a pig.” Heather slapped Jen’s arm playfully. “We’re talking about our daughter.”

  “I know. I know. I just remember what I was doing when I was sixteen.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and grinned.

  “I know what you were doing when you were sixteen. I also know whom you were doing it with,” Heather retorted as she placed a well-aimed elbow to Jennifer’s ribs.

  Jen grimaced. “I guess maybe we shouldn’t go down that road.”

  Heather wrinkled her nose and laughed. “No. Let’s not. But that reminds me.” She turned in the circle of Jen’s arms, sliding her hands up to play with the thick hair that just reached the collar of Jen’s T-shirt.

  Jennifer eyed the other woman’s playful smile, knowing she was up to no good. “Uh-oh.” She squinted into twinkling eyes. “What are you up to?”



  Heather laughed. “It’s not me. It’s your sister.” She leaned forward to place a wet kiss on Jen’s chin.

  “She said there was a notice in the paper last Sunday.”

  Jen held her at arm’s length, her brow pulled down with worry. “Who died? Is everything all right?”

  Heather nodded, feigning seriousness. “It seems that they’re looking for members of the George Washington High School class of seventy-seven.”

  Jen blinked, not getting the hint.

  “They’re having our twenty-year class reunion in August.” Heather grinned, showing even white teeth. “Wanna go?”

  Jennifer groaned, throwing back her head and chuckling loudly. “No way.”

  “Oh come on,” Heather gave her a squeeze. “Sally said she had a wonderful time at her reunion last year.”

  “I’ll bet she did,” she laughed. Then she let her eyes travel over her lover’s face, savoring each detail. “Has it really been ten years?”

  “It has.” Heather snuggled back into Jen’s arms, burying her face against Jen’s neck.

  Jen held her tightly, a soft smile hovering on her lips as she thought of the past. “Do you remember the first time we made love?”

  “Of course.” Heather alternately nibbled and kissed Jen’s neck. “It was right in that room.” She nodded tow
ard the open doors that led to the bedŹroom.

  Jennifer smoothed back the hair on Heather’s brow, then let her hands begin to wander. No matter how familiar she was with her lover’s body, she never tired of the feel of her smooth skin beneath her fingers. “Technically, I believe the first time was out here.”

  Heather’s hands were on Jen’s breasts, and Heather heard with satisfaction the sharp intake of Jen’s breath. “Are you sure about that?” She pushed the T-shirt aside and lowered her head just enough to slide her tongue across one nipple.

  “P-positive.” Jennifer breathed heavily with anticiŹpation, her own hands finding skin beneath Heather’s shirt.

  “Hmm. I don’t think so, Jenny.” Her fingers and tongue continued their dance. “Do I have to remind you how it was? Where it was?” She lifted her head to look into Jen’s eyes.

  Jennifer gazed back from beneath lids heavy with arousal. “Uh-huh,” she nodded, grinning. She leaned down, meeting Heather’s lips with her own, their tongues meeting and joining and stirring familiar passion.

  Their hands were wandering in earnest now, slipŹping inside the waistbands of each other’s shorts, relishing the feel of each other’s body.

  “Have I told you that I love you?” Jen asked, as she often did.

  “No. Not today,” Heather laughed, her breath catching in her throat as Jen found the dampness beŹtween her legs.

  “Well, I do,” Jen whispered, suddenly quite serious. She lifted her head, and watched the growing rapture sliding across her lover’s face. “I’d do anyŹthing for you, you know.”

  A smile touched Heather’s lips; coherent thought left her as Jennifer’s fingers found her center. She struggled to open her eyes, unwilling to give in just


  “So we can go then?” Her lips were open, ready for Jen’s kiss. “Go where?”

  “To the reunion.” Her lips found Jennifer’s, kissŹing her soundly. She was fading fast.

  “Anywhere,” Jen whispered against her mouth. “I’ll go anywhere.”

  With a soft chuckle deep in her throat, Heather gave in to the pleasure, wrapping herself in the exquisite joy that was her lover.




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