The Walls of Levi

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The Walls of Levi Page 10

by Kristy Marie

  Dale comes up beside me and sticks his hand out for a fist bump. I quickly give it to him. His wife is here with him on the island. I don’t know if he has ever taken her on a real vacation. The amount of happiness coming out of that woman is almost intense.

  “It’s almost time, Levi. How are you feeling?” Dale walks around the Suzuki and checks everything out while I’m sitting on it. He isn’t anything if he isn’t obsessive about his work.

  “I’m good. I’ve never been more grounded, man.”

  He nods and steps back. “You’re both ready then.”

  I have three practice races this week. This is the first one. This is the first time I will be on the course. I lay down on my bike and center myself with it. This machine will be what is between life and death every time I am on the mountain. While I know there is a chance of not walking off this island, I’m at peace with it.

  I chose this life. Speed is my go to. My adrenaline craves this as much as my soul does. I will finish. Then we will go home.

  Ron and Dale walk off to get my helmet and gloves. I am suited up in my leather already. I just need the finishing touches. I smell her before she touches me, and I smile. There is just something about the way she smells. it’s uniquely her and I’ve noticed it from the first moment I met her. While it was masked with fear then, it still hit me out of nowhere.

  Kathleen runs her finger from my shoulder blade down my arm as she walks by me, then turns and stops. “Hey stud,” she says with that little smile on her face.

  “Hey beautiful.” She has her hair tied back and sunglasses on. A Clover Racing shirt is tight across her chest and it’s turning me on. I like my brand on her.

  “You’ve got this, you know.” I can tell she’s nervous and that humbles me a little. I’ve always had people worry about me and my safety, but never like this.

  “I do.” I wait and watch her for a few more seconds. “Come here.” She steps closer, and I grab her by the hips.

  “I have a lot to live for. Do you hear me?”

  “Yea,” she says.

  I gently put my hands on both sides of her face. “I’m talking about you Kathleen. We are just starting. I’m not about to let it end right now.” She gives me one of her huge smiles, and I know I’ve said the right thing.

  Ron and Dale come back with my gear and they ask Kathleen to help me put it on. She immediately jumps in like I knew she would. She loves and knows racing way more than I thought she would. That surprised me in a very good way. I asked her what she thought about certain things; her vision of Clover Racing has inspired me. We make a really great team. A team that I can see growing.

  Isle of Man TT


  I feel like I’ve been on a path in my life that led me straight to here.

  I was never supposed to like racing. My dad was never a racing fan. Yes, he sponsors Clover Racing, but he’s never watched a race. He gives money to Levi’s team to do what they need, but he could care less what’s going on in that world.

  So, my point is, I was never brought up around cars or bikes. I fell into this world by accident. Or was it? Was me meeting Levi inevitable?

  We believe that it was. He’s my person. I was always drawn to him for no other reason than my soul being linked to his. And he’s hot. And he can race. But, that isn’t the things that are keeping us connected.

  It’s been a fast whirlwind, but I feel it. I know it’s right. Levi has let himself out. He’s let me in. I’m behind those tall walls he has.

  Micah and I have talked a lot about how Levi is. After Fred was arrested, the police searched his house and had cause to arrest Mary also. Since then, Levi has had a few minor setbacks, but between Micah, Kelly, and I, we’ve kept him in the light. He seems to cling to me, and I love it. To be completely honest, I love him.

  It was easy. He’s an easy man to love. I haven’t told him yet, and I know it’s fast, but… the heart wants what it wants. My heart wants Levi James… forever.

  “You ready for this?” Kelly pushes her sunglasses up onto her nose as she watches the people standing near us. We are standing along the course, in a good spot along the mountain, not too far from where we are staying. I’m glad Kelly, Chance, Zant, and Micah came too. I don’t know what kind of mess I would be in without them. They are keeping me sane while I keep Levi sane.

  “I am,” I whisper, meaning more than what she’s asking for. I am ready for these races. I am ready for the future. I am ready to see where all of this goes.

  “Here they come,” Zant yells down to us. A few seconds later, bikes are flying past us. I don’t know how anyone knows who is driving. They pass us in a blur. I’m looking at every one of them, or I’m trying to. I don’t see a green and orange bike, and I don’t see eighty-two. Where is he?

  “He’s already passed, Katie,” Chance says from behind me.

  “Really? Where was he?”

  Chance is smiling like he’s about to tell a big secret. “He was eleventh.”

  “WHAT!?!?!?” I scream and jump up and down. He was eleventh! I know this is just practice, but he will have so much confidence after this. He was just hoping he wasn’t last. This course, this mountain, this race intimidates him, but he’s also on fire for it.

  I’m so proud of him. We all are.

  We make our way to the finish line to wait for him. I see him as soon as we get there. He’s talking to another racer. His helmet is on top of his head, and he has his right glove off and in his left hand. I watch as he smiles and shakes the guy’s hand. Levi is just a generous guy. To be through everything he has, it amazes me how humble and kind he is. I know it has everything to do with his friends and their parents, but it could have gone another way completely.

  I, for one, am glad he is the man that he is. He is quickly turning into my forever.

  As soon as we walk up, I watch him scan every face until he lands on mine. I’m standing in the back, letting everyone else congratulate him first. He doesn’t hear a word they are saying as he gets off his bike and walks towards me. I feel the smile that is splitting my face, and I do nothing to stop it.

  “Hello beautiful,” he says with a smirk.

  “Hey handsome. Nice racing.”


  I chuckle. He knows he ran well. He just wants me to boost his ego. “I’m not inflating that head of yours, Levi James.”

  He slowly takes his helmet off and gives it to Dale, along with his gloves. He then turns back to me and puts his hands on my hips. “Really now, Ms. Roberts? I think I can change that.” Faster than I thought possible, I’m in the hair and going over his shoulder. I yell at him and everyone else, all while laughing so hard I can’t breathe.

  “Say I ran good, Kathleen.” Pop. He slaps my butt.

  “No,” I laugh out.

  “Say it or I’m going to hold you like this all night.”

  “You can’t.” Can he? God, I hope not. I’ll pass out.

  “Wanna bet, love?” I don’t answer him. This is the first time he’s called me anything other than Kathleen. I’m speechless. I’ve watched him for two weeks. He doesn’t call people a term of endearment unless they mean a lot to them.

  He slowly puts me down. I slide down his body and feel the leather on my exposed places. I look into his eyes and see that cocky little look when he’s being playful with me. I know he feels something for me; he just isn’t ready to tell me yet. And that is ok.

  “You’re right. I can’t. There are plenty other things I want to do to you.” With that, he takes my mouth and I moan as he takes the kiss deeper.

  “Gross, you two. Take it somewhere else,” Ron says from behind Levi. We smile as we pull apart. I know there is a lot more where that came from, and he will give it to me later.


  Levi has done really well here at the TT. He raced in three separate races and placed in all three. We are all glad that he never got a DNF (did not finish). He didn’t wreck either. During the second race, there was
a racer that hit the wall. His bike exploded, and he died from complications from his injuries. It put a damper on everything for a little bit, but the racers, the fans, and the community all gathered together and rallied everyone back up. It was an amazing experience. The racers family were even telling everyone to cheer and celebrate; not to mourn the man that died doing what he loved the most. Their faith is what inspired me the most.

  Today is the last day we are here. Levi isn’t racing, and we are all watching the sidecar races. I don’t know if I could sit in that little car, go that fast, and trust the person that is driving. I couldn’t do it. I would be terrified. But these guys… they live for it. They have a bond that only other people like them can understand. It’s been awesome to watch.

  “I am so ready to see Bone,” Kelly says. It has amazed me how the others could be away from their kids for so long. Micah’s parents watched the twins, and Chance’s parents kept Bone. No one but the crew can keep them all together. Bone and Axel together is like a tornado that doesn’t die down. Nova tries to mother them and that makes them even more hyper. I get exhausted just watching them. Levi doesn’t get that way though. He can keep all three of them just by himself. They love him. It’s so cute. He’s going to be a good daddy.

  I stop myself right there and smile. Levi is going to be a good dad one day, and I’m praying that I’m the one that will give him that.

  “I’m ready to see the twins,” Micah says. “We needed this vacation, but now I’m over it. I’m ready to get back to our lives.” I can understand where they are coming from. I long to have what they have.

  I never thought I would have what I seem to be getting now. It’s surreal.

  2 years later


  “Are you ready for this?” My dad is standing beside me with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. I know this day is hard on him. He misses my mom as much as I do. She should be here. I cried when they fixed my hair. I got scolded for crying when they fixed my makeup. I broke down when I put my dress on.

  All these things… she should be helping me with.

  It’s my wedding day. Every little girl’s fantasy day, and every mother’s dream day for her daughter.

  I just have half of that.

  “I’m ready, Daddy.” And I am. This is the best day of my life. At the end of the day, I will be Mrs. Levi James. While it may be a dream come true now, it wasn’t always my dream. I never even thought I would marry. My father was trying to hook me up with men that he found appropriate. All I wanted to do was go to law school. I went on meaningless dates to please him and had given up on love all together.

  The last date I went on, I was almost kidnapped by a man that was taking me to a handler in the human trafficking world. Levi was my hero. That day, he saved me. Since then, we have been saving each other.

  As I stand here behind the door that leads to my future husband. I reflect on all that I have been blessed with.

  I now have more friends. Charise is still in my life, and she is a much better friend now than she ever was before. She’s actually standing in the front of the church as my Maid of Honor. We found a new connection along the way, and I know it will last forever.

  I now have sisters and brothers. None of the crew would let me just call them friends. I don’t have any biological siblings, just like Levi, so having them as family is even better than what I expected.

  The kids accept and love me. Watching Levi with them has me longing even more to make him a father. It’ll happen. One day. I’m sure of it.

  “Here we go, darlin’,” dad says, as he grips the hand that I have resting in the crook of his left arm. I look at him as the doors open. I don’t take my eyes off his until the music fades from the wedding march to the hymn that was my mother’s absolute favorite. ‘The Garden’ plays over the speakers of the church as my dad escorts me down the aisle to my soul mate.

  Levi is dressed in a black tux. He’s never looked more handsome than he does right now. He finally cut his hair short for me. It’s my favorite look. He likes it long on top, and I accept it because I secretly like it too. I just like it short better. He stares at me with the clearest green eyes you’ve ever seen. They are green today. They may be blue tomorrow. Either way, I’m hypnotized. He always pulls me in this way, and I drown.

  I feel my dad chuckle a little and kiss me on the cheek before handing my hand to Levi.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to…”

  The rest of the ceremony goes by in a daze. I don’t remember a thing. Our photographer better take pictures from every angle.

  “And now by the power vested in me, I introduce to you, Mr. & Mrs. Levi James,” the minister says at the end. Nothing in the world could wipe the smiles off our faces. It’s finally here. We are one.

  We run down the aisle, just like Levi wanted. Everyone expected him to act like a nut, and he didn’t disappoint. The wedding wouldn’t be right if he didn’t put a little Levi spin on it.

  Once everyone is outside and we are taking pictures, I notice that Nova is off to herself, so I make my way over to her. Her back is to me when I reach her, so I squat down behind her.

  “Hey Nov. You ok?” She turns around slowly, and I see the tears running down her face. “Sweetie, what’s wrong?”

  She sniffles a little before she speaks. “Nothing. I’m just scared.”

  “What are you scared of?” This whole wedding planning has been a process for her. She’s been happy, sad, and scared all at the same time. I get it. She’s worried that Levi isn’t going to act the same with her and she may lose him. I would never let that happen, though. I need her to understand that.

  “Unc isn’t going to see me as much anymore now that he has you.” I clamp my lips together to keep from smiling at her. It’s exactly what I expected.

  “Listen to me. Ok?” She nods. “Your Uncle will always be there for you. He’s isn’t going anywhere. As a matter of fact, you will see him more since we will be living in Conerly with you. You can come over whenever you want. Want to know a secret?”

  She slowly smiles and nods her head again. I put one of her blonde curls behind her ear. She is growing up too fast. She looks beautiful in her white dress that is just like mine. My first assignment after Levi proposed was asking her to be my mini bride. I thought she was going to squeeze me to death when she hugged me. She’s seven now and things are starting to make more sense.

  “I’ve told Levi that he must take you out on an Uncle-Niece Date once every month. Anything you want to do. I give up a date night for you.”

  “Really?” she sniffles and whispers.

  “Really. It’s already a deal. Your first date is as soon as we get back from our honeymoon.”

  She launches and wraps herself around me. “Thanks, so much Aunt Katie.” I squeeze her hard. That’s the first time she’s called me Aunt. “You’re welcome baby. You always have first dibs.”

  “Hey!” Levi says from behind us. “What are my two favorite girls doing over here by themselves? They better not be plotting against me.” Nova and I both giggle. We are always plotting something to either scare him or make him laugh. It’s so fun. We’ve bonded over it.

  “Not right now, Unc,” Nova says.

  He picks her up and swings her around so her dress fans out behind her. “Stop. You’re gunna mess up my dress.”

  “I can’t mess up your dress. You’ve got to take pictures with me.”

  “That’s right. So, put me down,” she says with her sass.

  Levi shakes his head, and I laugh at them. They are so funny together. She gives as good as she gets from him. If anyone is his boss, it’s Nova Taylor.

  “What you laughing at, wife?” He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into him. Our lips connect, and fireworks explode.

  This man.

  He has put me in the fast lane, and I couldn’t be happier.

  He pulls back and just looks at me. “I love you, husband.”

>   His smile lights up my life.

  3 years after the wedding


  “Micah! Get in here,” I yell down the hall. Micah comes running around the corner with towels and a blanket tucked under her chin.

  “Move,” she says as she runs past me into my bedroom.

  Kathleen is in the bathroom, on the floor. While in the middle of a family dinner here at the house, she started to feel strange, so she got up and waddled (yes, waddled – she is due any day now) to the bathroom. After a couple minutes, I heard her yelling. When I got to the bathroom, there was water all over the place.

  After, stupidly, asking her if she peed all over the floor, she informed me her water broke. Micah and Kelly came to her rescue. Thank God they were here because I had no idea what to do.

  Kathleen is whimpering on the floor, and my whole body is tense. I want to help her, but I’m useless. Zant and Chance keep telling me to get out of the way, but I don’t listen to them. I need to be near her. I need to make sure she’s ok.

  When she screams again, I’m running to the front door to see if the ambulance has made it. She refused to let me pick her up and put her in the truck. She told me to call 9-1-1, and I still don’t think that was the right decision.

  “Where are they?” Zant comes up behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder. “Be patient man. She’s ok. It’ll probably be hours still, before the baby is born.”

  I don’t want to hear all his advice. That’s not his wife in there on the floor, screaming. “I know what you’re thinking dude, and you are wrong. I know what you’re going through. Mi had two in there. I was a nervous wreck. You were there. You saw what happened. But she’s in there, helping your wife. Kelly and Bone were fine. It will be the same for Katie and your baby. Just watch.”

  I slowly calm down as he talks, and I reflect on the delivery of my sisters’ kids. I know Kathleen has this. We’ve been to all the classes and we’ve read all the books. She’s got this. I’ve got this.

  We are about to have a baby.


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