Baby Girl: Dare to Love

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Baby Girl: Dare to Love Page 20

by Celya Bowers

  Kassie jumped the small tree, Jemma held her breath and closed her eyes. When she heard Kyle cheering, she opened her eyes. Kassie was trotting back to the starting point.

  “If you’re closing your eyes here,” Kyle’s father said, “how are you going to handle the show next week?”

  Jemma hadn’t heard the elder Cosgrove sit next to her. “I don’t know, Turner. I keep trying to come up with a different way to handle this, but nothing works.”

  “Nothing will work, because that’s your baby riding that horse. You gave birth to her and you love her. You’re invested. The joy of parenthood,” he said.

  “So I just have to suck it up, huh?”

  “Pretty much,” he said. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen my kids fall. It breaks your heart, but it’s something you have to let them do.”

  Their little conversation hadn’t done a thing for her anxiety, but it helped. “Thank you, Turner.”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “It’s okay, Jemma. You’ll have plenty support next week. We will be here to cheer her on. Kassie’s practice times have been off the chart.”

  “She really loves coming here.”

  “I hope she doesn’t ever stop. I love seeing kids bond with the horses. Kassie has been special from the start.”

  Damn. Jemma felt tears trickled down her face. “Hard to believe just a few short months ago she wasn’t talking, would barely make eye contact with anyone. It’s all due to this place. Something about it relaxed her enough to let her father go.” She wiped more tears away. “I thought this would have stopped by now, but it seems I’m crying everyday over something she’s done.”

  Turner turned to her. “Honey, why don’t you go to the office and wash your face? I’d hate for her to see her momma all teary-eyed. I’ll tell Kyle.”

  “Thank you, Turner,” she said as she rose from her seat. “I’ll get cleaned up.” She headed to the office.

  As she walked the short distance to the small building, she reflected on Turner’s words. Everyone was always concerned about Kassie’s well-being, making sure Kassie didn’t see her mother in tears. She was falling in love with the ranch too.

  Saturday was a big day for the Patterson household. It was the day of the show, Jemma’s parents, and the rest of her family had arrived. Even Jared’s parents were on hand to witness the event.

  Once at the arena, Jemma and Kassie walked around where all the horses were stabled. Kyle promised to bring Nutmeg for them. Kassie held on to her mother’s hand.

  Jemma had worried how Kassie would do with all the people milling about. So far so good.

  “Look, Mommy! Mrs. T!” She dropped her mother’s hand and ran to Kyle’s mother and father. She hugged them both. Jemma followed her daughter.

  “Hello, Tesla and Turner,” Jemma said. “I’m blown away at the amount of people here today.”

  Tesla nodded proudly. “Biggest turnout in fifteen years. We had to turn people away.” She bent down to Kassie. “We wanted to wish you good luck. Kyle just brought Nutmeg over. She seemed a little jumpy with all the people. You should go say hello.”

  Kassie nodded. “I will.”

  “Good luck, honey,” Tesla said as she kissed her cheek. “We’ll see you guys tomorrow for breakfast.”

  “Oh, Tesla, thank you, but our entire family is here.”

  “The more the merrier.” She and Turner walked in the opposite direction to the stands.

  Jemma and Kassie continued walking to the stalls. There were just so many people, she thought. How would Kyle find them in this mess? She noticed Tiffany and Chutney, walking around with a large stack of numbers as they neared the stalls. “Hi, Mrs. Patterson. Here’s Kassie’s numbers. She’ll need one on the front and one on the back.” She looked at Kassie. “We’re all cheering for you, Kassie.”

  “Thank you, Chutney,” Kassie said. “I really want to win.”

  “I think Kyle is with Nutmeg. She was putting up quite a fuss earlier.”

  “Mommy, I have to go calm her down,” Kassie said, pulling her mother deeper into the stalls.

  Jemma tried her best not to inhale. It was close to useless. With so many horses in a strange environment, their nervousness was very evident in the atmosphere. She noticed Kyle in the distance. “This way, baby.” She guided Kassie down another row of horses.

  Kassie noticed Nutmeg first. “Hey girl,” she said, caressing the horse. “I know you don’t like all these people around, but don’t worry, I won’t leave you.”

  Jemma watched as the horse settled down. “I can’t believe it,” she whispered as Kyle stood next to her. “If I wasn’t here, I would never have believed it.”

  “I know. At first I was going to enter another horse enter the contest for Kassie to ride, but she and Nutmeg had bonded.”

  “Wow,” she mumbled. “I promised I wouldn’t cry today, but this has me rethinking that vow.”

  Kyle turned toward her. “Oh, sweetie, today it’s allowed.” He pulled her in his arms. “Kassie is third to race.”

  “Third? Isn’t that bad.”

  “No, that’s good. First, you don’t have a chance to correct anything. Normally someone always beats your time. This way she’ll be able to stay with Nutmeg longer and they’ll calm each other down.”

  He sounded so calm, she thought. He’d seen these contests before, he was used to this, she reminded herself. “I’ll stay back here with her.”

  Kyle nodded. “I have to go check a few things, but I’ll be back before she goes out.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. “Be right back, Kass.” He was gone.

  “Mommy, Nutmeg is okay now. She doesn’t like crowds,” Kassie announced. She was brushing the horse slowly and carefully. She was encouraging Nutmeg!

  Jemma shook her head. The whole scene seemed surreal. Her daughter was giving a horse a pep talk. She discreetly took out her phone and recorded Kassie as she spoke.

  “We’re going to win this today. We’re doing this for Mr. Kyle, Mommy, and my Daddy.”

  It was the first time Jemma had heard her say anything about her father. “Honey, I’m sure your father is very proud of you today, just like I am.”

  “I know, Mommy. He says I’m a star.”

  Jemma hands shook. Jared was always saying that around the house. She hadn’t recalled him saying it to Kassie. “When did Daddy say that to you?”

  “In my dreams.” She stopped brushing Nutmeg’s coat. “He says he’s happy and wants us to be happy.”

  “That’s good, baby.” She’d think about it later, but not today. Jemma hugged her daughter. “I love you, baby.”

  Kassie nodded. “I love you, Mommy.”

  Kyle walked back to Kassie and Nutmeg. First thing, he was going to have to persuade Jemma to sit in the stands. Yeah, right. Why was it he only knew stubborn women?

  Jemma was helping Kassie mount Nutmeg. “What’s up?”

  Jemma looked at him with teary eyes. “Some guy came and said she had ten minutes before her turn and she needed to be in line or something.”

  “I was just coming to get her.” He looked at Kassie, who pointed at her mother. “Mommy is sad. Can you help her?”

  “I sure can.” He handed Jemma a handkerchief. “First I have to get you to the line. Are you ready?”


  He grabbed the reins with one hand and Jemma’s hand with his free hand, leading the women out of the stable area. “You tell me when it’s too much, Kassie?”

  Kassie nodded, taking it all in. She glanced down at her mother. “Are you okay, Mommy?”

  Jemma nodded. “Yes, baby, I’m wonderful. I’m going to be watching you. You do what Mr. Kyle tells you.” She walked over to the standing area to watch the contest.

  Kassie leaned down and hugged Nutmeg. “We can do it, girl.” Then she sat up.

  Kyle led her into the holding stall. He knew he wouldn’t be able to go any further with her. “Okay, baby, this is it. I know you’re going to do
your best.” He kissed her on the cheek. “I love you, Kassie.” Did that really just slip out of his mouth? He was a mess.

  She grinned, then held her arms out for a hug. “I love you too, Mr. Kyle.”

  He walked to her and hugged her. Damn. He was going to start crying too.


  “Which one is yours?” A very tall cowboy asked Jemma. She was parked by the entrance so she could see Kassie perform.

  “Number five,” she said proudly. “This is her first time competing. I’m a nervous wreck.”

  “It don’t get no easier,” he told her as he looked at the screen. “Looks like she’s getting ready.”

  Jemma wished Kyle was instantly materialized to help her through this agonizing moment. She knew that if it was possible he would, but he also had to run the competition. She was going to have to put on her big girl panties and cheer for daughter.

  She stepped to the front of the crowd and looked at the screen. Kassie looked adorable with her curly hair peeking from under that ridiculous plastic helmet. She had that determined look on her little face. Jemma knew everything would be all right.

  The bell rung. Kassie and Nutmeg started out fast. Jemma thought she was going to need some medication before this very short ride was over. Her breath caught as Kassie made her first jump with no problem. She was on to the second obstacle which was a four foot tall fence. When she completed it, the crowd went wild with applause.

  Jemma couldn’t figure out why until she looked at the time. Kassie was ten whole seconds above the state record and she only had one more hurdle to go. By regulations the last obstacle had to be five tall. She looked in the distance at the small tree. She knew this was the trickiest jump of the three, because if any of Nutmeg’s legs hit the tree, Kassie could lose valuable seconds.

  She couldn’t do it. Jemma couldn’t watch. There was too much at stake. She slammed her eyes shut, and waited, but someone brushed up against her. A little too close for her liking. She opened her eyes just in time to see her baby girl clear the tree and break the state’s record.

  Arms lifted her into the air. She looked down into Kyle’s handsome face. They were both crying tears of joy. “Oh Kyle, she did it! My baby girl did that!” She kissed him, not caring if anyone objected.

  “She sure did, baby. She did it and she broke the state record.” He lowered her to the ground. “There’s still two more riders. Right now she’s in first place. The worst she could do is third. I don’t think she’ll have a problem keeping first.”

  “You mean I have to watch two more people ride their horses?” The crowd around her laughed. The tall cowboy chuckled. “No ma’am. Once your daughter comes back, you can go to the staging area until they call the winners. There’s no way anyone will be able to catch her.”

  Jemma shook her head. “Thank you. So much going on.” She held Kyle’s hand. “I don’t know how you do it.”

  “Well this year is special to me.” They started walking to the staging area.

  “Don’t tell me you arranged this too?” She moved closer to him.

  “I sure did. But that’s not what’s special about it.”

  “What is?”

  “You and Kassie.” They reached the staging area and noticed Kassie and Nutmeg trotting toward them.

  “Mommy, did you see me?” She stop the horse and jumped down, running to her mother. “Nutmeg was awesome. She jumped every hurdle with no problem.”

  Jemma bent down and hugged her daughter tight. It was a blessing to have her daughter back. “I’m so proud of you and Nutmeg for doing such a good job.”

  Kyle wiped his eyes. “I’m proud of you, too, Kassie. Nutmeg did us proud today.”

  The bell rung, announcing another rider was at the gate ready to take on the course. Jemma just wanted to hold her child, but Kassie wanted to see the next rider.

  Jemma held her breath as the young girl went through the course. She hadn’t come anywhere near Kassie’s time. The next race was agonizing, but she hadn’t beat Kassie’s time. “Baby, you won!” Jemma told her daughter. “You’re the state champion!” She heard the announcer. “You have to go back out there.” She helped Kassie back on Nutmeg. “I’ll be right here waiting on you.”

  She waved at Jemma and Kyle as she left. Kyle stood behind Jemma hugging her from behind. “Look at her, Jemma. She’s come such a long way in a short time. I’m so proud of her.” He sniffed in her ear. “I felt like that’s my child out there,” he admitted. “My heart is so full right now.”

  Later that night, after all the festivities were over, Tesla and Turner had a makeshift celebration for Kassie at their house. Jemma was overwhelmed at the love his family had shown them.

  Turner was grilling burgers and steaks and Tesla was cooking everything else. Jemma’s parents, Jared’s parents, Janna and her family, along with Kyle’s family filled the house. It was quite a celebration.

  Jemma felt herself tearing up again, so she hurried outside. It was late January, so the weather was cool bordering on cold. She should have brought her jacket. Instead of going back inside, she sat by the swimming pool and took a seat in one of the lounge chairs.

  She was so lucky, she thought. If she hadn’t move to Mansfield, Kassie might not have ever spoken again. Maybe it was this place, maybe it was the horses, maybe it was Kyle and his gentle spirit. Who knew? Something led her here, as if she was supposed to be here at this time in her life.

  Was Kyle a season, or the real thing? She knew she loved him, but he was a ranch manager. His place was here. What kind of woman would ask him to give that up?

  “You look really deep in thought.” Kyle sat beside her. “I couldn’t find your jacket, so this is the best I can do.” He put a leather jacket over her shoulders.

  “I was.” She gazed at his tanned face in the dark. “I was thinking about us.” She shrugged into the jacket. She knew in an instant it was Kyle’s jacket.

  “I like the topic.” He cleared his throat. “I wanted to run something by you.”

  Oh, that didn’t bode well with her. She glanced back at the house, hoping Kassie didn’t see her mother lose it. “What is it?”

  “I want Kassie to have Nutmeg.”

  “I don’t understand, Kyle. She always rides Nutmeg when she has a lesson.”

  “I’m saying that I want to give Nutmeg to Kassie. They’ve bonded like nothing I’ve ever seen,” he said.

  “Kyle, you can’t give her a horse! You’ll get fired for sure,” Jemma said. “I mean, I appreciate the gesture, but I can’t do that to you. She’ll just continue to ride her for the lessons.”

  “It’s okay, really,” Kyle said. “You can ask my parents.”

  “Kyle, we can’t accept it,” Jemma said, hoping he would just drop the subject. She didn’t want him endangering his job. “Kyle, you’re finally in a good place, don’t jeopardize your job for us.”

  He stared at her for an eternity. “So, if my job wasn’t on the line, you’d let me give her the horse?”

  “Okay, yes. If your job wasn’t on the line, then yes, I’d let you give her the horse.” Maybe he would drop it, she hoped.

  “Well, that’s more like it. I guess I should tell you a few things.”

  “Just tell me Kyle, I’ve had a crazy day,” Jemma said. Her emotional makeup was strung tight. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

  “Remember, when you asked me about the boss?”


  “My family owns this ranch. It’s been in the family for over a 100 years. When my father retires in April, the ranch passes to me.”

  Jemma was confused. “So what are you telling me?”

  “I’m telling you that I can give Kassie the horse.”

  Jemma had trouble digesting the information. “So why didn’t you tell me this at first?”

  “Because I am the ranch manager. I didn’t lie to you, Jemma. I just didn’t tell you everything.”

  He was right, so she couldn’t really be up
set, could she? “So is there anything else I should know?”

  He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Well yes, there is one more thing.”

  Jemma just wanted to go home and relax. So he owned the ranch. That explained a lot of things. While a part of her thought it was cute, a part of her didn’t see how this could go any further. “What now?”

  He grabbed her hand and caressed it. “I’ve thought about us a lot. Knowing you has made me a better person. I never thought I would ever love anyone again, but you showed up and I was done for.”

  Jemma’s heart thumped against her chest. Surely, he wasn’t going to propose here at his parents’ house? They hadn’t even talked in those kinds of terms. What on earth was going through his head?

  “I know you’re scared, Jemma,” he said, “I’m scared too. Scared of all that’s happening between us and to us. But I’d walk through the fires of hell to keep you and Kassie safe.”

  “But Kyle, we’ve never ever talked about this step. I don’t think I’m ready, I don’t think you’re ready.”

  He dropped her hand. “How do you know what I’m ready for? I run a multi-million dollar ranch every day, and you don’t think I’m ready to get married?”

  “Are you?”

  Kyle rose, bringing her with him. “Yes, I’m ready. I want to wake up next to you every day for the rest of my life. I want to see Kassie as she grows.”

  Jemma shook her head. “Kyle, I want to say yes, but I have to talk to Kassie.”

  “Absolutely. Can I adopt her?” He looked into her eyes. “I want Kassie to be a part of the Cosgrove family.”

  “I’m sure Jared parents’ are not going to like that.”

  “This isn’t about his parents. This is about us as a family.”

  Jemma’s head swam with the possibilities, it was too much too soon and she couldn’t handle it. “I need to sit down.”

  Kyle caught her right before she hit the pavement. Okay, maybe he hit her with too much at one time. But he wanted them to start married life off on the right foot. He scooped her up in his arms and took her inside.

  Jemma’s mother met him at the door. “What happened?”


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