Diamonds for the Holidays

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Diamonds for the Holidays Page 9

by Nicki Night

  Finally, Nixon pulled into a driveway that seemed more like a private road. Jade’s large colonial sat on an incline. Tall white columns rose on either side of her double doors. Two of his houses could fit in her home. The property surrounding the house seemed expansive in the moonlight.

  Nixon rang the bell and tapped on the door. Moments later locks clicked and Jade emerged, looking sweeter and sexier than she had earlier that day. Her all-black attire gave her a bit of an edgy look. The peekaboo shoulders of her top highlighted her supple brown skin. Slim-fitting pants were tucked into knee-high boots with a slim heel. Nixon almost didn’t want to leave. He could have stayed with her right there in her massive home.

  “Hey!” Jade leaned forward and allowed Nixon to kiss her cheek. “Come on in and give me one moment and I’ll be ready to go.”

  Nixon stepped in and scanned the well-decorated space, which was a direct extension of Jade’s character. The space was unconventional. Contemporary furniture was paired with antique pieces, warm woods with glass accents—an eclectic mix of high style and a cozy essence topped with a feminine touch, like the crystal buttons in the velour-tufted couch. Nixon had seen decor like this only in magazines.

  Jade offered him water and disappeared for several moments. Soon they were in the car headed to Manhattan.

  Jade gasped when he uncovered her eyes after entering their private suite in the karaoke bar.

  “Oh my goodness!” She covered her mouth. “I’ve always wanted to come to one of these places.” She scanned the textured walls, huge television, the karaoke equipment, high-backed leather benches and the delectable Asian-inspired spread on the table.

  Nixon was impressed with himself. He’d managed to find one place that she hadn’t been. He picked up the remote and flipped through the song choices, stopping on a party starter from the nineties. Jade grabbed the microphone from the table and began belting out the song. They didn’t bother easing into their date. They simply jumped right in.

  Their food cooled as they sang song after song, doing dances from long before their time. After a few Nina Simone cuts, Nixon pulled up a rap and R & B duet by a popular female artist and well-known rapper from their favorite old-school era. Jade sang the chorus and Nixon came in on the rap. Jade bent over laughing when he kept fumbling the words. She cackled until tears flooded her eyes.

  “Pretty Brown Eyes” was Nixon’s next choice. He serenaded Jade, albeit horribly, but sincerely. She swayed in his arms as he butchered the tune from start to finish. Jade applauded when he was done, and Nixon kissed her lips. He set the karaoke to play “Adore” by the late Prince and again held her in his arms, hacking at the tune at first.

  Nixon looked into Jade’s doe eyes and lost himself. As if being drawn by some unseen force, he leaned in for another kiss. This one stirred the passion inside him. Nixon held her closer, tighter, and kissed her breath away. Jade’s hands gently touched his face, cupped his cheeks and roamed his back. With her head against his chest, they caught their breath and swayed together—danced and held one another close. The air around them grew thicker. Nixon’s senses awakened, making him keenly aware of the feel of her body against his. He felt the rhythm of her heartbeat.

  They kissed again. This time the kiss was ripe with desire, setting their bodies ablaze. Both sets of hands explored the other’s body in the dimly lit private room. The only light came from the large karaoke screen. Nixon pulled her close. He pressed himself against her. He hardened against her. She ground against his rigidness. They teased one another’s desires for several songs. He pulled away, panting. Casting a wanton look at him, she pulled him back toward her.

  Rising to her toes, she whispered in his ear. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter 15

  Nixon reached Jade’s home in record time. The ride back from the city had been a sensual sparring. They held hands, kissed at stoplights and exchanged sexy innuendos. They shared goals, desires, and played games, starting with Name That Tune. Jade could hardly make out any song that Nixon tried to sing, since he was so bad at holding notes. He guessed all her songs. Next they played a game inquiring about their preferences in an effort to know each other better.

  “Morning person or night owl?” he asked.

  “I’m definitely a woman of the night,” Jade joked with a naughty smile.

  Nixon widened his eyes and then winked.

  “Chocolate or vanilla?” she asked.

  “Chocolate all day,” Nixon said and licked his lips. Jade felt a clenching in her core at his response.

  “Bucket-list wishes.” She changed the game.

  “You start,” Nixon said.

  “I want to jump out of an airplane,” Jade said. “Now you?”

  “I’ve never been horseback riding.”

  “Really! We have to fix that.”

  This continued to her front door. Inside they tried to keep their desire at bay, starting in her family room listening to old music and swapping childhood funnies. Between stories, there was laughter, kisses, touches, jokes and more sizzling caresses. The ability to hold out ran its course. Banter was swallowed by deep kisses. Their lips became magnets, unable to be separated. Jade slid her hands under Nixon’s shirt. Felt his taut chest and dug her nails in lightly. She lifted his shirt to see his chest in the moonlight shining through the wall of windows flanking her fireplace. Jade’s mouth watered at the smooth skin. She pushed his shirt higher, bunching it under his neck.

  Nixon caught her wrists with his hands. “Are you sure?”

  Jade looked directly into his eyes, licked her lips, took his hand and led him to her winding staircase.

  Nixon swept Jade off her feet and carried her up the steps. She threw her arms around his neck and giggled. At the top she pointed toward her room. Gently, Nixon laid her across the bed. The moonlight found them again. They searched one another’s eyes for approval one last time, finding it in a shared hungry gaze.

  Jade pulled Nixon’s shirt over his head and unbuckled his belt. He kissed her delicately, laid her back and explored every inch of her with his warm tongue. Jade burned with desire, while the moisture of his mouth put out mini fires along her skin. When he reached the folds of her center, her breath hitched, eyes closed and mouth fell agape. Nixon teased her bud, flicking, sucking and then plunging his rolled tongue into her warmth. He pulled back and blew on her, before capturing her bud once again. The juxtaposition of the coolness of his breath and the heat of his tongue nearly drove her insane.

  Nixon suctioned her firmly but gently. Jade beat the bed with her fists. He tantalized her in a pattern. First he flicked, licked, sucked, and flattened his tongue against her heat, then repeated each action. Side to side, Jade’s head shook vigorously. She couldn’t decide what gave her more pleasure. Yet each repetition took her higher. Made her lighter until she felt like she was floating. Her core clenched. With each brush of Nixon’s tongue her bud became more sensitive. Soon she could no longer stand his touch. Jade squirmed. Nixon wrapped his arms around her thighs and pulled her closer. Groans rolled in her throat. Nixon worked her until she exploded with pleasure. Her body trembled uncontrollably. She sang her joy in sensual moans.

  Nixon lifted his mouth to hers and let her taste herself. Passion rumbled between them. Pulling back, he stared directly into her eyes, sheathed himself and slid inside her moist folds. Jade’s eyes rolled back. She couldn’t help it. The pleasure was too intense. When she looked up, Nixon’s back was arched, his eyes closed and he looked to be in delicious pain. They rose and fell together, creating a delectable rhythm. Their tempo began with a steady climb and swelled into a ravenous thumping. Nixon soon added bass, grunting with each delightful stroke in perfect timing with her panting. His grunts strung together into one long, low, guttural moan. They harmonized, slamming against one another, no longer in control of their faculties. Ecstasy took the reins and propelled them o
ver the edge. Bodies quaked, trembled, shook. Muscles clamped as powerful waves of pleasure roared through them before leaving both limp and spent. Jade licked her lips. He was better than what her dream presented.

  Jade caught her breath and rolled onto her side. Nixon lay splayed on his back, eyes closed as a smile played on his lips.

  Jade asked, “You okay?”

  “Couldn’t possibly be better.” Nixon propped himself on his elbow and faced Jade. “What about you?”

  “Couldn’t possibly be better.” Jade chuckled.

  “This is going to make ignoring each other in class even harder.”

  “Ha! I know.” Jade felt like the lucky girl in school. The most popular boy had eyes for her. She snickered inwardly.

  Nixon traced a gentle line from Jade’s forehead to her lips. “You’re beautiful.”

  Jade kissed Nixon’s finger lingering on her lips. “Thank you.”

  Nixon shifted in bed. “What else should I know about you?”

  “What do you want to know?”


  Jade couldn’t help but smile. She’d gotten used to the electricity that sizzled across her skin when Nixon touched her. The man that arrested her attention the night of the reception was now lying in her bed. Avoiding him was a struggle, and the moment she’d relented to the constant tug of his presence, everything felt right. Jade wasn’t a hopeless romantic, but something about Nixon made her want to be swept off her feet and carried off in his arms like the end of one of those old romance novels she used to steal from her aunt Ava Rae when she was younger. Everything that had anything to do with Nixon felt right. Being next to him in bed felt right. She felt like her connection with Nixon was already about much more than feeding one another’s lustful desires. There was nothing casual about what they’d just shared.

  After a great romp, Jade was usually ready for a good nap. But the man that stopped her from thinking straight for the last several weeks wanted to know everything about her and she was ready to reveal it all.

  “Everything, huh?”


  “Where do I start?” Jade cast her eyes toward the ceiling.

  “From the beginning?”

  For the next few hours, Jade and Nixon shared stories, from their earliest memories to when they’d first laid eyes on each other. Between tales, they kissed, made love and recovered in each other’s arms. Nixon spoke little of his father and what he did say wasn’t expressed with any warmth. Jade could tell there was much left unsaid. She didn’t press him. There would be another time for that.

  * * *

  Jade’s eyes fluttered against the glare of the morning sun. She woke to the weight of Nixon’s strong arm over her body. A smile eased across her lips. Slowly, she lifted Nixon’s arm, sliding from under it to quietly exit the bed. Jade tiptoed toward her bedroom door to retrieve her robe and cover her nakedness.

  “Good morning.” Nixon’s usually deep voice was raspy.

  “Hey. Good morning.” Jade slid her arms into the silky sleeves of her robe and tied it.

  Nixon sat up and looked around. “What time is it?”

  “Just after nine.”

  “What time did we fall asleep?”

  “No idea. I think a sliver of sun had just begun to make an appearance before I drifted off. I can’t be sure, though. I can’t remember the last time I talked through the entire night—among other things.”

  “Neither can I.” Nixon swung his muscular legs over the side of the bed. “I’ll hurry and get out of your way.”

  “No need to rush.” Jade almost couldn’t believe she’d said that. Not many men made it inside her home, and those who did she had never allowed to linger. But she wasn’t ready for Nixon to go. “Can you cook?”

  “I was preparing Thanksgiving meals from the time I was a teen.”

  Jade looked at him and opened her eyes wide. “Impressive!”

  “Love to see what we could cook up together in the kitchen.” Nixon winked.

  Chapter 16

  The weekend was more than Nixon had imagined. Their Friday night date lasted until he went to his mother’s on Sunday afternoon. He wasn’t surprised that his father hadn’t shown up, but he tried not to think about it. Saturday, Jade and he cooked together, exacting a rhythm in the kitchen that made it seem like they’d been cooking together for years. They simply fit. Nixon no longer questioned or challenged Jade’s intangible draw—that it was still inexplicable. He’d gotten to know much more about that woman he’d felt an immediate connection to, and liked—no, loved—what he’d come to know. Jade’s passion for life and her family, her intelligence and her witty manner made her even more beautiful to him.

  Their nights were filled with sensual bouts of sleeplessness. They wore one another out. Nixon was going to have to pace himself with Jade. He’d never met a woman whose sexual vigor matched his. Nixon finally made it home late Sunday evening just to rest. Still he hadn’t had enough of Jade Chandler.

  Even as Nixon prepared for work, he couldn’t erase delectable thoughts of their weekend together from his mind. Everything about their time together was spectacular, the laughter, the bonding, the deep reflective conversations and, of course, the sex. Nixon must have worn his joy like a cloak because a coworker eyed him suspiciously as he made his way to his office. Once inside, she showed up at his door.

  “It seems somebody had a great weekend,” the redhead teased.

  A Cheshire grin played on his lips and he shook his head at her. Nixon wasn’t going to give his coworker’s curiosity the satisfaction.

  The woman gave him a sideways glance and wagged her finger. “It’s written all over your face. You don’t have to say a word.” She exited as easily as she’d arrived.

  Nixon found himself humming as he fired up his computer. He paused and then laughed, realizing that his joy was much more evident than he’d realized. Shaking off the thoughts that came up with the memory of Jade, Nixon poured himself into his work as fully as he could manage.


  He looked at Alex entering his office.

  “Alex.” Nixon greeted him without his usual formalities.

  Alex nodded his approval. He’d told Nixon to stop addressing him so formally a long time ago. “How’s it going?” Alex invited himself to the chair in front of Nixon’s desk.

  “Well. Very well.”

  “The program?”

  “Great! I’m getting a lot out of it.”

  “And Ms. Chandler.”

  Nixon’s smile slowly fell. He maintained a professional expression. “What about Ms. Chandler? I recall you asking about her before.” For a moment, Nixon felt like Alex may have known about them, but dismissed that thought. How could anyone know? Besides going out at night, Nixon and Jade barely spoke in public.

  “Any more thoughts about joining Mergers and Acquisitions? The department would benefit from your skills.”

  “I’m definitely still open to it and ready to talk whenever you are.”

  Alex nodded. “I understand that Ms. Chandler works on the foundation side of Chandler Foods. Do you know how involved she is with the corporation side?”

  “Not really.” Nixon was truthful and torn.

  “Would you mind getting to know her a little more?”

  Nixon coughed. Is this a game?

  “That’s an interesting question. Why would you ask?”

  “I’ll keep it straight with you. Chandler Foods is producing billion-dollar brands and have gotten the attention of several consumer goods companies, including ours. I believe with the right offer, a merger or acquisition would be ideal. Timing is ideal, and if you have a connection, that could be an in.”

  Had this been another company, Nixon would have been excited about this news and ready to make a name for himself with any effo
rts he could contribute. Instead he felt like he could be in a position to betray Jade and didn’t want that at all. They’d spoken extensively about work and it was evident that she was proud of what her family had been able to accomplish. He had no idea where they stood as far as acquisitions, but his gut told him they probably wouldn’t invite it. Jade spoke of how important it was for her father to build that company and create a legacy for their family that honored his parents, who inspired the recipes that Chandler Foods was so famous for.

  “Truthfully, sir, I don’t know much about the company. We haven’t spoken much during sessions. And the little I do know about the business is mostly what she deals with on the foundation side. Not sure I could be of much help here.”

  “Sure you can.” Alex tossed him a dismissive wave. “Just find out more. We’ve done our research, but it’s always good to have additional information that could potentially help seal deals. Engage her. See what she reveals about the company.” Alex pressed his palms into the arms of the chair and lifted himself. “Looking forward to hearing what you find out. Never know what bits of information will be helpful in these endeavors.” Alex headed for the door, then paused and turned back to Nixon. “Check in with my secretary and get on my calendar for dinner soon. We can kill two birds, talk about you joining our team and find out any information you were able to gather about Chandler Food Corp. Good day to you, Nixon.” Alex was gone.

  When Nixon was sure Alex was out of sight and earshot, he flopped back and huffed. Either way this went, it wasn’t going to look good for Nixon. This was a prime example of why it wasn’t wise to mix business with pleasure.

  Chapter 17


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