emigration-training farm, 20, 21, 22, 24
employment: compensation for, 309n42; discrimination in, 39, 74n9; occupational training centers for, 20, 21. See also labor
An Empty House (Minco), 59
Empty Water (Żywulska), xiii
encephalitis, 218
Endurance (Oisdoier), 338
England: emigration to, 73, 74, 75, 78, 323–24, 357–58; Harwich, 73, 358; Hull, 46n24; London, 45–46, 47
Eppenstein, Ilana, 401
Epstein, Werner, 368n51
Das Erbe (The Inheritance), 259
Erbgesundheitsgesetz (Hereditary Health Law), 194–97, 198, 201–2
Erbkrank (Hereditarily Ill), 259
Ernste Bibelforscher (Earnest Bible Students). See Jehovah’s Witnesses
Essen (Germany), 273
Essen Roving Dudes, 252
Estonia, xxxv, 228, 370
ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche), 258
Eugenic and Population Biological Research Station, 222–23
eugenics, 10–13; abortions and, 203n25; adoption and, 206–9; in Germany, 191–200, 205, 237; propaganda for, 259–60; in U.S., 191–92. See also “euthanasia”; sterilization
“euthanasia,” xvn5, 62n54, 171; of adults, 215–16, 217; of children, 193, 209–10, 211–13, 215, 217–21; conditions for, 212; with disabilities, 170, 182n48, 193, 209, 210, 211–14, 215; by gas chamber, 216, 217; Hitler’s policies on, 209, 215; registration for, 213–14
evacuation. See children; emigration
Executive Committee of the Hungarian National Council in Exile, 103n47
Faltlhauser, Valentin, 218
families: home, 2n4, 375, 376; reuniting of, 375–76, 381n7, 388–89, 389, 390–95, 398, 400–405. See also specific family camps
Fast, Cyla, xl–xli
Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia, 49
feeblemindedness, 192, 194, 221
Feist, Judith, 406–7, 408–9
Feist, Phillip, 407n35
Feldblum, Léa (Laja), 371
Felddegen, Lily, 366, 367
Feldhendler, Leon, 329
Fiennes, Ralph, 178n43
First Belorussian Front, 279
First Ukrainian Front, 279
Fischer, Avi, 167
Fischer, Eugen, 200
The Flame (Płomienie), 338
flight (Beriha), 395–96
Florence, Gabriel, 231, 232, 235n81
Flossenbürg concentration camp, 149
Föhrenwald (Germany), 396
food: at concentration camps, 168–69; hunger for, 51–52; labor for, 137; postwar, 408; ration cards for, 39, 40, 41, 134, 137; for Sonderkommando, 241n87. See also starvation
Fort IX, 128
Fort Montluc prison, 370
Fount of Life. See Lebensborn
Frahm, Johann, 232, 233–35
France, xxv, 41–42; Château de la Hille, 366, 367, 367, 368, 369; deportation in, 95–97; Écouis, 406, 407–8; Jewish star in, 44; La Maison d’Izieu, 369–70, 370, 371, 372, 373; Mischlinge in, 201, 202; Normandy, 58, 276; occupation of, 44; Paris, 368n50
Franco-Prussian War, 5
Franghieru, Iser, 99, 100–101, 102
Frank, Alexander, 366
Frank, Annelies (Anne), 52–53, 353, 411
Frank, Edith, 354n36
Frank, Hans, 41, 42
Frank, Karl Hermann, 55
Frank, Margo, 353
Frank, Otto, 353, 354
Frankel, Alona. See Goldman, Ilona
Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 155n11
Freiberg, Berel Dov, 170, 172–73, 330–31
French Republic, 198
Freudenheim, Fritz, 72, 73
Freund-Waldhorn, Dobka, xxxiv–xxxv
Friedman, Pavel, 296
Friedrich Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp, 64n63, 66
Fritzlar (Germany), 4
Frohlich, Julek, xxxiv–xxxv
“From Our Old Home to Our New Home” (“Von der alten Heimat zu der neuen Heimat”), 72
Führer Chancellery, 210
Der Führer schenkt den Juden eine Stadt (The Führer Gives a City to the Jews), 145
Gabčík, Jozef, 55
gangrene, 237
gas chambers, 83, 94n36, 150–51; of Auschwitz, 96, 148, 155, 155, 160–61, 163, 164, 370, 377; of Chełmno, 123; “euthanasia” by, 216, 217; of Sobibór, 172; survival of, 159, 160–62
gas vans, 82, 159, 182; at Chełmno, 186
GDR. See German Democratic Republic
Gebhardt, Karl, 230, 236
Gehsperre (curfew), 109, 123–24, 127, 302–4, 305, 383
Geller, Eliezer, 338
Geltungsjude, 74, 144
Generalgouvernement (General Government), 41, 42, 150, 152
Generalplan Ost (General Plan East), 200n21
German 707th Infantry Division, 344, 345, 346
German air force (Luftwaffe), 45–46, 47
German Armaments Works (Deutsche Rüstungswerke), 151–52
German Democratic Republic (GDR), 188n59
Germanization, xvn5, 56, 193, 205, 206; Lebensborn involvement in, 206–9
German Labor Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront), 268–69, 274n43
German Research Society (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), 242
German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, 43n17
Germany: Allied occupation of, 395–96; Bad Herweck, 8; Berlin, 7, 39n9, 274, 282n54; birthrate in, 193n4; Brandenburg, 216; Bremen, 9; Breslau, 3; defeat of, 279–81; Essen, 273; eugenics in, 191–200, 205, 237; Föhrenwald, 396; foreign labor in, 61–62, 63; Fritzlar, 4; greeting in, 8, 270, 271; Grimma, 71n5; Grosse-Hamburger-Strasse, 94, 377; Hildesheim, 98; Höchst, 7; Jewish people in, 3, 3n6, 19–20, 38–39; Munich, 25, 26–27; Retzow, 398; Ruhrgebiet, 254; Schivelbein, 265, 266–67; Suttrop, 282; Voerde, 64, 65–66
German Young Volk (Deutsches Jungvolk), 244, 265
Gerrets, Ralf, 228–29, 230
Gerst, Yehuda Leib, 122n19
Gersten, Adi, 69–70
Gersten, Chaim Lazar, 69, 70
Gersten, Rosa, 69
Gersten, Thea, 69–70, 71
Gesetz über die Hitlerjugend (Law Concerning Hitler Youth), 244–45
Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses (Law for Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases), 194–97, 198, 201–2, 213, 246, 259
Gestapo, 14, 55, 198
“The Ghetto Children’s Toys” (Rosenfeld), 294
Ghetto Chronicle, 138, 293, 294–95
ghettoization: in Hungary, 103–4; large-scale, 109; purpose of, 108
ghettos, 43; abortion in, 142, 143; children in, xxviii–xxxii, 108–9, 111–14, 114, 115–16, 117, 118–20, 121, 123–26, 129–33, 284, 285, 286, 302–3, 382–83; currency in, 118n16; deaths in, 109, 110; deportation from, 108, 123–24, 127, 128, 129–30, 156, 177; education in, 131, 132, 283, 284, 285–89, 289, 303, 341, 350; Jewish badge in, 108; life in, 107–8; orphanages in, 129–32, 350; pregnancy in, 141, 142–44; publications in, 138, 293, 294–95, 336–38; starvation in, 134–41, 148; welfare for, 118n15. See also specific ghettos
Gies, Miep, 353, 354
Der Giftpilz (The Poisonous Mushroom), 261, 261
Ginz, Otto, 144
Ginz, Petr, 144, 146, 147
Ginzová, Eva, 144, 146–48
Ginzová, Maria, 144
Girls’ Organizations (Mädchenschaften), 248
“Give me your children!” (Rumkowski), 109, 123, 124–26
Gleiwitz concentration camp, 398
Glubokoye ghetto, 141
Goebbels, Josef, 261
Goldman, Gusta, 314–15, 316
Goldman, Ilona, 314–16, 317, 317
Goldman, Salo
mon, 314, 316
Goldschmidt-Brodsky, Alfred, 366
Goldschmidt-Brodsky, Marguerite, 366
Goldszmit, Henryk, 129
Golshany (Belorussia), 42, 43
Gordon, Aaron David, 338
Gordonia youth organization, 338
Göring, Hermann, 46
Göth, Amon, 177, 178n43, 179
Grab, Walter, 16, 17–18
Graf, Jakob, 259
Grafeneck, 216, 236n83
Great Deportation Action, 324, 342
Great Depression, 20, 361
Greater German Youth Movement (Grossdeutsche Jugendbewegung), 244
Great Fire of London, 46
Great Patriotic War, 346
Greece, 41–42
greeting, German, 8, 270, 271
Grimma (Germany), 71n5
Griner, Szepsel, 351–52
Groscurth, Helmuth, 87–88, 90–92
Gross, Walter, 259
Gross-Breesen (Silesia), 20, 21, 22, 24
Grossdeutsche Jugendbewegung (Greater German Youth Movement), 244
Grosse-Hamburger-Strasse (Berlin), Germany, 94, 377
Grunewald, 40n10
Grynszpan, Herschel, 24
Gumpel, Berthold, 96
Gumpel, Felicitas (Fee), 96, 97
Gumpel, Gertrud, 96
Gumpel, Kurt, 96
Gumpel, Thomas, 96, 97
Gunskirchen Lager, 401
Günther & Co., 262
Gutgold, Estera, 288n13
Gymnasium, 39n6, 286
Gypsies, 81, 123, 193, 195n8; classification of, 222–23; deaths of, 221–22, 223–26, 227–29; deportation of, 224–28; family camp, 223–24, 241; sterilization of, 223, 226. See also Roma
Gypsy camp (Zigeunerlager), 123n22
Gypsy family camp, 241
Gypsy mixed-breeds (Zigeunermischlinge), 223–26, 227
Haarlem (Netherlands), 354–55
Hachscharah, 138
Hadamar, 216
Häfner, August, 90, 91, 92
hair, cutting of, 171–72, 175–76
Hamburg-American Passenger Line (HAPAG), 80
Hart, Anita Rosemarie, 217, 218–21
Hartheim (Austria), 216
Harwich (England), 73, 358
HASAG. See Hugo Schneider Aktiengesellschaft-Metalwarenfabrik
Ha-Shomer Ha-Za’ir, 315, 324, 327–28, 338
Hauskommando (housework detail), 182, 183
Havana (Cuba), 77, 80
Hebrew, 31
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), 367
hectography, 337
Hefelmann, Hans, 210
Hehalutz, 99, 101
Heil Hitler, 8, 15n35
Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Kaufbeuren (Kaufbeuren Sanatorium and Nursing Home), 217, 218, 219
Heinze, Hans, 210–11
Heissmeyer, August, 231
Heissmeyer, Kurt, 230–31, 232–33
Hemmendinger, Claude, 407n35
Hemmendinger, Judith, 406–7, 408–9
Hereditarily Ill (Erbkrank), 259
Hereditary Health Law (Erbgesundheitsgesetz), 194–97, 198, 201–2
Hescheles, Henryk, 151
Hescheles, Janina, 151, 152–53
heterochromia, 237
Heydrich, Reinhard, 55, 144–45
HIAS. See Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
hidden children. See children
“Hier trägst Du mit!”, 259, 260
Hildesheim (Germany), 98
Himmler, Heinrich, 56, 68, 82, 203, 205; Auschwitz Decree of, 223; medical experiments under, 231, 236; as military leader, 276–77
Hirsch, Fredy, 167–68, 312
Hitler, Adolf, 4, 5, 52, 149, 192; “euthanasia” policies of, 209, 215; suicide of, 279
Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend), 25, 243; compulsory membership in, 244–45; evacuations by, 275; military training through, 245, 272, 273, 277; propaganda for, 246–47; resistance to, 252–57; uniforms, 406
HJ. See Hitler Youth
Höchst (Germany), 7
Hoffman-Fischel, Hanna, 167–69, 299–300, 312–13
Hohenlychen sanatorium, 230
holidays, 31n62, 116, 117, 272
Hölzel, Anton, 232, 235n81
Home General Bernheim, 366
Home Speyer, 366
Hope Is the Last to Die (Birenbaum), 418
“Horst-Wessel-Lied” (“Horst Wessel Song”), 271n40
Horthy, Miklós, 102, 104
Horwitz, Cilia “Cilly” Jutta, 74, 75
Horwitz, Margarete, 74, 75
Horwitz, Max, 74, 75
Horwitz, Sophie de Vries, 75, 76
Horwitz, Walter, 74, 75–76
Hošek, Jiři, 306
Hotel Polski, 338n25
Hottentot, 200n20
housework detail (Hauskommando), 182, 183
Hugo Schneider Aktiengesellschaft-Metalwarenfabrik (HASAG), 187
Hull (England), 46n24
humiliation, 16–18, 19
Hundred Years’ War, 327n8
Hungary, 42, 102, 160n15; Budapest, 103–4; deaths in, 103, 104; deportations from, 103, 104, 410; evacuations to, 274n45; ghettoization in, 103–4
hunger, 51–52. See also starvation
Huntington’s chorea, 194
Hyde Farm, 21, 22–23
hypomyelia, 230
I accuse (Ich klage an), 210n44
Iasi Pogrom, 99
Ich klage an (I accuse), 210n44
identity, xxxiii–xxxv, 392
If This Is a Man (Levi), 411
Ignatievna, Mariya, 53
illegitimacy. See pregnancy
Independent Order of Brith Shalom, 361–63, 365
“I Never Saw Another Butterfly” (Friedman), 296–97
infant camps (Säuglingslager), 62–65, 66
Information Office for Population Policy and Race Cultivation (Aufklärungsamt für Bevölkerungspolitik und Rassenpflege), 259
The Inheritance (Das Erbe), 259
Institute for German History, 16n40
Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene, 237n84
intermarriage, 3, 13, 14, 74n9, 202
International Bible Study Society, 268
International Committee of the Red Cross (IRC), 24, 145, 164, 168n24, 307
International Film Foundation, 36
International Military Tribunal, 274n44
International Scouting Movement, 252n15
International Tracing Service of the Red Cross, 388
internment, 76n14
In Those Terrible Days (Zelkowicz), 303–4
Iran, 11n27
IRC. See International Committee of the Red Cross
Isle of Man, 79n19
Israel, 32, 395, 417–18. See also Palestine
Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (Jewish Community of Vienna), 32
Israeli War of Independence, 333n16
Israels, Louise, 354, 355, 356, 356
Italy, 42, 396
Izbica transit camp, 5
Izieu (France). See La Maison d’Izieu (France)
Jägala labor camp, 228
Jamaïque, SS, 72
Janowska concentration camp, 151, 152
Jasenovac concentration camp, 228
Jauch, Ewald, 232, 234
JDC. See American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 268–71
Jelén, Dorka, 288n13
Jewish Agency for Palestine, 396
Jewish badge, 32, 42, 43–44, 45, 144; in ghettos, 108. See also yellow star
“Jewish Children on the Aryan
Side” (Ringelblum), 341, 348–51
Jewish Community of Berlin, 31
Jewish Community of Vienna (Israelitische Kultusgemeinde), 32
Jewish Council (Judenrat), 107–8, 110, 115, 123
Jewish Fighting Organization (Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa), 324, 325, 326, 327
Jewish Historical Commission of Kraków, 153
Jewish Military Union (Żydowski Związek Wojskowy), 325, 328
Jewish New Year, 116, 117
Jewish Order Service (also Jewish Order Police), 108, 110, 177, 178
Jewish people: anonymous, 18; in Germany, 3, 19–20, 38–39; identification of, 31–32, 144, 347, 360; identity of, xxxiii–xxxiv, 392; motherhood of, xxxiv, xxxvi; names of, 32, 33–34, 350–51, 360n41; pregnancy of, xxxv–xxxvi, 141, 142–44; regulations on, 39–42, 43–44, 68; sterilization of, 197, 309
Jewish Winterhilfe (Winter Relief Organization), 94
Jews of Zhetl, 334
jitterbugging, 251
Joan of Arc, 327
Joseph, Josef, 77–78
Joseph, Liesel, 78, 79
Jozak, Josef, 315
Judenrat (Jewish Council), 107–8, 110, 115, 123
“Juden raus!” (“Jews, Get Out!”), 262, 263
Jugendbund der NSDAP (Youth League of the Nazi Party), 244
Junghans, Richard, 40
Jungmädel (Young Girls’ League), 248, 250
Jungtruf (The Call of Youth), 338
Justin, Eva, 222, 223, 224
kaddish (prayer for the dead), 413
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, 200nn20–21, 237n84
Kállay, Miklós, 103
Kapo (Lager Kapo), 167
Karlebach, Emil, xxxix
Katzenelson, Isaac, 286
Kaufbeuren concentration camp, 383
Kaufbeuren Sanatorium and Nursing Home (Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Kaufbeuren), 217, 218, 219
“Keep Not Thou Silence, O God,” 338
kibbutz, 417
Kibbutz Ben Shemen, 69
Kielce (Poland), xxiii, 400n29
Kinderaktionen (children’s actions), 109, 127, 383
Kinderblock (children’s block), xxxix, 167, 312–13
Kinderfachabteilungen (special pediatric units), 211, 217
Kindergeld (child-supported allowances), 193, 208
Kinderkolonie (children’s colony), 115
Kinderlandverschickung (KLV), 274, 275
Children during the Holocaust Page 68