Mountain Dreams Series: Books 1 - 3: Mountain Dreams Box Set 1

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Mountain Dreams Series: Books 1 - 3: Mountain Dreams Box Set 1 Page 43

by Misty M. Beller

  God, help me help this man.

  "What's wrong, Alex?"

  His head jerked to meet Miriam's troubled gaze. "I don't have anything to help him."

  "If you stay here and pray, I'll run back to the clinic and get what you need."

  A surge of anger sluiced through him. "The man's about to die, Miriam. I've seen this before and he won't last until you get back."

  She leaned forward to rest her hand on Alex's arm. "Then pray, Alex. Put him in God's hands."

  "That won't—" He cut himself off before he spoke the blasphemous words. But bitterness quickly overshadowed the anger in his chest. Britt's lifeless form filled his mind. Pale. Just a ghost of the vibrant child she'd been before he failed her.

  "That won't what?" Miriam's voice was soft, yet probing.

  Alex sank onto his heels, his chin dropping as he stared at the man's heaving back. "That didn't make a difference with Britt." He mumbled the words, but her quick intake of breath told him she'd understood perfectly.

  Another fit of coughing from Langley interrupted their silence. This one was shorter, but the convulsions more severe, if that were possible. They were going to lose him, and there was nothing Alex could do except sit there and watch.

  "It wasn't your fault, Alex."

  His hands gripped into fists where they rested on his thighs. She didn't understand.

  "You were a thirteen-year-old boy."

  He clenched his jaw. Nothing she said would change the way he'd failed his sister. If only he could go back in time. Erase that awful day. Or at least take her place on that deathbed.

  "Do you think you're powerful enough to change God's will?"

  He jerked his head up. "What?"

  "God has a plan for every person He creates. He called you to be His special instrument of healing. But if He has a better plan for the people you treat, nothing you do can change that." Her voice had an edge now. A conviction.

  The thought struck him like a blow to the chest. "But…" Was he getting in God's way? "How can he want these people to die? How could he want Britt…to die?" His voice cracked on the last two words.

  "Maybe Britt had accomplished what He created her for." The gentleness crept back into Miriam's voice. "And now she's dancing and singing with him in Heaven. No more pain."

  The image took his breath away. That's what he'd wanted for Britt here on earth. Had she been enjoying it in heaven all these years? A blanket of peace settled over him, lightening his shoulders.

  "Do what God called you to do, Alex. And let Him handle the rest."

  Alex's eyes drifted shut as he absorbed the words. Let Him handle the rest. He inhaled a deep breath and released it. God, how could I have it wrong all these years? I want to be Your tool. Use me to help these people, but don't let me forget You're in control.

  Langley started coughing again. Deep, shaking spasms of his whole body.

  Lord, I give you care of this man. Into Your hands I commit him. Alex bowed his head.

  Help him. The voice was so clear, Alex's eyes flew open to see who had spoken. Miriam leaned low over Langley, brushing the hair from his face and speaking soothing words. Hadn't she heard the voice?

  Help him.

  Lord? Alex raised his eyes to the clear blue sky. A single white cloud surrounded by a blue so rich no artist could duplicate it. Is that You, God? Show me how.

  "What's this?"

  Miriam's words brought his focus down. She held up a small glass bottle. "It was in his shirt pocket."

  Alex sucked in a breath, reaching for the jar with clumsy fingers. Could it be? The white label held words scribbled in his own hand. "Elecampane Root Extract." Thank you, God.

  His face stretched into a wide smile as he gazed at Miriam. "It's what he needs. Help me turn him so he can sit up."

  Langley was barely conscious as they adjusted his position. Miriam propped herself behind his back, since the man didn't seem to have the strength to hold himself upright.

  With trembling fingers, Alex poured a hefty dose into Langley's mouth. "That should help right away." He held the bottle up to peer through the amber glass. "There's enough here for one more dose. Just enough until we get him back to the clinic."

  He took in Miriam with his gaze. "Do you know how to get back to town from here?"

  She looked around, and his eyes followed her stare. There seemed to be an overgrown driveway through the wood to their left. "I should be able to follow that to a road I recognize."

  Together they laid Langley down on the grass. The man's eyes cracked open, settling their unfocused gaze on Alex.

  "Feeling any better?"

  The slightest of nods.

  "I'll give you another dose in a few minutes." Alex's mouth quirked on one side. "If I'd known you had elecampane in your pocket, we could have saved us all some worry."

  One corner of the man's mouth raised a fraction of an inch as his eyelids drifted shut again. It's a good thing Langley didn't try to talk. His vocal chords would likely take days to recover from the smoke damage.

  Miriam started to rise, and Alex scrambled to do the same. As he stepped around Langley's feet, his gaze wandered to the overgrown trail that he hoped led to a road. How far outside of town were they? It had seemed like forever on the walk out here, but they'd probably traveled about fifteen minutes. Still, that was the shortcut. What if she met up with some rowdies on the road? What was he thinking sending a woman—this woman—off by herself in the middle of nowhere?

  "I'll be all right, Alex." Miriam slipped her hand into his, pulling his attention to her face.

  She was beautiful. Everything about her touched his heart and soul in a way he hadn't thought possible. She cared about people more than anyone he'd ever known. Even this rough miner who'd knocked her unconscious, bound her hands and feet, and tried to burn her alive. Yet, she still ministered to him with compassion and kindness.

  He raised his free hand to cup her face, losing himself in her sea green gaze. "You're an amazing lady, Miriam Bryant. How could I help but love you."

  Her lips parted as she inhaled a breath.

  He was too far gone to turn back now. "You deserve so much better, but I can't imagine my life without you. Please say you'll marry me."

  A sheen of moisture washed her eyes, and they glittered in the sunlight. Her mouth pressed tight, as if she were holding back tears. Had he upset her? What was he thinking to propose out here, after they'd just been kidnapped and almost murdered?

  He swallowed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have sprung that on you. It's just, after today… We never know what tomorrow will bring. And no matter what, I want you with me." He took both of her hands in his own and raised them to press a kiss on her fingertips. "If you want to go back East, we can. We'll tour the world if that will make you happy. Just say the words."


  Miriam fought back a sob of joy. Alex loved her. And wanted to marry her. Oh, God, thank you! It was too good to be true. She had to get control of her emotions before Alex kept talking and had them on a ship bound for the West Indies.

  She pulled her fingers free from his grasp and touched them to his lips. He froze, mid-sentence, and she rewarded him with a smile. "I would love to marry you, Alex."

  He closed his hand over hers and planted a kiss on her fingertips, then another on the fleshy part of her palm that sent shivers through her. His brown eyes darkened as he slipped a hand behind her neck and drew her close. His lips settled over hers in a touch gentle and achingly sweet.

  Oh, heaven. His kiss was everything she'd dreamed of and so much more. Her whole body answered, filling her response with all the love that had grown within her for this man.

  With a groan he tore himself away. His chest heaved as he lowered his forehead to hers. "Have I told you lately how amazing you are?"

  Miriam smiled as she worked to steady her own breathing. She cupped his face with her hands, skimming the hint of stubble that had grown since the morning. "You're pretty incredible yours

  He nipped at her little finger, holding it for a second between his lips. The act made her want to pull his mouth down to hers again.

  A cough from Langley broke through her thoughts.

  Miriam nibbled her lip. "I'd better go for help."

  He blinked, his brows furrowing as if he were trying to interpret her words. Then he planted a final kiss on her palm and stepped back. "I'll go. No telling who you might run into on the road."

  A flare of determination whipped through Miriam. "You need to stay with Mr. Langley. I'll hurry, and I'll be fine."

  As if to prove Alex's necessity, the man on the ground released another deep cough.

  Alex glanced between her and Langley, obviously torn.

  She squeezed his hand and stepped away. "I'll be back as quick as I can."


  Miriam stopped as he closed the distance between them, gripped her shoulders with both hands, then swooped down for another kiss. This was not the gentle caress from minutes before. It spoke of his urgency. His desperation. His desire to control, even though he knew it was beyond his control. It lasted only seconds before he stepped back and released her. "Please be careful."

  Her mind still whirled from that kiss, but Miriam gave him a wobbly smile. "God will be with me."

  His shoulders sagged. "I know."

  Then she turned, gathered her skirts in her hands, and ran.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The overgrown wagon trail did lead to a road. Was it the Mullan Road that led to town? Miriam turned the direction Butte should be. God, please let this be the way. She started off in a jog, but the smoke still clouding her lungs made it hard to breathe. Coughing forced her down to a walk, as she doubled over, her chest trying to rid itself of the foreign toxin. When the spasms finally ceased, she raised her head.

  The sound of a wagon drifted from around a curve in the road. Glimpses of it flashed through the trees. The murmur of a male voice drifted on the breeze. Singing? Or arguing? A rustle of apprehension ran through her. Maybe she should have let Alex come. She was capable of giving Langley medicine wasn't she? But if something went wrong or the man grew much worse, Alex would know what to do.

  Miriam squared her shoulders. And she was more than capable of handling herself on the road. She'd grown up in these mountains, and could always duck into the woods if the man approaching looked unsavory. She strode forward to meet the stranger head on.

  "…sweet Betsey from Pike, who crossed the wide prairies with her husband Ike."

  That voice. So familiar. As the wagon passed around the bend, a pair of chestnut mules came into view. And then…

  "Ol' Mose!" Miriam broke into a run as her heart soared.

  "Well lookee who it is. Miz Miriam. Yer the last person I 'spected to meet up with out here." Her old friend reined in the animals as she reached the wagon side and clutched it, struggling to catch her breath.

  "Need your…help."

  "Sure thing, missy. What's got you worked up?"

  "Alex…there's a man…we were kidnapped." Why couldn't she catch her breath?

  "Slow down there."

  She spun and waved for him to follow. "Come with me. We need to…get him back…to the clinic."

  "What say you climb up here an' ride whilst ye find yer breath?"

  Miriam obeyed, and Ol' Mose gripped her arm as she climbed up onto the wagon seat beside him.

  "Giddup there, Zeke. Move on, Zeb. We've got a man need's savin'." He slapped the reins and the pair of mules stepped into their harness in tandem.

  They moved achingly slow, but Miriam used the time to fill her friend in on the highlights of their adventure.

  "Alex only had one dose left of the medicine, so we've got to get Mr. Langley back to the clinic. Here…here's the turn." She motioned toward the opening in the trees. The branches and underbrush had grown up so much, she would have missed it had she not known where to look.

  The grooves in Ol' Mose's brow creased more than usual as he turned the team off the road. "Miz Miriam, you've laid out quite a tale there. No wonder God's put ya close ta my mind these last couple hours. Had me prayin' fer ya hard, He did."

  He reined in near where Alex hovered over the form of the large man by the mine opening. Miriam's heart clutched. Were they too late? She clambered down, biting back a cry when she landed on her bad leg.

  A hacking cough sounded from the man on the ground, and it triggered a flood of relief through Miriam. He was still alive.

  Alex stood, their eyes meeting across the distance. A world of emotions crossed between them. His relief. Courage. Fear. Love.

  Alex took a step toward her. Another. Her own feet stepped forward, propelling her.

  And then she was in his arms. He wrapped her tight as she clutched him. Breathing in his strength and love.

  Alex loosened his grip too soon, but he slipped an arm around her waist as he turned to face Ol' Mose, who stood over Langley. "I just gave him another dose of elecampane. He'll need more within the hour, so we need to hurry."

  "Can you walk, young feller?" Ol' Mose eyed Langley, who looked up at them through barely squinted eyes. Each breath rasped as it raised his chest.

  "Yeah," the man wheezed, but he didn't make a move to rise.

  Giving her side a final squeeze, Alex stepped away and squatted beside the man. "If you can get that side, Ol' Mose, let's lift him up."

  Grunts sounded as they raised Langley between them and shuffled toward the wagon. Miriam limped ahead to take off the rear board so they could lay him in the back. The men propped Langley against several sacks of cornmeal.

  "T'was out makin' deliveries to the mines." Ol' Mose said, motioning toward the half dozen crates stacked beside the bags.

  "I'll sit back here with him." Alex hunkered down beside Langley.

  Miriam's heart squeezed at the sight of her beloved. Even though this ne'er-do-well had kidnapped and tried to kill them, Alex did everything possible to save the man's life. How many other men would do the same? Thank you, Lord, for bringing Alex to me.


  The ride to the clinic took forever.

  Alex had Langley propped completely upright, but the coughs still shook his entire body. This cold air wasn't helping any, especially when the wind whipped up.

  Bryan met them on the boardwalk in front of the clinic, a hand shading his eyes against the glare of the late afternoon sun. He didn't speak, but the question on his face was clear.

  "This man's in a bad way. Help me get him in to a cot." Alex rose to his knees while he motioned to his brother.

  Bryan obeyed, murmuring a greeting to Tad as they lifted him from the wagon. Miriam had already headed inside to get things ready.

  "Reckon' I'll go get the sheriff if'n you youngsters have things in hand here," Ol' Mose said from his perch on the wagon.

  Bryan's gaze jerked up to Alex. "The sheriff?"

  Alex pinched his lips together as his mind skimmed over what they'd been through. "Langley kidnapped Miriam, then marched us into an old mine at gunpoint. Set the place on fire and planned to kill all three of us. The smoke knocked him out first, though, so we were able to get out."

  Bryan jerked up right. He looked like he would step back and leave Langley to fall in a heap.

  "Come on, man. Help me get him inside." Alex nodded up the steps to the clinic door as he teetered under the weight of the giant.

  Bryan's gaze skittered from the doorway where Miriam had disappeared, to Langley, then up to Alex. "This man tried to kill you and now you're saving his life?" Bryan didn't add "Have you gone daft?" but his tone said it for him.

  "He's a human being, Bryan. My job is to help people. It's up to God and the law to judge them."

  Eyes narrowing, Bryan studied him. Then a hint of a smile touched his mouth. "You finally figured that out, huh?"

  A grin tugged at Alex's own mouth. "Sometimes it takes a good woman to point things out."

  Bryan's brows shot up.

bsp; "Let's get him in." Alex spoke before his brother could, and stepped forward. Bryan didn't have a choice but to do the same.

  For once, it was a good thing his brother knew how to hold his tongue.


  Alex pushed his horse into a jog as the mountain trail leveled out. According to Miriam's directions, he shouldn't be far now. She'd certainly been right about it taking almost half a day to maneuver the mountain trails to the Bryant Ranch.

  A dog barked in the distance. He must be close. A side road split off from the main wagon path he traveled, and Alex took the smaller fork left. The trees opened to a clearing, where a log cabin first caught his eye. Its structure was simple, with a railed porch spanning the front. White curtains hung in the windows, and rocks outlined a few barren shrubs in front of the porch. Would those spindly plants produce flowers in the spring?

  To the left stood the barn, with fences fanning out on three sides. One of the large double doors opened, and out frisked a mid-sized dog. It glanced back inside the door and barked as Gideon emerged.

  Alex's chest tightened at the sight of the man he'd come to see. Surely Gideon wouldn't be angry at his news. Would he?

  When Gideon saw him, his face broke into a grin and his wide steps veered from the path to the house as he approached Alex.

  Alex dismounted and stepped forward to shake the man's hand.

  "Donaghue. Good to see you." And then Gideon's face clouded as his grip tightened. "Where's Miriam? What's wrong?"

  Alex held up his other hand to stop the barrage. "She's fine. Sends her love to you and Mrs. Bryant. I just stopped by to discuss something with you."

  Gideon relaxed and stepped back as Alex gazed around the clearing. "Nice place you have here." He turned back to Gideon with a grin. "It's peaceful."

  "That's what we like about it." Gideon reached for the reins. "Come inside while I put your horse away. Leah'll have something good to feed you."

  That didn't sound like a bad offer, so Alex followed Gideon toward the front steps where the man let loose a whistle, then waited expectantly. Gideon's profile favored Miriam's. Her features were softer, and her coloring more fare, but they had the same strong jaw and chin. The same tip at the end of their nose. The same wide eyes. His chest ached as he thought of her.


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