Claimed by the Commander

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Claimed by the Commander Page 4

by Sassa Daniels

  “It’s a promising sign for you, Commander, that she is so responsive to words alone. I can only imagine that her reactions will be magnified by manual stimulation.” The doctor’s words were full of excitement as he turned toward the thoroughly mortified Caroline. “Now, my dear, let us see what other surprises you have in store for us.”

  Chapter Three

  The first touch of the doctor’s gloved fingers on the most intimate part of her body made Caroline gasp loudly. Only she had explored down there, between her legs, before. As he gently parted her outer labia, it was unsettling in a way she had no words for. She’d expected it to be quite unpleasant to be examined by a stranger but the tingling she felt as he gently probed her femininity was, well, the only word for it was arousing. Although the doctor’s exploration was strictly clinical, it awakened something primal in her and she could not help moving her hips, trying to rub against his hand.

  As the older man pressed down on her clitoris, she felt her insides clench tightly. He began to massage the swollen bud, making tiny circular motions with his finger, applying a more insistent pressure. This was so vastly different to pleasuring herself. A strange, exhilarating pulse began to beat at her core and there was a rush of moisture that made her cry out in embarrassment, or was it excitement? She didn’t know which, but her mind was beginning to lose all ability to form rational thoughts. Her body took over, wanting something more. As she tried once more to push against the doctor’s hand, instinctively needing to grasp onto whatever it was that was building inside her, he suddenly pulled away, leaving her groaning with the agony of disappointment.

  “Excellent,” the doctor said. “Her responses are healthy but I will leave it to you to test Lady Caroline’s ability to achieve orgasm, Commander, once we have established virginity.”

  As he spoke, the doctor pressed a single finger inside her, its unexpected intrusion into her narrow channel eased by the natural lubrication that flooded from her. Caroline breathed rapidly, acutely aware of the movement of his long, thick finger in a place that not even she had explored, as he prodded carefully at the evidence of her purity.

  “I am pleased to confirm that Lady Caroline is, indeed, untouched,” the doctor announced as he withdrew his finger from her and stepped back from the table, turning to speak directly to the camera that hovered nearby. “Her body is clearly unsullied. The hymen is visible and intact and,” he paused as Rossingham bent to study his future bride more closely, a move that made her cheeks redden with shame, “she is very tight.”

  “Excellent.” Rossingham smiled affectionately down at Caroline. She wriggled from side to side as much as the restraints would allow, assuming that her ordeal was now over and she would be able to get up from this position that, aside from making her feel incredibly vulnerable, was straining her tired body to the limits of its endurance. Rossingham’s firm hand on her belly told her she was going nowhere. “We are not done yet, Caroline.”

  “But what else can there be?” she asked, aware that her voice was coming out at a higher pitch than normal.

  Rossingham gave her an indulgent look, making her feel as though the question had been incredibly naïve, which, she supposed, it had been since she really had no clue what more they might wish to do with her. Although she heard the doctor mentioning testing her ability to experience orgasm, she had assumed that would be something private between herself and the man who was going to marry her.

  “The Council will wish to be assured that you are capable of producing the natural responses that will make you a good wife to me before they release you into my custody.”

  Caroline’s eyes narrowed as she felt anger mingling with fear welling up inside her. If she understood correctly, then her fears that she was to be further humiliated were justified. “What exactly do you mean by natural responses?”

  “They will want to be certain that you can respond appropriately to sexual stimulation. No man wishes to fuck a cold, unresponsive female.” Caroline felt as though her already reddened cheeks were about to catch fire. If her hands had been free, she would have slapped his arrogantly handsome face for that and she suspected from the gleam in his iridescent eyes that he knew it. His words had been spoken with more than a hint of disdain and yet something in his manner gave Caroline the strangest impression he hadn’t wanted to wound her with his words. “And,” Rossingham continued, his tone pleasant but with an undercurrent of tension, “they will need to feel assured that you are able to provide me with an heir. We all need to do our bit for the repopulation effort, after all.”

  Caroline’s already faint hope that she might be able to negotiate a marriage in name only was dashed to pieces. If he intended to use her as a vessel for procreation, there was no chance he would be persuaded to keep his hands, and other more menacing body parts, to himself.

  “And we will need to ensure that she is receptive to anal penetration,” the doctor added, to immediate agreement from the commander. Caroline felt as though her heart had actually stopped beating for a moment. She and her friends had spoken about this humiliating practice, designed to reinforce a man’s dominance over his wife. It was something she’d found titillating in her racy novels but there was not a chance in hell she was going to submit to such a thing. With furious intent but no success, she struggled to free herself from the leather restraints.

  “Cease your movements, woman,” Rossingham said sternly. “You will injure yourself.”

  “Then let me go!” Caroline spat. “Untie me this instant, you… you… ruffian!”

  “Ruffian?” Rossingham threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, Caroline, you really are a little hellcat, aren’t you? I can only hope you’ll be this entertaining in bed.”

  Caroline blushed furiously as, clearly less amused by her outburst than the commander, the doctor stepped forward.

  “I can see that additional restraints are required here.” Even as he spoke, the older man was drawing a thick strap of brown leather across her torso, just beneath her firm, rounded breasts. Once it was securely fastened, he drew another, thinner band across her upper chest and buckled it tightly in place. If movement had been difficult before, it was impossible now. Whatever they planned to do to her from this moment on, she would not be able to escape any of it.

  Caroline sobbed helplessly at the thought of the sight she presented, not just to the doctor and the man who had come to claim her but to the Council members who, the airborne camera reminded her constantly, were watching in some nearby room. No doubt they were enjoying every moment of her humiliation. Thinking about them salivating over her abject misery made the tears fall harder and faster. She felt so exposed lying there, her thighs spread apart, her glistening pink pussy and the little pucker of her bottom hole on display. Her breasts were obscenely framed by leather bonds and, with her arms stretched above her head, they were pulled up into taut little mounds.

  “Before you begin the next stage of the examination, Doctor, perhaps you would be good enough to remove this unsightly mess for me.”

  “No,” Caroline wailed in protest as she felt him tug at the dark tufts of hair that were her one remaining defense against complete exposure.

  “Hush, Caroline,” Rossingham said, the words soft, the look in his eyes beseeching but the command unmistakable.

  “Perhaps I should gag her for the rest of the examination,” the doctor said, clearly growing increasingly irritated with her attempts at resistance.

  At the thought of being forcibly silenced, Caroline let out another long howl of distress.

  “That won’t be necessary.” Rossingham looked down into her eyes, which were wide with panic. “Will it, Caroline?”

  “No, Commander Rossingham,” she sniffed. “Thank you.”

  Her gratitude was genuine and she quickly brought her sobbing under control, knowing that he could easily change his mind if she pushed him any further.

  “Good girl.” Rossingham’s praise gave her some small
comfort. He patted her thigh affectionately and it helped her to relax a little.

  A few moments passed and then she felt a slight tingling on her feminine mound as the doctor used a small laser to permanently remove every last trace of hair from between her legs and around her bottom hole. Now fully denuded, she felt as though every part of her had been laid bare, but she managed to hold back from bursting into tears once more. Knowing that those bastards who sat on the High Council were witnessing every second of this degradation, she had to salvage some dignity. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself for the next phase of this highly personal inspection.

  * * *

  Seeing the change in Caroline’s demeanor from intense fear to determination to endure this ordeal with as little fuss as possible made Andrew incredibly proud of the young woman who lay bound and spread out before him. He hated seeing the other man touching her and, knowing that this could not be easy for an inexperienced lady of her social standing, wanted to assure her that all would be well. When they were married, he was going to get her far from here and do all he could to erase the unpleasant memories of the last couple of days from her mind. He had no idea what had happened to her after she was arrested but, knowing the High Council’s disdain for women in general and rebellious ones like Caroline in particular, it could not have been easy for her. With her sallow skin and haunted eyes ringed with dark shadows, her face told a story of discomfort and dread, no matter how admirably brave she tried to be.

  As much as he would have liked to, he couldn’t say anything to offer her solace. There were individuals on the Council he did not trust and he dared not show any tenderness to Caroline in case they used it to try to exert some form of control over him. Already he felt a strong need to protect this young woman and would do anything within his power to ensure her wellbeing.

  He worried that if they saw evidence of his concern for her, they might try to use it as a bargaining chip, to make certain he was willing to side with them when the alliance with Taar-Breck was finally tested beyond its endurance, something they all knew was coming. If they attempted to force his hand, he would have to act and he had no desire to be the one who precipitated the next war. There were, he suspected, some on the Council who knew that his loyalties had not lain with Earth’s rulers for many years and that he wanted nothing more than to turn his back on the corruption here and take his rightful place amongst the elite of Taar-Breck, something he could not do while straddling two worlds.

  Besides all that, he knew that the examination was necessary to prepare Caroline for the demands of their upcoming marriage. As his wife, she would need to be ready to accommodate his desires, to bend to his will. She would also face humiliating punishments if she failed to obey his rules because he simply did not have time to gently persuade her to toe the line. This experience, as unpleasant as she might find it, was the first step toward this proud, independent woman accepting that her body was not hers alone.

  As he watched the doctor move into position, ready to insert the speculum into her vagina using nothing but her own feminine moisture as lubrication, he put a restraining hand on the man’s shoulder.

  “Take care, Doctor. I want the hymen left intact.”

  “I will do what I can.”

  Andrew shook his head impatiently and leaned in closer to the other man, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction as the doctor’s eyes widened when he correctly perceived the imminent threat.

  “No, Doctor, you will leave the hymen as it is. If you damage my bride I will revisit her injuries upon you tenfold.”

  The other man swallowed loudly and nodded. Few people argued with Andrew. It was not simply a question of his size, which distinguished him from most men, but the bearing with which he carried himself. The confidence in his own power that exuded from every pore made other warriors think twice about opposing him, and the rather small, feeble doctor clearly knew he was no match for him.

  As the doctor pushed the sterile instrument carefully into Caroline’s virgin channel, Andrew saw her bite down on her bottom lip as though in some discomfort but, to her credit, she did not complain.

  “Good girl.” He could not resist offering her praise once more.

  As the doctor carefully opened the speculum, clearly heeding Andrew’s warning to take care, Caroline’s fists clenched and she let out a low moan as she was stretched wide for the first time. Despite the compassion he felt for her in that moment, there was something arousing about seeing her bound and open like this and Andrew could not prevent his body from reacting with a kick of awareness that made his cock harden almost painfully.

  Taking a deep breath, he listened distractedly as the doctor prattled on, reporting his findings about the health of Lady Caroline’s cervix and pronouncing her to be in perfect condition for breeding.

  “I have no doubt that she will bear you many fine sons, Commander,” the doctor said in his obsequious tone. “And I am sure they will be a great credit to you.”

  Andrew nodded. He hadn’t given much thought to marriage and children before now. He’d been occupied with other things but now the image of this beautiful young woman’s belly swollen with his child filled his head and brought him a strange kind of peace. Suddenly he longed to hear his name on her luscious pink lips, to hold that lithe body close to him as they slept. He wanted to bare that gorgeous little butt of hers in the privacy of their own home and teach her who she belonged to with a thorough spanking before reinforcing the lesson by fucking that pretty pussy hard and fast. It was disturbing to realize just how badly he wanted to claim this woman as his wife.

  He was brought back to the present by a groan from Caroline as the speculum was removed and he was delighted that it seemed she was protesting its absence and the emptiness she felt rather than expressing discomfort. Caroline was clearly a very responsive young woman and he could not wait to test that further. But first they had to get out of this damned place and the mandatory examination of his future bride was not yet over.

  * * *

  Caroline breathed deeply, proud that she had managed to keep herself from yelling out as the instrument was removed from inside her. Although it had been uncomfortable when the doctor pushed it into her and opened it wide, stretching her more than she had ever thought possible, its sudden removal had left her aching to be filled. What would it be like to be taken by a man, to be spread apart like that by warm flesh rather than a cold, sterile piece of medical equipment? She barely had the chance to think about it before the doctor spoke once more.

  “We will proceed to an inspection of the anal passage now.”

  “No!” Although she’d known this was coming, Caroline couldn’t prevent herself from crying out. “Please, I couldn’t bear it.”

  “But you must bear it, Lady Caroline.” The doctor’s tone was scolding. “Your husband will want to make regular use of your tight little bottom hole and you must be properly inspected to ensure there will be no impediments to his enjoyment.”

  Her future husband’s enjoyment, Caroline realized bitterly, was all that mattered to the doctor and she hoped that Rossingham cared about something more than that. She looked up at him, her eyes begging for his help but there was only a momentary flicker of something resembling pity before his gaze hardened once more and he shot her a pointed look. Throughout this whole humiliating experience, she’d got the distinct impression he was trying to send her a message but she wasn’t sure what it was. If she knew him better perhaps she would be able to read the look in his eye properly but she could only guess at what he meant by the secret glances. She thought it might be a plea for her to put her trust in him.

  “Caroline, this is not the first time you have protested during this examination but it will be the last,” he said sternly. “Any further disobedience will earn you a sound paddling. Do you understand?”

  Tears welling up in her emerald green eyes once more as she struggled to understand why his facial expressions said one thing and h
is words suggested something else, she nodded mutely.

  “Caroline, I asked you a question.”

  “Yes, Commander Rossingham,” she replied quietly. “I understand.”

  “We will need to adjust her position for the final part of the examination,” the doctor said, pushing a button on the side of the table that slowly fed out the lengths of chain attached to the cuffs around Caroline’s ankles, allowing her legs to drop down as the table also extended, returning to its original size.

  As the muscles in her calves protested at their sudden release from the awkward position in which she had been restrained, Caroline whimpered. With tenderness that took her by surprise, Rossingham massaged one aching leg and then the other until the feeling returned to something resembling normal.

  “Thank you, Commander,” she whispered softly as she flexed her toes to tease out the last of the cramp from her aching muscles.

  He nodded curtly, apparently ill at ease with displaying a caring side in front of an audience. As she caught and held Rossingham’s gaze, trying to read something in those enticingly purple eyes, she was vaguely aware of the doctor releasing her ankles from the cuffs. She wished they would also free her upper body from its bonds but there seemed to be no intention to do so.

  “Place your knees together and bring them up to your chest, Lady Caroline,” the doctor instructed. “If you cannot hold the position, I will have no alternative but to pull your legs up over your head and secure your ankles to your wrists.”

  Caroline closed her eyes tightly. It was incredibly humiliating that she was going to be made to cooperate by holding such a challenging position but the thought of being practically bent double for this part of the examination was truly horrifying. Already weary, she had no desire to drag things out any longer than necessary so she did as she was told and drew her legs up toward her chest.


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