Claimed by the Commander

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Claimed by the Commander Page 11

by Sassa Daniels

  Caroline shivered as Andrew slowly circled her, deliberately taking his time to appreciate every part of her naked body. The little rosebuds at the peaks of her breasts had tightened and her breathing was becoming more rapid.

  “You are, without doubt, the most beautiful creature I have ever seen,” he murmured as he moved around her like an animal stalking its prey.

  As he came to a stop behind her, he admired the smoothness of her skin, its buttermilk complexion. As he examined the vivid red welts on her bottom and thought about the way her body had writhed as she took her spanking, his cock stiffened. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her back against the solid wall of his chest. Cupping her breast in his hand and, running his thumb around the delicate pink areola, he leaned in and gently bit on her neck, causing her to moan with desire. Savoring the sweet taste of her perfect skin, he moved his hand lower, between her legs and slid his fingers over the smooth metal shield that covered her sex, preventing him from touching the gorgeous little pussy that was rightfully his.

  “Soon this will be mine,” he whispered in her ear, making her sway in his arms, and his fingers skimmed over her bottom, “and this. But, for now, I’ll just have to enjoy that beautiful mouth of yours.”

  As he let go of Caroline, she looked a little dazed. He took a seat on the edge of the bed, with his legs parted. Looking her straight in the eye, he waited for her to make the next move.

  * * *

  Standing naked before Andrew, Caroline had no idea what had got into her, why she’d suddenly offered to service him in that way. She was curious, she guessed, and knowing that she would soon give her virginity to this man she was anxious to, well, take him for a test run. That seemed a little vulgar, but it was more or less the truth of it.

  As she stood there, trying to decide what to do next, she felt increasingly unsure of herself. She had no experience of this type of thing. All that she knew about the intimate relations between men and women came from erotic novels and suddenly that knowledge did not seem adequate. Perhaps it was not too late to back away from this.

  Almost as though he’d sensed her hesitation, Andrew fixed her with his gaze and slowly shook his head.

  “On your knees, Caroline.” The note of command in his voice sent a shiver of excitement through her entire body and she immediately did as she was told, dropping to the floor with as much grace as she could.

  As Andrew unzipped his pants and freed his cock, Caroline blew out a breath. His comments earlier about being bigger than the plug inserted in her butt had been no idle boast. She had never seen that part of a man in the flesh and it looked nothing like the flaccid penises she’d seen in the forbidden art books she and her friends had spent hours giggling over. No, this was not the tame piece of flesh she’d imagined. There was nothing timid about his cock. In fact, it looked positively ferocious. A long, thick shaft that jutted out from Andrew’s muscular body, its purple head glistened with drops of fluid.

  Before she could lose her nerve, Caroline crawled to him and positioned herself between his legs, catching the unmistakable scent of masculine arousal in the air.

  “Hands behind your back.”

  Caroline looked up at Andrew, puzzled, but did as she was told, placing her hands behind her and knitting her fingers together to make it easier to keep them there. She caught the appreciative glint in his eye as her breasts were thrust out in front of her and his raw appraisal made her clitoris tingle with desire.

  “Now, take me in your mouth.”

  It was easier said than done without the use of her hands and Caroline heard him chuckle as she tried to catch his manhood between her lips as he deliberately shifted to make it harder for her. Humiliatingly, his erection smacked her in the face at least twice before she captured it in her mouth. As she took the first inch of him, her tongue circled around the head and dipped into the slit where droplets of moisture had collected. The taste was like nothing she’d ever had in her mouth before, a little salty but, to her surprise, not unpleasant.

  Running her tongue along the underside of his steely shaft, she took him deeper into her mouth.

  “God, Caroline, more.” There was an urgency to his demand that gave her a feeling of power and she was rewarded with an almost agonized groan as she slid her mouth down the length of him, taking him right to the back of her throat. She relaxed her jaw instinctively to prevent herself from gagging. Then she moved all the way up the shaft again, letting her teeth graze the velvety skin.

  “Fuck, Caroline!” His hands gripped the short strands of hair at the back of her head almost painfully as he held her firmly in place. She could sense that he was having trouble holding back, that it was costing him to let her explore him at her own pace. Head bobbing up and down, she suckled eagerly on his rigid length, his groans of ecstasy giving her confidence that she was pleasing him. “I love seeing my cock in your mouth.”

  His voice was strained and, as she listened to his moans of gratification, Caroline became aware of her own growing arousal. Every move she made jolted the plug inside her bottom and her pussy began to grow wet as she took great delight in giving him pleasure.

  As she lapped enthusiastically on his rock-hard flesh, Andrew suddenly took control of the situation, gripping her hair even tighter and thrusting his hips to fill her mouth completely. As he slid back and forth over her tongue to hit the back of her throat again and again, Caroline’s heart beat faster. Something inside her had been awakened and she felt more alive than she ever had before. It was intensely exhilarating and not a little terrifying to know that she could come to life just from having her mouth used in this way.

  As he thrust deep, Caroline felt Andrew’s cock swell massively between her lips. He muttered something incoherent and let go of her head as he threw his hands back to brace himself on the bed. His warm seed flooded her mouth and she swallowed eagerly, not wanting to spill a single precious drop of the gift he’d given her.

  Leaning down, he kissed her with a possessiveness that took her breath away and she wondered what it was like for him to taste himself on her tongue. As he pulled back, the look in his eye told her what he did not say—you are mine—and the thought made her heart soar.

  Chapter Eight

  Being back in the town hall was even more nerve-racking than Caroline had imagined it would be. Although there had been no hostile crowds lining the streets this time as she was driven to her wedding in the comfort of a government car rather than the terrible cage she’d been brought here in for her trial, she was still painfully aware that she was not among friends. People stopped to glare at her as she walked through endless corridors to the antechamber outside the great hall where the ceremony was scheduled to take place at midday and she wished that Andrew could be there by her side. As tradition dictated, she hadn’t seen him this morning and they’d traveled to the New Cambridge headquarters of the High Council separately. Even though she had Bryn and Taryn with her, and they’d been incredibly attentive, it was not the same as having the man who made her feel safest there next to her.

  “Are you ready, Lady Caroline?” Bryn asked as she smoothed down the flowing silk skirts of the wedding gown the seamstress had managed to create in record time thanks, no doubt, to the offer of a generous bonus payment from Andrew. The dress was quite spectacular, with a beautiful sweetheart neckline and an intricately embroidered bodice and Caroline wished that some of her friends could be there to see it.

  Looking at Bryn, whose eyebrow was raised in expectation of a response, Caroline nodded and allowed him to pull the exquisite lace veil she wore down over her face, which would remain covered until the ceremony was completed and her new husband claimed her as his bride.

  “You know what to expect?” Taryn queried.

  “Yes,” Caroline confirmed. The marriage ritual was a fairly traditional one. Caroline would kneel at the feet of the man who was to become, to all intents and purposes, her master, with her forehead pressed to th
e floor, until he gave her permission to rise. Then she would be his to do with as he pleased. If it was any other man, she would be afraid, but the thought of belonging to Andrew completely gave Caroline a thrill she could scarcely believe possible.

  “And you know how the commander will act?” Taryn checked, clearly concerned that she should be aware of what would happen once they entered that room.

  Caroline nodded. Andrew had warned her last night before leaving her that he would not be able to show her an ounce of affection in the presence of the members of the High Council who would be at the ceremony. He’d asked for her to trust him and she intended to do just that. Already, he’d seen her safely through several challenges and she knew he would continue to do so. Any humiliations he was forced to heap on her now in order to placate the Council would be worth it if they got her away from those awful men and the very real possibility that they would do her harm.

  “Very well,” Taryn said. “We shall proceed.”

  As he opened the door to the great hall, Caroline pressed her fingertips lightly to the pretty bronze charm on Elizabeth’s necklace that she’d worn so some small part of her sister would be there with her. Sending up a silent plea to the fates that all would be well, she breathed in deeply, filling her lungs and then slowly blowing the air back out again. Then, flanked by her two enormous alien escorts, who each took a careful hold of one of her arms, she began to make the long walk toward Andrew who stood, with his back to her, at the end of the aisle.

  There were a lot of people here, Caroline noted and, although any of the faces were familiar, there was not a single one belonging to a friend. In fact, there weren’t any women in attendance at all. As well as the men who sat on the High Council, there were dozens of other dignitaries there, no doubt to ensure that the troublesome young female they’d heard so much about these past few days was safely married off and dispatched to another planet. As she walked by them, her head held defiantly high, there was not a word of encouragement for her or even a reassuring smile. Instead, she was met with sneering glares and the open hostility that hit her like a hammer made her tremble. She would probably never reconcile herself with the idea that people could hate her so vehemently.

  At the end of the aisle, Andrew turned and watched her intently as she glided toward him but his face gave nothing of his innermost thoughts away. Although he’d warned her to expect it, his impassive expression still took her aback. She’d thought there would be some hint of warmth in his eyes at least, but there was nothing there. As she looked at him, he was suddenly a stranger again, and not the man who’d held her in his arms late into the night. Seeming to sense that she was becoming distressed, Bryn and Taryn each gave her a comforting squeeze as they led her closer to the man who would, by the time they left this room, be her husband.

  As Caroline reached Andrew, he cast a cold, dismissive glance over her and then turned to face President Hall, who’d chosen to perform the rites required to make them husband and wife himself. Letting go of her arms, the two alien warriors melted into the background, something they seemed to have a talent for, despite their intimidating size, and Caroline felt the sudden abandonment as a chill sweeping down her spine. Swaying unsteadily, she stood there transfixed by the hostile glare of President Hall.

  “On your knees, girl!” he barked out, making her jump.

  Caroline instantly dropped to her knees and, with some struggle as she became entangled in her voluminous skirts, assumed the required position with her forehead pressed to the floor. She cringed slightly at the intensely humiliating pose she’d adopted.

  “One moment,” she heard Andrew say.

  She was aware of him crouching down next to her and taking hold of the hem of her skirts. Even though she guessed what he was about to do, a shocked gasp still escaped her as he pulled the dress up around her waist, baring her thoroughly plugged bottom to the gaze of the men who’d gathered to witness the marriage. Her face reddened as approving murmurs filled the air behind her. Their audience could clearly see the fading red marks on the pale white skin of her bottom, evidence of her spanking. Caroline clenched her eyes shut and tried to prevent tears of humiliation from leaking out. The realization that Andrew had bared her so that everyone could witness his willingness to take her in hand, to demonstrate to the skeptics on the Council that he would prevent her from giving them any more trouble, did not lessen her feeling of utter exposure.

  Gripped by a sense of vulnerability, Caroline knelt there in silence for the next ten minutes trying, but failing, to imagine herself somewhere more pleasant as the words of the ceremony washed over her. Nothing was required of a bride during the proceedings other than for her to listen carefully as she was told that she would spend the rest of her days honoring and serving the man who stood next to her. For Andrew’s part, he pledged to guide her with a firm hand and ensure that she was punished appropriately for any lapses in obedience. Caroline knew that there had been a time when the couple being joined together had promised to love one another but there was no room for such romantic sentiment these days. Marriages were about social status and ensuring that women were kept firmly under control. As the ceremony drew toward its conclusion, Caroline felt a wave of fear. What if Andrew’s caring side suddenly disappeared once she was legally bound to him? What if that chilling look he’d given her when she reached the end of the aisle was an indication of how he really felt about her?

  As the final words of the ritual came, she knew that there was no possibility of backing out now, not that it had seemed likely that she would be able to before.

  “She is now your wife,” President Hall said disdainfully. “You may do with her as you please.”

  Caroline quivered and waited for Andrew to give her some instruction. Then she felt his arm around her as he reached down to pull her to her feet. Mercifully, as she was brought to a standing position, her skirts fell back into place, shielding her once more from the lewd gazes of the assembled audience. Her breath hitched as Andrew lifted the veil from her face and stared at her with undeniable hunger. As her lips parted, he leaned down and kissed her long and hard, his tongue plundering her mouth in an act of pure possession. When he finally drew back, he left her gasping for air, reeling from the intensity of the kiss. For a moment, he looked at her with such tenderness and then anger clouded his face. Scowling as though she’d somehow wronged him, he grabbed her hand and led her wordlessly from the room.

  * * *

  As soon as they were clear of the great hall, Andrew wrapped his arms around Caroline and pulled her close as, apparently overwhelmed by emotion, she began to cry. He knew that the ceremony they’d just suffered through was not any woman’s ideal wedding and he regretted that he’d been forced to remain aloof to prevent the Council from seeing his true feelings for her before the marriage was legalized. Whispering softly to her, murmuring reassurances, he rubbed her back and she quickly pulled herself together. Her resilience impressed him once again and he was now even more certain that she was the right woman for him.

  “Did I do something wrong in there?” Caroline asked, looking up at him with those big green eyes he loved so much. “You seemed annoyed.”

  “Not with you, sweetheart. I was angry with myself, with the whole situation.”

  Caroline nodded as though she understood that he’d been irritated by having to conceal his true feelings for her until they were in a place where he was absolutely certain he could protect her.

  “So what now?” she asked with such weariness in her voice his heart ached for her. She had no doubt realized that it would not be a simple case of walking out of there now that the ceremony was concluded.

  “Well, first we need to go to the medical room and get the chastity belt removed if we want to enjoy our wedding night properly.”

  Caroline blushed and looked away and Andrew could not help but enjoy the fact she was still such an innocent.

  “And the dilator thingy?”

p; There was a definite grimace on her face as she mentioned the plug that was still stretching her pretty little bottom to make it easier for him to use that forbidden hole.

  “That will be removed also.”

  She flashed him a grateful smile and Andrew wondered just how big an ordeal it had been for her to wear the plug continuously for almost two days. She certainly hadn’t complained as much as he might have expected, but that might be more a sign of her fortitude than an indication that she’d enjoyed the experience of being filled like that for so long.

  “And then?”

  “Then the Council has insisted on holding a drinks reception for us.”

  “Why would they do that?” Caroline’s nose scrunched up as her brow furrowed in thought.

  “Why indeed?”

  Andrew knew that it was all about them demonstrating their power while they could. The moment he got on board the transport that was waiting outside Earth’s atmosphere for them, the ability of the Council to influence him in any way would be over. He intended to formally relinquish his dual citizenship and pledge himself wholeheartedly to his mother’s people, the Taar-Breckians. While he would always look out for the welfare of the inhabitants of Earth, he had no intention of serving its corrupt Council a moment longer than necessary. He was sure that when he returned home and reported all that he’d seen over the last couple of days to the authorities there, they would agree with his plans to renegotiate their military cooperation with the Council and lobby them to introduce reforms.

  Realizing that his new wife was examining him closely with a quizzical expression on her face as his mind drifted elsewhere, Andrew tried to clear his head of everything but Caroline. Smiling warmly and receiving a cute little grin in return, he led her to the examination room. As they got closer, he felt her begin to tremble and put his arm around her shoulder to steady her.


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