Douluo Dalu - Volume 02 - The First Spirit Ring

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 02 - The First Spirit Ring Page 6

by Tang Jia San Shao

  “Teacher, then you first rest a moment, I’ll leave. At noon I will come back and bring you food.”

  Leaving Grandmaster’s room, Tang San just heard the bell ringing the end of class, Nuoding primary spirit master academy class period was not at all long, and until noon classes there were still half a double-hour break for meals.

  As it happened to be end of class, Tang San decided to first return to the dormitory and greet his roommates, telling them he had returned and would go out again.

  But, just when he returned to the dormitory, he was surprised to discover that within the dormitory was completely empty, without a shadow of a person. His bedding was still the same as when he left, put together with Xiao Wu’s bedding, the middle separated by cloth bundles.

  Not one had returned after class? Tang San couldn’t help but in his heart feel suspicious. Turning around and leaving the dormitory, stepping out on the sports ground.

  Right in front of the school building students walked out in twos and threes coming towards the dormitory. Just when Tang San prepared to first go to Spirit Hall to undergo spirit master authentication as Grandmaster instructed, faintly he heard among those compared to him marked as upper students as if saying the two words ‘working student’.

  Hurriedly focusing, by way of internal strength he distinguished the source and listened attentively to the content of their conversation.

  “Those working students really are overrating themselves, to actually challenge the sixth year’s boss Xiao. I estimate at class tomorrow it will be difficult to see a shadow of a working student.”

  “Still can’t tell, the working students dared challenge our academy’s Little Overlord also with a bit depending on, they say, a new first year working student, a little girl who is very fierce. Having all the working students call her Xiao Wu Jie. This time’s matter seems exactly like her taking the initiative to provoke. This time their stake is also absolutely sufficient, if boss Xiao wins, afterwards he possess all the working students as his dogs, and if the working students win here, then afterwards that Xiao Wu Jie is our whole academy’s Xiao Wu Jie.”

  “These working students are definitely courting death, in what respect can a first year little girl be capable of being fierce. Boss Xiao is one of few among our academy six year students who has reached spirit master realm. It looks as if boss Xiao later will have a pack of servants.”

  Hearing the words of the higher grade students, Tang San’s heart immediately tightened. Although he had not known Xiao Wu long, regarding Xiao Wu’s nature he still had a certain understanding. The temper of this looking like a fair and tender little girl was in no way as gentle and soft as her appearance, on the contrary rather rude and unreasonable. In addition with what Wang Sheng preciously told him about working students were being bullied, he could confirm that these two older students’ words were certainly genuine.

  Tang San also was one of the working students, he naturally could not watch his roommates be bullied.

  “Two seniors, may one ask where boss Xiao and those working students are?”

  Tang San greeted the two students.

  The two students were clearly dumbfounded a moment, and the left side senior student said:

  “What? Little junior you also want to go stick a foot in? Boss Xiao has enough manpower, by your appearance you should be second or third year, I advise you to still leave out, to accidentally be injured could be bad.”

  From Tang San’s neat clothes and that looking like it was high quality belt on his waist, the two students obviously could not guess at his working student status.

  “Senior, I only want to go have a look at a distance.”

  Tang San naturally could not make clear that he was part of the working students.

  “They should duel in the woods on the mountain behind the academy.”

  Obtaining accurate information, Tang San took off, running towards the rear side of the academy.

  What is called the mountain behind the academy was certainly not within Nuoding academy, just outside the academy rear gate is a small hill, apart from the academy. Tang San saw nobody around, so he immediately launched Ghost Shadow Perplexing Trace and ran full out towards the hill.

  The woods were very quiet, but not at all tranquil, on the contrary rather abundantly an atmosphere of swords drawn and bows bent.

  Apart from Tang San all the working students stood behind Xiao Wu, and facing them were all told more than twenty higher grade students formed up in ranks.

  Led by one person wearing Nuoding primary spirit master academy uniform, large stature tall and straight, although his face remained childish, he already had a bit adult appearance. It looked like in body he was at least half again as large when compared to Xiao Wu, his features also counted as handsome and spirited. Only the contemptuous and disdainful expression on his face sabotaged the harmony.

  “Little girl, right now there is still time for you to repent. Of course, I do not mind having a pet rabbit. Your spirit is rabbit, isn’t that right.”

  Part 5

  Xiao Wu’s expression did not lose a bit to the opposite side and was similarly disdainful, only her disdain harmoniously arranged her soft and fair face to somehow have a cute appearance, pointing at the opposite side saying:

  “Boss Xiao, you scared? Scared of afterwards being my little brother.”


  Boss Xiao feigned an elegant big laugh,

  “How could I be scared? I say, that Wang Sheng, have all you working students lost your minds, to actually find this kind of little girl to stir up a fight with me. Really funny. Little girl, you still haven’t asked who I, boss Xiao, am. In this Nuoding city, if I walk from east to west there is nobody who dares hinder me, not to even mention this academy.”

  Xiao Wu was clearly already rather impatient,

  “Less nonsense, let’s start. You say how we fight.”

  Boss Xiao’s eyes narrowed, revealing a somewhat evil expression,

  “Rest assured, I won’t bully you. Don’t you have ten people here, then we also will only use ten people. Sending out in turns, those sent out only need to win, then can continue fighting the next opponent. Up until all the people on one side are defeated.”

  Able to become the boss among students, this boss Xiao could not be a rash person, on the contrary, he was very clever. Although on the surface Xiao Wu looked like she could be no threat. But this boss Xiao also did not fight Wang Sheng for only one or two days, and of Wang Sheng’s temperament he still had a clear understanding, if this little girl before him did not have some ability, how could Wang Sheng so easily recognize her as the working students representative.

  But how powerful could this little girl be? On his side were all higher grade students, and each one’s actual strength was not weak. The working students’ side only had one Wang Sheng that still could be considered having some ability, in addition to this little girl at most they had only two people that’s all. Letting the younger brothers under his leadership completely grind them to death, he would not even need to come out himself, and this fight was already won. Seemingly a fair method for duelling, was it truly fair?

  Wang Sheng naturally also realized boss Xiao’s plan, but before he could open his mouth, Xiao Wu already readily spoke:

  “Fine, we’ll settle it like this. Come, whoever is first of you, come out.”

  By now, it was already too late for Wang Sheng to prevent Xiao Wu’s agreement.

  The followers of boss Xiao pursed their lips, and a large higher grade student immediately walked out.

  Wang Sheng gritted his teeth,

  “Xiao Wu Jie, let me go first.”

  He was naturally familiar with this higher grade student on the other side. This fellow was in the same class as him, and Wang Sheng had fought him many times, every time the outcome was miserable. This student’s spirit was a staff. But not just a simple staff.

  Xiao Wu appearing very like a big sister leader, nodded,
agreeing to Wang Sheng’s request.

  Wang Sheng drew a deep breath, stepping up between the two sides,

  “Liu Long, come.”

  On Liu Long’s hand yellow brilliant light rose, and a two metre tall long staff winked into his grasp,

  “A defeated opponent. Wang Sheng, after I beat you today you won’t stand up for days, or my name isn’t Liu.”

  Wang Sheng still did not answer, but Xiao Wu behind him already smiling said:

  “Then if you lose, it’s fine to call you ‘Withered Willow’.”

  Liu Long’s facial expression became cold, and without uttering a sound, he very quickly moved forward a step, the long staff in his hands immediately thrusting up, descending straight to smash Wang Sheng.

  Wang Sheng’s body shone equally bright with spirit power light, and with a tiger’s roar, without dodging, raising both arms crossed, blocked the other party’s long staff.

  With a muffled peng sound, Wang Sheng grunted, immediately retreating two steps. Both arms flooding spirit power turned over, both hands grabbing for the opponent’s long staff. Even with spirit power protection, in this first contact the opponent’s long staff already left bloody marks on his arms. Bruising was hard to avoid.

  Liu Long’s mouth twitched,

  “You still have a short memory. This is my spirit.”

  Light shimmering, the part of the long staff Wang Sheng held abruptly disappeared, immediately afterward the long staff’s previous point that had just crossing Wang Sheng’s arms, all of a sudden thrust at Wang Sheng’s stomach. His body tumbled backwards.

  Wang Sheng’s fighting determination need not be doubted, his strength was also significantly higher than his opponent, but unfortunately he was at the disadvantage of still being unable to obtain a spirit ring. Unable to undergo spirit adding, although under the aid of spirit power strength increased, agility was insufficient. Encountering this kind of long staff spirit using adversary, even if the other party used a one cun long and one cun powerful characteristic, when fighting he completely lacked the power to strike back.

  His body shot up, a tiger’s roar yet again rising, but very quickly his body was already once again whipped back by the long staff.

  However Wang Sheng could also be considered to have rough skin and thick meat. Normally taking many beatings, his ability to resist and fight back must also be more powerful compared to ordinary students. Although in a completely disadvantageous position, the opponent wanting to make him lose fighting ability also was not a simple matter. Before Xiao Wu and Tang San arrived at Nuoding academy, the working students were relying on him alone to protect them. Without a little ability, he would long ago be bullied to death by others.

  “Wang Sheng is still too impulsive. With frontal confrontation, he cannot approach the body, and only by approaching the body can he defeat the opponent.”

  When Xiao Wu’s brows were creasing greatly, a low voice suddenly rose by her ear. Inclining her head to look, her beautiful big eyes couldn’t help but reveal a pleasantly surprised light,

  “Tang San, you’re back.”

  Reaching Xiao Wu’s side was exactly Tang San, turning to the mountain behind the academy, he saw this scene in the woods on the side, and instantly without a sound he quietly reached Xiao Wu’s side. As his stature was not tall, nobody on boss Xiao’s side had even taken notice of his appearance.

  Tang San looked at Xiao Wu, thinking to say something, but refrained.

  Xiao Wu caught his expression of wanting to say something but stopping,

  “What? Want to say I’m impulsive too?”

  Tang San shook his head, saying:

  “We working students cannot always be bullied by people, and this way of fighting with student bosses should also be regarded as ‘one effort always settled’, you acted correctly. Only, you should have waited until returned before raising a challenge to them. This way the certainty is also a bit bigger.”

  Chapter 011: Xiao Wu, So You Really Are A Rabbit

  Part 1

  Xiao Wu glared at Tang San, recalling the last time she was mercilessly hit with stones, she was filled with anger,

  “‘Wait’ what ‘wait’, who knew when you would return. Everyone bullying us. What that son of a bitch boss Xiao said about letting me be his pet rabbit, if I could still put up with that, my name wouldn’t be Xiao Wu.”

  Tang San frowned, in his heart pondering, this how big a child had this kind of dirty idea, it seems, he really must teach them a lesson, let them know working students are not good at being taken advantage of.

  Thinking like this, his fingers dragged across his waist, gaze changing direction to the battleground.

  By now, a large area of Wang Sheng’s body was already purple. With unceasing tiger roars, his spirit power was already becoming weaker and weaker, and his opponent without being hit by him once, seemed like a cat playing with a mouse.

  Wang Sheng’s attack pattern still was too single minded, the spirit power he took advantage of nearly exhausted. He launched a last offensive, approaching two steps, once again facing Liu Long pouncing, this time he already made a firm resolution, even if he was brutally beaten by the other party again, to give the opponent something to remember.

  Liu Long and Wang Sheng coming into contact also wasn’t only once or twice, he naturally could not fail to see his goal. Watching Wang Sheng pounce, his facial expression also became imposing, brandishing the long staff in his hands, in succession three staff blows smashed at Wang Sheng’s head and both shoulders. As long as Wang Sheng this arrow at the end of its flight was beaten back, he could not again launch a decent attack.

  But at this time, surprisingly, Liu Long felt like both his hands holding the staff were seemingly stung by a mosquito, and the attack he sent suddenly dulled.

  His attack was originally considered good, but right now when dulled it immediately revealed a flaw. The first hit naturally struck Wang Sheng’s head, but Wang Shen stubbornly resisted and pounced onward, causing his last two hits to fall in thin air.

  With a battle spirit master possessing a beast spirit close to the body, with regard to tool spirit masters using long weapons that absolutely was a devastating attack. Even if Liu Long’s strength was higher compared to Wang Sheng’s, the result would still have been this way.

  Peng, Wang Sheng’s tiger claw clapped Liu Long on the head, and his entire person flew up from the slap. Immediately following his body turned upside down, and his right leg was caught at once and swung like a tiger tail whip heavily onto his back, he ruthlessly smashed to the ground.

  Liu Long could not have resisting ability as good as Wang Sheng, his spirit power was all in the long staff. Its defensive power was not at all remarkable, and after Wang Sheng’s two attacks he was collapsing. Just as Liu Long heavily struck the ground, he was knocked unconscious.

  Wang Shen excitedly roared up at the sky, seemingly letting out these several years of resentment.

  Boss Xiao was at first calmly and easy-going watching Liu Long make fun of Wang Sheng, but the spectacle circumstances suddenly taking a turn for the worse immediately caused him great shock.

  One must know, Liu Long among his subordinates was ranked third in strength. If he did not already possess the first spirit ring, he also could not guarantee he could win against Liu Long.

  Xiao Wu bantering said:

  “‘Withered Willow’ sure enough is a ‘Withered Willow’, really can’t endure one hit. Boss Xiao, what do you say?”

  Boss Xiao waved a hand, letting other subordinates urgently drag Liu Long off for treatment, they were only primary spirit master academy students, relying on that bit of spirit power still would not take a life.

  “The first one counts as our loss. Ling Feng, you’re up.”

  The second dispatched by boss Xiao was a thin and small higher grade student, small nose and small eyes, figure so slender nobody could see he is twelve years old. On the contrary more like he was in the same age group as Xiao Wu an
d Tang San.

  “Call back Wang Sheng. I’m up.”

  Tang San said in a low voice by Xiao Wu’s ear.

  In Xiao Wu’s view also the matchup wasn’t bad, he naturally noticed this second opponent to enter the arena was an agility type spirit scholar, just in time to restrain Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng previous spirit power had also depleted greatly, he would without a doubt lose.

  “Wang Sheng, you return. Leave this to little San. You can take a rest.”

  Wang Sheng right now still had not completely recovered from the previous excitement over defeating Liu Long, when hearing Xiao Wu’s voice and discovering Tang San had already returned at some unknown time. He knew his circumstances, although he defeated Liu Long, he truly did not have the strength for another fight. He also knew, if not for Tang San stealthily shooting out three small pebbles and restricting Liu Long’s attack, how could he also obtain the first victory.

  “You’re a working student?”

  Ling Feng looked at Tang San, his eyes revealing a hesitant expression.

  Tang San only nodded in reply,

  “Please begin.”

  Although Ling Feng’s stature was thin and small, it would be a bit taller compared to the first year Tang San’s height. This was a quick fight related to which of both sides could become student boss, he also no longer thought much of it, after again giving a look at Tang San’s belt, leapt up, nimbly vaulting overhead, both arms extended, unexpectedly gliding two metres, pouncing towards the top of Tang San’s head.

  Beast spirit, Tang San saw in a glance what the opponent’s spirit was. These several days Grandmaster instructed him could not be a waste. This Ling Feng was an agility type battle spirit master. His beast spirit should be a flying animal. From his neither strong nor fierce exterior nor attack pattern, it should not be a raptor. Then, it should be a swallow or crow type animal.


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