Douluo Dalu - Volume 02 - The First Spirit Ring

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 02 - The First Spirit Ring Page 13

by Tang Jia San Shao

  But at this time, Tang San’s attack started. He chose just the right moment, exactly in the moment young master Dai’s legs touched down, which was also when it was the most difficult to issue strength.

  Using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, looking like three disjointed steps, Tang San already reached young master Dai’s side, both palms simultaneously clapping out, moving towards young master Dai’s both shoulders.

  In young master Dai’s eyes flashed an evil light, the four pupils seemingly simultaneously glittering at once. With an exhaling sound, both shoulders shrugging back, both fists then striking out, simultaneously lifting, and striking towards Tang San’s elbows. Unyielding fist strength in mid-air repeatedly issuing audible cracks, one could see these two fists contained great physical strength.

  At the same time as both fists struck, young master Dai’s right leg shot up in a flash, under these close range circumstances, he unexpectedly kicked directly at Tang San’s chin, one could see how good his flexibility was. Whether his pair of fists or right leg, had any one attack hit, as he exceeded Tang San’s attack strength, he would immediately make Tang San loose fighting strength.

  But, could Tang San let him have his wish? Don’t forget, this could be Tang San’s specialty.

  The palms pushing down towards young master Dai’s both shoulders lost their aim along with the other side withdrawing his shoulders, but Tang San’s hands did not withdraw, only simultaneously swiped downwards. In the wiped area, the tough hidden force young master Dai felt before appeared once again, and his upper arms were at once driven out to two sides, both fists exploding out also glanced off Tang San’s arms to the side, unable to hit their goal.

  At the same time as wiping with both hands, Tang San’s left leg in a flash stepped ahead one step, body inclining to one side, shoulder striking straight at young master Dai’s chest, he in this way sideways, also at the right moment let young master Dai kick up that leg, everything seemed to be calculated well.

  Right now, young master Dai’s leg, already without space to dodge, also experienced the other side’s attack with both hands erasing physical force, and immediately was at a disadvantage.

  With a muffled peng sound, Tang San’s shoulders abruptly rammed young master Dai’s chest, as the spectating twin young women cried out in alarm, young master Dai’s body in a flash flew back, facing upwards, issuing a backward somersault movement, flying out no less than five meters before falling down.

  Tang San without following up, calmly looked at young master Dai fallen on the ground. From coming into contact with the other party’s chest he knew, he certainly did not hold much of an advantage.

  Part 5

  The moment he was struck, young master Dai’s chest muscles abruptly became hard as iron, although because of the advantage young master Dai was thrown, from that hard meeting hard his own shoulder also had a burning ache.

  Young master Dai’s expression was somewhat embarrassed, he had no choice but to admit that just now he took the enemy lightly. This juvenile looking like compared to him still must be several years younger before him, actual power was much greater than what he imagined.

  “Still want to go on?” Tang San calmly asked.

  Young master Dai’s evil eyes rose,

  “Of course. Very good, you can force me to use spirit power, this competition is already my loss. However, properly measuring strength against you a few times, how can I not be willing? Regardless of the results of competition, afterwards today I give this room to you.”

  Young master Dai’s evil eyes revealed not anger and hate, but a kind of peculiar light, if insisting on using words to explain it, the four words ‘thrill of the hunt’ was perhaps the most suitable. His current expression was like seeing a beautiful woman, shoulders quivering minutely, both arms lifting.

  Tang San’s eyes were also gradually brightening. He realized, young master Dai in front of him was alike, if before calling him ice-coldly disdainful, then, the current him was all over filled with fiery battle anticipation.

  “White tiger, body enhancement.”

  A layer of intense pale light abruptly erupted out from all over his body, young master Dai’s both arms simultaneously spread to either side, throwing out his chest, the entire body’s skeleton making a cracking sound, muscles abruptly swelling, filling out the clothes to the point of bursting. Every muscle under the clothes became exceedingly distinct, even the atmosphere at his side seemed to already become irritable.

  The full head of blonde hair in an eye blink changed to alternating black and white, white constituting the majority, in its several black locks especially clear. On his forehead appeared four faint lines, three horizontal and one vertical, just right to form the character for ‘king’.

  His hands changed the most, to no less than twice the size compared to before changing, white fur covered the entire back of the hand, shooting from the ten fingers short dagger-like talons continuously stretched out and withdrew from within the hand. Each talon was like the edge of a knife, length no less than eight cun. Glimmering with a dim dazzling gleam.

  Young master Dai’s body slowly bent over, four pupils all becoming thoroughly deep blue, giving people a feeling like of a killing machine.

  Under his feet, three glittering rings of light rose up in succession, quietly ascending, two yellow and one purple, spirit rings moving around, surging spirit power forming like waves and blowing out.

  “Thousand year spirit ring.”

  Xiao Wu cried out in alarm, expression immediately somewhat flustered. Wanting to advance to fight shoulder to shoulder with Tang San, but stopped by Tang San.

  Among spirit rings, white represented ten year, yellow represented hundred year, purple represented thousand year. This youth before them called young master Dai, actually already possessed a third spirit ring, and also among them still had what was a thousand year existence. One must know, looking on the surface, his age compared to Tang San and Xiao Wu was merely three or four year’s older, that’s all.

  Three spirit rings meant that young master Dai’s rank had at least reached thirty, also to say, he was a spirit elder, and was a battle spirit elder possessing a powerful beast spirit.

  “Dai Mubai, spirit: white tiger, thirty seventh ranked battle spirit elder. Kindly advise me.”

  Among the domineering power, Dai Mubai announced his spirit and rank, this represented a desire for a formal challenge.

  Before the tremendous pressure, Tang San also started becoming different, the violent impulses hidden deep in his heart gradually emerged, eyes covered by a layer of faint purple, slowly raising his right hand.

  Deep blue light suddenly surged out, a cluster of deep blue grass abruptly grew from his palm, each blade of grass very tenuous, but on the surface covered with serpent lines, the blades of grass no longer had the previous flat shape, but became cylindrical, and if watching carefully, one was able to clearly see on these blades of grass, were covered with fine little thorns.

  Milky white light rose up from all over Tang San’s body, and as if those deep blue blades of grass received some stimulation abruptly enlarged, in the blink of an eye already became as thick as a person’s arm, just like rattan. The black snake lines glimmered with faint light, moving quickly like ten big snakes spiralling around Tang San’s body.

  Two yellow spirit rings simultaneously rose up from under Tang San’s feet, orbiting his body.

  “Tang San, spirit, blue silver grass, twenty ninth ranked tool spirit grandmaster. Kindly advise me.”

  Dai Mubai’s eyebrows that like his hair had turned white rose at once,

  “Your spirit is only blue silver grass?”

  Tang San spoke Grandmaster’s original words:

  “‘There are no good-for-nothing spirits, only good-for-nothing spirit masters.’”

  Since Tang San entered Nuoding primary spirit master academy, Dai Mubai was the second powerful spirit he encountered. Only originally the Nuoding academy dean, under G
randmaster’s invitation at the time helping him together obtain the second spirit ring revealing the actual strength of a forty second rank tool spirit ancestor. But that dean’s age long ago already exceeded fifty, and Dai Mubai before him, probably was sixteen or seventeen years old, that’s all.

  No wonder, no wonder his relying on physical strength and internal strength adding to Mysterious Jade Hand when first colliding with him fell short, this was the absolute gap of physical strength.

  This person before him, could be said to be the most formidable opponent Tang San had encountered, Tang San was very clear on the large difference of one spirit ring, especially when the opponent’s third spirit ring was a thousand year level. Whether added property and ability, it was all not something his two rings could match. This fight, Tang San was without any certainty, perhaps, let him put to use his most secret ability, he could then have the power to contend.

  “Well spoken, ‘there are no good-for-nothing spirits, only good-for-nothing spirit masters’. I have been instructed, this blue silver grass spirit of yours is so peculiar.”

  Dai Mubai moved, after spirit body enhancement, he seemingly completely became another person, white hair just now fluttered up, his that body brimming with explosive power already reached in front of Tang San.

  Both hands ten fingers’ talons simultaneously emerged, raking towards Tang San’s body.

  Part 6

  Tang San practically without hesitation retreated lightning quick, using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, dodging Dai Mubai’s attack by a hair’s breadth, and simultaneously, his released blue silver grass spirit also very quickly moved up, a circle of blue and black thick vines spiralling out, from all directions surging towards Dai Mubai’s body. But Tang San himself, like he was hidden among the vines quietly disappeared.

  In Dai Mubai’s evil eye light flashed continuously, entire body covered by surging spirit power, both hands dancing beneath, the vines rushing to his side one by one cut open.

  He originally intended to directly cut off these blue silver grass thick vines, but he realized with a shock, these vines were unexpectedly extremely tough, with his added thirty seven ranked spirit power’s tiger claws when swinging at the vines he could only cut halfway through, and was unable to completely cut free. But in a very short time of the vines leaving the tiger claw’s range, it could very quickly heal itself.

  A faint sweet tea fragrance spread among the vines. These vines were seemingly inexhaustible, unceasingly welling out from all directions, even though Dai Mubai’s strength and speed both were substantially increased under the effect of the spirit, he still could not rush out of the range of the vines.

  This was blue silver grass? Dai Mubai was greatly astounded, he had never thought that blue silver could be this fierce, the opponent compared to him had one less spirit ring, yet blue silver grass was able to temporarily tangle him, if their spirit rings were equal, then this fight’s victor would be very hard to tell.

  Dai Mubai never was a patient person, and his love to outshine others was particularly powerful, his intense gaze abruptly shone, Dai Mubai’s evil eyes suddenly became white, among the three spirit rings over his body, the first spirit ring abruptly radiated greatly, taking the form of a white light cover, blocking the vines around him so they were unable to approach his body.

  Immediately following, the second spirit ring on his body also shone, a huge white light in a flash condensed, accompanying Dai Mubai a tiger roar, and a milky white ball of light shot out of his mouth.

  The abilities which Dai Mubai’s first two spirit rings added, were separately White Tiger Shield Body Barrier as well as White Tiger Intense Light Wave, right now launched simultaneously, instantly unfolding their terrible might.

  Looking from outside, Dai Mubai’s body was already surrounded by the enormous vines, but just when Xiao Wu slightly relaxed her breath, suddenly, countless white light from in the crevices of the vines abruptly shot out, immediately following, a dull roar abruptly exploded.

  The blue silver grass forming vines scattered broken in all directions, a formidable shock wave swept across the Rose Hotel hall in complete disorder.

  The spirit was one with the host, Tang San’s expression instantly paled, retreating a step to be able to stand steady.

  The white light gradually disappeared, revealing Dai Mubai’s majestic figure, tattered blue silver grass also began to condense again by Tang San’s side, but the quantity compared to before was already a lot less.

  “Tang San, beast spirits’ attack strength will always be more powerful compared to tool spirits. Although the power of your blue silver grass surprised me, in the end it still is unable to pin me down.”

  Tang San smiled weakly, saying:

  “That is certain.”

  Suddenly, on Tang San’s body the second spirit ring abruptly shone, Dai Mubai’s body abruptly stiffened at once, a layer of fine vines that had appeared on his body at some unknown time, following Tang San’s second spirit ring’s great release of light, in a flash grew, firmly binding Dai Mubai’s body therein.

  The piercing thorns on the vines although only very short, continuously tightened down bringing Dai Mubai’s whole body severe pain, at the same time, he realized his body unexpectedly began to go numb.

  Long ago when Tang San still had not reached the twentieth rank, Grandmaster already thought well on from what kind of spirit beast his second spirit ring must be hunted.

  Tang San’s second spirit ring was from a kind of plant system spirit beast called ghost vine, the second spirit ring’s highest assimilation spirit ring age was seven hundred sixty four years, this ghost vine spirit ring Tang San’s obtained, at least surpassed six hundred years cultivation.

  Ghost vine was a kind of exceedingly horrifying plant system spirit beast, it had extremely powerful nerve poison, one need only be stung by on its piercing thorns, and poison would immediately circulate, until dissolving into pus water, becoming the ghost vine’s fertilizer. And also, what spirit masters feared the most, was the ghost vine’s parasitic ability. When it attacked, it would by its own accord send out countless minute seeds, directly attach to the victim’s body, ghost vine alone provided enough capabilities, or else as these seeds absorbed sufficient nutrients, they would grow on the parasite host’s body, and as nerve poison spread in a short while, the effect would be the same.

  Obtaining this more than six hundred year ghost vine spirit ring, even if it was Nuoding academy’s dean, that forty second rank tool spirit ancestor, also took a lot of trouble, relying on himself rather than mutually restraining spirit, could not easily subdue it, letting Tang San accomplish the final killing strike.

  After obtaining the ghost vine’s spirit ring, Tang San’s own properties substantially elevated on all sides, blue spirit grass became even tougher, and also turned similar to ghost vine’s outward appearance, only the color and veined pattern maintained its original appearance. And its poison also became nerve paralysing, its effect greatly increased, even if it was in the air the volatile smell could also give rise to a certain effect.

  And the ability the ghost vine’s spirit ring gave Tang San, was parasite.

  By infusing spirit power, ghost vines parasite ability activated effect still must surpass the original ghost vine itself, under spirit power infusion, parasite seeds would grow in an instant, being unable to guard against. Could be said to be an extremely insidious control ability.

  Both blue silver grass’ toughness, from that thirty seventh rank Dai Mubai with white tiger blade was unable to completely cut apart could be seen, he in the end was still underestimating Tang San, underestimating blue silver grass, therefore at the end of the road.

  Seeing at Dai Mubai with an astonished light in his eyes, Tang San said:

  “My blue silver grass is poisonous, before you should already have inhaled some, also launching emitting powerful sprit power attack abilities to cut open my blue silver grass binding, was sure to cause your internal blo
od and qi to circulate faster, causing the poison to take effect even faster. Like this, although you yourself did not feel anything, in fact the surface of the skin already began to become somewhat numb, unable to discover the blue silver grass parasite seeds. Therefore, you lose.”

  Dai Mubai looked at Tang San, right now other than his head, his entire body was already wrapped under blue silver grass, in his evil eyes an ominous glint continuously sparkling,

  “Good, what a blue silver grass. If I same as you only had two spirit rings, then I really would have lost, as my body is already numb, it’s very difficult to struggle free from the blue silver grass. But, after all compared to you I have one more spirit ring. I will still let you have a look at my third spirit ring ability.”

  The purple ring of light flashed alight in an eye blink, around Dai Mubai’s body the air became distorted, his evil eye suddenly turning blood red, immediately following, the blue silver grass binding his body suddenly expanded, and with a loud bang, all the blue silver grass binding him, consisting of parasite blue silver grass seeds, completely burst into broken bits.

  Dai Mubai’s body, unexpectedly appeared to have changed a second time.

  Tang San inhaled a cold breath,

  “Is this a thousand year spirit ring ability?”


  Translator: Blue Silver Translation

  Epub: Estevam / dotNOVEL




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