The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 7

by Macy Blake

  When the witch came, Nick first heard the uptick of Henry’s heart, that slight burst of panic and fear. He’d reacted the same way Henry’s mate had. Protect. Defend. Attack. But Henry’s quick words kept Nick’s lion from taking control. The witch was strong and her magic smelled of fire and burning wood. But Jedrek’s hand stayed calm and sure on his side. He wasn’t afraid. He was amused.

  Henry’s mate, on the other hand, wasn’t happy in her presence. He pranced between them until Henry finally grabbed his mane and touched their heads together. “I’m fine,” Henry whispered. “She’s not mad at me. She’s gonna tear a strip off Uncle Meshaq’s hide, though. Come on. Change back and watch the carnage with me. It’ll be fun.”

  The witch stopped, her black hair flying about her in messy curls. She was older, but definitely not old. There was something timeless and immeasurable about her. Nick inhaled, trying to process what his senses were trying to tell him, but his human brain didn’t have the answers he sought. And his lion simply understood that she was a threat.

  “Zaire, cut it out. You’re making my magic wonky,” Henry complained. He skirted around his mate and approached her. Nick started to take a step forward to protest, but Jedrek’s hand tightened on his neck. He growled a complaint and Jedrek dropped to one knee in response. He felt better with him at this level. He was easier to protect. And closer. And he smelled better this way. Nick wanted him on the ground so he could cover him and it made no sense. He’d felt that way before as well. He needed to look into lions a bit more. He’d avoided it before, and it was one more thing to add to his list of regrets.

  “That’s Zaire, Henry’s mentor,” Jedrek said quietly. “And she’s pissed because Solomon brought her son into a fight we had last night. And damn, it’s been a long-assed day.”

  “Henry,” Zaire said. “You look… great goddess, is that a hippocamp?”

  “Yeah,” Henry said as he pulled her into a hug. “He’s one of my mates.”

  “You never do things by halves, do you boy?”

  “Nope. You taught me better than that.”

  She grinned then, and the scent of her magic changed. Settled. Simmered instead of burned.

  “See?” Jedrek whispered. “She’s okay. Just ticked off at my alphas.”

  “I did teach you better than that,” Zaire continued. “Someone needs to tell me what the flying hell is going on around here.”

  Henry sighed. “They can catch you up. Sawyer’s hurt so… we need to get back inside.”

  “Hurt? You need me?”

  Henry hugged her again. “No. He’ll be okay. I’ll talk to you after you yell at Uncle Meshaq, though.”

  “Sounds good, honey. Now,” Zaire said as she turned and pointed one long, black painted nail at Saeward. “You get him inside. He’s exhausted and his magic is out of sorts. I demand you take care of him.”

  Saeward shifted back and lowered his head reverently. “Yes ma’am. He was resting but his family required his presence.”

  She huffed. “Henry, no excuses. You know you can’t get exhausted like this. I also taught you better than that.”

  Henry nodded and moved to Saeward’s side. “I’ll go sleep.”

  Zaire turned again and finally caught sight of Nick.

  She stared him down.

  He refused to blink. A growl built deep in his chest. He stepped forward, ignoring the tug from Jedrek’s hand. He would not be the first to look away. She would accept him as her equal or she would feel his teeth on her neck.

  “Well, aren’t you a feisty one. But your magic is really fucked up.”

  She stepped closer as well and Nick let out a warning growl. “Son, you better bring your human side back to the front, because I do not take kindly to shifters showing me their teeth.”

  She thought she was stronger than him? She thought she could take him in a fight? Nick snarled.

  “Hmm. You don’t know any better, do you? Interesting. I know this magic, don’t I? Meshaq, speak.”

  “I’m not your dog to command, Zaire.”

  “And yet, you spoke on command.”

  Jedrek snickered beside him and Nick’s tension eased a bit. He took a step back, crowding closer, and Jedrek grabbed his mane again. “Their fights are epic,” Jedrek said. “You’d think they were siblings. Sometimes, I think they are. I see how Tasha bosses her brothers around and I see Zaire and Meshaq. You haven’t met Calli, yet. She’s one of my pack and is strong like this, too. They both trained Tasha. Don’t let her pretty fool you, not that you would. Tasha could totally kick your ass.”

  Nick snarled again, unable to resist. Jedrek must think him weak. It wouldn’t do. He needed to show him his strength. Prove himself.

  “No, no. I don’t mean it that way,” Jedrek said. “Just that she’s tough, you know? She came out of that house and wanted to be strong, right?”

  Nick’s ire faded a bit. He wanted Tasha to be strong, to be able to face any threat that headed her way. His human side crept forward again, happy that the little fox he’d left behind had become such a strong young woman. And if this witch had helped her, maybe she would be okay, too. She’d shared her strength with one of his. That made her acceptable, at least for now. He would give her a chance. He turned his attention back to the staring match going on between Zaire and Meshaq. It stretched for a long moment, until smiles broke over both of their faces.

  “I’m still mad at you. Where’s Drew?”


  “I always knew he was the smart one of the group.” Zaire turned her attention to Solomon and scowled. “What the hell? Another alpha? One wasn’t enough for you guys?”

  Solomon grinned and stepped forward. “The goddess had a different plan.”

  Zaire huffed. “Why does that one smell like black magic?”

  She’d pointed at Nick, but her focus remained on the hellhounds. Nick didn’t like it. He was the threat. She should be paying attention to him.

  “Steady,” Jedrek whispered. “Let her talk to them. You can’t exactly answer her questions right now, and trust me, this news is best from them. She’s gonna be pissed. She helped save the kids. Those wards are hers, both here and at the old house. Well, one of them is. I’ll tell you more later. Or they will. Damn, I’m so exhausted I can’t even make sense.”

  Jedrek yawned widely, and Nick gave him a little nudge toward the cabin.

  “No, I’ll wait with you. She’s gonna want to talk to you, but then I’ll go sleep, okay?”

  Nick huffed. Stubborn man.

  “Zaire,” Jedrek said and the witch turned her attention back to them. “I know you’re pissed, but can it wait a sec? Something weird happened tonight out at the old farmhouse. I was going to ask my alphas to contact you.”

  “Why were you at the old farmhouse?” Zaire asked.

  Nick tried not to lose control as her magic flared brighter once more. Her anger was a physical thing that changed the very air around them.

  “The ward went off. Uh, Nick set it off actually and before you freak out, he was one of them, Zaire. Did Henry ever tell you about Lion?”

  Her eyes flicked to Nick. He snarled in reply. “This is the boy who they thought killed trying to escape?”

  “Yes,” Jedrek said. “He was found by Sawyer’s foster mother. Nick is Sawyer’s older brother.”

  “Oh really? Now isn’t that an interesting turn of events.”

  Zaire came closer and leaned down so she was in Nick’s face. He didn’t like it, but something in him stilled. He sensed curiosity touching him, almost as if her magic circled him, checking for answers. Proving his story. And part of him wanted that. Someone else to back him up and say yes, this is him. He was there. None of it felt entirely real, especially in this form. But Nick wasn’t ready to go back to two legs yet. No, he wanted the strength of his lion instead.

  “My friend, you need help, don’t you? Hmm. Jedrek, what was it that caused your concern?”

  “There was a second ward at the
farmhouse. One I hadn’t seen before, but of course, the wards haven’t been triggered in quite some time. I think it did something to Nick’s ability to shift.”

  She pushed up again and returned her attention to the alphas. “This might be the break we’ve been waiting for. With the remnants on the lion and a ward I can break apart…”

  Both Meshaq and Solomon’s eyes flared red. “We can find those responsible?”

  She grinned and Nick couldn’t help taking a step back. He made sure Jedrek was close, shielded from the dangerous presence in front of them.

  “We finally have a chance.”

  Nick trembled. The powerful surge of magic came from all sides. Even Jedrek seemed empowered by her words. And Nick got it. At least the human side of him did. If they’d been trying to find who’d hurt them as kids for all this time, they had to be as angry and frustrated as Nick had been for all those years. She turned to Nick and her smile was feral. “I’m going to get them, Lion. I will make them pay for what they did to you and the others.”

  He snarled, but it wasn’t to threaten her. She understood.

  “Jedrek, he needs to sleep. His magic is a mess. He seems to be attached to you.”

  “Yes,” Jedrek answered.


  “Oh, finally acknowledging that I’m the alpha here, huh?” Meshaq asked.

  She arched a brow.

  “Fine. Jedrek, stay with Nick. We’re going to go check out the farmhouse. Get some rest and stay within the wards. Drew is sleeping—”

  “So is Cody.”

  “I’ll keep watch over your mates,” Jedrek said.

  “Thank you. Cecil is bringing food, so you guys eat, and then get Walt and Calli up for the next watch.”


  Solomon leaned down closer to Nick and looked into his eyes. “I’m trusting you. This is my pack and my family. My mate is in a cabin next to yours. You will not be given a second chance. Do you understand?”

  His lion moved inside him. He was being spoken to alpha to alpha. Extended a trust that he shouldn’t be. Nick huffed, and Solomon gave him a nod before turning and walking back toward Meshaq and Zaire. Another of the flaming circles opened and the three of them walked through. The portal vanished moments later.

  “Come on,” Jedrek said. “We need to get you back to human form so you can eat.”

  So they could eat. Nick gave Jedrek a push with his head before walking toward the cabin. Jedrek opened the door and Nick walked through before turning to look at him. Once the door was closed, Jedrek knelt down in front of him once more. Their eyes met. Nick’s lion preened. He wanted to compliment Jedrek’s eyes, such a stormy gray. Tell him that the mohawk was both fierce and sexy. Comment on the breadth of his shoulders, proving his strength. Nick couldn’t help but snarl. He wanted to bond with this man, to—

  The shift overtook him, as fast as when he’d heard the news of his brothers. He needed to be human. To use his human words, process his thoughts with more of his human mind. He knelt before Jedrek moments later, gasping for breath but back in his human form.

  “What the hell?”

  “You’re very fast,” Jedrek said.

  Nick continued to breathe, focusing on the man in front of him as if he were an oasis in the desert. And he desperately needed a drink. His instincts raged. His breath quickened. His cock twitched, awakening a deep need. He wanted. He could smell the desire in the air.

  “Get dressed, Nick.”

  A growl built in his chest, but a knock on the door startled him enough that it pulled his focus.

  “Smell the food. You need to eat. Get your clothes on unless you want Cecil seeing what the goddess gave you.”

  Nick huffed and grabbed the sweatpants he’d found earlier. He didn’t know who they belonged to, but everything in the drawers seemed generic and up for grabs. He jammed his legs inside as Jedrek moved to the door. Cecil stood on the other side, looking highly amused for some reason. He carried a tray inside and set it on the counter of the mini kitchen.

  “My apologies for the delay, gentlemen. I am not in my own home, so must abide by the needs of my host.”

  It took Nick a second to find words. He resisted the urge just to huff again. Jedrek seemed to understand him that way, but he didn’t think Cecil would. “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome. Your brothers are resting comfortably. I took the liberty of peeking in on them while the food was being prepared.”

  “Good. You seem to know a lot about all this,” Nick said.

  “I consider your brother my oldest and dearest friend.”

  “Huh,” Nick said as Cecil put food onto a plate for him. He couldn’t figure this guy out. And he didn’t want to be served. “I can do that myself.”


  Nick shrugged and pulled out a chair at the two-person table against the wall. Cecil handed him the plate and placed a napkin-rolled set of utensils beside it. “Draco’s his oldest friend. And I suppose dearest. Not you.”

  Cecil smiled, but it was one of those knowing ones that Nick always found frustrating.

  “You know too much, don’t you?” Nick asked.

  He didn’t get an answer. Cecil turned and prepared another plate before placing it on the other side of the table. “Jedrek?”

  “Yeah, I can eat. Thanks, Cecil.”

  Nick couldn’t stop looking at the butler guy. Something about him… it was weird. It was like Nick didn’t want to look at him, but he couldn’t exactly stop. Something urged him to look away. Nothing to see here. But he fought that urge. Cecil didn’t exactly scream predator, but he definitely wasn’t prey either. He was something else. Something different. Another thing Nick didn’t have the words for even though his newly heightened instincts were trying to tell him to pay attention.

  They each got a glass of some iced fruity tea thing. Nick sniffed it but couldn’t quite identify what it was.

  “Your brother is more than what you know,” Cecil said quietly. “And he needs you at your fittest for the coming struggles he faces.”

  Nick glanced up from his plate. He hadn’t even realized he’d looked away. He met the older man’s gaze and saw wisdom. Strength. Courage. Pride. He liked what he saw. “I’ll do what it takes.”

  “Good,” Cecil said. “Listen to the hellhounds. They will help you become what you were meant to be. And now, I will leave you to your dinner. Please don’t hesitate to find me if there is anything else you require.”

  He gave Nick another significant look before walking out the door. Nick forced himself to keep looking until Cecil’s path took him out of the line of sight of the doorway. Which he’d left open. On purpose. Like he knew Nick would be watching. Nick turned his attention back to Jedrek who’d lifted the glass of fruity whatever and taken a curious sip.

  “What is it?” Nick asked.

  “Dunno. And for that matter, no, I don’t know what Cecil is either. I’ve learned that when it comes to your brother, it’s best to just not ask questions.”

  “Seriously? Sawyer’s just… I mean, he’s just a kid. You know?”

  “He’s not a kid, Nick. He’s got some of the most powerful of our kind as mates, and he’s got a pretty big destiny.”

  “Yeah. Saving the world. I thought that was the hellhounds’ job.”

  Jedrek shrugged and lifted his sandwich. It looked like a BLT. And just the way Nick liked them, too. Heavy on the B. Easy on the L. He watched Jedrek chew for a second then lick a stray drop of mayo from his lips. Another growl built. Nick forced himself to look down at his own plate.

  “Your instincts are playing havoc with you. It’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” Jedrek said. “Just eat and then you can get some sleep. It’ll settle down.”

  But Nick didn’t think it would. He had a feeling that this thing inside him came from some place much deeper, a place the dark magic hadn’t touched. A place that belonged to him and his lion and no one else. He picked up his sandwich and took
a bite, savoring the perfectly crisp bacon and ice-cold tomato.

  “Stuff like this happens sometimes when a shifter is injured,” Jedrek said. He poked at the pasta salad on his plate before returning to the sandwich for a second bite.

  Nick chewed and watched.

  Jedrek swallowed again and met Nick’s gaze. “Eat, Nick.”

  Nick nodded and returned his attention to the food. His instincts were speaking to him, and he had a curious feeling he was going to like what they told him.


  It took Jedrek a couple seconds to remember where he was when he woke up. It took him another couple to realize he wasn’t alone. He was on his belly with one leg curled up against the mattress. He had a weight across his back and a muscular thigh tucked between his legs. He moved, slowly and cautiously, only to hear an annoyed growl. The weight on him shifted and an arm crept around and then under him, pinning him in place.

  He’d be pissed if he hadn’t recognized that growl. Nick.

  They’d both passed out after eating. Although… if memory served, Jedrek had forced Nick to take the bed and he’d stretched out on the couch. It had been well into the morning before Nick had wound down enough to actually sleep, but by that time Jedrek was ready to drop. He’d been up for almost two straight days and had taken on a pack of aswangs in the meantime. He’d healed a pretty serious injury and fought off a deranged lion for good measure.

  He’d been tired.

  But he’d not been in bed with Nick.

  “Nick,” Jedrek said. “Lemme up.”

  “Sleep,” Nick grumbled. “Shhh.”

  Nick nuzzled the back of his neck before his hot breath began sending tendrils of desire down Jedrek’s spine. He really needed to calm down. Nick was off limits. Damaged by magic and dealing with instincts he wasn’t understanding. Plus, he was the Chosen One’s brother, and that way lay madness.


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