The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 29

by Macy Blake

  “A gift for a gift, each freely given,” Puteri said. She held up a small vial before passing it to him. She bowed carefully to them all before disappearing once more.

  “Loch? Was that a good idea?” Henry asked.

  “Only she can travel to the fae realm without fear,” Loch said softly. “I wasn’t sure if the lake would agree to my request, however. She has seen fit to honor me.”

  “What did she mean? A gift for a gift?” Draco asked.

  “You are not the only one whose body has powerful magic,” Loch said. He moved one of his wings.

  “What did you do?” Eduard asked.

  “A single feather, my griffin. All is well.”

  Eduard didn’t seem happy with him, and Loch understood. He should have spoken of his plan to his mates. He would not make the mistake again. He was still unused to seeking the counsel of others.

  “May I see it?” Henry asked.

  Loch handed down the vial, being careful not to disturb Sawyer too much.

  “Ward, do you think… I mean, if… hmm.”

  “You must finish your thoughts,” Ward said gently. “I cannot complete them as Sawyer does.”

  “I just wondered. Remember how we floated in the lake and it healed me?”


  “If we put the water, like, in the hot tub here, would it just dilute it and take the magic away?”

  “Perhaps.” Saeward turned to him. “Did you think he should drink it?”

  “No,” Loch said. “Honestly, I hadn’t thought past simply retrieving some water.”

  “No,” Henry said. “He’s not supposed to drink it. Come on. Let’s wake him up and get him in the hot tub. This is what we’re supposed to do. I’m sure of it.”

  Loch moved his wings and let his mates carefully extract Sawyer from his grasp. He muttered sleepily as he was undressed, and only woke when Ward carefully lifted him and stepped down into the hot tub. “What’re we doing?”

  “Having a swim,” Ward said with a gentle smile. “Rest, my love. I will keep you safe.”

  Sawyer smiled and leaned his head against Ward’s chest. Ward lowered him into the waters. Henry held up the vial. It glimmered in the dim light. “Here goes nothing.”

  He removed the stopper and upended it into the bubbling waters. Sawyer immediately let out a happy sigh.

  “Everyone in,” Draco said. His brow furrowed as he thought. The others complied, stripping out of their clothes and moving into the waters, so used to following his commands that they didn’t hesitate. Each of them had a hand on Sawyer, gentle touches that kept him connected to them all.

  Loch looked over his shoulder and caught sight of the shadow in the trees once more.

  “Decide,” Loch whispered before he followed the others into the water.


  Sawyer slid into the kitchen in his socks with Draco chasing behind him. It wasn’t his fault Draco had rolled over and knocked over his smoothie, getting a splash of icy cold drink on his belly as a wake up call. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but Draco screeched in surprise and it was honestly one of the funniest things Sawyer had ever seen or heard. So of course he’d laughed. Which of course had earned him infamous eyebrow glare number three hundred and eighty-six. It was the one that said You’re gonna get it.

  Instead of owning up to his mistake— he really shouldn’t have propped the open smoothie thermos on the bed. It was asking for trouble— Sawyer took off at a run, to the only safe place that existed in the house: the kitchen, where Viv had very strict no horseplay rules. She was the only one in the house Draco was scared of anyway. She threatened to withhold food. It was his only weakness.

  “Sawyer!” Viv turned and glared, her chef’s knife clutched in her hand. “What have I told you about— Oh my.”

  Draco burst into the kitchen, stark naked, with green smoothie dripping down his body. One lone drop hung off the end of his cock, holding on valiantly before gravity won and it fell to the floor with a splat. Sawyer growled and grabbed the towel Viv had flung over her shoulder and pushed it in front of Draco’s crotch.

  “What the hell, dude! Viv’s right there.”

  “You shouldn’t have run in here then.”

  “Well, yeah. Probably not. But I didn’t think you’d chase me naked.”

  Draco shrugged. “You run. I chase.”

  “Another good point.”

  Draco growled and tugged him in close. “I oughta go throw you in the pool.”

  “Is Ward out there?”

  “Yep, sure is,” Viv said with a dreamy sigh. “It’s a lovely view.”

  Draco groaned. “I don’t know which one of you is worse. Come back to bed,” Draco pouted.

  “Nope. I’m good. Hey, I’m actually good. Huh. I just realized.”

  Draco scowled and tightened his hold.

  “Hey,” Sawyer said.


  “Use your sniffer.”

  Draco buried his nose in Sawyer’s neck and inhaled.

  “Smell good.”

  “Not what I meant, goober head.”

  “Am not.”

  “Are too.”

  Draco lifted his head to growl out another protest, but made the mistake of inhaling before he did so. “Is that…. Please tell me that’s…”

  “Pretty sure. Better hope we’re not in trouble.”

  “We could always call Ward and ask him to come in. Dripping wet, not wearing much—”

  “You would use our mate that way?”

  Draco whimpered and looked around the kitchen.

  Viv rolled her eyes. “Fine, yes. I made you both those ridiculous biscuits you love.”

  Draco moaned, actually moaned out loud in a really long and lusty way. Sawyer pushed his hips forward a bit to make sure his mate hadn’t popped a boner in the middle of the kitchen. The biscuits were that good. And not gonna lie, Draco had a little bit of chub going on. Sawyer pushed him away and gave him the look. It was his patented response to eyebrow glare three hundred and eighty-six, and usually let Draco know in no uncertain terms that he meant business.

  “Sawyer, I didn’t—”

  “Pants. Now.”

  Draco growled.

  “I’ll stand guard over the biscuits.”


  “I swear.”

  Draco turned and ran, and Sawyer glared at Viv as she fell into him while trying to get a glimpse of Draco’s ass.

  “What? Don’t look at me like that. You’ve seen what he looks like. I’m human.”

  Sawyer really couldn’t blame her. Plus, biscuits. He owed her at least a peek. But no more than that. He gave her the patented look and she put up her hands and backed away slowly.

  “You look good today,” Viv said. “And hey, how about that cookout? Am I right? Did you see how much Draco’s dad ate? He said he’d give me a million dollars if I’d come cook for him.”

  “Yeah? What’d you say?”

  “I told Eduard what he said and Eduard said he’d give me ten million to stay. I took the ten.”

  Sawyer grinned and held up his hand. She slapped it, and they did the complicated high-five routine they’d mastered after he’d agreed to eat— Sawyer couldn’t even remember what it was now. Something he’d thought would be gross but he ended up liking. It was some vegetable or another.

  They both heard the thumping of feet coming their way. Viv laughed and turned for the oven.

  “Incoming,” she warned. Not that Sawyer hadn’t already braced himself against the counter.

  Draco hadn’t put on anything but shorts. He slid to a halt, inches from Sawyer, and looked at Viv pitifully. She handed over a plate with two steaming hot biscuits filled with bacon, eggs, and cheese.

  “My precious,” Draco whispered before he glared at Sawyer and carried them out of the kitchen, curled protectively in his embrace.

  Steal a guy’s biscuit one time and he never forgave you.

  “You should take one out to Citron.�

  Sawyer was too busy drooling over the plate she’d placed in front of him to understand what she’d said. “Wait. What?”

  “You know. Yellow eyes. I’m tired of calling him that. So I’m calling him Citron instead.”

  “He probably won’t like that.”

  “Yeah, well, if he doesn’t, he’s welcome to come in here and tell me himself.”

  “Could it be that easy?”

  “Doubtful. He ignored my lasagna after all. Grown men have cried over my lasagna. I’ve received proposals of marriage for my lasagna.”

  “As it should be. It’s really good.”

  “So take him one of my biscuits and see what he says.”

  “Okay. When Draco comes to his senses, tell him where I’m at.”

  “I will. Let me get you the blanket. And a new drink. Did you dump that one on him on purpose? Because if not, please do it every day from now on so I can see that view.”

  Sawyer laughed. “Nope, accident. And I’m not brave enough to try it again.”

  “Yeah, I don’t blame you.”

  Viv went into the pantry and came out with a reusable grocery bag filled to the brim.

  Sawyer took it and gave her a quick hug. “You’re the best.”

  She grinned and shooed him out of the kitchen. Andvari and Henry were in the backyard working on the wards. Sawyer waved and pointed toward his spot in the woods. Andvari nodded. Ward poked his head out of the pool and balanced on the edge. Sawyer smiled at him. His mates would watch over him. He liked the feeling. He felt close to them always, but something had changed. His bond with them grew deeper and deeper. He loved it and them.

  The morning sun was bright, but it was cool and dim in the woods. Sawyer found his tree again and spread the blanket out. He put a couple biscuits on a plate and sat it beside him, before tearing into one himself.

  “Hey,” Sawyer said once he’d swallowed a bite. “Sorry to be rude, but man, you have no idea how good these biscuits are. I didn’t make these, but I swear, they’re like magic or something. Um, not literally, in case you’re worried. But they are so good.”

  Sawyer took another bite, sighing around the flaky, buttery mouthful. He chewed, leaning back in bliss against the tree. “So good.”

  He heard a sound, this one inquisitive. “Yeah, you smell ‘em, don’t you? I’ll close my eyes if you want to grab them. Just make a noise when you’re gone again, okay?”

  Sawyer leaned back and listened for the tentative steps. He heard them, but only because he was really trying and the guardian had to come like three feet from him to get his promised treat. He padded away again and Sawyer opened his eyes. His took another bite of biscuit, polishing off his first.

  “Man, I always think I can eat twelve of these things. And I’d give it a solid effort, but you can’t. But they are so good. Let me know if you want another one. There’s more inside, so you can have my second one if you want and I’ll get another one later.”

  Another noise, this one of approval.

  Sawyer laughed. “Yeah, I figured as much. Here.”

  Sawyer put his second one down and closed his eyes once more. Tentative footsteps but then, instead of moving away, they grew closer.

  “Okay, this is new. Should I keep my eyes closed?”

  A little noise.

  “Okay. Closed it is then.” A warm weight settled on his leg, a solid, heavy presence.


  Sawyer slowly lifted his hand and laid it down on the back of his newest guardian. He froze under the touch but didn’t run away.

  “Okay. Eyes closed. Hand on back. This is good. So, you mind if I tell you what’s been going on?”

  No noise. He took it as a yes.

  “So, last night was crazy. Did you see the leader of the vampires? He came and that’s a big deal because his clan is really overprotective of him, even though he’s like a really badass warrior. Andvari explained it once. It’s like a point of pride with them or something. Anyway, he’s sending a bunch more guards. I guess word has gotten out that I’m here and human. People are confused and some of ‘em are mad. Not that I blame them. Even my guardians weren’t exactly thrilled with the idea that I was human at first.”

  Sawyer slowly moved his hand and his guardian froze again. Nothing above the neck. Got it. He had smooth, warm fur. Sawyer wondered what color it was. Sawyer couldn’t tell anything except that he had a decent-sized head on his leg. Not as big as Draco’s dragon head, or even as big as Nick’s lion. Something smaller than that, then. Other than that, he didn’t have a clue.

  “Anyway, he came to warn me. And he brought a friend. Did you see her? She wanted to come out here. I know you were around, but I wasn’t sure if you were listening or whatever. Anyway, she was really familiar to me. I don’t know how, though, and when I said something to Eduard, he pretty much gave me a look and I knew I wasn’t supposed to ask questions. Weird, right? She was nice, though, and I’m feeling a lot better today so I’m thinking whatever was in those herbs she gave Cecil did the trick.”

  He moved a little, trying to get into a more comfortable spot before continuing. “Anyway, that was cool. And Eduard’s dad was here. I love him. He’s awesome. He has all these crazy stories from when he was young. He must be like three or four hundred years old. Or more. I don’t know. I figured it was rude to ask, you know? And then, as if that wasn’t enough, Draco’s parents showed up. His mom is fierce. Did you see her?”

  Another small noise in the affirmative. “Yeah. She’s awesome. And terrifying. But then she went and gave me that dragon armor and I just… man, you should have seen the look on Draco’s face. It was intense. I thought I was going to cry. He’s kind of fierce, too, but man, when he loves, he loves hard. It’s the best. I hope one day you’ll find out for yourself.”

  Sawyer quieted for a moment, trying to decide what to talk about next. He moved his hand a bit, and the guardian stilled once more. “Sorry. Just… okay, so I’ve been trying to figure out what my sister meant when she said that stuff about having to have a guide to travel between realms. I mean, it makes sense, right? You wouldn’t want just anyone to be able to pop in and out of where the goddess lives. But the part that confuses me is that both my brother and I don’t have one. Well, we have them but not with us. So we’re stuck here. I don’t know. I’m wondering if I didn’t choose to give up my power after all. Mitra said that if I got trapped here without my guide, it would take a lot of energy and it would be bad, right? So what if, somehow, my— what if Palinouros found a way to get my guide away from me? I mean, if I was going to like explode or something then I’d give up my magic to not destroy everyone here, right? I’d totally do that. I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone, ever.”

  A low growl sounded and Sawyer honestly had no idea what to make of it. His guardian jerked away and without another sound, he disappeared back into the trees. Sawyer sighed and opened his eyes.

  “Was it something I said?”

  He whispered the words, but he knew the guardian heard him. His good mood evaporated and he packed up the blanket before heading back into the house. Andvari met him by the edge of the yard, opening his arms when he caught a look at Sawyer’s face. He couldn’t hide his emotions from his mates.

  “What happened?”

  “I don’t know. I said something that pissed him off.”


  Sawyer sighed. “I said I wouldn’t hurt anyone.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  Sawyer looked up and met Andvari’s gaze. “You don’t know that. Not really.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  Andvari scoffed. “I don’t know you? I know every breath you take, every thump of your heart. I know each freckle on your skin and every hair on your head. I know your thoughts, simply by looking at your face. Don’t tell me I don’t know you.”

  “I must have hurt someone, though.”

  “Not on purpose. And if someone is asshol
e enough to believe that, he can just fuck right off.”

  The words weren’t directed at him, but they did make Sawyer feel a little better. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. Look, some shit might have gone down when all this happened. You’re right, we don’t know that. But Sawyer, your soul hasn’t changed. You’re still you, just without memories. That doesn’t go away. You don’t become a different person. You don’t think or act differently. You’re the smartest, bravest, funniest, most giving man I’ve ever known.”


  “Don’t argue with me. You wouldn’t hurt anyone. Not on purpose. Accidents happen. But if someone’s holding a grudge, then they should man up and tell you about it and stop acting like a petulant child. There are bigger issues at stake.”

  Sawyer had no idea what to say, so he simply shut up.

  Andvari held him close before pulling back and smiling down at him. “Wanna work out this afternoon? I’ve been working on a new form I want you to try.”

  “Sure. Eduard has a few things for me to do, and I want to see if I can figure out the hint my sister tried to give me.”

  “Go. I’ll be inside soon. We can come back out when you’re done.”

  It hadn’t escaped Sawyer’s notice that his guardians were sticking to him like glue. He didn’t mind. In fact, he liked it a lot. Especially because it wasn’t because something was actively trying to kill him. He’d woken up multiple times the night before and his mates were all there with him. He’d been able to go right back to sleep, not having to worry if they were okay.

  After stopping in the kitchen to drop off the bag with Viv, Sawyer snagged a few more biscuits and went upstairs to the library. He found Henry at the books once more. He sat the food down and pulled the book out of the way.

  Henry glared at him, but then caught sight of the biscuit and smiled.

  “I come bearing gifts,” Sawyer said.

  Henry grinned and grabbed a biscuit. “I meant to go get one, but got distracted.”

  “I know.”

  “You okay?” Henry asked.

  “Yellow eyes hurt my feelings. But hey, he let me touch him so that’s progress, right?”

  “You do realize that I can trap him in a ward, right? All I’d have—”


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