The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 34

by Macy Blake

“Yeah, I know.”

  “What is your question, brother?”

  There were about a thousand, really. But one stood out more than all the rest. It bubbled up from deep inside him and poured out before he could stop it.

  “Did I do the right thing? I messed up so many lives, Annie.”

  She reached for his hand and held it tight. “You saved our mother, and you saved us all. It… was not that path I would have chosen, but you saved her.”

  “Desperate times and all that.”

  “Yes. They were.”

  “I really need to find my guide, don’t I?”


  “My brother has my guide, doesn’t he?”


  Sawyer sighed again. “He’s really a pain in my ass.”

  Anuket laughed. “Yes.”

  “I’m going to fix this, Annie. I swear. I’m going to fix it.”

  “Then the time has come, Sawyer. Actions speak louder than words.”

  Another clap of thunder sounded, and she was gone.


  It only took a few laps in the pool for Saeward to calm. He didn’t need the water as much anymore. His mates helped soothe his frazzled nerves just as much as the cool, quiet peace he found beneath the water. Draco sat on the edge of the pool with his legs dangling invitingly. Saeward swam toward him and ended up with his head against Draco’s chest and his arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

  Draco was a lighthouse in the storm. Warm sand on a sunny day. Saeward basked in it, even as he watched the woods where Sawyer still spoke with her. His goddess. No, that wasn’t right. Not anymore. He was mated to a god. Sawyer was his now. Saeward grinned and turned his face into Draco’s stomach.

  “What’s that smile for?” Draco rumbled as he softly ran his fingers through Saeward’s hair.

  “Sawyer is our god now.”

  “Yeah,” Draco agreed. “He is. That’s crazy to think about, isn’t it?”

  Saeward glanced back to the woods. “It’s good.”

  “That, too.”

  The Sawyer who stepped out of the woods a few minutes later was as god-like as Saeward had ever seen him. A large raven rested on his shoulder, its wings reflecting blue and purple in the sun. Sawyer was clearly deep in thought. He glanced their way and smiled. “Meet me in the library.”

  “Sure,” Draco said.

  Sawyer continued inside. The raven remained with him.

  “Is he okay?” Saeward asked. He untangled himself from Draco’s arms and climbed out of the pool. Draco wrapped a towel around him and dried his legs as Saeward stood quietly and let him. His mate found comfort in performing small acts of care. Saeward enjoyed the attention, the quiet moments that were theirs alone. He treasured all of his mates, and all of the ways they found to show their love. Some physically intimate, yes, but some were moments like these, with Draco performing a task that shouldn’t make Saeward’s heart fill with joy.

  “He’s fine,” Draco answered once he’d removed most of the water from Saeward’s legs. “That’s his thinking face. He’s got a plan.”

  Saeward honestly wasn’t sure what to think of that, but Draco seemed proud. He followed his dragon into the house, stopping only long enough to put on some of the loose, comfortable pants Eduard had purchased for him. It was another of those small acts that set his mates apart. Eduard showed his affection through gifts. Saeward didn’t care much for things, so the ones that truly made his life better were a true treasure. Something as simple as a pair of pants that didn’t make him feel confined or uncomfortable.

  Their mates had gathered in the library, each of them seated at the long table Sawyer and Henry often used to study. It still held their piles of books, in fact, and Henry had one open in front of him. The newest guardian, Dakota, stood at the door. Waiting. Watching.

  Saeward and Draco each took seats at the table. Sawyer paced at one end, still deep in thought. He stopped behind Saeward’s chair and rested his hands against his shoulders. Ward concentrated on sending him comfort. A long minute passed. Silence stretched awkwardly, but only for Dakota, who stood at the door, glaring at them all. Their other mates followed Sawyer’s lead. They stayed quiet, waiting for Dakota to make his decision once and for all.

  Join them, or walk away.

  Sawyer’s thumbs pressed into the muscles of Ward’s shoulders, the gentle squeeze the only outward sign of his worry. Even though Ward couldn’t see his face, he knew what it would look like. He’d seen that expression on Sawyer’s face countless times himself. Patient. Kind. Hopeful. Loving.

  Still Dakota waited.

  Saeward reached up and laid his hand over Sawyer’s, hoping his mate wouldn’t mind his intervention. “Come in, Dakota. We need you with us,” Saeward said softly.

  His mate’s hands twitched against his shoulders, but not in anger. No, Sawyer sent him a silent thanks through his gentle touch, especially when Dakota stepped into the room. He took the seat closet to the door, scanning the room as he did so. Ward often did the same himself. He had to know where the exits were at all times. He didn’t like to be trapped indoors. Not that he felt trapped with his mates at his side. No, he felt more free than he ever had when he was alone. The new guardian had to find his place, much like Saeward had. Sawyer gently held his shoulders, and Ward squeezed his hand once more before lowering his own to his lap. Some of the tension left Sawyer as Dakota joined them, but he still vibrated with energy.

  “We need to mount a rescue,” Sawyer said. “Henry, what did you find?”

  “There is a spell in the grimoire, one that will help me direct my vision once I’m having it. It’ll take a lot of power, though, and since I don’t know when the visions are coming, I’m not sure how this is going to work.”

  Sawyer moved to the seat beside Saeward and sat down. The raven still perched on his shoulder, reminding them all that they were now speaking to the Chosen One, and not simply their mate. Saeward held Sawyer’s knee, a tender touch to remind his mate that he was there.

  “Dakota,” Sawyer said. “How do your visions work?”

  “The spirits show me what they will.”

  “But can you move freely within your visions? Or do you only see flashes like Henry does?”

  “I can move freely. I often must explore to find the meaning in them.”

  “And do you know when your visions are going to come?”

  “They generally come when I am resting. It would be dangerous, otherwise.”

  “Tell me about it,” Henry said. “One concussion, two sprained wrists, a few bruised ribs. I kept my dad busy, but he always said he was both a dad and a doctor for a reason.”

  Dakota turned his attention to Henry, and Saeward caught the first glimmer of concern. “Your visions happen at any time?”

  “Yep,” Henry said. “And they are brutal. Before I met Sawyer, I was sick for days afterward. Headaches, puking.”

  Dakota seemed curious and concerned. “That isn’t good.”

  “Nope,” Henry said. “But that’s what I get for having my magic tinkered with. I don’t think the visions would be like this otherwise. That’s just my working theory, but it makes sense, right?”

  Dakota didn’t respond, but there was the tiniest crack in the ice surrounding him. Sawyer would be happy to see it, as was Saeward.

  “Okay, so we need to figure out a way to safely induce a vision for Henry since he’s connected to Palinouros, but we need for him to have Dakota’s level of control while he’s there,” Sawyer said.

  “He needs to have a vision quest,” Dakota said.

  “A what now?” Sawyer asked.

  “Visions are rarely given to children,” Dakota said. “In my pack, a vision quest is the time when a child moves to adulthood, and when you have the gift, you are sent on a vision quest. The tribe leaders are with you to keep you safe and bring you home should you get lost. If you return safely home, the leaders allow your visions to continue. If you cannot, they are kept loc
ked away for another year. Some with the gift are never allowed freedom of them.”

  “When were yours unlocked?” Henry asked.

  “When I was eighteen.”

  Henry glanced at Sawyer, and Saeward was once more struck by the pain their young mage had suffered as a child. If Dakota’s pack kept their children from the visions until they were old enough to be safe, what must the visions have been like for Henry, who had them when he was so young with no guidance or training?

  “How can we do the vision quest thing?” Sawyer asked.

  Dakota’s jaw clenched. He stared at Sawyer with his golden eyes, searching, demanding, wanting. Saeward wasn’t entirely sure what other emotions he could see in the new guardian’s eyes. He shielded himself well, hid behind a wall even larger than the one Saeward himself had hidden behind for so long. Dakota eventually exhaled and turned to Henry. “I can escort you on your quest.”

  Henry glanced nervously at Sawyer once more.

  “It’s up to you, Henry,” Sawyer said softly. “We can always find another way.”

  “No,” Henry said. “This is how it has to be. I can do it.”

  Dakota seemed so uncomfortable. The rest of his mates didn’t seem to notice. They were focused on Henry, worried for their young mate that they all adored so much. But Saeward’s eyes kept moving to the newest member of their family. He certainly didn’t want to be there. His body language said as much. But he wasn’t leaving either. He was a conundrum.

  Saeward leaned forward, and Dakota turned to him, pulling his gaze away from Henry and the others. “How dangerous is this?”

  Dakota’s jaw clenched again. “Very. He must be cleansed and grounded first. All of you will be needed.”

  And Dakota was very unhappy about that.

  “Cleansed how?” Saeward asked.

  “I am unsure. I will ask for guidance.”

  Saeward didn’t think it was a great idea.

  Sawyer’s hand touched his leg and drew his attention.

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t think anyone but us should know. It’s too big of a risk to Henry.”


  A thought popped into Saeward’s head, but it was too odd.

  “Tell me,” Sawyer said softly, always able to read his thoughts on his face. He was so tuned into his mates.

  “Cecil,” Saeward said.

  “What about him?”

  “Do you think he may know what we need?”

  Sawyer grinned and kissed his cheek. “I think he might.”

  “The little brownie too. She probably can help.”

  Sawyer ran his hand through Ward’s hair. “What would I do without you?”

  “You’ll never have to find out.”

  His word was his vow and his mate accepted it as such.

  Sawyer kissed him gently before returning his attention to the others.

  “We go on a vision quest,” Dakota said gruffly. “We find your guardian. What then? Do you think your brother will let you walk away?”

  “No. I seriously don’t. But I also know that whatever is going to happen, whatever comes next, I have to have all of the guardians with me or I won’t succeed. Rescuing the eighth guardian has to be my top priority. If I’m wrong, tell me, Dakota. If you see something I’m missing, tell me. I can’t do this without you. You were chosen for a reason, and that means you have something to bring to the table.”

  “Finding the eighth is the best strategy,” Dakota hedged. “If we are successful in the vision, then we will know if your brother spoke the truth and actually has him held captive.”

  Saeward agreed. This was Dakota’s first task. The reason he’d come to them at this moment. Sawyer had found Saeward when he needed him most as well.

  “Then let’s go talk to Cecil and see if he can help us. Agreed?” Sawyer waited for Dakota to answer, and finally received a nod of agreement. He left the room with Dakota following behind him. The raven still rested on his shoulder. Sawyer didn’t even seem to notice its presence.

  The rest of the mates drifted away as well, leaving Saeward, Eduard, and Draco alone in the library. His mates looked concerned, and Saeward couldn’t blame them. He offered them the only thing he could in the moment. His comfort.

  Eduard stepped into his offered embrace and held him tightly. His fire mates both craved the coolness of his water. Although their magic seemed to oppose each other, in actuality, they balanced each other perfectly.

  “He will be fine,” Saeward said.

  “I know,” Eduard replied. “I’m going to go check on them, make sure they have all of the resources they need.”

  Although Eduard had settled some, his dragon mate had not. Draco didn’t like the idea of any of them in danger, and knowing he had to trust Henry to the newcomer didn’t settle well with him. Saeward had learned to read his dragon well.

  Instead of letting Draco go, he guided him back until his legs bumped into the window seat. Draco glared down at it like it had personally offended him then realized he’d actually been led.

  Saeward knelt down in front of him and gave the loose shorts Draco wore a tug.

  “Fuck,” Draco groaned.

  Saeward leaned in and kissed his thigh. “I would distract you from your worries, my mate.”

  Draco ran his fingers through Saeward’s hair then tightened his hold. “You are a good mate.”

  Saeward leaned in again, this time kissing the other thigh. Draco’s cock jerked, already filling. He nudged his cheek against it, letting his stubble rub the tender skin. Draco groaned and used his hold on Saeward’s hair to guide his mouth closer.

  “You are better than good. An excellent mate who is excellent at distractions.”

  Saeward licked the tip. “I worried this part of mating would be difficult for me,” he confessed. “But I find I crave it.”

  He sucked the head of Draco’s cock into his mouth, relishing the taste in a way he’d never thought possible. But Draco was his. His mate. His love. His passion. His life. Everything. He gave it all. And Saeward was willing to give it all back to him as well.

  “I’m yours,” Draco promised.

  Saeward sucked him deeper, fighting back a smile at the deep, sexy groan he drew from his mate. Draco was one of the most sensual creatures Saeward had ever seen, enjoying pleasure in a way that was contagious. He gave and took, both in equal measure. But for once, Saeward wanted to take. He wanted Draco to lose control with him.

  He ran his hands up Draco’s thighs even as he sucked him deep, choking on the thick length in his mouth.

  Draco tensed for a moment, then realized Ward had done it on purpose. He moaned and lessened his hold on Ward’s hair. “Fuck. Didn’t think you could do that. So fucking sexy. Can you swallow me down, Ward?”

  He would. He looked up at Draco, tears wetting his eyes. Not from emotion, but from choking. Again, his mate looked concerned. But then he wiped away the tear before it ran down Ward’s face.

  “Slowly. Don’t rush it.”

  Ward leaned in again, letting Draco guide him again. His dragon let out a shuddering breath.

  “That’s it.”

  Ward sucked in a breath and opened his throat. Draco edged forward and Ward let him sink in further. He could hold his breath for so long, but it was different. This feeling of choking. Unable to draw air if he needed to. But then it came to him in a flash of understanding. Draco would know what he needed.

  Draco pulled back and trembled again. “Fuck that feels so good, Ward.”

  “I want to make you come.”

  “Damn. What’s gotten into you? Not that I’m complaining. Just wondering.”

  Saeward leaned into Draco’s thigh, not sure if he had the words. He thought he was doing this for Draco, to distract his mate. But it turned out he needed Draco as well. He didn’t know how to explain it. Every day that passed, every curve that was thrown at them, it just cemented his place with his mates. Every touch, every kiss, every time he was insid
e one of his mates… or let one of his mates inside of him. It all boiled down to a feeling inside him that he was where he was meant to be.

  “I’m where I’m meant to be.”

  It was the simplest explanation, but Draco’s shuddered breath told him the words had the power he’d intended. “Yes, my pony, you are. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be. With us. My mate.”

  Saeward grinned and wrapped his fist around Draco’s cock.

  “Make me come, Ward,” Draco demanded.

  Ward sucked him in again, this time without taking him so deep. He focused on the sensitive head, letting his hand coax Draco harder and closer to release with well-timed strokes.

  “Fuck, that’s good. Tease the tip.”

  Ward did as he was told, using his tongue to swipe at the precome that gathered in the slit, then tracing around the mushroom-shaped head.

  Draco grabbed his head again, but let Saeward continue at his own pace. His big hands held him steady, as Ward took Draco deep into his mouth again.

  “Don’t stop, Ward.”

  It took him a second to realize that Draco was giving him a verbal warning. They were no longer alone. He felt the presence of one of their mates. Draco said nothing else, and Saeward continued his attentions.

  Draco tasted so good. He focused on the tip again, driving Draco mad with pleasure. He couldn’t hold back his thrusts, even though Ward could feel his thighs quivering as he tried to fight the urge.

  “Isn’t he pretty, Andvari?” Draco asked.

  Ward ran his other hand up Draco’s thigh then began teasing his balls with his fingers.

  “Fuck. He’s going to make me come, Andi. Right in that pretty mouth of his.”

  Saeward groaned and Draco trembled again.

  “Yeah, you’re gonna make me come, Ward. You’re gonna make Andi come too. He’s got his dick in his hand already, just standing there watching you. Did you know you did that to him? Got him hard like that? I know you did. You do it to all of us. So beautiful.”

  He couldn’t believe simply watching them was making Andvari hard, but he could hear the sounds behind him, the distinctive noise of a cock being stroked. He knew it well, as he could hear his own hand making the same sounds on Draco’s dick. He sucked harder, letting a slurping noise escape as he swallowed a mouthful of spit and precome.


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