The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 55

by Macy Blake

  They’d not defeated Palinourous, but they’d not lost either. They still had each other.

  The front door opened, and the rest of his mates came in. Andvari hurried to Sawyer’s side and the others followed quickly behind.

  Eduard and his father brought up the rear of the group and when introductions were made, Dakota felt the eyes of his siblings on him once more.

  “No fucking way,” Iris yelled. “You married a millionaire!”

  “Billionaire,” Henry coughed.

  “Not helping,” Dakota groaned.

  He was never going to hear the end of it. Ever.


  Eduard wanted to go home. Insisting they did so, however, would be rude to his mate’s siblings. Instead, Eduard pasted on a fake smile and tried to be charming. He had a sneaking suspicion he wasn’t succeeding.

  “Come with me.”

  Draco captured his hand and pulled him out of the main living room and into a small powder room. “Draco, what are you—“

  “Shh. Kiss me.”

  He didn’t need to be asked twice. Eduard poured all of his fear and anxiety into the kiss, letting Draco take it from him. Their lips tangled, and Eduard pushed closer, trying to bury himself in Draco’s arms.

  Draco pulled away, holding his cheek in one hand while the other pressed against Eduard’s lower back, keeping him close. “What can I do?”

  The answer wasn’t to get off in his mate’s parents’ house, that was for certain. So he told Draco the truth, what he really wanted most in the moment. “I want to go home.”

  “Then we’ll go.”


  Draco kissed him, cutting off the words. “We’ve been nice enough for one evening, especially considering the circumstances.”

  Eduard let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Draco kissed him again, a quick tangle of lips and tongue before pulling away with a low growl. “I’d love to see you on your knees right now, but I have a feeling Henry’s grandmother would put her ear to the door.”

  Eduard laughed. “She’s probably got a hidden camera set up in here just in case.”

  Draco grinned and let him go. “Let’s go face the horde.”

  Eduard accepted the hand Draco held out to him and followed him back into the living room. Several of their mates glanced their way, always checking in. The others were well aware of their return to the room. It soothed something inside Eduard knowing that this level of consciousness existed between them.

  He needed them, though. A fierce ache had formed deep inside him. That fear of loss, the idea that he’d seen them for the last time, had shaken something deep in his core. He needed to feel them against him again, to touch them, to love them.

  Draco cleared his throat loudly and the room instantly quieted. “Look, I don’t want to be rude, but I need to take my mates home and claim them. It’s a dragon thing. It was great meeting you all, and we’ll have you to the house very soon. Koios, you have my contact information.”

  Koios nodded. “I’ll make sure everyone’s phones are updated.”

  “Good. Nana Jerrick, thank you for the amazing meal and hospitality. You are a gift to our family, and we cherish you.”

  Henry’s grandmother actually blushed. “It was no trouble.”

  “But it was,” Draco reminded her gently. “And we appreciate all you do. The last few days were horrible for me, and you made them better. Please be sure to thank Ollie for me as well.”

  “I will.”

  “Ollie?” Henry asked.

  Draco gave him a look, and Henry quieted. “And now, my mates, let’s go home.”

  They didn’t need to be asked twice. All of them rose and quickly began saying goodbye. Dakota only lingered for a moment, giving each of his siblings a hug before following them to the door. Eduard waited with Draco, still clutching tightly to his hand, as they all made their way outside.

  Achim, one of the hellhounds, stood guard outside. He nodded to Draco, knowing without asking what they needed. He opened a portal and they walked through, finding themselves standing outside of their house.

  They faced a new round of greetings as their staff rushed to see them. Cecil and Viv were at the ready, bursting through the back door and hurrying to them. Viv showed no decorum, simply flung herself at Sawyer and clung tightly. Justine followed within minutes, squealing and flinging herself at whichever one of them happened to be closest when she came up for air.

  Cecil hung back, looking over each of them, obviously seeing if there was anything they needed. His gift was amazing, but he simply smiled. Eduard let out another sigh of relief.

  “Viv, I believe they need some time alone to reconnect,” Cecil advised. “I’m sure a few midnight snacks will be in order. They haven’t had your cooking for days.”

  Viv grumbled. “Can’t insult Henry’s grandmother, now can I? But I could have—“

  “Thank you, Viv. We know you would have taken care of us,” Eduard interjected. “It means a lot.”

  She huffed. “I’m going to go bake.”

  Eduard squeezed Draco’s hand again.

  “Upstairs,” Draco said.

  Eduard led the way. He stopped at the bedroom door. Draco stood beside him, his body a steady presence, soothing the still-ragged nerves that pulsed through Eduard. It helped when they all entered their bedroom, whole and well.

  “Byakko, Pearl, out,” Draco ordered.

  The tiger normally ignored their commands, but this time, he seemed to know better. He huffed and lumbered off of the bed with Pearl following behind. She stopped and sniffed each of them, her black tail wagging happily as they paused to greet her.

  Then Draco closed the door behind them.

  “Eduard, go start the bath.”

  Draco absolutely knew the way to his heart. Eduard hurried to comply, turning on the water in the giant tub before adding his favorite combination of oils. He gathered a stack of his soft, fluffy towels, then lit several candles.

  The darkness soothed his nerves further. By the time Draco walked into the room to check on him, Eduard had begun to feel better. Draco smiled, not the sexy knock your socks off one, but a softer, gentler version of it. “Get in the bath,” Draco said. “We’ll join you.”

  Eduard didn’t need to be asked twice. He flipped on the jets and sank into the bubbling water, eager for his mates to join him.


  His mates huddled around the room, all of them antsy and wired from the events of the past few days. Andvari couldn’t forget the feeling of the djinn on him, bleeding him dry in more ways than one. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw his failure to protect his mates front and center.

  He checked the windows, verifying that neither the locks nor wards had been tampered with in his absence. He verified the status of the alarms and checked in with the guards by text. Everything was normal. Except it wasn’t.

  Andvari rubbed his hand over the spot on his arm where he’d received the transfusion of blood from his mates. He could feel them all inside him, the gift they’d given. Yet he hadn’t been able to keep up his end of the deal and keep them safe.

  Draco stopped behind him and wrapped his arms around Andvari’s chest. He covered Andvari’s heart with his hand. “Enough.”

  He didn’t argue. It would be pointless.

  “We fight a god. This is a war, not a battle. We lost, but we learned. Think, process, and plan. That is what I need from you. But do that tomorrow, understood? Our mates need you tonight.”

  And he needed them, as well.

  Andvari turned in Draco’s arms. He centered himself, unwilling to let the dark thoughts invade his mind further. He would do as his dragon asked and find answers later.

  Draco tipped his head to the side to reveal a long stretch of his throat before he hooked his hand on the back of Andvari’s neck. “Drink, love.”


  “Do not fight me on this.”

  He didn’t want to fight. The urge boiled within him. The transfusion helped but sinking his teeth into his mate and feeding from the source settled him in a deeper, more powerful way. He desperately wanted the connection.

  Andvari struck hard and fast, knowing Draco understood his desperation and didn’t mind the sharp pinch of pain his fangs brought. They pierced Draco’s flesh and a burst of hot, sweet, and oh-so-powerful blood flooded his mouth. He drank greedily, the magic deep inside him growing stronger. He shuddered as his body responded, the ache inside him hungering for more than Draco’s blood. He needed his mates, needed release.

  He backed away slowly, licking over the marks and waiting for them to seal. “Thank you.”

  “For you, always. Now go see to our griffin.”

  Andvari nodded and hurried to the bathroom. He shuddered again at the burst of power Draco’s blood gave him, clinging to the aftereffects long enough to sink into the bath beside Eduard and tug him close. He devoured his sweet mate’s lips before guiding him astride Andvari’s lap.

  Eduard sank onto his cock in desperation, not even giving Andvari a moment to prepare him. He needn’t have worried. Eduard’s entrance was already slick. He’d prepared himself while he waited.

  “Fuck, you feel good,” Andvari groaned.

  “I couldn’t wait. I needed this.”

  Eduard vibrated with a heavy weight of desperation and fear. He needed to be grounded as much as Andvari had moments before. Draco had helped him, given him strength and the promise of what they had together. His duty— no, not his duty. It was his honor to provide this to his mate. Eduard needed him, desperately, and Andvari could think of no other gift to give to his mate who had it all but this. His body. His soul. His everything.

  Andvari grabbed Eduard’s hips and pushed up into him, wrenching control from his griffin and taking it for himself. Eduard gasped and held on, his eyes wild and unfocused.

  Eduard tried to take control back, but Andvari tightened his hold. This wouldn’t be hard and fast. Eduard wasn’t going to come until Andvari was good and ready to let him.

  With a groan of frustration, Eduard dropped his head onto Andvari’s shoulder. “Please.”

  Andvari lifted Eduard and spun him around. He settled him back to chest and reached for Eduard’s cock. He stroked it slowly, driving Eduard to the brink of release before slowing to a stop. Eduard growled and tried to pull away again.

  “Not this time, love. Wait. Wait for me.”

  Eduard settled against his chest again. Andvari kissed his neck before nibbling at one of his favorite spots.

  “You’re going to torture me, aren’t you?”

  Andvari grinned before biting down on Eduard’s neck, pinning him in place. Eduard’s body arched into the touch and his cock jerked.

  “Evil, evil vampire,” Eduard groaned.

  “You aint seen nothing yet.”


  Something different was in the air tonight. Loch breathed deeply, wishing he could open one of the windows to let some fresh air inside the room. He felt stifled, trapped. Instead, he tended to his sword, sitting on one of the window seats and drawing a cloth down the long, thin blade. When he’d fallen, someone had attempted to clean his weapon for him. They hadn’t placed it back in its sheath, fortunately, or it would have been ruined. He needed to remember to ask who’d helped, though. Blades weren’t meant to be left unattended.

  He slowly drew the cloth down the metal, checking for any specks left on the blade. Movement caught his eye and he looked up from his task. Pip stood nervously at the entrance, chewing on his lip.


  “Can I… can I come sit by you?”

  “Of course.”

  Pip moved closer, his eyes roaming over the blade. He sank down beside Loch and leaned into him. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “I don’t know. Everything. For snuggling with me earlier, for…” Pip paused and sucked in a breath. “For fighting so many of those djinn things. I watched you. I saw how good you really are. I mean, yeah, it’s a sexy weapon, you know? Duh, of course it is, but it’s more than that. It’s part of you. So it’s not just sexy, it’s deadly. I’m sorry. I’m just a little freaked out still. I’m not making any sense.”

  His young mate had never been to battle, had never seen anything like what they’d experienced what felt like yesterday. Even though days had passed, for them it was still fresh. Only moments before in their memories.

  “I am, as you say, freaked out as well.”

  Pip made a face.

  “You doubt me?” Loch asked.

  “You’re brave.”

  “As are you.”

  Pip scoffed. “I didn’t do anything but stand there and try not to crap my pants.”

  “But you stood there, unarmed, with no training. You held your position at our mate’s back where he needed you. Who is bravest between us? I, who have faced more foes than days you’ve been alive, or you, who faced all of that for the first time without running?”

  Pip shrugged.

  “No. There is no question. You showed your courage to us. Do not question it. I will not allow it.”

  Pip rolled his head to the side and looked up at Loch. “How can you stop me?”

  Loch scowled at him but the twinkle in Pip’s eye had him dropping the expression. “Is this innuendo?”

  “Yes, Loch. It is.”

  “Oh, good. Then yes, I can think of something to stop you. My cock is fierce.”

  Pip grinned. “You’re cute. I like you.”

  Loch smiled back. “Good. Now let me sheath my sword.”

  “Uh, I could use a little prep work first, not gonna lie.”

  “Pardon?” Loch asked. He grabbed his sheath and carefully replaced the sword in it.

  “Oh. You weren’t talking innuendo that time. This whole sword thing is confusing. How about this: fuck me, Loch. But lube me up first.”

  Loch grabbed Pip and lifted him up easily, grinning when Pip’s legs wrapped around his waist. “I will take care of you. I know how to wield the weapon in my sheath and the one between my legs with equal measure.”

  Pip trembled and his cock rose to press against Loch’s stomach. “That’s so hot. Why are you so hot?”

  “Come, let’s—“

  Pip shuddered, tightening in his hold. A wet patch formed between them. “Oops? In my defense you said come and I—“

  Loch tangled his hand in Pip’s hair and guided his mouth closer. “You’re the hot one. I’m going to devour you.”

  Pip trembled again as Loch carried him through to the bathroom. He sat Pip down only long enough to strip them both then he joined Andvari and Eduard in the tub.

  “Is that? Did he?” Eduard groaned as Andvari slowly teased his cock.

  “He did,” Loch said as he sank into the water. Pip blushed and lowered his gaze.

  “So damn hot,” Eduard murmured. “I want to taste.”

  Loch wanted to see that, too, so he lifted Pip once more and carried him closer. Pip groaned when Eduard nipped at his belly. Andvari looked up at Loch and grinned.

  It didn’t take long for Pip’s cock to start thickening once more. Loch took some of the oil Andvari offered and began teasing Pip’s hole while Eduard nipped and sucked all across his stomach.

  Andvari gestured to him as he lifted Eduard and positioned him over Andvari’s cock. Loch prodded his way between Pip’s legs and teased his hole. They drove forward at the same time. Loch couldn’t tear his eyes away from the beautiful sight in front of him. Eduard grabbed Pip’s hips and clung onto him, holding him steady for Loch’s powerful thrusts.

  They each made the most exquisite sounds, crying out as Andvari and Loch drove into them in turn. Loch hadn’t realized how much he’d needed this until he was surrounded by his mates, their pleasure-filled cries pushing him closer to the edge of release. Pip tightened around him, squeezing his cock as he chased his second orgasm of the night. Loch con
tinued to plow into him, the frantic sounds of their coupling echoing through the bathroom. It heightened all of his senses, from the feel of the steamy water splashing against his legs, to the dim light from the candles, casting shadows over glistening skin.

  “Looks like someone started without us,” Henry gasped from behind him. Loch glanced over his shoulder and found both Saeward and Henry enjoying the view.

  Loch held out his hand, beckoning them both closer. His mates were only too happy to comply.


  The bubbling water which held his mates called to him. Saeward stripped off his clothes before tugging Henry’s off as well. His mates’ groans echoed in his ears, creating a fury of need inside him.

  Sexual energy poured off of his mates. The water captured the emotion and fed it to him the moment he stepped into the tub. He clutched Henry to him, shuddering as his body responded to the call of his mates. They needed, a desperate longing, and Ward knew too well how they felt.

  “Ward?” Henry asked softly. “You okay?”

  He didn’t know how to answer. No, he wasn’t okay, and yet, being here with his mates, Ward knew he would be. “I will be.”

  Henry leaned back into him and pulled Ward’s arms around his chest. It always surprised him how much smaller Henry was in his arms. He had such a big personality that it was easy to forget that when they stood like this, Ward was easily a foot taller than Henry. He may be small, but his strength wasn’t. Henry’s power rolled through him, joining the others. His magic bubbled and danced in the water.

  Ward didn’t know if Henry even realized what he’d done, but his other mates surely did. Then again, they were so wrapped up in each other, they probably only sensed more passion, more pleasure.

  “I wanna touch,” Henry said softly. “But where to begin?”

  Ward could think of about twenty places. The water sparkled in the dim candlelight. Pip rolled his head back on Loch’s shoulder as their fae warrior continued thrusting lazily inside him. Pip’s cock stood out in front of him, hard and proud and eager.


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