The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 65

by Macy Blake

  And that… that wasn’t acceptable. He hadn’t been kidding when he said Augustus had ruined him. He had. For all other people. Forever. Just like Augustus had threatened. He broke Jamie and now he had to buy him. Or something. It didn’t matter. Jamie was his. And Augustus had better by god make it right or he’d….

  Jamie stormed out of the bathroom and into the dining room once more. Augustus smiled when he entered, but it quickly turned into a frown when he stomped up to the table.

  “I’m not your dirty little secret. And I don’t care if you haven’t made me promises, you ruined me. So now you have to deal with it. All these people who think you’re new to this game and up for grabs need to find out real quick that you are not in the market. You’re done. No buying stock in Augustus. No trading or whatever the hell it is you do. No. You’re off limits. You’re mine. Period. And I’m yours. And they can all go to hell because I don’t care what anyone thinks. You better make sure they all know that I’m not—“

  Augustus pushed to his feet and grabbed Jamie’s hair. He tugged his head back and pulled their bodies together. “You think they don’t all know that you’re mine?”

  Jamie scowled. “How would they? You haven’t—“

  “I haven’t what, love? Claimed you? Put my mark on you. I can. I will. Right here and now. In front of them all.”

  Jamie shivered, need coursing through him.

  “Is that what you need? One look and they would all leave this room. Who do you think is the most powerful man in this room, Jamie? Who?”

  There was no doubt. “You.”

  “That’s right. You have nothing to fear.”

  “Augustus,” Jamie whimpered, embarrassed but so needy. He didn’t know what had gotten into him. Well, he knew what hadn’t gotten into him and he needed. Literally actually needed Augustus inside him again. Which was kinda weird and embarrassing but fuck if Jamie cared at the moment.

  “My sweet boy,” Augustus whispered into his neck. “I’m sorry I didn’t take good enough care of you. I’m a bit out of practice, and I’m new at portions of this as well. Let me make it right.”

  Jamie nodded against him, clinging, expecting Augustus to lead him out of the room and back to the cabin. Augustus had other plans.


  Augustus rarely made mistakes, and when he did, he fixed them quickly and efficiently. He’d made one with Jamie by not recognizing how strongly the mating pull would affect him. Their connection was all but made, lacking only the final steps to bond them forever as mates. Jamie didn’t know that, however. He didn’t know anything about their world. All he knew was that he’d been taken into a room with a dozen other shifters without his mate and alpha’s scent all over him. It wasn’t acceptable, and Jamie’s instincts were crying out, fearing rejection.

  He could fix it, though, and he planned on it, with the same quick efficiency he used to make business decisions. He held Jamie tight, fisting his curls and forcing Jamie’s head up. “Is that what you need, love? You need me to prove to you that you’re mine? That no one else would touch you? That everyone here will do whatever I want because I am the most powerful being in the room. Is that what you need? Do you need them to watch me claim you? To stuff you full once more while they all look on, desperately wanting you for themselves but knowing you belong to me and me alone?”

  Jamie pushed up against him, his pupils wide and desperate. His breathing shallow and wanting. Augustus had no doubt every eye in the room was on them. All of the shifters had heard Jamie’s words as clearly as Augustus had. They heard the challenge in them. And it must be answered, even if Jamie didn’t understand. He had options, of course.

  But no one could leave the room without knowing Augustus was in control, still an alpha and the leader of his clan. His power couldn’t be questioned. He had too much riding on his reputation at the moment to put it at risk.

  And then he had Jamie. His mate. The person who would make him happy for the rest of his days. He couldn’t ruin this moment, let Jamie doubt. He couldn’t deny his mate what he needed.


  Jamie’s gasp set his course. His mate needed proof, and he would have it.

  “Anyone not in the know needs to leave immediately.”

  He didn’t even have to raise his voice. Several of the shifters guided their companions to the door and sent them away. The doors closed. Locked. His tablemate slid his chair aside and guided his companion onto the floor at his feet. The scent of arousal and anticipation filled the air.

  His lion roared, and Augustus barely contained himself from making the sound aloud.

  Instead he met Jamie’s gaze once more. “You worry you are my dirty little secret, sweetheart? I’ll prove you wrong, here and now.”

  Jamie trembled. “Fuck. I don’t… why do I want to bend over this table for you right now?”

  “Because you know its what you need. And you know I’ll give it to you. Always. Don’t worry. You’ll be stuffed full of me again in just a moment.”

  Jamie trembled again, his cock hard and pulsing between them.

  “Don’t come until I say you can.”

  Jamie nodded. Augustus kissed him, hard and fast, before spinning Jamie in his arms. He held him back to front, one hand against Jamie’s neck, pulling his head to the side and exposing the spot he would soon mark. The other slid low on Jamie’s belly, over his most vulnerable spaces.

  Many people, humans especially, waxed poetic about the heart. Augustus had something more raw in mind. He’d always trusted his gut. It spoke to him much more clearly than the thing that beat in his chest. No, the heart was protected by ribs, a hard shell surrounding it. But the gut was open and raw and vulnerable. Dangerous to anyone more powerful.

  And Jamie had one of the most dangerous creatures around with his hand over that most precious of spots. One swipe and he’d be done, but Jamie simply stood still for him, trembling in his hold, but not from fear. No. His boy wasn’t afraid at all. Jamie wanted, desperately. And everyone in the room knew it.

  “Mine,” Augustus snarled. He met each and every gaze, stared until eyes dropped away, giving him the upper ground.

  He tugged at Jamie’s pants, ripping them open and pushing them down. His shirttails hung down, keeping him from being totally exposed. Augustus dealt with Jamie’s underwear next, jerking them down to Jamie’s thighs. His cock stood out proudly, tenting the shirt.

  A throat cleared to the side ,and Augustus turned that way with a snarl. Franklin slid something across the table to him. It was a small packet.

  “Brace your hands on the table,” Augustus demanded.

  Jamie trembled but complied. Augustus reached for the packet and ripped it open, dribbling the lube over his cock. He stroked himself, slicking the way, before he lined up at Jamie’s entrance.

  “Mine,” he declared again, and drove inside.

  Jamie cried out, that sweet sound of pure bliss he made when Augustus was inside him. He’d already learned Jamie so well, the noises he made, each sound catalogued and treasured. Precious.

  Augustus leaned down, covering Jamie’s body with his own. He nipped at his spot then moved his mouth up to Jamie’s ear. “Do you see them all watching, Jamie? They want you as much as I do. But they can’t have you, can they?”

  “N-no,” Jamie gasped.

  Augustus thrust again, his hips driving Jamie forward.

  “No one would dare try to touch what is mine. They know. As do you. You belong to me now.”

  “Y-yes. Augustus, please.”

  Augustus continued to hammer inside him, driving Jamie quickly to the edge. As the both crested, Augustus growled into Jamie’s ear. “Come.”

  And his mate did, becoming a jerking, trembling mess in his arms. Augustus held him up, still buried deep in his hot, quivering channel until Jamie rolled his head to the side and blinked up at him.

  “Did we really just…”

  “Yes.” Augustus grinned, unable to hide how pleased h
is was. The others in the room twisted in their seats, squirming with arousal, eager to find their own release. They waited for him to give the word, though.

  “Don’t look so smug. You’ve totally ruined me.”

  “I absolutely have.”

  “Smug, Augustus. Not a good look.”

  Except it was, and they both knew it. Augustus moved his hips and his cock slipped from Jamie’s hole. He straightened his clothes before adjusting Jamie’s then scooped his mate into his arms. Jamie protested but Augustus shot him a glare. He sighed and dropped his head onto Augustus’s shoulder.

  “Have a good evening,” Augustus said. He nodded his thanks to Franklin for providing the much-needed lube. He’d make sure to return the favor the next time an investment opportunity arose. One of the others opened the door for him, and he carried Jamie out into the main lobby of the lodge.

  “Ugh. I can walk.”

  “Can you, though?”

  Jamie snorted. “Shut it.”

  Augustus grinned and continued out of the lodge. Maxine held the door open for him, nodding as he passed. Her son no doubt hovered nearby, making sure the path to their cabin would be undisturbed. Jamie had no idea that Maxine served so many purposes for him. Assistant, chauffeur, bodyguard. Her son trained to be her replacement.

  Jamie didn’t understand, but he would be kept safe from the dangers of Augustus’s world. He would be cherished and loved and spoiled and…

  “Stop thinking so hard.”

  How could he though? Jamie had so much to learn. Augustus had heard of humans rejecting the knowledge. He stared down at Jamie, long and hard.

  “You won’t be one of them, will you?”

  Jamie rolled his head back and looked up. “Did I fall asleep again? ‘Cause I feel like I missed something.”

  “No,” Augustus said.

  “Why are you grumpy? You just fucked me in front of a room full of people. And it was the hottest thing in existence. Explain.”

  Augustus huffed. He needed to explain. He had to explain. Before he could complete the claiming.

  “Oh my god. It happened. The tables have turned.” Jamie cackled gleefully and kissed Augustus on the cheek.

  Augustus pushed open the door to their cabin and headed straight for the bedroom. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  He settled Jamie on the bed. His mate immediately attempted to make a snow angel on the covers. His cheerfulness was contagious and Augustus found himself grinning at Jamie’s antics. “Did I break you?”

  “No! I broke you! Finally. Ha! You’re ruined! I did it! I finally ruined you. All it took was the hottest show of dominance this side of one of those really terrifying clubs we will never go to because no, okay? Hard limit. But fucking hell, who knew that you had an exhibitionist kink? And that I did? You, maybe? I don’t know what I’m saying. God, I feel good. Great. Fantastic. Amazing.”

  Augustus climbed onto the bed and covered Jamie’s body once more with his own. “Good.”

  Jamie sighed happily and wrapped his arms around Augustus’s neck. He arched his head to the side, giving Augustus access to his spot. “Ruined.”

  They both were. Augustus had no doubt. As long as ruined meant absolutely thrilled. They had a long, probably difficult road in front of them, but as Augustus stared down into Jamie’s smiling eyes, he had no doubt they would make it through whatever the goddess had in store for them.

  Teaser Chapter

  Magical Mates Book One

  All Kidding Aside

  (Magical Mates Book One)

  Chapter One


  Victor pulled his sleek, black Mercedes to a stop in front of a newly-installed wrought iron gate. It protected the entrance to the home of what they’d begun referring to as the Smith pack. He rolled down his window as a voice sounded from the small intercom at the edge of the drive.

  “May I help you?”

  “Victor Eastaughffe to see the alpha.”

  “One moment please.”

  The alpha, and his entire pack, were unconventional to say the least. In a world where shifter children were rare, Nick’s pack had at least four times more kids than adults. The circumstances that got Nick an entire pack of children were what warranted the upgrades to security and Victor’s presence. Nick Smith had a very powerful mate, very powerful friends, and an extremely powerful brother.

  While he waited, Victor inspected other areas of the recently upgraded security system, including the large masonry sign which stood just to the left of the driveway. It was only slightly imposing with the words Smith Academy carved into the central, white stone. No other details were listed. Victor had argued, and the alpha had agreed, that anyone curious about the sudden increase in visible security wouldn’t ask questions if a sign out front indicated children were present.

  Of course, anyone close enough to notice the sign would also be noticed by them. Two dragons circled overhead waiting for the guards to give Victor the all-clear. Their magic was cloaked, obviously, but Victor could see through it. Most of their kind could. Humans, on the other hand, were kept in the dark about their existence for a reason. The goddesses’ rules were very strict on the subject, and no one wanted to draw the attention of the hellhounds. Then again, as the alpha was mated to a hellhound— another thing that made Nick unique— the threat didn’t have quite the same weight to it as it did for others of their kind.

  “The alpha is expecting you.”

  The gate began to open as the intercom switched off again. Victor pulled his car through and waited until it closed behind him. Two more barriers sat between him and his scheduled meeting with Nick Smith, the first one a powerful ward. Two vampires surrounded the car and began an inspection as a familiar pop of magic sounded beside him.

  “Good morning, Puteri.”

  “Griffin,” she scowled.

  The second barrier, a brownie, only stood a couple of feet tall. Most of her charges were at least her size, if not bigger. But when it came to power, Puteri was one of the strongest of their kind on the property. She might be tiny, moody, and cranky, but the kids really liked her, which was the most important thing to their alpha. Nick could care less if none of the adults understood exactly why the kids were drawn to the temperamental creature.

  “How are you?” Victor asked.

  He didn’t want to open the floodgates, but he’d been assured that she would be disappointed if he didn’t. He also knew from experience that no matter how much she complained— and she would complain, long and loud— that he was never to suggest she needed help. He’d made that mistake once. He wouldn’t make it again.

  “There is so much work for Puteri,” she whined. “So many children. Puteri works and works and works.”

  “You make your queen proud with your service,” Victor said. “I will be sure to pass along our praise to her.”

  Puteri beamed, even as she performed her part of the security test. “You are free from dark magic. You may proceed.”

  Victor started the SUV moving and passed easily through the ward as Puteri settled into the seat and continued listing the many tasks she was responsible for within the compound. To hear her tell it, she was single-handedly managing all of the forty orphans under their charge, plus handling the care and feeding of the entire staff. Victor knew better. He paid the bills after all, on behalf of Nick’s brother, the Chosen One, and his mates. That included the many, many salaries it took to keep the children safe and happy.

  “You are a boon to your people, Puteri, and a gift to us. We could not manage without you.” His statement soothed her sensitive fae ego. She beamed for a brief moment before her face settled into its usual scowl once more.

  “I must return to work. The alpha is in the rec building with the children. They’re doing yoga.”

  Before Victor could ask her to repeat what she’d said—he could have sworn he’d heard her say yoga—she disappeared with another pop of magic. He drove the rest of the way up the long driveway a
nd parked outside the rec building. Once inside, he found Nick exactly where Puteri said he would be. About a dozen kids surrounded him, each of them standing with their hands over their head in some sort of yoga pose. Well, all of them except Nick. The alpha had a sleeping bear cub cradled in one of his arms, but the other was in the air as he held his pose with an intensity rarely seen outside of threatening situations.

  One of the vampires who served as guards for the property lead the exercise, and the kids followed diligently along. Victor made a mental note to do some research later on kids and yoga. Someone had obviously convinced Nick it was a good idea. Either that, or he’d watched a random YouTube video. It could go either way with Nick. He wasn’t afraid to try new things if it meant helping the kids find happiness in their new normal.

  Victor honestly didn’t know how he managed it all, but Nick had been chosen by the goddess herself for this duty. He didn’t have to worry whether or not Nick was right for the job, no matter that his methods were sometimes unconventional.

  Before he could wonder further, he felt a tug against his pants leg. He glanced down and found a tiny red-headed boy standing beside him. He looked ready to cry. Victor tried not to panic. Kids weren’t his thing, especially teary-eyed ones.

  “Hi, little person. Are you looking for alpha? Don’t worry. He’s right there.”

  The boy’s lip began to wobble, and he held up his hands.

  Victor gulped but picked him up without hesitation. Nick would be pissed if he didn’t. Pretty much whatever the kids wanted, they got, especially when it came to comfort. They’d had terrible lives— kidnapped and drained of magic by a demented god until Nick’s goddess intervened on their behalf— but Nick was changing all of that. Only adults who passed Nick’s muster were allowed anywhere near the kids. The alpha might seem laid-back and casual, but Victor had seen him when he wasn’t. Nick Smith was not a lion to be messed with, especially not where his pack of orphaned shifter children were concerned.


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