Highland Honor

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Highland Honor Page 12

by Dana D'Angelo

  Griogair set his mount to a canter, catching up to Niall. “There has tae be another way,” he said. “If ye —”

  “Someone’s coming,” one of the men interrupted, pointing to a spot behind Griogair.

  Frowning, Griogair glanced at where the man indicated. Sure enough, a woman advanced toward them, her long blond hair, streaming behind her as she rode at breakneck speed. An oath escaped from his lips. He had forgotten about Sileas. Niall wasn’t interested in waiting for him, and had already ridden off. He flicked the leather straps and spurred the horse after his foster brother.

  “There has tae be another way,” Griogair repeated. He surveyed the area behind him. They had ridden over the crest of the hillock. A few minutes more and Sileas would be upon them. “The Ellison and his clansmen are coming back tomorrow afternoon. Wait for me at the forest’s edge along the auld drovers’ road.”

  “My thanks,” Niall said. Then letting out a loud cry, he propelled his horse into action and bolted away. His men charged after him.

  With only moments to spare, Griogair jumped off his mount and staged a fall. A few seconds later he heard the distant sound of hooves moving purposefully toward him.

  “Griogair!” Sileas yelled.

  He groaned and started to push himself up from the ground, but she was already upon him. All at once her intoxicating scent of blooming lavender and honey flooded his senses.

  “What happened?” Her hazel eyes darted from Griogair to the men who had disappeared from view.

  “I was knocked off my horse.”

  She faced him, her brows furrowed with concern. “Are ye all right? Can ye move?” Putting her slender arm around his back, she helped him to stand.

  “Aye, I’m fine.” He brushed the dirt from his kilt.

  “I saw ye speaking with the raider, but then ye disappeared over the knoll. What did he say tae ye?”

  “He told me that someone from your clan murdered his brother, and he wants the culprit’s blood. He also said that he sent a missive tae the peel tower stating his intentions.”

  “I havenae seen the letter.” She frowned and placed a finger to her bottom lip, digesting what he had just told her. “Unless it came when my youngest brother fell ill. And if Ma received it during that time, she might nae have read it. Androu’s illness had her quite distressed...” She shook her head. “When did this murder take place?”

  “It happened over a sennight, in the northern outskirts of your territory.”

  “Over a sennight?” she repeated, her tone perplexed. “It couldnae be my clansmen. Da and his following werenae in the vicinity at that time. I ken for certain that they went away on an expedition south of the territory.”

  His brows knitted at hearing this new information. “Well, it appears that the men are intent on harming your kin unless they hand over the miscreant to them,” he said.

  She gaped at him as she registered the threat. “Will they waylay my clansmen when they arrive home tomorrow?”

  “’Tis possible,” he said.

  “Who are they?” she whispered.

  “I dinnae ken,” he said, unable to look her in the eyes. “Whoever they are, we cannae allow them tae cause injury.”

  “’Tis fortunate that the damage they caused in the village was minor. However my kin must be warned.”

  “Aye, we must warn them,” Griogair agreed.

  “I think we should take the drovers’ road, and meet the bandits along the way.”

  “Nay, that isnae a guid idea,” he said.

  “What do you propose that we do then?” she asked, her lips curving downward.

  His gaze swept across the land, surveying the distant hills and valleys. The drovers’ road forged a direct path to the central markets in Scotland. Most travelers were familiar with this route. Even without his interference, Niall was likely to set up an ambush along the ancient road. Griogair only had to get to him before his foster brother could initiate his attack.

  Finding some undersized rocks and sticks, he began to arrange them on the ground, forming a crude map. Tracing a path with his stick, he said, “The trap may occur anywhere along this track. Do ye see here where the terrain changes and the trees become more abundant?” When she nodded, he continued. “I think this is likely where they’ll strike. I counted seven men in the group, however we dinnae ken if there are more criminals in hiding. If we traveled along the road, we’ll be out in the open and they’ll spot us.” He circled the stick around a rock that he placed on the dirt. “If we go around this hill and travel eastward, we’ll be able tae intercept your clansmen, and warn them of the peril ahead.”

  “Going around that hill will likely take us half of the day,” she protested.

  “Didnae ye mention that your clansmen would be back tomorrow afternoon?”

  “I did.”

  “Well, if we continue now, we should have ample time tae alert them of the danger.”

  “Fine,” she said. “I’ll lead the way.”

  Chapter 18

  Sileas forged ahead while making certain that the hillside remained to the right of her, and always within plain sight. They traveled on the predetermined course as the sun started to drop lower in the skyline. The terrain had turned more rugged with the grass becoming longer and the shrubs turning robust. While it was true that a vast portion of the land was open heath, countless converging hills and rocky outcrops also speckled the landscape.

  A gale blew at her cloak, whipping it around her body. But she ignored it. She never ventured to this side of the hill since it doubled the travel time, but Griogair had brought up some valid points that she hadn’t considered. The raiders were a brutal bunch, and it wasn’t a good plan to be captured by them before she could warn her clansmen. Glancing over at the Highlander, she wondered how he knew so much about combat strategies. It was an odd skill for a horse-trader to possess. Still, she was grateful for his help. She didn’t know what she would do without him. But then with the long hours of riding, her body began to protest. She wanted to continue forward, although she realized that they had to stop at some point. It would be impossible to travel in the dark since there was no moonlight to guide them tonight. And she wasn’t willing to risk getting lost in the unfamiliar area.

  “We need tae make camp,” she said.

  “Ye are tired,” he said, studying her face. “We can set up camp over there.” He pointed to a dramatic rock formation that jutted from the ground. “The outcrop and surrounding trees will give us protection from the night wind. We can also rest and eat supper.”

  When they made it to the spot that he indicated, Griogair dismounted, and immediately set to work. With practiced efficiency, he started a small fire, and proceeded to create a makeshift cooking surface out of the scattered rocks nearby. When the raiders invaded the village, she gave little thought to food. But the Highlander, on the other hand, was prepared for everything. Taking out a bundle of oat flour and water from his supplies, he began to make oatcakes. As the hearty flatbread sizzled on the hot stone, and the smell of fresh bread reached her, her stomach rumbled. Taking a finished oatcake, he stabbed it with a stick and handed it to her. “Here, take it,” he said.

  Sileas accepted his offering, and broke off a piece of the steaming bread to eat. Meanwhile Griogair went back to make the last of the oatcakes. She was amazed that he prepared the flatbread as well as the cook at Sundholm Tower. When he brought the rest of the bread over, they finished their meal in companionable silence. The twigs in the cookfire started to dwindle, so Griogair threw another piece of wood into the fire. She watched as the sparks flew into the air like scattered fireflies. Meanwhile the existing kindling crackled cheerfully. As the minutes passed, the beguiling warmth from the firepit caused a shift within her. She could almost imagine that she was here with him but under different circumstances. And even though they didn’t speak, she felt as though she had known him for a long time.

  He got up to search for more wood, and as he did so, she stu
died his movements. For such a strapping man, his motions were graceful and sure. In addition to that, he knew how to make excellent oatcakes. And he demonstrated exceptional skills at kissing. That last observation caused her to feel heated.

  Unfortunately it was at that moment that he glanced over at her. His brow lifted as he caught her appraising look. “Is something amiss, lass?”

  “I was just thinking that ye are unlike any other men I ken,” she said, blinking.

  He returned with a small bundle of kindling and dropped them on the ground. “I cannae be that much different,” he said.

  “Ye are,” she said. “From what I can see, ye are a stranger, yet ye dinnae hesitate tae help people in need.”

  He bent to pack away his utensils. At the same time, she moved to help him. Their fingers collided, and she felt a jolt move up her arm. Staring at him, she saw that he also felt the shock. The air between them became charged, and a new stifling heat blanketed them.

  Her mouth suddenly felt dry and she licked her lips. Did he remember the kiss they shared earlier?

  “Aye.” His eyelids hooded and his regard slid down to watch the quick motion of her tongue. “I remember it.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise as she realized that she had spoken out loud. She felt a blaze of embarrassment scorch her cheeks. “I cannae stop thinking about it,” she admitted with some reluctance.

  “Do ye want me tae do it again?” He lifted his hand and with the back of his fingers, he stroked it along her cheek.

  “Aye.” She took his hand and pressed it against her skin. “But I also wish tae experience... ” her voice trailed off.

  “What do ye wish?” he prompted.

  “I wish tae experience more than a kiss.”

  “Did I hear ye correctly?” He stared at her. “Ye want more than a kiss?”

  “Aye, ye heard me correctly,” she said, staring back. “Will ye show me?”

  He closed his eyes briefly and let out a mirthless laugh. When he opened them again, his eyes were dark, stormy, and filled with repressed desire. “Ye are innocent, lass. Ye dinnae ken what ye want.”

  “I am a woman, and I ken my mind.”

  “That ye are,” he said, his hot gaze raking over her curves. “But ye should wait until ye marry —”

  “Nay, I willnae wait. Besides, I have nay interest in marriage.” That was the truth. She already had enough responsibilities assisting her parents with the clan government. Taking on a husband and raising bairns would add further burdens to her life. In all her years she had given selflessly to her clan. She ensured that she did her part to help the tribe endure. And she did it well. Now she wanted to do something for herself, something that had nothing to do with responsibilities or with survival. Of course she wasn’t completely naive. She knew what happened between a man and a woman. In the past she never gave it much thought, but meeting Griogair brought about many questions, many new sensations. No longer able to keep her curiosity at bay, she wanted to know why she became breathless whenever he was near. She needed to understand why her heart raced, and her skin burned whenever his smoldering gaze touched upon her. The first kiss in the woods was nice. But the second kiss would be forever seared into her memory. She wanted to re-experience the scorching passion that he demonstrated. That powerful kiss in the stable was something that she had only heard about in stories. But having felt it, she couldn’t think of anything else except where else this would lead.

  “Are ye certain about this?” he demanded. A fierce, tortured expression reflected on his striking face.

  Her gaze dropped, and she noted the bulge beneath his kilt. Looking up, she leveled her regard with his. “Aye, ‘tis what I want.”

  “I dinnae think I’ll ever understand women,” he said, letting out a long rush of air.

  “Ye dinnae have tae understand other women,” she said. “Ye just have tae understand me.”

  He let out a chuckle that sent a thrilling streak down her spine. But before she could say anything further, he drew her to him, his movements possessive and sure. Bending his head, he claimed her mouth. As if they possessed a will of their own, her fingers threaded through the fine hairs at his nape. Then all at once, the sensations she experienced from before rushed forward. It overtook any lingering doubts and left only a fiery need. Her lips softened, and she melted into his embrace. This was the place where she was meant to be.

  “Griogair,” she said, his name coming out like a soft sigh.

  As if he heard the underlying plea, his grip tightened, and he pulled her more intimately against his hard frame. His big hands wandered down her back, down to her backside, lifting her until she cradled against the rigid evidence of his desire.

  A potent fire burned within her, and she wanted to get closer to him, to feel him inside her. Only he could have this effect on her. The way he viewed her, the way he caressed her skin made her feel feminine and beautiful. Until now she never saw herself in this light, but she liked it. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she allowed the fervor inside of her to burn hotter. Somehow she sensed that a similar passion raged within him. When they came together, the blistering ardor would consume them both. Would she be able to handle the scorching intensity?

  “Hold still,” he murmured as he pulled back to loosen his belt. With her eyelids half closed, she watched him carefully unravel his great kilt and place it on the ground. He lifted his arms up, the muscles rippling as he peeled off his leine. When he stood naked before her, he locked his eyes onto hers. Raw undisguised hunger shone in their depths.

  Unable to handle the full brunt of his intoxicating heat, she shifted her gaze away from his. But then her regard fell on the rest of his sculpted body. As she took in his male beauty, her breath caught in her throat. Without his clothes, he was glorious. His substantial frame resembled that of an elite warrior’s, and his muscles were defined and cut with the precision and skill of a master stone mason. His abdomen was taut, and for some reason she wanted to run her fingers over the hard ridges. Instead, her focus trailed down the rest of his body. But then she gasped as she saw his arousal, which stood proud and erect. She had felt it against her earlier, but she had no idea that it was so enormous. How was he going to fit all that inside of her?

  But her thoughts fled her mind when he approached her.

  “Ye will need ye tae get out of these.” His hands found the buttons to her gown and proceeded to undress her. The autumn air was cool but she didn’t feel it. The only thing she was aware of was his alluring scent, a scent that was like worn leather and man. She could feel the heat searing through the fabric. His nearness caused her nipples to pucker, and her skin to alternate between becoming hot and cold. He bent his head, trailing his lips along the side of her neck while his hands continued to tug at the gown. Her breathing became ragged like the fluttering of frantic wings. She tilted her head and felt the delicious thrill of his lips blazing its scorching path down her neck. He laid her down on the soft ground. His callused palm slid down her torso, past her navel. Finally it stopped at the juncture between her legs, where she was damp and pulsing. Slipping a thick finger inside of her, he lightly stroked her clitoris. She moaned just as her body arched into him. He was merciless with his wicked advances, and she writhed under his hand. A thin layer of perspiration formed on her skin, and she clenched at the plaid underneath her.

  “I have yet tae taste all of ye,” he said.

  She shook her head, not fully understanding what he meant. But when he shifted and positioned himself between her legs, she tried to pull away. A momentary flash of panic set in. Was this what she wanted? A tiny seed of fear and doubt quivered low in her belly, fighting with the excitement and curiosity that also knotted there.

  He pushed her back down gently. “Relax,” he said, his heavy palm covering her right breast. “If ye want this, then ye will have tae trust me.”

  Trust him. She lay back down on the ground, her hands folding over her stomach. But then her worries vanished as soo
n as his blistering tongue dragged across her inner thigh, moving closer and closer to her core. She drew her legs up, and bent her knees. When he reached the tender spot, he began to rain down light kisses onto her. Slowly her legs fell apart, giving him more access. He shifted again. Just when she anticipated more kisses, he parted her with his fingers. Dipping his head, he ran his hot tongue between her legs. She let out a startled gasp, and started to move away again. But his hand lay firmly on her chest, stopping her movement. He began to softly knead her breast in a torturous caress until she was strained and aching. All the while, he ran his tongue over her as if he lapped up wild honey.

  Her breath escaped her in ragged spurts. Her head tossed from side to side, and her body writhed under his passionate onslaught. Any thoughts she had were derailed. And all she could do was to slide into blissful oblivion.

  When he suddenly stopped, she was drawn back to this world. She opened her eyes, and watched as he slowly kissed his way up her body, paying homage to every inch of her flesh.

  “I was right,” he said, licking his lips. Staring down at her, his pupils were dilated and filled with desire. “Ye are sweet all over.”

  She reached up to cup the side of his face. She had never felt anything so joyful, so exquisite. “Thank ye,” she said.

  “Ye can thank me later. We arenae finished.” With that, he bent to capture her mouth once more, and immediately released a whirlwind of vigor and fire.

  And when she kissed him back, it was with equal ardor. The desire that was latent inside of her had finally unleashed. For some reason she wanted him to feel the manic urgency that filled her body. She recognized that joining with him would bring her to ecstasy, and she wanted to experience it fully.

  “Please, Griogair,” she said, her voice desperate.

  He shook his head, a thin mist of sweat forming on his forehead. “Nae yet,” he said. “I dinnae want tae hurt ye.”


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