Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 2)

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Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 2) Page 42

by Kylie Parker

  Lawrence went quiet, watching her pace around the room following her with his eyes. “Come here.” He said finally.

  She walked over to him.

  “Kneel down so I can look at you when I am talking to you.” He said almost reaching out to her but pulling back at the last minute.

  “You could use some furniture in this room it is kind of sparse.” She said, wondering what he was getting at. She didn’t move.

  “Kneel,” Lawrence commanded, and Selena’s feet turned to rubber. The gruff, demanding voice brought butterflies to her stomach, and she tingled at how he got what he wanted.

  Looking at him, waiting for her to do his bidding she desired to touch him. She reached out and caressed his arm, and he grabbed her arm and pulled her to her knees. Hitting the ground with a thump, she cried “ow” and the hard landing reverberated through her, bouncing her breasts and leaving her breathless. Breathless once she saw Lawrence’s face. It too was wrapped with desire and she wanted to lean in and kiss him. But she better not, she giggled to herself. Not until he gave her permission.

  “No I don’t like you there; come, sit on my lap.” He opened his arms waiting for her.

  Taking a moment, Selena decided to do some teasing, and she stood up, wiggling her hips in front of him before turning around and bending over right in front of him. She heard him emit a small moan and took it as an invitation to continue. Very lightly she slid back on his lap, grazing it with friction. She rocked her hips back and forth while hovering, just touching his lap and then she sat firmly, pushing her bum into him. She could feel him getting hard under her in response. He turned her face to his and kissed her deeply. Selena responded eagerly and took him in, seeing that he was trying to catch his breath.

  After many minutes of him looking at her, his hands on her shoulders, he started moving them in circles. And then larger circles, widening his reach and pushing her dress out of the way. Her breasts popped free, and he immediately encircled them, tracing his fingers and then mouth along the voluptuous mounds. Selena sat still and let the intensity and distinct arousal reverberate throughout her body. She moved to kiss him and tugged his shirt off moaning as she leaned into him, skin on skin. Growling he pulled at her dress until she heard it rip and she was naked. She straddled him, her breasts in his face as he unzipped his pants and entered her. Rocking on top of him her desire intensified as she leaned her head back and called out. Running his hands over her breasts and up her neck, he caressed her face before encircling her neck with his hands. Moving with increased intensity, she pushed herself forward into his strong arms and choked off the air while her body moved with waves of passion into oblivion.

  Panting she caught her breath and looked at Lawrence in awe. Never before had a man so known how to take care of her every desire. She fell into his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her protectively rocking her. She could hear his pounding heartbeat start to slow as they sat silent and still in an embrace. After a time, he moved her around on his lap so he could zip up his pants. He picked her up in his arms and carried her out the door. Still stark naked she started to protest, but he shushed her and told her to keep quiet with a quick slap on the bum. He stopped at the end of the hall and set her down briefly. There he opened a cupboard and pulled out a long piece of fabric. Holding it with both hands, he wrapped it around her eyes, and picked her up again, taking the time to caress her naked body with his fingertips before doing so. Selena shivered. Under the blindfold, her other senses came alive, and she could smell Lawrence, sweat mixed with cologne. As they walked the air changed and a cold breeze passed over her body. Her nipples perked, and she felt goosebumps prickle her skin. The uncertainty of where he was taking her and why she needed a blindfold, both turned her on and unnerved her.

  Chapter Six

  “No one has seen where I am taking you. I can’t have you knowing where it is.” He whispered as if reading her mind and trying to comfort her. “But rest assured, I know you will like it.”

  They entered an elevator.

  “I can walk. I must be getting heavy.”

  “Shh. Or I will have to gag you, which would be a shame because I have other plans for your mouth.” Lawrence said quietly and carried her out when they reached the correct floor.

  The threat excited Selena, and she shuddered, feeling herself getting wet. She didn’t know what she anticipated more, being gagged, or his other plans for her mouth. A low moan escaped her lips, and she wiggled in his arms.

  A door opened, and they entered a warm moist room. Lawrence stopped and looked around. Finally, he set her down in what felt like a big armchair. She curled up wondering what she should do. Aroused and uncertain at the same time she did not move to take off her blindfold. She could hear Lawrence moving around the room, but what he was doing she couldn’t tell. When he returned, he sat near her and leaned forward untying her blindfold. Blinking her eyes, she looked at Lawrence and saw he was smiling at her. He handed her a drink and sat back watching her look around the room tentatively.

  It looked like a hotel suite with large bed, sitting area and small kitchenette. There was a bathroom off to one side and a balcony on the other side of the room. There were a few items that did not fit in a regular hotel room and probably more she hadn’t seen yet. The restraints on the bed caught her eye and she stared and bit her lip.

  “You are an incredible woman Selena.” Lawrence’s smooth voice brought her attention back to him. She looked at him wide-eyed, almost wishing he would spank her again and then tie her up.

  “No.” She gasped. “It is you. You do incredible things to me.”

  Lawrence laughed and licked his lips. He opened his mouth as if to speak but then got up and walked across the room. Pacing for a moment as she had seen him do a few times now. It seemed like something he did when he was trying to formulate words. He walked to the counter and bent over to the fridge underneath. Pouring two glasses from a bottle Selena couldn’t see he brought them over, passed her one and sat down.

  “Drink. It is good.” He said and then watched her. “So, now you have been asking about many things so I will tell you a few. I want you, Selena. Especially since you seem so much to like my kind of play.” He winked at her and then looked over at the bed restraints. “I want you to play with me Selena, but you have to agree to my terms. Do that and you will have everything you can imagine. Don’t agree and you can go home today. Story’s over. Your editor though seems impressed with the work you are doing so if you stay here, and play my games, your editor will continue to be happy.”

  Lawrence stopped speaking for a time watching as her breath became quicker, seeing she was both turned on and unwilling to give up her journalistic integrity.

  “You may open that gorgeous mouth and speak Selena. I do not mean to threaten you. If you leave now, you can write whatever story you want. But if we continue here, you play by my rules.”

  “Oh. Lawrence. These games that you call them are awakening me. I want more. It’s just…”

  “I know Selena. Sometimes incredible things require sacrifice. And as much as I want to play with you and deepen our incredible bond, you have to want it. I will leave you for an hour and come back with your things to hear your suggestion.” Lawrence said, bending over to kiss her cheek as he stood. His fingers hovered over her body and her forced them away.

  “My things?”

  “Yes. This is your room now for as long as you want to stay. So explore it and enjoy anything you find. I will be back in one hour.”

  He left the room without saying anything then turned back and spoke “The door will be locked, but it is for your protection. You have no clothes, and I want to make sure you are undisturbed until I get back. The phone on the bed will call me directly if you press the red button. If you need to call anyone else, by all means. I would ask for some discretion about our relationship, though, for many reasons.”

  Relationship. He said relationship. Selena took a deep breath and smiled. “No I do
not want to share this with anyone but you. See you in an hour.”

  He smiled broadly at her response and closed the door. She could hear the lock click, and it reminded her of her arousal for some reason. It had never occurred to her that being locked up and tied up would turn her on. Even though she was always adventurous when it came to sex, she hadn’t had the experience to explore it. Lawrence aroused in her feelings and experiences that took her over the edge quickly. She bit her lip and grasped the blindfold that he had left on her chair. Feeling the soft material, she put it up against her eyes. The end trailed against her breast, and the soft cloth set off a string of explosions from her breasts down her middle and thighs. Selena sighed in anticipation for what was to come.

  Chapter Seven

  Trying to distract herself she got up and looked around. There was a fruit basket, and she picked up a ripe strawberry guava and bit into it, the juice dripping down her chin and onto her breasts. She laughed and licked it off relishing the exotic ripe fruit. She finished her treat and licked her fingers. Walking over to the counter Selena disposed of what was left and wiped her mouth. In the fridge, she found a bottle of water. Selena paced the room for a moment, thinking of Lawrence’s habit and smiling that she was getting to know him. Entering the bathroom, Selena took a step back as the light turned on to illuminate her lavish surroundings. In one corner there was a walk in shower with multiple shower heads and a bench. Beside that was a huge circular Jacuzzi with a gentle recline. Selena immediately bent and put in the plug, moving to fill up the tub. As she turned to get up, she noticed a mirror on the ceiling and a soft murmur escaped her lips. She could see the light red mark from where Lawrence had spanked her and she moaned louder moving to rub it.

  Shaking off her desire, she walked out of the bathroom knowing if she got in that Jacuzzi she wouldn’t be able to keep her hands off of herself, and she wanted to wait for Lawrence. That thought buckled her knees as she remembered his skin on hers. The way he touched her and made her explode. Selena walked over to the balcony and opened it for some fresh air. Before stepping out, she realized she was naked and did not want to put on a show for anyone out there. She didn’t even know where she was and for the moment she didn’t care. Up until now she had been avoiding the bed, worried that the restraints would put her over the edge. She was curious now though and walked up and sat down on the plush blankets. There were ornate throw pillows barely covering the restraints, and she grabbed one. The leather was soft with an adjustable buckle. Selena imagined them wrapped around her waist. Pulling on it, she felt resistance. These restraints were strong.

  The door opened suddenly, and Selena jumped in surprise. Lawrence entered carrying her bag and another one.

  “Looks like you are making yourself at home.” He sat down on the edge of the bed beside her and put the bags at her feet. “Did you have a chance to think about what you want to do? Your editor will be expecting to hear from you.”

  Shit. She hadn’t even thought about her job once since he left. All she did was anticipate his return so she could feel him touch her. Not a very professional move but the editor was happy, and this was an opportunity she couldn’t say no to. She took a deep breath and turned to look at Lawrence directly in the eyes. He was focused on her body and when he noticed her staring he pushed her hair behind her ear. Leaning forward her breasts touched his arm, and he moved it slowly, making her nipples hard. She kissed him on the mouth and then cheek and then moved to his ear where she whispered to him. “Let’s play.”

  Lawrence kissed her mouth hard and hugged her. Then he pulled away looking at her, his expression softened.

  “If we are going to do this you have to do exactly what I say. If you are uncomfortable, say guava, and we stop.” When Lawrence said guava, he looked at her breasts where a single spot of juice remained, and he leaned in bit by bit and licked it clean.

  Selena pushed herself into him and moaned, “Oh Lawrence.”

  “First rule. Don’t call me Lawrence. From here on it is Maestro.” He sat up and held her at bay.

  “Maestro?” Selena asked, trying it out.

  “Very good.” He said, smiling with a look of anticipation.

  “So when do we start?” She asked, unsure of what to expect next.

  “Oh, we have already begun.” He answered with a smirk. “Now let’s see. I did say I wanted to put something in your mouth.”

  Smiling, Selena grabbed his waist and slid to the end of the bed. She moved to her knees until Lawrence picked her up shaking his head. “Oh, my eager Selena.” He said. “We need to come up with a name for you. And I said I wanted you to use your mouth, not your hands.”

  “Sorry Maestro.” She said playing along.

  “Yet you still have your hands on me. We will have to fix that.” And with that comment, he grabbed hold of her and flipped her onto her back on the bed. Straddling her he pinned her down so he could use his arms on hers. He grabbed one arm, caressing it up and down, purposely stopping before her breasts. Then he leaned forward and took one of the restraints, buckling it around her wrist. Another small moan escaped her lips. He took a break and kissed her lips, sucking and biting and growing hard with her writhing beneath him. She reached up with her free arm and caressed his muscular chest, moving first up to his face and then down again across his chest, down his stomach and lower, following the course dark treasure trail to the button of his pants. He stopped her before she could go further and shook his head.

  “You naughty thing need to start listening better. I told you not to use your hands.” He continued to scold her while he took her free wrist and tightened it into the other restraint. “You like to be naughty. Maybe I should call you my naughty girl. Yeah, I think until you start following the rules your name will be Naughty Girl. Do you like that?”

  Selena breathed heavily not knowing what to say. She was trying to figure out the best response to give so he would pleasure her. She was wet with excitement and needed him inside her, needed him to touch her and bring her the pleasure she so desired.

  “I uh. I like whatever you call me Maestro. You know just what I like.”

  “Is that it? I expected more from my feisty naughty girl. Perhaps this isn’t exciting enough but for now, it is my turn.” He spoke in short bursts still straddling her. Then he got up and walked back to the sitting area.

  Writhing on the bed, she called to him, “don’t go. Please come back, I need to touch you to feel you inside me.”

  “The naughty girl likes to beg, does she? Well, maybe Maestro doesn’t want you to know what he is doing.” He picked up the discarded blindfold and walked towards the bed. Leaning over he tied it over her eyes and she moaned again as he breathed along her upper body, not touching her just tickling her with his breath. Moving lower she writhed pushing up, begging to be touched where she was already so wet. He grabbed her thighs and pushed her back down before telling her to hold still, or he would tie her legs down too. Selena whimpered and held still eager for what was to come, anxious to fulfill the desire building inside her. She heard him get up and then all was silent for a time. She strained to hear any sound or sense his presence nearby but she could not.

  “Maestro?” she called tentatively.

  “Oh, she is impatient too, my naughty girl. I got hungry and am fixing myself a snack, but since you need me, I will come eat it off of you.” A second later, Selena felt a hot liquid drizzle on her stomach and then up over her breasts, the heat warming her cool skin. Next came another liquid, runnier, warm but not hot and it mixed with the first dripping over her sides and down between her legs, mixing with her own wetness.

  “Oh, that feels good.” She said, trying not to move.

  “You are a naughty girl making such a mess of the bed, leaving me to clean it.” He said and then she felt his lips on her stomach licking her clean. As he circled her body, licking it clean he moved up to her breasts and suckled them rather than cleaning them fully. Selena’s every nerve tingled with desire a
s she struggled to find release. Forcing her legs down he straddled her, and she could feel he was also naked. She moaned louder, begging him to take her. He gruffly told her to be patient and continued making his way down her body, antagonizing her with licking and sucking. As his tongue slid down her thigh she tried to thrust into him, and he held her, moving inwards with his tongue he cleaned her, and found her opening with his tongue. As Selena began to explode with intense pleasure, he inserted his fingers into her, and she rocked into his rhythm. Her moan escalated into a scream as her entire body was wracked with waves of intensity. Without a break, he continued with his tongue and fingers causing Selena to let go completely and succumb to an immense release. When he finished he watched her panting and catching her breath and yet still writhing like she was ready for more.

  “That was amazing.” She whispered.

  “Well let us see how you do. You must be very hungry.” He said as he moved back up her body. Still straddling her he stopped at her breasts, and she could feel his hardness rubbing on them. Already she was becoming aroused again and tried to push away the blindfold so she could watch. He laughed and tightened it in place again. Then she heard more liquid pouring and felt some drip onto her. As he moved forward again, she felt him bump her lips, and she opened her mouth eager to taste him. Licking off the sweet syrup she struggled with her hands to touch him. He pushed harder into her mouth, and she sucked and licked him until he was clean. He started pumping harder, and she sucked harder, matching his rhythm until abruptly he pulled out and moved lower pushing into her filling her like she wanted. He thrust into her, and she pulled to free her arms longing to touch him. Finally, and faster he rocked into her until he groaned his release. Then quickly climbed off her and got up.


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