Box of Hearts (The Connor's Series Book 1)

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Box of Hearts (The Connor's Series Book 1) Page 28

by Nikki Ashton


  As Brandon slapped Jesse’s shoulder, I stared at Jesse, hoping that he wouldn’t say anything; not at that moment anyway. Thankfully, Jesse simply took a drink of his beer and grinned around the lip of the bottle.

  “Hey, Jess.” Brandon smiled tightly. “You didn’t say you were coming here tonight.”

  “Didn’t realize that he had to tell you his every move,” Garratt muttered, turning to look around the room.

  “Garr!” Jesse warned. “Leave it.”

  “Ah, fuck this. I’m going to speak to Poppy and Marnie, see if they fancy going to the party,” Garratt replied and shoved past Brandon, barging shoulders with him.

  “What is the problem with that little fucker?” Brandon complained, watching Garratt cross the room to two girls who were giggling in a corner.

  “He just can’t forget your game of cards, buddy. You bled him dry and he thinks you cheated doing it.” Jesse inclined his head and gave Brandon a wry smile. “So, did you?”

  A rush of crimson travelled up Brandon’s neck as he shook his head. “You know I wouldn’t fucking do that, Jess.”

  “It’s been three years, Brandon, so you must have done something to get up his ass crack.”

  “He just hates losing,” Brandon muttered, turning his head towards the bar. “You need a drink, either of you?”

  We both shook our heads and watched as Brandon stalked away.

  “They really hate each other don’t they?” I gasped.

  “Ah, they’re just both stubborn,” Jesse said with a short laugh. “It’s about time they sorted things out. Acting like a pair of kids.”

  “Somehow that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.” I looked over at Garratt, who had one of the girls hanging onto him and whispering in his ear. “Not tonight anyway.”

  Jesse followed my gaze and shook his head. “That’s the last we’ll see of Garr tonight. I’m guessing he’ll be taking both of them to the party with him, unless they decide to enjoy a more intimate party, just for the three of them.”

  “Garratt wouldn’t do that would he?” I asked, astonished.

  Jesse grinned and took another swig of his beer. “My brother is not as quiet as you may think, baby. Let’s just say that he made more of his high school years than I ever did.”

  “He had lots of girlfriends?”

  “Wouldn’t call them girlfriends as such,” Jesse laughed. “More like hook ups. He’s the only math nerd that I know that had more girls than the school football and basketball captains added together; and that was just senior year.”

  My mouth opened in shock. Garratt was a good looking boy and I could see why girls would be attracted, but he appeared to be someone who would prefer to have a serious relationship. He’d looked really upset when he’d told me about his college girlfriend, Jemma.

  “I just assumed he was a good boy,” I said, now watching Garratt being kissed within an inch of his life by the taller of the two girls.

  “He is; he’s respectful and polite when he tells them goodbye the next morning. And every single one of them stays his friend. They adore him and all send him Christmas and birthday cards; he gets dozens of them in the mail every year.”

  I opened and closed my mouth like a ventriloquist dummy.

  “Oh, come on Armalita, he’s twenty-one years old, he should be enjoying himself.”

  “I know,” I replied turning back to Jesse. “I just didn’t think he’d be a manwhore, one night stand sort of man.”

  Jesse started to laugh. “I don’t think he’d call himself a manwhore. I think I’ve heard him call himself a ‘generous love giver’.”

  We both turned towards Garratt, and burst out laughing as we saw him still kissing one girl, while holding hands with the other.

  “What are you two laughing at?” Brandon asked, as he arrived back from the bar.

  “Oh, nothing,” Jesse said on a sigh.

  “Must be something.” Brandon looked from Jesse to me expectantly. “Or is it a private little joke.”

  Jesse furrowed his brow as he looked over the top of his bottle at his friend. Brandon stared him down, an angry fire in his eyes.

  “No,” Jesse replied. “It’s not private, we were just laughing about Garratt so I didn’t think you’d be interested.”

  “Yeah well, there ain’t much about Garratt that amuses me.” Brandon took a drink of his beer, his lip curling into a snarl.

  Jesse opened his mouth about to say something, but suddenly closed it again, evidently sensing that it was better to keep quiet.

  We stood in silence for a few minutes, and it was not a comfortable quiet. Jesse and Brandon were pointedly looking at opposite sides of the room, while I stood in the middle of them, not really sure what to do or say. Finally, Brandon broke the silence when he turned to me.

  “How come you’re out with Jesse?” he asked, pointing at each of us with his bottle. “Thought you two didn’t really care for one another.”

  I shifted uncomfortably on the spot and quickly glanced at Jesse, willing him to rescue me.

  “We called a truce,” Jesse replied, trying to sound nonchalant. “Plus, we couldn’t stand Auntie Ruby’s farting much longer, so the three of us decided to get out of the house.”

  Brandon nodded his head in acceptance of Jesse’s explanation. “Right.” Then we were back to silence.

  “You want another beer, swee…Millie?” Jesse asked, correcting himself with a quick grimace.

  “Erm, yes please.” I passed him my empty bottle and glared at him, warning him to not only be as quick as possible, but also to ensure he didn’t slip up with any more pet names.

  “I’ll check on Garratt,” he said. “But he’ll probably be going soon.”

  I gave a nervous giggle and looked over at Garratt and the two girls.

  “He’s a dark horse,” I said to Brandon, desperately making small talk. “I had no idea he was such a ladies man.”

  Brandon gave a quick look over his shoulder and turned back to me with a sneer. “You know those Connor boys,” he said. “Real hit with the girls; both of them.”

  Jealousy almost had me spitting out that Jesse wasn’t like that, not anymore, but I bit back the words and gave Brandon an understanding smile.

  “Must say you look damn good tonight, Millie.” Brandon’s tone didn’t match his words. He might have been complimenting me, but his voice was hard and cold. His eyes grazed slowly up and down my body, and it struck me; he knew about me and Jesse.

  “Thanks, Brandon.” I crossed my arms over my chest, wondering whether I should just ask him outright.

  Brandon reached out a hand and took a strand of my hair, holding it between his fingertips.

  “Like how you’ve done your hair, too.”

  I swallowed hard and glanced towards the bar, thankful that Jesse had his back to us. I took one step back, and Brandon let my curl drop from his hand.

  “Anyways,” he said, around a drink of beer. “We never did have another proper date. Maybe we should go somewhere tomorrow. I’ll take you out for a drive, how about it?”

  He definitely knew and was trying to make me squirm; it was working.

  “I don’t think so, Brandon. I really like you as a friend, but…”

  “Hah, fuck, Millie,” he interrupted. “You’re really going to do the old ‘I like you as a friend’ shit? Come on now, you ain’t really given us much chance have you?”

  “I’m sorry, Brandon, but I’m just not looking for that sort of relationship with you.”

  He gave a hollow laugh. “Ah, come on, just be honest with me.”

  “I am,” I protested, desperately willing Jesse back from the bar.

  “But you ain’t, are you? Not really. You’re kinda being a little bit economical with the truth.”

  “Brandon,” I pleaded, not really sure what to say to him.

  Brandon lurched forward and took my face in his hand, his thumb rubbing along my cheek.

I would be so much better for you than him,” he hissed. “He’ll make your life a fucking misery, working all hours on that damn ranch and not giving a shit about you. Look at what he’s been like with Addy, and she’s his flesh and blood. You ain’t anything but a convenient fuck for him, Millie.”

  Any sympathy I felt for him vanished at that moment.

  “How dare you?” I gasped. “You have no idea what our relationship is like.”

  “Yeah, and why’s that? Because you sneaky fuckers kept it from me,” he snarled, dropping his hand from my face.

  “But you and I had one date, it’s not as though I’d promised you anything.”

  Brandon looked me up and down as though I was dirt, and shook his head. “You have no fucking idea about him. You’ve known him five damn minutes, I’ve known him nearly all my life.”

  “Yes and you’re supposed to be best friends.” I moved to walk past him, but Brandon caught hold of my arm, gripping it tightly. “Let me go.”

  “Not until you’ve heard all about your precious Jesse,” he hissed.

  That was when all hell broke loose. I heard Garratt before I saw him, pushing through the crowd.

  “Don’t you touch her, you slimy fucker!”

  He manhandled people to one side, trying to get to us, but before he did, Brandon was swung around by his shoulder.

  “Get your fucking hands off her.”

  Jesse pulled at Brandon’s shirt, dragging him into his space so that their faces were inches apart.

  “You touch her like that again and I don’t care whether you’re my best friend or not, I’ll fucking end you!” Jesse’s voice was cold and controlled, and there was no doubt that he meant what he said.

  “Whatever, Jesse.” Brandon pushed away from Jesse and turned to look at me. “You’ll always be second best, just a convenient fuck, like I said.”

  That was when Jesse swung Brandon around and punched him square on the nose. Blood splattered everywhere, dotting my face and arms and spraying a few locals standing close by. People stopped, their drinks hanging midway to their mouths, as they watched Brandon stagger backwards. He dropped his bottle on the floor with a crash, beer washing the wooden boards as Jesse grabbed him, stopping him from falling.

  “Jesse!” Garratt cried as Jesse pulled his fist back again. “Leave him. Just get Millie out of here.”

  Jesse stopped and looked at me, and then at Brandon. He pushed Brandon away, letting him drop onto his backside onto the floor. He stepped over him and pulled me into his arms.

  “You okay?” he whispered against my hair.

  I nodded and stared over his shoulder at everyone in the bar. Having stopped to watch Brandon and Jesse’s argument, they were now drinking and talking again, as though nothing had happened. Scuffles between best friends, evidently, weren’t enough to stop beer being drunk around Bridge Vale. Garratt was looking down at Brandon, his jaw clenched and his hands fisted at his sides.

  “You’re a fucking cock sucker,” he snarled and spat at Brandon.

  “Garratt,” I gasped. “Don’t!”

  Garratt looked up at me with hatred swimming in his eyes, his chest heaving with emotion. “He fucking deserves it.”

  Jesse pushed me from his body and looked down at me. “Don’t listen to a damn word he says. You know that’s not how it is, don’t you?” He bit on his bottom lip as he waited for me to answer.

  “I know,” I said quietly. “Please, just take me home.”

  “Garr?” He turned to look at Garratt over his shoulder.

  Garratt shook his head. “I’m going to stay. Just get her home.”

  “Please, Garratt, don’t do anything silly,” I begged, looking down at Brandon who was still on the floor. He was lying on his side, propped on one elbow, his eyes firmly on the ground.

  “He’s not worth it,” Garratt sighed. “I promise, for you, Millie.”

  “Come on, baby.” Jesse leaned in and kissed me gently before leading me on shaky legs out of Rowdy’s and to the truck.

  When we got into the truck, Jesse turned in his seat and took my hand in his, rubbing it gently.

  “Talk to me,” he begged. “Please tell me you don’t believe a word he said.”

  “I don’t, but it was still humiliating.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. It shouldn’t have happened.”

  “No, it shouldn’t have,” I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

  “He’s a dickwad.”

  “He’s upset.”

  “That doesn’t excuse him for saying those things and laying his fucking hands on you,” Jesse protested.

  “Maybe not, but you should have told him about us before,” I snapped.

  “So it’s my fault?” Jesse let go of my hand and stared at me.

  “Yes it is.”

  Jesse leaned forward, his brows arched in surprise.


  “Yes, seriously. I asked you to tell him, you didn’t and he found out. That’s why I ended up being humiliated in there.”

  Jesse shook his head and turned to sit forwards in his seat. He turned the ignition and banged on the steering wheel.

  “Seriously!” he cried, rubbing at his brow. “You think it’s my fault?”

  “Yes, I’ve said.” I crossed my arms and turned to stare out of the passenger window. Deep down I was mad at Brandon, his words had been cruel and uncalled for, but it should never have got that far. I’d been asking Jesse to tell him for days, but no, he’d known best. So, yes, at that moment I was blaming him.

  “You are joking, right?” he asked, incredulously.

  I gave him a look of disdain and then turned away again. “Just drive, Jesse.”

  “Un-fucking-believable,” he moaned and drove away at top speed.


  As we drove home, Millie’s silence screamed loudly around the cab of the truck. I say silence, but she did a lot of tutting and sighing and tapping her nails on the screen of her phone. Only ten minutes into the ride home, I had to turn the radio on just to drown out her damn quiet. By the time we pulled into the ranch, I’d had enough. I did a sharp turn into a clearing, a few feet inside the ranch entrance.

  “What are you doing?” Millie asked, turning her head so sharply I was worried she’d cracked her neck.

  “We’re fucking talking about what went down in Rowdy’s.”

  “Well, I don’t want to talk about it,” she snapped.

  “Yeah, well tough, I do. The days of radio silence between us are over.”

  “Hah,” Millie scoffed. “I think you’ll find you’re the expert at that, not me.”

  “Really?” I arched a brow and unclipped my belt, then leaned over and did the same with Millie’s, letting my arm skim the side of her rack that was heaving with angry breaths.

  I felt her shiver at my touch, and sighed in relief, hoping it meant that her level of angry was pissed rather than nuclear.

  “Weren’t you the one who rode off into the woods and got lost?” I said, as I sat back in my seat.

  “Yes, because you were horrible to me,” she pouted as she rubbed at her leather pants with her finger.

  “I was just trying, or thought at the time I was, to be honest, but that isn’t what we’re going to talk about. We’re going to talk about tonight and why you’re mad at me now.”

  Millie huffed and shook her head. “I told you why. It’s because I asked you to speak to Brandon days ago, you didn’t and now I’ve ended up being made to look like a fool in front of half of Bridge Vale.”

  “Sweetness, the residents of Bridge Vale that were in Rowdy’s were so full of booze they won’t have any recollection tomorrow of what went down in there tonight. And you did not look a fool. If anyone did, it was Brandon, ending up on his ass with a bloody nose. No one in there will have a damn clue what he said to you. All they’ll know is me and Brandon got down to it. The damn gossips will all be wondering why, but the only people who know are the four of us. Garratt and us are
n’t going to say, and if Brandon knows what’s good for him, he won’t tell either. So stop worrying about folks who have no importance.”

  Millie drew in a shaky breath and turned to look out of the window. “I know, but…”

  When she didn’t finish, I took hold of her hand and tugged on it.

  “Millie, baby. Is it what he said to you, is that what’s upset you most?”

  She turned back to me and nodded. “Partly. But I’m really mad at you for not doing as I asked and telling him. It wasn’t fair that he found out from someone else, whoever that was,” she grumbled.

  “Yep, you’re right and I am sorry I didn’t tell him, but you should not feel sorry for that fucker after what he said to you.”

  Talking about it got me angry all over again, and I wanted to drive back to town and put Brandon back on his ass. He was my oldest and best friend, but I would not tolerate him speaking to Millie like that. She and Addy were my priority, not Brandon.

  “Do you feel like that?” Millie asked quietly, dropping her lashes quickly to hide the hurt.

  “Oh, baby,” I soothed and reached for her, pulling her across the seat and onto my lap. “I don’t think of you like that, and deep down you know that. I love you.”

  She looked up at me with her huge eyes brimming with tears and her bottom lip quivering. “He said I would always be second best and just a convenient fuck,” she said, her voice cracking with emotion. “I know I’m not her, and I’ll never try to replace her, but if you’re always going to be thinking of Melody, comparing me to her, then I don’t think I can do this.”

  Fear gripped at my throat, at the thought that Millie might end what we had. All because Brandon was a jealous cock who had no idea what went on in my head. Yes, there had been times when I’d compared her to my dead wife, but most of the time it had been a positive comparison; it had been Melody who’d been lacking. That thought in itself filled me with guilt, but I had to push those feelings away if we were going to move on.


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