Cocky Senator's Daughter: Hannah Cocker (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 8)

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Cocky Senator's Daughter: Hannah Cocker (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 8) Page 14

by Faleena Hopkins

  Soft footsteps walk up. Sofia and Emma stand beside me, eyes on the empty hallway ahead.

  “I could never say those things to my dad,” Sofia Sol whispers.

  Emma is silent.

  Get The Fuck Out - Tobias

  Andy shouts through my door, “Let’s do this!”

  We’re on our way to Playtime, a club. The newest on the scene. It’s supposed to be the hottest thing around, or so he told me. I’m out of the loop but I don’t give a shit what it’s like.

  The only reason I agreed to go is I can’t tolerate another minute in that fucking hotel room.

  Hannah touched every inch of that space, usually with me inside her.

  She’s haunted my mind for three nights now and I know it’s only the beginning of an abyss I’ll have to claw my way out of. I’ll never be with her again. Knowing that is fucking torture.

  I’ve been holed up like a hermit, licking my wounds and watching every B movie they offered up. I’m not eating. Today I had eggs and bacon delivered because I forced myself to dial the phone.

  When I heard her speech to the Press, and how she’d found out about Carla, I nearly lost my shit.

  I’m stuck between truth and lies with only hard choices between them. Have no clue what to do. If I followed my instincts, things could get worse for me, if that’s even possible.

  What does it matter?

  She’s left. Back to Atlanta with her father.

  Doesn’t want to talk to me.

  Not after what they fucking told her.

  And what do I have to give, anyway?

  Even if I could convince her, tell her my side of the fucked up story, what do I have to offer Hannah? More of what she’s always had, and what she hates? Her face in the gossip columns?

  I can’t do that to her, no matter how much I want to defend myself against those leeches.

  I got the raw end of the deal.

  It’s what fate wants.

  I just gotta weather the blows…and get fuckin’ drunk with my new manager.

  “Need to start training again,” I mutter as we walk. “Clear my head.”

  “This is probably a sore spot but Vance is acting like he wants to fight you again. Says you cheated.”

  My temples flex. “Cheated huh? What a piece of shit. He used that word to get me going. Fine. I’m in. Set it up.”

  “For real?”

  “Name the date. I’ll fuckin’ kill him.”

  Andy nods before hitting the elevator button. I remember the last time I pushed it. It was to get her a dress so we could spend the day together.

  “Ironic,” he mutters, tapping his boot.


  “All of it.”

  An old couple in bright summer clothes steps aside to make room for our massive forms. I tip my head at them and they smile. Probably don’t know who I am. Thankful for that, I promise you.

  Andy continues, “I didn’t tell you, but me and Sofia…”

  I glance to him as he trails off, and from his look I can tell why he didn’t finish his sentence. He’s saying they slept together. I haven’t seen him since they took off in a separate taxi, and I never gave it another thought what happened after. Sofia kept changing her mind, flirting with him one minute, shutting him down the next.

  So I ask him, “How’d that go?”


  On a low snort I say, “In other words it was incredible.”

  Muttering to himself, he rocks on his heels, “You have no idea,”

  “Fuck if I don’t.” I look back at the old couple. “Excuse my cussing.”

  They avert their eyes to the glowing numbers.

  The doors grant us freedom, and Andy and I stroll out of there, both of us knotted up with tension. He’s taking this thing that happened to me and Hannah pretty hard, proving that he just might walk the talk. He said I could trust him. Maybe I can. A friend feels your pain with you.

  Warm night air hits us, air conditioning left behind. He motions to the valet for a cab to be hailed. As the guy does his thing, Andy eyeballs me. “Tobias.”

  “Don’t say it.”


  “You know what, Andy.”

  “You have to talk to Carla.”

  Staring off I grate, “I said don’t fuckin’ say it.”

  He pulls out his phone to check for nothing. It’s a nervous habit we all have. Shoving the thing in his pocket he asks, “You want to get drunk?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  A taxi pulls up with a faceless driver waiting for us to get in. He doesn’t care about us.

  No one cares about anybody.

  It’s all shit.

  Nothing matters.

  At the club we greet the bouncer, Leroy, an old friend. With expressionless faces we bump fists before he raises the rope ahead of a long line of watchful, jealous faces, people who’ve been waiting to get in. When a woman shouts, “Cheater,” at my back Leroy points her to the street. “You! Get the hell out of here.”

  He gives me a somber look that it sucks what I’m going through. No words needed.

  Andy leads the way in, rubbing his stubble. “This gets ugly, we take off.”

  “I don’t care. Let them try to take me down,” I mutter.

  “But you gotta talk to Carla.”

  “Just fuckin’ drop it, if you know what’s good for you.”

  He throws up his hands and heads for the bar, jerking his chin for me to follow.

  Ally is tending, so of course that means we’re about to be hooked up, everything on the house. Her hair is huge as usual, makeup overdone on too pretty a face to need it. She and I had a thing about ten years ago. Didn’t last long. But she’s Greek, like me. It never gelled with Ally and I, but I love her like a sister.

  “Tobias,” she smiles with a knowing gleam. “Aren’t you in a pile of shit, huh? Anyone on the street throwing tomatoes at you yet?”

  “How you doin’ Ally? Lookin’ good.”

  With my elbow on the bar I survey the club. She’s not really asking, just letting me know she’s on my side.

  Fucking with me is how we do it.

  “Hey Andy.”

  “Hey,” he nods once as she goes to pour what she knows we drink.

  Normal Florida beach scene. Multicolored lights streaking across jam-packed bodies, with a DJ who knows the game. Looks like an orgy with clothes getting in the way.

  A leggy brunette saunters straight at me like she knows who I am.

  She looks familiar, so I keep staring at her.

  Where do I recognize her from?

  “You acted like I was a whore,” she calls out.

  “Excuse me?”

  Andy straightens up, ready to get in between us.

  “I can handle this,” I mutter, pushing him back. “I don’t even know you, lady.”

  “When I came onto you in the hotel dress shop.”

  My eyebrows twitch as I recognize her. She’s out of her work clothes, now in skintight leather pants and a halter that’s barely holding on for dear life. “I never acted like you were a fuckin’ whore.”

  “Yeah you did. When I suggested I could join you and Hannah Cocker. And now look at you, a cheater! Who’s the whore now, huh?” She spits in my face and saunters off as her middle finger flies up over her shoulder.

  I shake my head and take the towel Ally offers to wipe my face of that skanky chick’s saliva.

  “It’s a clean towel, Tobias.”


  Andy mutters, “Bitch.” Then he locks eyes with me.

  “Don’t say it again. I swear to fuckin’ God, Andy. Don’t mention her name.”

  “You’re a glutton for punishment.” But he follows me through the dance floor anyway. We stride right down the center to make it clear that I’m here and I ain’t hiding.

  Anyone has somethin’ to say, say it now.

  My hometown is by Boca.

  I spent my teens in this city.

>   In my twenties when I went pro, this was always home base. Even when I traveled the states for fights, I came back here.

  If they want to throw stones I’ll throw ‘em back.

  Where’s the loyalty?

  Carla doesn’t deserve it.

  I do.

  Heads turn to follow me and you know what I do? I lock eyes with all of them in a challenge. I can see the judgment in the women’s eyes. The men’s faces are confused, they want the girls they’re dancing with to think they hate me, when they don’t. They still see me as an athlete, a fighter, and they’re not going to mess with me, plus they don’t care about the drama. It’s got nothing to do with them, that’s how guys look at it.

  On the other side of the dance floor is a staircase to the V.I.P. lounge, a sign barring anyone not invited. Andy and I head to it, but a bouncer I barely know holds up his hand. “Tobias, sorry man, no.”

  Andy puffs up for me. “Let us up.”

  “No, man, you don’t get it. Hannah Cocker is up there.”

  My mouth dries up.

  She’s here?

  I thought she was in Georgia.

  I swallow hard.

  My fists tighten as my head cranes up to see if I can get a glimpse from where I’m standing.

  Andy eyes me. “Thought she went back home.”

  The bouncer hesitates and explains, his voice somber. “She’s up there with her hot cousins, but Tobias, man, I think you should stay down here.”


  “Oh fuck, I don’t know how to say this. They’re not alone. Three guys are with them, man, I’m sorry.”

  No Way. NO! - Tobias

  A nuclear cloud explodes in my gut, mushrooming into my chest and then exploding out the top of my head as I picture her on some guy’s lap, the table filled with bottle service, best liquors available, Hannah wasted and trying to forget about me by getting under another guy.

  “I’ll fuckin’ kill him,” I growl, trying to get at the stairs.

  Andy and the bouncer hold me back, Andy warning me, “Call back your dogs, Tobias, call ‘em back!” He asks the guy, his voice urgent as they struggle to hold me, “Is she…on anyone?”

  “Not yet,” he says.

  I roar, “Not ever!”

  Andy groans, “Fuck,” as I push them out of my way, taking the stairs two at a time, some three, while I grip the hand rail to launch myself to the balcony level.

  My boots land hard, weight coming down so heavy the ground vibrates.

  Yep. I was right.

  Four tables down, Hannah’s table is loaded with the best vodkas, stacks of glasses, mixers and freshly cut limes.

  The men they’re with are pretty-boys, model types, muscular and dressed in style. Fuck if I’m gonna let this happen. Sofia’s got her back to me, laughing at something. That must be Emma whose brown eyes are getting larger as she sees me coming. She leans over and quietly warns Hannah.

  Pale green eyes flash to lock onto me as Hannah’s jaw clenches. Her long spine shoots up. Godammit she’s beautiful. My breath gets knocked right outta my chest as I make my way toward her.

  All three guys have realized who I am, and now they’re rising up to form a wall with amazing speed, glancing from me to Andy.

  Sizing us up. Ready to fight.

  “You’re not getting near her,” one growls.

  I’m standing here panting with jealousy, fists by my side, mind spinning, making no sense at all. I’m torched at the sight of her, everything ashes. She’s my angel. I can’t believe I’m looking at her. Never thought she’d be in the same city with me again, much less six feet away staring at me like I’m a piece of shit.

  I can’t take it.

  I need her.

  I’ve gotta make things right.

  She hates my guts.

  I can see it in her gorgeous eyes.

  They were so gentle with me, and now they’re spikes of pain. “Hannah,” I rasp.

  My hesitation gives them an advantage. The tallest of the three clocks me with a punch that ain’t bad. But it’s not good enough either, not in the world I’m from.

  I take the hit like the pro I am, not even swaying. Surprises the fuck out of him.

  Then my arm chambers back and Hannah shouts, “Don’t!”

  My fist freezes in the air.

  She owns me. I am her slave.

  I’m trying to hit the guy.

  But I can’t do it, my eyes only on her.

  One of the guys starts for me. Sofia grabs his arm. “This isn’t your fight, Gabriel.”

  He growls, “She’s my sister!”

  “Ben, stop Gabriel!” Hannah shouts.

  Emma cries out, “Ethan, back off, he’s a trained fighter, just stop!”

  Ben. Ethan. Gabriel.

  What the fuck.

  These guys aren’t after my Hannah.

  They’re her family.

  I step aside as Ethan throws a punch that doesn’t land. I push him backwards and he topples over. Ben goes to help him up and Gabriel takes a swing, which I duck and weave from, pushing him back on the cushy couch. His legs fly up as he goes over the back of it.

  “Stop it!” the girls all yell. Not at me. They can tell I’m holding back. Just defending myself with the least amount of harm I can give these guys.

  Can I dare hope they’re here to help her get over me? Is she hurting as badly as I am? Does she need me? Do I have a shot?

  Or are they all just here for vacation.

  “Let me just talk to her!” I grunt.

  Andy shouts, “Let him talk!”

  Sofia points at my friend and snarls, “You!”

  He shouts, “Don’t go assuming shit, Sofia! You don’t know!”

  “You should have told me! Gabriel! Him you can hit!”

  I shove Andy out of harm’s way before I lock eyes with my girl. “Hannah! You’re not gonna give me a chance to speak?”

  Her lips are tight as she glares at me.

  Ben rumbles, “Why don’t you go home to your wife?” Jeezus, how tall is this guy?

  Hannah points at the stairs. “Get out of here! I don’t want to see you again.”

  My chest expands as my breathing gets rapid. “Don’t say that, babe.”

  Her face is cold and detached, but her eyes…they flickered when I called her that. So I try again.

  “Give me a chance to explain.”

  Gabriel leans in and motions to Ben and Ethan, “The three of us at once could take you. You don’t get the fuck out of here? It’s going to get bad.”

  He doesn’t know how wrong he is. Except I’m not hurting Hannah’s family. Never would do that.

  I turn to go. Nothing else for me to do than get the fuck out of here.

  Looking over my shoulder I shout, “You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”

  Andy follows me. I can hear his brain chomping. Under his breath he tells me, “Sofia was never gonna call me again anyway. Fuck it.”

  I get what he’s saying. If he can walk away, he should.

  But for me it ain’t that easy. That woman got under my skin in the worst way.

  Spinning around I nearly knock Andy over. His eyes light up as he sees me going back and he jogs after me. The tables of strangers around Hannah’s group have been whispering to each other and they all go quiet as I pass.

  My angel is the only one seated now, her family standing guard around her, all of them waiting to see what I’m going to do. She’s the one I’m looking at, the only one who matters. That fucking sadness is there again, masked by anger and self-protection.

  But I see it, and I need to make it go away.

  Lowering my voice so the whole club doesn’t hear this, I confess, “I didn’t cheat on anybody.”

  “You’re married,” she snaps. Her family is waiting to shove me out of here if she gives the word.

  “Yeah, I am. But it’s not what you think.” Her eyes narrow, head shaking like there’s only one way to think.

ut the world isn’t always black and white.

  In fact, it rarely ever is.

  Keeping quiet so this doesn’t travel past this group, and with tension gripping every cell in my body, I let out the truth I’ve been carrying alone. Only Andy knows what I’ve been through.

  “I helped Carla get her green card. I married her to make her legal. She begged me to. She’s a second cousin, came here from Greece. But I can’t tell nobody that, because it’s fuckin’ illegal and she could get deported, and I could go to jail. We’re not together. Never were.” Hannah’s stunned, blinking like she doesn’t want to let go of her rage. With my eyes never leaving hers, I go deeper down the rabbit hole. “She’s with Vance. Fuckin’ betrayed me by talkin’ me into marrying her when she was with him, and I didn’t know. He wouldn’t do it, so she cried and begged me, too, said we were family, but she left out the part about her and him hooking up right after he took my title. She was staying here to be with him. He took my title. She lied and took my freedom.”

  Sofia mutters, “Wow.”

  They all shift their weight. I can feel them taking this in, but I’m still holding Hannah’s stare because I need her to hear what I’m sayin’.

  “Carla and I have to be married for three years before we can file for divorce or she gets kicked out. You think I can do that to my family? Deport her? Believe me I thought about it but I can’t. It makes me sick how she took advantage of me. I tried to make her do the right thing. Even went to Greece to beg her mother to talk some sense into her, but she was so happy her daughter was in America she barred me from coming around. So I stayed with my grandma until all my options were gone. Carla’s living with him, had his baby. They even bought a dog and two fucking cats. But that ain’t how it looks, right? Nah, it looks like I’m the one who cheated because no one knows they’re together except for their close friends.”

  Gabriel mutters, “What the fuck,” and runs a hand through his hair.

  Ben and Ethan lower their eyes as they take in how fucked this situation is now that the layers have been exposed.

  Hannah rises like gravity has left the room and her eyes flit to Andy. “Is this true?”

  “You don’t have to ask him!” I rasp. “I’m telling you. You think I’d humiliate myself like this if I was lying?”

  Andy mutters, “Yes, it’s true.”


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