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Olivia Page 4

by Pepper North

  Her eyes were closed. Ethan just overwhelmed her senses. She didn’t understand it. He was just right. Just like someone that she had been searching for in all her previous relationships. He got her and all her fantasies. His kinks fit hers perfectly. She still was struggling to remember why she had run away but she remembered enough of her life to know that she had never found anyone like Ethan before. She peeked up at him wondering if he could feel the same way she did.

  When his Little girl glanced up at him through her long eyelashes, Ethan smiled at her. “I’m so glad you crashed into my life.” He cupped her face gently with his large hand. After a few long seconds, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and picked her up carefully to cradle her in his arms. “Let’s get my Little girl cleaned up.” He carried her to the nursery and laid her on the changing table. Ethan wrapped a wide belt around her waist to secure her in place before stepping to the elevated tub and turning the handles to start the flow of warm water. He returned to Olivia and released the security belt. He quickly removed the wet diaper and cleaned her bottom thoroughly. He stripped her of his large shirt and her fuchsia bra freeing her breasts. Careful to be very businesslike, he started unwrapping the binding around her injured leg. He did enjoy the view of her plump body as she lay nude on the table.

  “Daddy needs to bathe you, Olivia. I want you to hold still. If you move too much without the support of the brace, your leg will hurt,” he said looking at her seriously. He finished unwrapping the binding and removed the support poles. “You’re doing very well. Now, remember – no squirming!” Ethan picked her up and carried her to the tub. He lowered her slowly into the soothing, warm water. He knew that it would help relax the muscles jarred by the accident and help her feel better.

  Lathering a soft wash cloth with lavender soap, Ethan picked up Olivia’s arm. Immediately, she tried to pull it back to her torso. She stopped with a quick inhale of pain. “What did Daddy tell you to do?”

  “Not wiggle around,” she answered with tears in her eyes. “I thought I could wash myself. I feel funny letting you give me a bath.”

  “Daddies always bathe their Little girls. It’s part of their job description. Now, can you hold still, or do I need to spank you to help you remember?” Ethan said sternly. He smiled as he saw the flash of arousal light in her eyes at the mention of a spanking. “No doubt about it,” he thought to himself. “His Little girl had fantasized about being spanked. He promised himself that he would explore this with her when her leg was better. She needed to heal before he reddened her curvy bottom. Mentally, he crossed his fingers that her injury wasn’t serious.

  “No, Daddy. I don’t need a spanking. I’ll be good,” Olivia whispered after a long pause. Her buttocks tingled at the mention of a spanking. She allowed Ethan to take her arm and begin washing it.

  He worked in long, firm strokes erasing the traces of her long travel day and the collision. He washed both arms and her face before cleaning her neck and shoulders. Moving down to her torso, Ethan watched Olivia take a deep breath and hold it as he lightly brushed the thrusting curves of her breasts. He loved the sight of her mature body. Her breasts were full. Their dark mauve nipples clenched tightly in response to his cleansing strokes. “Breathe, Olivia. You are being such a good Little girl. Daddy loves your beautiful body. Just let me take care of you,” he instructed keeping a firm rein on his instantaneous reaction to her body. He finished her torso and helped her lean forward slowly so that he could wash her back.

  “Ooooooo,” Olivia moaned as the warm water and his firm touch helped relax the muscles in her tight back. “That feels so good.” She felt a kiss on the top of her head as he helped her lay back against the tub. She felt him wash her toes and feet. She giggled softly as the wash cloth tickled her feet. A low chuckle from Ethan made her eyes look at his face.

  “My Little girl is ticklish. I’ll have to remember that,” he said wagging his eyebrows up and down. He smiled as her giggles increased. Ethan moved slowly to gently wash her injured calf and thigh. He set her foot up on the edge of the tub to keep it straight and threw a towel over her leg to keep it warm. He turned to her uninjured leg and washed her calf and outer thigh before bending that leg at the knee. He pressed her knee to the side of the tub. Ethan began to firmly stroke the fuzzy washcloth between her legs as he cleaned the area. He paid attention when his ministrations triggered her breath to catch.

  “Stay still, Olivia. Daddy needs to clean this area well,” he warned as he dropped the cloth and gently circled her vaginal opening with a fingertip. Slowly, he pressed one finger in and held it in place. He watched her struggle to stay still. “You’re being a very good Little girl, Olivia. Stay still and Daddy will give you a reward,” he encouraged her. Sliding one finger out, he pressed in with two stretching her tight passage slightly. Her low moan had him, begin to move in and out circling her clitoris each time. When he could tell she was close to an orgasm, he slid his fingers out of her vagina.

  When she protested with breathy pleas to continue, Ethan lectured, “Olivia, Daddy must get you clean.” With that explanation, he laid a slick finger against her anus and relentlessly pressed one finger into her resisting rectum. He held her in place with the fingers of his other large hand spread widely across her plump belly. “Relax your bottom, Olivia,” he requested as he began to inch that finger in and out of her rectum.

  Olivia felt her body explode. She grabbed on to his restraining arm as contractions raced through her body. She could feel Ethan’s invading finger continue to move in and out of her bottom. She panted as she tried to survive the flood of sensations. Finally, his finger slid from her bottom and she collapsed against the tub. She was aware of him draining the tub and wrapping her in a warm towel before lifting her from the tub. She melted against his muscles as he carried her easily against his big body. She had always been too heavy for a lover to carry around. Ethan hugged her curves to him as easily as a Daddy would carry an infant. She laid her head against his neck and kissed him lightly.

  “I think my baby liked her bath,” Ethan observed in his low voice.

  Olivia nodded slowly against him. She was too overcome by the pleasure his touch had brought her to talk. She knew he understood when he rubbed her back and hugged her to him tightly once again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Ethan felt Olivia’s heartbeat slow to a normal rhythm, he walked over to the changing table and laid her down softly. He quickly stabilized her leg with the poles and strips of fabric. Ethan wrapped the restraining belt around her ribcage to hold her securely in place once again. He walked to the large cabinet and pulled out a large container of the waxy suppositories. He removed two and returned to her side.

  “Daddy’s going to give his Little girl some medicine,” he explained to Olivia. He unfastened the belt and rolled her carefully over on her side bending her top leg and pressing it forward. Her round buttocks parted naturally and allowed him a delightful view of her clenched anus. Holding her leg firmly in place, Ethan scooped up a dollop of lubricant and touched the cold cream to her anus. It tightened in reaction.

  “That’s cold, isn’t it, honey. It will warm up quickly inside you,” he comforted her as he slid his finger deep into her rectum and spread the lubricant around. Sliding his finger out, he picked up the first suppository and pressed it into her bottom. He held it in place as she wiggled in protest. Waiting until she settled down again, he pressed the second into place. “You’ve had a very difficult day, Olivia. I have a feeling that you’ve had several difficult days in a row. Daddy’s going to make the pain go away.”

  “Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered blushing furiously with her face tilted away from him.

  Ethan smiled as he held her in place. His finger was ensconced in her warm bottom. She was accepting the invasion well. His Little girl would be a delight to introduce to a new life with her Daddy. The pain medicine was taking effect. Reluctantly, he slid his finger from her body. Ethan smiled to hear her small sound of p
rotest. He rolled her to lay flat on the changing table and cleaned his hands with a wipe. He leaned down and selected a fresh diaper. Wrapping it around her hips securely, Ethan picked her up and walked slowly to the rocking chair. He gathered her to his body and began to rock his precious armful. It did not take long. The warm bath and the suppositories soothed her into a deep sleep.

  He held her in his arms as she drifted to sleep. She felt so good in his arms. He didn’t want to lay her down, but his Little girl needed her sleep. He tucked her in the crib covering her beautiful, nude body warmly with the blankets. Ethan leaned in and lightly kissed her rosy lips. He smiled as she murmured sleepily, “Night, night, Daddy.”

  “Good night, honey. Sleep well.” Ethan lifted the high railing into place securing her safely in her crib. He turned off all the lights except for the nightlight in the corner. His last step was to turn on the baby monitor and tiptoe to the door.

  Banking the fire for the night, Ethan looked out the frosty window and saw the snow was still piling up outside. At this rate, it would be days before they would be able to head back home. That would give him plenty of time to take care of his Little girl. She’d have time to experience what life would be like if she’d become his Little girl permanently. Ethan hoped she’d decide to stay with him on her own. He didn’t think he could let her go. She was his. He dropped the curtain and jumped in the shower. He couldn’t resist fisting his hand around his erect penis. He’d been hard practically since he’d found her. He was so on edge that it didn’t take long for him to ejaculate in thick streams against the tiled shower. He rested his forehead against the cold tile as he recovered. As he toweled himself dry roughly, he listened to her soft breath and whispered words in her sleep. The sound of “Daddy” that his Little girl was dreaming about caused his relaxed penis to thicken once again.

  “It’s going to be a long night,” he said to himself as he climbed into his large bed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Daddy?” Olivia’s whispered call came through the monitor at one in the morning. Ethan could hear her moving restlessly in her crib. Without hesitation, he dropped his feet onto the cold cabin floor and walked quickly to the nursery.

  “Olivia? Daddy’s here. Are you okay?” he asked softly as he lowered the railing of the crib. She sniffed quietly. In the dim glow of the nightlight, Ethan could see silvery trails of tears. He reached in and gathered her to his chest lifting her from the crib.

  “I woke up and I didn’t know where I was. I couldn’t get out. I called for you and you came!” Olivia squeezed her arms around his neck. “I was scared.”

  “I’m sorry, honey. I don’t ever want you to be scared. Are you better now?” Ethan asked walking slowly as he rocked his Little girl to reassure her.

  “I wet my diaper,” she whispered with her head buried against his neck.

  “Well, let’s get you all cleaned up,” Ethan kissed her head. His tone and attitude reassured Olivia that he believed using her diaper was the norm for her now. He laid her softly on the changing table and quickly removed the saturated diaper. He had begun to clean her bottom thoroughly with a wipe when Olivia shifted restlessly on the table and her hand slipped off the surface to fall toward the ground. Her warm hand brushed against his bare hipbone coming to rest against his thick erection.

  Olivia’s eyes flew to his face. She could see his smile in the dim light. Almost automatically, her plump fingers tried to wrap themselves around his erection. When her fingers wouldn’t meet around the base of his penis, she slid her hand further up. Her actions evoked a low groan from Ethan. Reaching the velvety head of the thick column, she fluttered her fingers around the top as if trying to read him like Braille. Her hand was trapped by his steely grip.

  “No, Olivia. Little girls don’t get to play with their Daddy’s penis without permission,” Ethan said strictly as he tugged her hand away.

  “Why?” she asked innocently.

  “Daddy gets to make the rules, Olivia,” he said simply as he wrapped her bottom in a fresh diaper. “Is your leg painful?” he asked.

  “No, Daddy. It feels okay,” Olivia wiggled her toes experimentally. She felt battered and bruised, but the pain had subsided.

  Ethan picked her up and walked back toward the crib.

  Olivia held on to his shoulders tightly, “I don’t want to sleep in my crib, Daddy. I keep forgetting where I am and that makes me start worrying why I can’t remember anything.”

  “Little girls need to sleep in their cribs, but Daddies know that some exceptions need to be made. Would you like to come sleep with me, Olivia?” Ethan asked trying to ease her away from his body, so he could look at her.

  She clung to him like a second layer of skin. “Please, Daddy. I want to stay with you.”

  Ethan hugged her to him. Holding her closely, he walked across the hallway to the master bedroom. The large bed dominated the room. He carried her to the edge where he’d thrown back the covers in his haste to answer her whispered call. Ethan set her down on the bed and helped her scoot her braced leg to the center of the bed. He followed her into bed and covered them both with the warm blankets. He cuddled her to his chest. Ethan felt her breath slow and deepen as she fell back to sleep. He gritted his teeth as her leg curled a little closer to his pelvis. His body treasured her closeness, but struggled not to act on the allure of her beautiful, naked body next to his. Finally, he drifted to sleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Olivia purred, basking in the warmth radiating from the heater next to her. Her eyes fluttered open and immediately fixed on the handsome face next to her. His light brown hair was tousled in his sleep. Ethan’s deep blue eyes were closed, guarded by the thick brown eyelashes that remained closed. Olivia had a flash of light blue eyes and black hair. She knew he was someone important in her past but not now. She could sense that some significant event had severed the interaction. The memory was right there on the edge of her brain. It fluttered there just outside of her grasp. Olivia tried to force herself to remember and the traces shattered and dissolved. Her small sound of protest escaped her lips and his beautiful eyes met hers.

  “I almost remembered. I keep remembering a man with light blue eyes and black hair. He was important to me – but not anymore. The memory keeps sliding away from me,” Olivia tried to explain. “I’m sorry I woke you up.”

  Ethan wrapped a big hand around the back of her head and drew her gently in toward his lips. He kissed her softly once and then, again. “Good Morning, Little girl. I’m so glad to wake up with you in my arms.” He pressed his lips to hers sweeping his tongue inside her mouth. “Mmmmmm! You taste so good.” Ethan’s mouth left her lips and began to kiss down the sensitive path along the side of her neck. “Your memories of the past will come back when you’re ready to think of them. Let’s concentrate on making some new memories.”

  His lips trailed down her collar bone and he delighted in feeling the exquisite shivers that signaled her arousal. Moving slowly and deliberately, he rotated their bodies to press her back against the rumpled sheets. Ethan kissed the top edge of her full breast. Olivia breathed in fully, lifting her breast toward his mouth. Ethan indulged her silent request and his tongue circled her beaded nipple before pulling it strongly into the heat of his mouth. He nibbled lightly on the bud in his mouth enjoying the sound of her moans. He released that breast to pay attention to the other. He felt Olivia’s hand wrap around his as he cupped the plump mound straining toward his mouth.

  “Please, Daddy,” Olivia begged. She didn’t know what she was begging for. but she didn’t want him to stop. Each touch sent shivers through her body. She felt his hand release his hold on her breast and it brushed her rounded tummy brushing under the top of her diaper. Olivia moved her hands to try to remove her diaper. She needed his hands between her legs, now!

  “No, no, no, Little girl,” Ethan corrected capturing both of her hands in one of his and holding them above his head. “Daddy is in charge of taking off your diaper.
” He continued to tease her dipping his fingers into the waistband of her diaper and caressing her soft waistline. Finally, when Olivia was tugging restlessly against his restraining hand, he skillfully flipped open the tape on either side of her diaper. He moved down her body removing the diaper and discarding it to the floor beside the bed.

  Ethan’s nose hovered over her public mound. He breathed deeply savoring the scent of her arousal. Separating her thighs, Ethan lifted the uninjured leg over his shoulder. Staring down at the pink and coral flesh spread open in front of him, he was pleased to notice that she was very wet and eager for him. He looked up to meet her eyes and held her gaze as he dipped his tongue into the welling moisture and savored her. “Mmmmmm! You are so sweet, Little girl. You’ll let Daddy have a taste, won’t you?”

  “Daddy?” she wailed. The emotions and sensations were overwhelming as his tongue slid through the folds guarding her vagina. She felt so exposed with her hands held over her head. He was in charge of her body.

  “Be a good girl, Olivia. Will you let Daddy make you feel good?” Ethan said speaking against her trembling flesh.

  “Yes, Daddy! Please!” she begged unable to think as he coaxed her orgasm closer and closer. And then, there it was. Her climax crashed over her body. “Aaaaaahhhh!” she cried.

  His lips curved against her as he lightened his tongue’s caresses extending her pleasure for as long as possible. When her shivers began to abate, Ethan pressed two fingers deep into her vagina without warning. Her hips rose against him. He alternated between holding his fingers deep inside her and stroking them in and out in a random pattern. The variability of his caresses caused her pleas to begin once again. He loved hearing his Little girl beg for his touch. Slowly he moved his body to lay between her thighs. He inched his fingers from her vagina as he asked, “Olivia, Daddy would like to make you his fully. Would you like to have Daddy’s penis inside you? There’s no rush. If you’re not ready, Daddy will wait.”


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