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Olivia Page 8

by Pepper North

  Dr. Richards stepped back to allow them to precede him into the exam room. “Hi, Olivia. I’m glad to meet you. I’ve known your Daddy for a long time and I’m so glad you’ve found each other. I understand that you were in an accident with an elk and you won,” he said with a smile.

  “Hi, Dr. Richards,” she replied. “I got kind of banged up in the wreck. My Daddy wanted me to come see you but I’m fine, really!”

  “I’m glad to hear that Olivia. It’s very important to make sure any head injury is treated. Especially one that caused you to lose your memory for even a short time. You’re Daddy wants you to have a complete physical and as your new doctor, I agree with him completely. My practice here at home is entirely dedicated to taking care of Littles and keeping them healthy. Will you let me take care of you, too?”

  Olivia paused and then nodded slowly.

  “Thank you, Olivia. Now, your Daddy is going to help you take off your clothes while I ask the two of you some questions for your file,” Dr. Richards opened a file labeled with her name and her Daddy’s name. “Ethan, you’ll need to take off her diaper as well. I’ll get her height and weight before Olivia lays down on the exam table on her tummy”

  “Now, do you take any medicine regularly? Birth control? Vitamins?” Dr. Richards asked picking up his pen.

  Olivia shook her head, “no.”

  Ethan pulled her sweater over her head exposing her full breasts. Olivia immediately wrapped her arms around her chest to shield herself from view. “Why hadn’t her Daddy let her wear a bra?” she thought furiously.

  “Hands down, Olivia. Dr. Richards and I are the only ones here. You don’t need to be embarrassed,” Ethan tugged her hands down to her sides.

  Olivia stood still as Ethan pulled her pants down to her ankles. He unfastened her shoes and pulled them off her feet before having her step out of her pants. Olivia kept her arms clamped to her sides. Her face flamed bright red to be naked in the brightly lit exam room. She felt her Daddy kiss the top of her head and she relaxed slightly.

  “Okay, Olivia. I see all your colorful bruises that are fading. I’m glad you came to see me. You really wrestled with that elk. Step up on the scale for me,” Dr. Richards instructed.

  “Mmm, Daddy could you wait outside? I don’t want you to see how much I weigh,” Olivia whispered to her Daddy.

  The two men’s eyes met over her head. Ethan turned her around to look at him. Olivia, do you know how much money I make?”

  She looked at him confused. “No.”

  “Do you care how much money I make?” Ethan asked seriously.

  “No,” she answered again.

  “I don’t care how much you weigh either. It’s just a number. I already know you feel perfect in my arms. Dr. Richards needs to know your weight to help keep you healthy. Your Daddy needs to know so he can keep you healthy at home. Now, up on the scale, Olivia.” Ethan encouraged her.

  Olivia turned and looked back over her shoulder at him. He nodded, and she stepped up on the scale. No numbers appeared. She looked at Dr. Richards and he was writing a number down on her chart. Olivia realized that the number showed on the doctor’s desk where only he and her Daddy could see. Her Daddy hadn’t reacted. He really didn’t care. She relaxed. They were going to take care of her. She didn’t need to worry.

  “Turn around, Olivia, and stand straight. I need to measure how tall you are,” Dr. Richards requested. He slid the metal lever down the track until it brushed her head. After noting in her chart, the doctor requested that she lay on the exam table face down. ‘I need to take your temperature.”

  “Can’t I just hold it in my mouth,” she implored as she climbed up on the table.

  “No, Olivia. I’m sure your Daddy has already explained. Little girls must have their temperature taken in their bottoms to be accurate. That’s a very good girl,” he praised. While he pulled on his gloves and opened the lubricant jar, she reluctantly stretched out on her tummy. Olivia buried her face in the padding as Dr. Richards separated her buttocks and dabbed a lot of lubricant on her anus.

  “Just relax for me, Olivia,” he asked as he pressed his finger deep into her rectum. He held his finger inserted in her for what seemed like forever to Olivia. With the comment, “she has very good rectal muscle tone,” the doctor slid his finger from her bottom and inserted the cold, thick thermometer. “Ethan, would you hold this in place for me while I make some notes. Little girls sometimes try to push the thermometer out before it’s time.”

  Olivia heard the scratch of the pen and then, she felt the doctor’s warm hands on her shoulders. “She has several distinctive bruised sites from the impact.” The doctor began to press gently into her skin. “Olivia, I want to check to any damage from your accident. I will try to avoid hurting you. Let me know if I touch anything painful.”

  Olivia nodded her head leaving her face hidden from view. The men heard a muffled, “Okay.”

  Smiling at Ethan in silent humor at his Little girl’s embarrassment, Dr. Richards carefully felt from her shoulders to her toes. She indicated that her thigh still hurt a little. “Okay, Olivia. I’m most concerned about a head injury. Tell me if anything hurts here when I press on it.” Dr. Richards began to press lightly on her head.

  “Ouch,” Olivia yelped lifting her head from the exam table. “That hurts there.”

  “All done. I won’t press any where else until you turn over,” Dr. Richards reassured her, and Olivia lowered her head back to the table. Pulling on gloves, Dr. Richards removed the thermometer and recorded her temperature. He patted her on the bottom and said, “Turn over, Olivia. Let’s make sure you don’t have any concerning spots on the front side.”

  Ethan helped his Little girl turn over and smoothed her hands down on the table surface when she automatically covered her bare breasts. “The doctor needs to see all of you, honey.”

  Dr. Richards ran his hands gently over her scalp locating several sore spots before pressing gently on her other areas of abrasion. He rested his hand on her shoulder and said, “Olivia, you definitely fared better than the elk that ran out in front of you. There are some areas of concern, Ethan. Her leg and head seem to have been the most impacted. We could run x-ray these areas, but my first inclination is to wait. Olivia’s memory has returned, and you have not noticed any functional concerns like slurred speech, difficulty with balance, or confusion, correct?”

  “No, doctor. She hasn’t had any of those symptoms.” Ethan confirmed before adding, “Her leg was too painful to walk on for the first couple of days. I braced it and kept her off her feet. Now, I restrict her walking to make her rest as much as possible. Olivia limps a little, but the pain has improved.”

  “Let’s see how she feels in a week. If she’s still limping or if Olivia is complaining of pain, give me a call and we’ll get her set up for some testing.” Dr. Richards said to the concerned Daddy. The doctor rubbed Olivia’s shoulder and said, “I think you were very lucky, Little girl. You be sure to tell your Daddy if you have any pain. Can I count on you not to try to hide it like a big girl?”

  Olivia nodded solemnly. “I’ll tell my Daddy,” she promised.

  “Perfect! Now, I’m going to perform your physical exam now. I want you to hold your Daddy’s hands. That’s right. Just stretch your arms above your head,” Dr. Richards signaled Ethan to hold her hands securely. “I’m going to examine your breasts now. Do you check your breasts each month?” Dr. Richards asked as he began pressing firmly on Olivia’s full breasts. When she shook her head “no,” the doctor turned to Ethan and said, “You’ll need to start examining Olivia’s breasts each month after her period.”

  Olivia flushed bright red when he mentioned her period. She was distracted when Dr. Richard’s hands began to pull and roll her nipples between his strong fingers. Olivia moaned in reaction to the stimulation.

  “Olivia, Little girls have different types of exams than normally performed on adults. I’m checking the structure of your breasts as well as th
e reactions of your body to stimulation,” Dr. Richards explained as he continued his exam. “I will be measuring your level of arousal and it would be very appropriate for you to experience an orgasm. There aren’t any secrets in my examination rooms.” He slowly released her beaded nipples and ran his hands over her abdomen. “Her bowels feel good. Has she had an enema lately?” he asked Ethan.

  “I’ve given her a couple of enemas after the accident,” Ethan replied speaking as if this was normal conversation. “I’m hoping you can help us establish a regular enema routine to keep Olivia feeling her best.”

  “Daddy, no. I don’t need any more enemas,” Olivia tried to convince him.

  “All Little girls need enemas,” Dr. Richards confirmed. “Will Olivia be using her diaper for all her bathroom needs?” he asked.

  “Yes. She’s already adjusted to urinating in her diaper. She had not pooped in her diaper yet,” Ethan said. “I think I remember Anne telling me that you had some new suppositories that worked wonders for Jake’s tummy. Do you think those would work for Olivia?”

  “Definitely, I’ll send some home with you. Start placing two suppositories in her bottom before meals and at bed time. If she begins having watery stools, cut that back to two suppositories at lunch and bed time and one at breakfast and dinner.” Dr. Richards walked to the end of the exam table and lifted Olivia’s feet into widely spread stirrups. He attached bands across each calf and ankle to hold her in place. Running a soothing hand over her inner thigh, Dr. Richards said quietly, “I’m going to check your bottom now, Olivia. Some Little girls get nervous during this part of the exam. Just close your eyes and think of your Daddy. He’s right here with you, holding your hands. A small shift in the table, Olivia. Everything is fine,” he explained as he dropped the bottom section of the exam table leaving Olivia’s bottom supported on the edge of the table and by her restrained legs.

  Dr. Richards sat on a low stool between her legs and adjusted a light so the area between her widely spread legs was illuminated. “You’ll feel me examining you now, Olivia. Remember, it’s okay to become stimulated.” He ran fingers through the moisture that had already gathered. Dr. Richards pulled back her clitoral hood and pressed the nerve-rich bundle repeatedly. He spread her inner labia and carefully ran his fingers over their contours until he began to lift her hips in arousal. “I’m gathering a urine specimen, Olivia,” he said as he pressed a lubricated catheter into her urethra until he reached her full bladder. Draining it into a cup, he ignored Olivia’s protests and allowed her Daddy to comfort her.

  “Good girl! That’s always a tough part of the exam,” Dr. Richards praised capping the full urine specimen.

  She heard a rattle between her legs and knew what was coming. Olivia tried to pull her knees together, but she was too securely restrained. A large finger rubbed lubricant around the entrance of her vagina stimulating the area again. She heard him say that he was inserting the speculum and she closed her eyes as the cold instrument filled her vagina. Click, click, click. She heard the doctor open the speculum anchoring it in place. He efficiently performed a pap smear before releasing the instrument and sliding it out of her body. She kept her eyes closed as he performed the digital part of the exam by carefully examining her inner tissues with his probing fingertips. His fingers brushed her sensitive clitoris and vaginal walls. Olivia tried everything to distract herself from the sensations but couldn’t.

  “Aaaaaahhhh!” she cried as her body was launched into an orgasm. She was beyond feeling embarrassed by the two men watching her pleasure. Olivia simply let herself go.

  “That’s my good girl,” Ethan praised her as he moved both of her hands into one of his. The other hand, he used to prolong her pleasure by caressing her breasts.

  “Daddy,” she cried out in pleasure.

  “I’m right here, honey. You’re doing very well,” he comforted her.

  Olivia lifted her hips when Dr. Richards pressed two fingers deep into her rectum and began to palpate her rectal tissues. “Oh, no! Not in my bottom,” she begged. Almost immediately, her overstimulated body orgasmed again. Her vision blurred from the power of her climaxes and Olivia passed out.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Olivia awoke to find herself laying flat under a warm blanket on the full length of the exam table. Her Daddy had released her hands and stood by her side looking down at her.

  “Hi, sleepy. You took a little nap during your exam,” he teased. “It’s all over, honey. Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  Her body still hummed with sensations from her orgasms. Her cheeks blushed, and she shook her head “no.”

  “Dr. Richards took some blood to test, so he can make you a vitamin especially formulated for you. He also gave you a birth control injection that will last for three months,” he leaned down and kissed her lips softly. “I’m looking forward to being inside you without any barriers between us.” He smiled as she nodded eagerly.

  “I almost forgot, Matt. Olivia has painful periods – especially the first day or so. Is there anything I can do to alleviate her cramps?” Ethan glanced away from his Little girl’s face.

  “The birth control shot will help those automatically. In fact, Olivia’s periods should lighten and may even cease all together. That will take a little time and may not occur until her second or third quarterly shot. The preventive medicine is to give Olivia a very deep enema a couple of days before her period starts to alleviate the congestion in her tummy. When she is having cramps, fill her bottom with a small amount of an herbal mixture seeped in water. I’ll send the herbal mixture home with instructions. This should stay in her bottom for a couple of hours. Usually, a Little girl’s body absorbs the liquid entirely but let her expel anything that remains after two hours. You can continue to fill her bottom with the herbal mixture as many times as needed to soothe her cramps. This can have a sedating effect so don’t be surprised if Olivia dozes during this treatment. Extra sleep is always good for Little girls.” Dr. Richards tucked a large packet of dried herbs into one of the large brown paper sacks that would go home with Olivia and her Daddy. He slid a folder of instructions into one of the sacks.

  Walking to Olivia’s side, Dr. Richards took one of her hands gently. “I am very glad to meet you, Olivia. Your Daddy is very lucky to have found you.” He looked at her seriously, “Let him take care of you fully. Daddies know what their Little girls need. I will see you in a week, so I can check on your progress.” Dr. Richards met Ethan’s eyes. “Call if you have any questions.”

  Ethan nodded, “I will. Thank you, Matt.” He carried Olivia out to the car after wrapping her nude body in a soft blanket. After laying her in the backseat, he turned and accepted the supplies that Paul had been nice enough to carry out for him. “Thank you, Paul. I’ll look forward to seeing you and Angelina, soon.”

  The older man clapped him on the back and returned the sentiment, “I’ll see you and Olivia soon!”

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  A month had passed since Olivia had returned to town with Ethan. Her broken engagement was now a very unimportant memory. Olivia stood at the front window watching her Daddy to come home. It was Friday afternoon and they would have two entire days to be together. She had a surprise for Ethan. She crossed her fingers for luck.

  There he was! His headlights light up the front of the house as he drove up the driveway. Olivia heard the garage door go up and down before she heard several car doors open and close. “What was her Daddy doing?” she wondered. It was taking forever for him to walk through the door.

  “Clunk, clunk, clunk,” She could hear the impact of something as Ethan neared the door. Olivia rushed ahead and opened the door to find a large, wrapped present facing the door. “What is that?” she asked almost dancing in excitement at the large gift. “Is it for me?”

  “Hi, Daddy. I missed you today!” Ethan said with his eyes twinkling as he teased her as he set the large, bulky item down on the kitchen table. “Whoa!” he rocked ba
ck on his heels as Olivia jumped up to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him.

  “Hi, Daddy!” she said excitedly. “I did miss you today! What’s that?”

  “Why don’t you open it, honey?” Ethan asked standing back from the table.

  A flurry of paper ripping started. “Oh, wow! Is this my elk?” she asked with her hands plastered in shock against her cheeks.

  “This is our elk, Olivia. It brought us together, didn’t it? I just got it back from the taxidermist. I think we should hang it on the wall. Where should be put it? In my library or in your nursery?” Ethan asked smiling.

  “Your library, Daddy. It will make scary shadows in my nursery,” Olivia decided easily. “Mmmm, Daddy? I have something to tell you.”

  “Yes, honey,” Ethan said staring at the elk in amazement at the skill of the taxidermist.

  “I quit my job today at Martin and Sons,” Olivia said quietly.

  Ethan turned to look at her in shock. In two seconds, he swooped her up in his arms and twirled her around the room. “Woooohooooo! Finally! Are you going to come work with me, honey? I’ve been asking you since we got back to town. I didn’t think you’d ever change your mind!” Ethan kissed her until they were both breathless. “What changed your mind?”

  “I missed you,” she said simply. “I realized this morning that I didn’t want to kiss you goodbye at the door each morning and drive to my lonely office. I’m happiest with you.”

  “I’m happiest with you, too, honey.” He twirled her around in circles until she begged him to stop. “I love you Little girl.”

  “I love you, too, Daddy.” Olivia smiled into his deep blue eyes.


  Ethan and his neighbor, Neil Patterson, sat in lawn chairs on the warm summer day. In front of them, two Little girls cavorted in the heat. It turns out that Sophie was a good judge of who Ethan needed to be his Little girl. Sophie and Olivia were best friends. Their friendship had started the first day the two had met.


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