Love Me Through The Rain 3

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Love Me Through The Rain 3 Page 10

by A'zayler

  “That’s your sister. You may not have seen her in a while, but you know she’s not what you’re making her out to be. You’re just really hurt by her, so you’re talking out of anger.”

  He kissed her forehead and turned around. “Go, before I change my mind.”

  Rain hurried to her car and got in. She cranked up and pulled away from the curb before she could even buckle her seatbelt good. The park was on the other side of town from Love’s house, so she had a while before she got there. At least twenty minutes, so she turned the music up and used the time to sort out of her thoughts.

  After a scenic ride to the park she pulled along the curb and parked near the swings. She looked around to make sure she didn’t see anything out of place before getting out. After Love had said all of those things he had her nervous that Fallon might actually have been a part of the attack on her life.

  It wasn’t until she heard Fallon’s voice again that she changed her mind. She had called Rain ten minutes into her drive to let her know that her GPS was wrong and she’d gotten to the park faster than expected. Rain looked through the trees and watched Fallon sitting in the park for a few seconds before getting out.

  She took the long winding sidewalk toward her. Fallon’s head was facing forward, watching the children play. Her hair was different today than it had been in the hospital. Instead of it being down, she had it brushed up into a neat ball in the center of her head. The long, black maxi dress hugged her body, showing off all of her curves.

  The hospital gown hadn’t done her any favors. If Rain could tell while she was sitting down that she had a nice shape, she could only imagine what it looked like when she stood up.

  “Heyyy, sister-in-law.” Rain made her presence known.

  Fallon’s head turned and she smiled when she saw Rain. “Hey, honey.”

  Rain smiled back then made her way to the bench and sat down next to her. She hugged her before relaxing back and stretching her legs in front of her. “I didn’t have you waiting long, did I?”

  “Oh girl, no. I was good. Just watching these babies enjoy themselves.”

  There were so many kids in the park that Rain couldn’t focus. Being that it was such a nice day outside, she understood the parents’ decision to bring them. It made her even more excited than she already was about her and Love’s new addition.

  “Trying to get away from your brother. He can be such a pain in the butt sometimes.”

  Fallon laughed, lightly. “Tell me about it. He used to worry me so bad sometimes, I would forget he was my brother. I used to want to kill him.”

  “Well, let me the first to tell you, it’s only gotten worse.”

  They shared a brief laugh before Rain turned sideways, facing Fallon.

  “Tell me what’s wrong with you. You sounded sad on the phone, and you look even sadder in person.”

  “Do I?” Fallon asked.

  “You do.”

  “Well, darn. I need to do better. Can’t be having the whole world in my business because I can’t control my face.”

  “I’m not the whole world, I’m just Rain. You can tell me whatever you want. You could start by telling me why you and my boo don’t speak, but I’ll save that for later. Right now, just tell me what’s going on with you.”

  Fallon sat back and looked out over the park. Her eyes held a faraway look in them like she was in deep thought. She looked around at nothing in particular, but her eyeballs were moving all over the place.

  “You know what’s funny, Rain? When you can look at another person and judge them and their lives. The things they might be doing, and how you assume they’re going to turn out, when in reality, your shit is way more fucked up. Excuse my language.”

  “You’re fine. I cuss all the time, and my sister and best friend are even worse.”

  Fallon’s smile was weak. “My life is so fucked up right now. Like it’s so bad, I get sick just thinking about it.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Well, for starters, I’m sick. Sick as hell, and I don’t even care. My desire to live dwindles more and more by the day. I spend so much time at home alone that I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have a life. In the beginning, I was so optimistic about my future, but it’s like the more I think about it, the harder reality slaps me in the face. Some days I be so depressed I pray for God to just take me on to be with my parents. It’s got to be better than where I am now.” Fallon’s eyes were sad, but she didn’t cry.

  It sounded as if she wanted to, but it didn’t look like it. Her face was still as sad and withdrawn as it had been since Rain had gotten there, but her eyes were fine. They didn’t mist or anything, which was a sign of strength to Rain. She knew what Fallon had going on, though she would never tell her that, and if it was her, she would be in tears.

  “You know you don’t have to be alone, Fallon. I’m here, your brother’s here, I’ll even share my sister and best friend with you. They aren’t the nicest people, but they’ll be nice to you, and they’re funny. Both of them are extremely funny people. You’ll have a good time with us.”

  Fallon looked over at Rain and smiled. “You’re such a sweetie. How in the hell did Dakota’s reckless ass get you?”

  “Okay, first of all, boo, don’t come for my man.” Rain laughed first, with Fallon following. Rain was happy to see a genuine smile cross her face. “And second, he’s actually not that reckless. He’s pretty calm and quiet. I’m usually the loud one. He has to keep me calm on most occasions. I don’t think you believe me when I tell you that you’re missing out on something great. He’s awesome. Oh my God!” Rain smiled, as she thought about Love.

  “He has to be to have you smiling like that.”

  “I wish you could see for yourself. He’s seriously the best man I’ve ever known. Minus my best friend, Alex, but he’s really a girl, so he doesn’t count.”

  Fallon hollered in amusement. “No, you didn’t!”

  “Girl, yes I did. You ain’t see that nigga when we came into your room at the hospital? He’s worse than my sister and I when it comes to girl shit. That nigga is the biggest diva I know, but he’s a sweetheart. He will do anything he can for you. I love him like a sister.”

  Fallon laughed again before playfully pushing Rain’s arm.

  “I have to meet this Alex again. He seemed like he might be a class act when y’all came to my room.”

  “He is, girl. He is.” Rain sat back and watched the children play as their laughter mellowed out.

  The atmosphere around them calmed down and became quiet, minus the surrounding noise.

  “I have AIDS,” Fallon spoke in the same tone she’d been using.

  “How long have you known?”

  “For about six months now. I found out when I was getting my annual. Whenever I get my pap smear I try to handle everything at once, especially since my husband isn’t the most faithful person in the world. To be for real, when the test came back I wasn’t even surprised. In the back of my mind I knew something was off with me, I just didn’t know what, until I found out.”

  “Damn, that’s crazy.”

  “It is, ain’t it?” Fallon looked at Rain. “You could be in a committed relationship doing everything you’re supposed to be doing as a wife, and still end up getting fucked over.”

  “Nah, that’s not crazy. That’s very sad, actually.”

  Fallon nodded her head. “Yeah, it is.”

  “Just because you’re sick doesn’t mean you need to give up. You still have your whole life in front of you. You can’t let that nigga take that from you. Take your medicine and you’ll be fine.”

  “Sounds easy. I thought the same thing at first until I realized that I have nothing or no one. I feel so bad about the way I did my brother. I know in my heart that if I’d never done things the way that I did, that I would at least have him. Shit was just so stressful for me back then. I didn’t know what to do. All I knew was that I didn’t want to feel the same pain I felt when my parents di
ed, and that’s all it looked like Dakota would bring.”

  “It’s not too late to change things. He would still be there for you.”

  This time when Fallon turned around her eyes were watering. “How do you know? I know he has to hate me.”

  “He actually really loves you. He doesn’t talk about you that much, but when he does, I can still hear the pain. You two really need to talk, especially now. You need him.”

  “I don’t know. My husband isn’t too fond of me having a life outside of him. It’s like he purposely keeps me locked away in the house. I don’t know why. We used to do everything together, but once he started hanging out with these new niggas he’s been acting funny. He doesn’t like for me to do anything or talk to anybody.”

  Rain sucked her teeth. “Girl, please. I ain’t worried about your lil man. Mine will beat his ass if you want him to.”

  Fallon smiled at Rain and shook her head. “How you gon tell me not to come for your man, but you over there plotting to get mine beat up?”

  With a shrug of her shoulders, Rain dismissed Fallon’s comment. “Because he sounds like a monster.”

  “Not all the time.”

  “Well, some of the time is enough reason for me. You want me to tell Dakota on him? You can come stay with us.”

  “No, Rain. That’s sweet and I appreciate it, boo, but this is my life. I can handle it.”

  “Well you need to handle it then.”

  “How old are you, Rain?”


  “Because I want to know. So, tell me.”


  “How you trying to give me advice when I’m the oldest? I’m supposed to be telling you what’s up, not the other way around.” She playfully nudged Rain’s shoulder with hers. “I thought you were a baby. Well, not necessarily a baby, but, at least, younger than Dakota and I. You have such a sweet and timid spirit.”

  “Thank you, I guess.” Rain snickered. “How old are you?”


  “Oh, okay. So you and Dakota aren’t that far apart?”

  Fallon shook her head.

  “How long are you going to be in town?”

  “I don’t know. I was thinking just until I finished meeting with you. I needed to get out of that house, and since my husband is gone for the next two days, I had some free time.”

  “You should come to my sister’s house with me tonight. Alex and I are going over there to chill for a little while. It’s going to be fun.”

  “I don’t know about all that, Rain.”

  “Man, Fallon, come on. You owe me from our cancelled pedicure date earlier.”

  Fallon looked away before nodding her head and agreeing to come. “Just for a little while because I have to get back down the road before it gets too late.”

  Rain clapped her hands in excitement. “Come on, you can follow me.”

  “Just text me the address and I’ll put it in my GPS. I need to stop and grab some food from McDonalds or something real quick.”

  “No, you don’t. Summer’s cooking. And believe me when I tell you that heffa be throwing down.”

  “Okay. Send me the address anyway.”

  Rain looked at her skeptically. She thought for a minute that Fallon wasn’t going to come, but she wouldn’t pressure her. If she came then she came, if she didn’t then that would be her loss. She texted Fallon the address before standing up and getting ready to head to her car. She turned back around to tell Fallon something when she saw her walking toward the park.

  “Fallon, what you doing?”

  She looked a little nervous. “I have to get my baby.”

  This was news to her. She had no idea that Fallon had a child. “Girl, you got a baby?”

  Fallon nodded.

  “Why you ain’t tell me? I want to see.”

  Rain walked back toward the park and followed Fallon to the jungle gym. There were three little boys playing. They looked to be no older than five or six. Two were black and one was white, so she focused on the two little black boys. She was about to ask Fallon which one was hers until he looked up and the sun caught his face.

  His irises disappeared and his little eyes appeared to be see-through. The rays from the sun shining on the light brown pupils made them hard to see. He was a dark-skinned boy with shoulder length dread locs and the cutest little mouth. From what Rain could see, he was relatively tall. He was dressed in a black and red Jordan outfit with some all black Jordan’s. The top of his locs were pulled up into a ponytail with the rest hanging down.

  “Time to go, Mommy?” He looked at Fallon.

  “It sure is. Come on.”

  Fallon and Rain both screamed when he jumped from the top of the jungle gym. He landed on his feet and smiled up at Fallon. When he got close to her, he wrapped one of his arms around her waist and they turned around to walk toward Rain. They stopped when they got in front of her.

  “Rain, this is my son, Jazz. Jazz, this is your uncle Dakota’s girlfriend, Rain.”

  He stepped forward and held his hand out. Rain smiled before taking it. “Nice to meet you.”

  Rain swooned over him before looking up at Fallon. “Aww, he’s so polite, Fallon.”

  “He better be. He knows I don’t play.”

  “Mamaaa,” he whined as he leaned his head into Fallon’s side.

  “He is so cute, and oh my God. You already know who he looks like, right?”

  Fallon smiled the biggest she’d smiled since Rain had first seen her. “Don’t even tell me. I already know. I tell him that every day.”

  “So, he knows who ummm…” Rain diverted her eyes away to give Fallon a hint without saying Dakota’s whole name.

  “Yes, he knows who he is. I tell him about my family all the time. I told him I would take him to meet them one day. I just didn’t know when.”

  Rain was bubbling with happiness. She couldn’t wait to take Jazz to meet Dakota. He was going to be so happy. He loved kids, so to have a nephew who looked exactly like him was about to make his day.

  “You want to stop by Dakota’s house before we go to my sister’s?”

  Fallon shook her head, quickly. “I’m not ready.”

  Rain pleaded with her eyes, but Fallon didn’t look to be budging. “You’ll never be ready. Now is the time.”

  Fallon looked away and said nothing else. Rain watched her as she shook her head subtly from side to side. It was clear that she was thinking about it, so Rain stuck her hand out toward Jazz and he took it.

  “Come on, Fallon.”

  Fallon looked up at the two of them walking away and stared. She stood in place for a few minutes before making her feet move. She followed them to Rain’s car. Once they stopped and Rain asked her where she was parked, she pointed to the dark purple Maxima two cars ahead of Rain’s Mustang.

  “Girl, that’s my favorite color. I love Maximas.”

  “Don’t try to get on my good side because you’re forcing me to do this right now.”

  Rain twisted her mouth to the side. “Come on, Fallon. I promise it’s not going to be that bad.”

  “Does he know where you are?”

  Rain nodded.

  “I’m sure he doesn’t know I’m coming with you. Right?”

  Rain nodded again. This time a little more hesitantly.

  “When we get there, you go in first and let him know. If it’s cool, then I’ll get out. I’m not in good enough spirits to be getting condemned for the past at the moment.”

  “I feel you. I’ll make sure he doesn’t do that.”

  It took a little while longer to get Fallon completely on board before they were pulling out of the parking lot of the park. Rain’s thoughts were all over the place. She didn’t know whether to call Love and tell him what was about to go on, or if she should wait to get there and then tell him.

  She was confused because she didn’t know if he was going to tell her no, or was he going to be on board. His feelings regarding his sister w
ere so hard to read that she couldn’t even begin to think of what his reaction might be. She’s tried calling both Summer and Alex to get their opinions, but neither of them had answered, so she had to figure it out on her own.

  Rain spent so much time thinking of what to do that she’d cheated herself out of time to come up with a solution. Her Mustang was coming to a slow stop in the driveway of Dakota’s home. The thought of sitting there until she figured something out crossed her mind, but she didn’t have time for that right now. So, instead of acting like a kid, she put on her big girl panties and got out of the car.

  Her first instinct was to walk right to the door, but she stopped in her tracks. She had an idea. Seeing Jazz would definitely make things easier. Fallon’s driver side window rolled down as she approached.

  “Do you mind if take Jazz in with me?”

  “Rain…” Fallon dragged.

  “I just know he’s going to be so excited. We can use him as like an icebreaker or something.”

  “Go ahead.” Fallon pressed the locks on her door. “You ready to meet your uncle Dakota, Jazz?”

  “Oooh, yes Mommy! Yes!” He scrambled to get out of his seatbelt.

  Rain and Fallon both looked at him and smiled. It was the cutest thing. He was so excited he could hardly get out.

  “How old is he, Fallon?”

  “Five, girl. He’s just tall for his age. My daddy was tall like that.”

  “Well, so is Dakota.”

  Rain grabbed Jazz’s hand and pulled him behind her toward the door. She walked slowly to the door before turning around to look at him. His smile gave her the comfort she needed about the entire situation. Rain stood back up, took a deep breath and opened the door.

  Chapter 7: A Fresh Start

  Love was standing in the kitchen with his back to the door when he heard the front door open. He had decided to make him and Rain some dinner, so he had shed his clothing and was in nothing but a pair of gym shorts and one of his old firefighter shirts. His locs hung down his back as he moved around the kitchen.

  Things between he and Rain had been a little rocky due to the situation with his sister, so he wanted to do something nice for her. Anything that would take her mind off of wanting to know about his past. On top of that, there was no telling what Fallon had told her while they were out. All he could hope for was the best.


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