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  She could remember the feel of his hardened erection rubbing against her as they moved to the sensual beat of the music, making her so wet she wanted to cry. Slipping her hand beneath the covers, needing some kind of relief, she pressed her fingers into her passage. Moaning at the thought of his hands on her hips and the feel of his body as it brushed against her. His hard dick had pressed to her lower back brushing against her in a maddening caress that had her panting with the need it unleashed. Moaning, her fingers setting a rhythm, she remembered the feel of his hand sliding beneath her top to caress her bare stomach.

  Katie could imagine that hand on her now, so deep was her need for the man. Spreading her legs to get a better angle, she reached up cupping her breast with her other hand. Imaging that it was his hard, heavily calloused hand caressing her skin, instead of her own. She pinched lightly at her nipples. Groaning at the thought of him taking it into his mouth to caress it with his tongue, in a deep sucking kiss. Katie needed release, she was so close to coming that she could almost taste it.

  She imagined Tricks dark head at her breast, his hard fingers inside her, moving in the quick rhythm that she’d set, and moaned with the pleasure the image brought her. Her hips thrusting against her fingers, as she exploded with a loud cry of Trick’s name.

  When she’d finally got her panting breaths under control, she stood heading into the bathroom for a shower, thankful that her father’s room was on the other end of the house. After her loud cry of Trick’s name, he would have charged in here. That would have been embarrassing. Her father would have thought Trick had stayed with her last night, and explaining what she’d been doing would have caused quite a bit of discomfort for them both.

  Letting the warm water fall over her, she washed her passion away. Washing her hair before getting out, still thinking about last night. Trick had been nicer to her than he had in a long time. Most of the time when the two of them were together any time in the past two years, they always ended up in a fight. Half the time it was over something ridiculous. Last night had been a nice change. It almost let her think, even if she could never have him be hers completely, that maybe she could at least be friends with him.

  Snorting, at her own ridiculous idea, she got dressed. She walked into the den, turning on the computer, so that she could write. She bought the computer over two years ago for four thousand credits, so she could sell her writing to people in the city. From what Duck said the way it uploaded her books to a database in the city, and then sold the content was similar to what years ago had been the internet. About to sit down she heard a knock on the door. She headed towards the door, her bare feet sinking into the carpet as she walked, wondering who was here at nine in the morning.

  Katie opened the door to find Mary Ann on her door step holding a bag marked Stash’s. This was when she fell in love with her best friend all over again. She made a grab for the bag.

  “Uh-Uh, bitch! You don’t get any until you spill! What happened last night with Trick?” Mary Ann screeched holding the bag behind her back.

  “Nothing!” Katie growled, making a grab for the bag, but Mary Ann was faster.

  “It can’t be nothing after the way that man was dancing with you! It looked as if he wanted to lay you down on the dance floor and have at it!” Mary Ann watched Katie expectantly.

  “Ha, the man brought me home then left. That’s it.” Katie turned away before her friend could see the tears that sprang into her eyes when she thought of the man she was so desperate for.

  “Damn, I thought for sure when I saw you leave with him that he’d finally given in and was going to put you both out of your misery.”

  “Nope, he was just being his normal overprotective ‘I’m a big brother’ self.” Katie took the bag Mary Ann handed to her. Gleefully taking it into the living room with her, she opened it to take out two of the salt water taffy pieces. Unwrapping the candy confection, she popped it in her mouth, chewing.

  “I’m sorry, Katie. I thought for sure that he’d come to his senses when he took you home.” Mary Ann looked at her with sad eyes.

  “It’s fine. I’m used to it.” Katie said, around a mouth full of taffy, causing Mary Ann to cringe.

  “Yuck, no talking with your mouth full!” Mary Ann demanded.

  “Shut up, you’re the one who brought me my favorite candy.”

  “And now I’m regretting it! You’re an ungrateful cow! I wanted to give you your favorite treat as a thank you.” Mary Ann grumbled, sitting in a large armchair, making a grab for the taffy. Katie thrust behind her back, scowling.


  “Geez, you’re cranky! You could share. After all I did bring it.” Mary Ann glared at her, she sat back, sighing.

  “Nope, not sharing. I’m the one pining away for love.”

  “Yeah, I don’t get that. Why let a man own your heart so completely?”

  Katie understood what Mary Ann was asking. Why did she pine away for a man who barely knew she existed? She was still a virgin because of that man for goodness sake. It was because no other man could compare to the man who she wanted with every fiber of her being. It wasn’t that she hadn’t tried. She’d dated other men on several occasions. She’d even thought a couple of times that she might be able to let them teach her the things she knew she’d never be able to explore with Trick. Only the minute she seemed to be getting intimate with a man, any man, Trick showed up. He either ran the man off, or he paid her enough attention that her heart wouldn’t let her do anything but lust after him.

  She really hated that man sometimes. Leaning back in the chair, Katie ran a hand through her wet hair. She wished that she could get rid of this need that filled her every time she got near that man. Or hell, anytime she even thought about that man. Wanting to get the focus off her failed love life she asked.

  “How’d it go with Trevor?”

  “Oh, Katie! It was amazing. It’s was like we’d known each other forever. We left the bar not long after you, and went up to the ridge. I thought great another guy with a one track mind, and then he said that he didn’t want anything to happen last night, and he just wanted to talk. It was shocking! He only kissed me a few times, then he brought me back to my car and followed me till I got home. It was amazing. Thanks for hooking us up.” Mary Ann was sitting forward, her eyes alight with the pleasure she felt after her date, making Katie a little jealousy of her new found love. As her friend related the whole amazing evening with a breathless wonder, Katie almost wanted to scream. She was happy for Mary Ann, but she wanted to have a perfect date.

  Trick woke with a hard on, and it pissed him off. It wasn’t that he hadn’t awakened that way almost every morning this week. It was the image of Katie on her knees with her lips wrapped around his dick that he’d been dreaming about when he awoke, that bothered him. He’d been dreaming of her again, he thought with a grim determination to ignore the throbbing in his thick cock. He wanted to drive to Katie’s house, rip all her clothes off and fuck her long and hard like a man possessed. The only things stopping him were the fact that he was too fucking old for her, and his need for domination would shock an innocent like her. Getting up, he headed into the shower refusing to think about the dream.

  He wasn’t going to jack off to her image again, he wasn’t. At least that’s what he told himself as he climbed into the shower with his painfully hard dick. It didn’t take long to realize that the cold water he’d turned on wasn’t making his cock go down. He pulled up an image in his mind of one of the sweetbutt’s he’d gotten head from a week ago, he took his dick in his hand with a groan. He imaged her lips wrapping around the head of his dick and the way her lips would swallow his thick member.

  He pressed his head against his arm, growling with pleasure as his hand slipped up and down his thick dick. He was imagining sinking his hand into her strawberry blonde hair as she looked up at him. He could see her blue-green eyes watching him as her pink lips swallowed his dick, and that was when he realized it wasn’t a swee
tbutt’s mouth he was imaging on his dick, it was Katie’s. With a growl he didn’t stop the motion of his hand, nor did he try again to imagine another woman.

  No, he tightened his grip. His hand moving up and down, as he thought of her pink tongue slipping over the head. She was licking and sucking him into her mouth, she be watching him with those blue-green eyes. He knew that he’d reach down to cup one of her tight breasts. Squeezing her nipples, as she sucked his dick. It didn’t take long before the image of Katie, her mouth around his throbbing dick, her eyes watching him, and his hand buried in that strawberry blonde hair caused him to orgasm in long thick jets against the shower wall.

  After that disturbingly hard orgasm, he washed up himself and the wall, then got out, getting dressed to head over to get Katie’s truck from the club, so he could have someone change the oil then take it back over to her. Maybe he’d have Tiny take it over to her, so that he didn’t have to be tempted by her again, he thought, trying to appease his feelings of guilt after using her image to get off, again. Sighing, at his own failure. He got dressed heading to Wink to pick up the truck.

  Pulling up to the club fifteen minutes later. He climbed off his bike and headed towards the truck, taking the keys out of his pocket. He whistled as he walked to the cab, swinging the keys around one finger, he opened the door of the cab. Getting into the driver’s seat, he was suddenly filled with an all-consuming rage at what he saw.

  Across Katie’s windshield someone had written, ‘YOU WHORE’, in a red paint that made Trick want to rip someone’s head off. He was furious with whoever had done this, and if Katie had seen it he would have been even angrier than he was at this moment. How dare someone write this on her truck! He’d bet money it was that little prick Trevor. Little bastard was probably pissed off that Katie had left with Trick last night, instead of with him. The thought caused a burn to start in his guts. He was going to kill that little fucker and this time it was not an idol threat.

  Trick cranked the engine driving the truck the ten minutes to the shop, getting out he checked to see what the hell was used to paint the windshield, discovering it wasn’t paint it was too sticky. Unsure what the hell it was, he grabbed a hose from the side of the shop and started hosing it down, trying to see if it would wash off. It didn’t come off and Trick was cussing when Tiny came out of the shop seeing the windshield.

  “What the hell is that?” Tiny asked, angrily

  “I have no idea, but we need to get it off before Katie sees it.” Trick said, glaring at the sticky substance stubbornly clinging to the windshield. At that moment two bikes roared up and Pretty Boy and Trevor got off their bikes walking over.

  “That Katie’s truck?” Pretty Boy asked with a growl.

  “Yes…”Trick was ready to rip Trevor apart, when Pretty Boy interrupted.

  “FUCK! Not again.”

  “What the fuck do you mean, not again?” Trick demanded dropping the hose to approach the other man. His fists clenched at his sides and his jaw so tight that he thought it might break.

  “I think that whoever was harassing Katie six months ago is doing it again.” Pretty Boy uttered with a grim look.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Trick stood a few feet in front of the man he’d been ready to grab staring in shock. No way. No way, if Katie was being harassed then she would have told him. Trick glared at the man wanting answers.

  “About six months ago Katie talked to Bone, apparently someone was following her around leaving her strange gifts. I followed her for about ten weeks and nothing.”

  Trick couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Bone hadn’t told him about this and he wanted to know why the hell that was.

  “Why didn’t anyone know about this?” Tiny asked the question that was swirling around in Trick’s head along with the howling rage.

  “Bone thought that the less people who knew, the easier it would be to catch whoever was doing it.” Pretty Boy replied, with a grunt.

  Trick felt like his head was going to explode so great was the rage that filled him. He hadn’t known about this, and she’d been in danger. How dare Bone know and not tell him. The man should have told him, he raged internally, wanting to rip something apart. He was so mad at Bone and Katie that he couldn’t even speak. Although, he knew that Bone’s logic was sound, the man still should have told him. How was he to protect her if he didn’t even know she was in danger?

  “How long had it been going on?” Tiny wanted to know.

  “Three months give or take.” Pretty Boy’s response made Trick’s wrath explode inside him with the fury of a tornado set to destroy everything in its path.

  “What. Did. They. Do?” Trick demanded, his teeth clenched in anger.

  “Not sure of everything. Bone only told me a little of the story. She got candy and flowers at first. Then someone sent her emails with odd excerpts from her books. You know she writes those mysteries. They weren’t anything too odd until you put them all together. It was all quotes her villain’s said to their victim’s right before they tried to kill them. Then the threats started. That’s when she came to Bone.”

  Trick wanted to strangle the man as well as Bone for not notifying him that she was in danger. He was going to talk to both Bone and Katie today and neither conversation was going to be a calm discussion. He was going to be sure that the next time something like this happened he was the first one to know about it. With that thought in mind he turned looking at Tiny.

  “Clean that shit off her window and change the damned oil. I need to go talk to Bone.” Trick heading back into the shop for the keys to one of the cages. He was almost to the door when Tiny called out.

  “You know that with things as they are you don’t have a leg to stand on, right?”

  Trick stopped his hand hovering over the handle to the door, knowing that Tiny was right. He had no real claim on Katie, other than the burning pain in his gut that made him want to destroy the world until he found out who was daring to threaten her. Looking over his shoulder he gave the only response he could muster.

  “It doesn’t fucking matter, I know he knew. I needed to know, and I will accept nothing less.” He walked into the shop grabbing the keys to head to the clubhouse where Bone was most likely doing the books today. He needed to get a few things straight. There was never going to be another threat to Katie that he didn’t know about. NEVER.

  Chapter 4

  Three hours after Mary Ann left, Katie was sitting at her computer trying to figure out a particularly difficult scene. Intent on getting it fixed, she glared at the screen. Jumping, when she heard banging on the door. Someone was certainly impatient and she’d bet money she knew who it was. Walking slowly was her rebellion against his rude behavior. When she made it to the door she pulled the door open glaring at Trick, who stood on the doorstep with an expression she’d only seen on his face twice in the seven years she’d known him.

  Trick stood in front of Katie’s door, a roaring rage banging around his insides. He’d talked to Bone about an hour ago, and what he’d told Trick had made him even angrier. Katie not telling him about her stalker was unacceptable. He stood on her doorstep with rage vibrating inside him over Katie being threatened. It almost overwhelmed him. He couldn’t stand the thought that she’d not brought this to his attention first, before telling Bone. It made his rage burn so much hotter. He banged on the door again, feeling it shake beneath his fist. Katie opened the door, finally. She stood framed in the doorway, glared out at him. He wanted to shake her till her teeth rattled, instead he crowded her backwards, until her back hit the wall.

  Surprised to see him standing on her doorstep so angry he almost shook with it, she watched him wryly. She expected him to throw her keys at her and storm away. She confused by his behavior when he stepped into the house crowding her back against the wall. Then he put his hands on the wall on either side of her head, caging her in his arms. Her breathe caught with pleasure as it flooded her senses because his body so close to hers. K
atie wanted to reach out and grab him with greedy hands, but knowing that rejection would be her only reward, she leaned on the wall almost panting.

  “Why the hell didn’t you come to me?” Trick’s demand, was almost a roar and it confused Katie. Why was the man yelling at her? Like she knew what the hell the asshole was talking about? Pushing against his chest in frustrated anger at his treatment, she yelled.

  “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about, Trick!”

  “You were being stalked and you didn’t tell me! You went to Bone! BONE! What the hell, Katie?” Trick was leaning down right in her face, his eyes lit with an unholy rage. She had never seen this level of anger from him, she had seen it directed at others. Never at her or Charity though, it frightened her a little. Her heart aching as she was flooded with the memory of ten months ago. She was thrust back to the awful feeling of being told by him in a harsh voice, at a bon-fire party for Vivi that she was a child, and he didn’t have time for it. The memory shredded her heart all over again.

  “Trick that was ten months ago.” Katie met his eyes with her own, not wanting him to see that she was upset from just the memory of the harsh words he’d spoke to her that night.

  “It should have been me that you came to, Katie. Me.”

  “Trick you’re the one who told me not two days before I realized I was being stalked that you didn’t have time for children!” She screamed, so mad at the memory of his hurtful words that she wanted to cry as hard as she had after he’d hurled those words at her that night.

  “Katie…” Trick’s eyes lost some of the burning anger and his hand moved to cup her cheek with gentle fingers. The warmth from his palm making her heart squeeze in longing. “Katie I…I never meant for…you know I didn’t mean it. You know.”

  Closing her eyes on the tears that wanted to slide down her cheeks, she pressed against the wall wanting to escape. She couldn’t seem to hold the tears back and she felt one escape her tightly clenched lids.


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