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  “Jeez, are they fightin’ already, Pearl?” Aunt Mae asked standing at the end of the booth.

  “Yes,” Miss Pearl sighed, shaking her head in dismay.

  Trick stretched out his arm blindly, searching for Katie. Only to find the empty pillow next to him. Making him open his eyes, with a snap. Sitting up, he listened for several moments, not hearing anything he moved to get up and his hand landed on a crumpled piece of paper in the bed with him. Pulling it out and opening it he read. Growling in disappointment he got up, she’d left him a note instead of waking him. Then he remembered the note he’d left her and realized that this was payback for that. Growling again, he got up headed to the shower. He had a woman to find and he was going to be sure that this never happened again.

  Thirty minutes later he was entering Tammy’s, to find nine women gathered around a booth in the back. It seemed every woman in the club was here. Not that he cared, he was going to talk to his woman and be sure that she understood that she wasn’t to leave his bed without a goodbye, ever. Moving towards Katie, he stopped in front of her, glaring.

  “Then it’s settled. We go to Titus and shop…” Katie’s voice trailed off, as she looked up at him in surprise. “Trick?” She muttered slightly breathless.

  “I want to talk to you outside, now!” He growled roughly. Sending a shiver of need down Katie’s spine. Jeez, that voice made her wet. She really wished it didn’t.

  “Right now?” She asked, earning another dark glare from the man looming over her.

  “Now.” He demanded.

  Exhaling noisily, she watched him turn and begin to move towards the door expecting her to follow. She stood, and made to follow, but suddenly Racheal was standing in front of her.

  “You don’t have to go with him, Katie.” Racheal stated, firmly surprising her.

  Trick turned back and moved towards them, where they stood a few feet from the table. Molly stood, calling out to Racheal.

  “Racheal, come back to the table.”

  “No, Molly. She doesn’t have to go with him.” Racheal growled.

  “Honey, it’s not what you think.” Miss Pearl chimed in.

  Trick realized as he moved back towards Katie and Racheal that she thought he wanted to hurt Katie. Not that he wasn’t going to punish her, just not in the way that she thought. Racheal had come to Devils Falls with so many bruises and scars that the man who’d claimed her had almost been crazy from the pain she’d suffered. Damn, if this brought up bad memories for her Tiny was gonna kill him.

  “He can’t force her!” Racheal said, stubbornly.

  “It’s okay, Racheal. I’ll go with him.” Katie voice was still a little breathless, making him glad she loved his forcefulness.

  “No.” Racheal said again.

  That was when Tiny entered the diner. He was headed to the counter, most likely to get his and Slim’s breakfast, when he made a detour and stepped towards them.

  “What’s wrong, babe?” Tiny demanded, glaring at Trick. Shit, this was going to be a shit storm later. Tiny was going to be pissed he’d upset his girl.

  “He can’t make her go with him, Tiny. She can stay with us.” Racheal said, in a whisper.

  “Oh, babe, no. That’s not what’s going on here.” Tiny said, moving to take her in his arms.

  “You’re sure?” Racheal asked, looking at him with pain filled eyes.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m sure. Trick would never hurt her.” Tiny whispered back.

  “Oh no, Racheal is that what you thought?” Katie asked, sympathy in her eyes as she looked at the other woman. “Trick, would never hurt me. Not like that. Never.”

  Trick almost smiled, she was almost parroting his words to her the last night, when only hours ago she’d been unsure of what he’d meant by rough sex, back at the woman. He was mad at her for leaving his bed before he got up, so he didn’t allow the smile to form.

  He just growled, “Katie, let’s go.” He reached out taking her arm and led her outside, pulling her to the side of the building. He pressed her back into the wall, his mouth hovered over hers. “You were a bad girl.”

  She looked at him with wide eyes, a little shocked at his rough gravely tone. He seemed turned on, and if the thickened erection pressing into her stomach were any indication, he was.

  “I will have to punish you for that.” Trick growled and his hands landed on either side of his head. She almost whimpered as his lips began to slide down her neck with wet, sucking kisses. Dear Lord, what had she gotten herself into last night when she agreed to this?

  “Umm…what for?” Katie managed to ask, even as she leaned heavily into the wall, grateful for its support.

  “For leaving the bed this morning without telling me. Sugar that just won’t do.” Trick muttered thickly, his teeth lightly grazing her collarbone. Making her moan. She tried to sound firm when she finally managed to reply.

  “I don’t have t-to let you know. Besides, I left you a note.” Katie stuttered, her body was on fire and her lips tingled. She wasn’t sure she was ready for Trick’s brand of punishment. Not if just a taste made her this hot.

  “Oh, baby. You will wake me before you leave next time, or you’ll learn real quickly what it means to be punished by me.” He whispered in her ear, he sucked on her lobe, making her push against him with reawakened desire.

  “Fine, next time I will let you know.” Katie moaned.

  “Good girl.” Trick praised, taking her mouth roughly. His tongue thrust against hers, she moaned, wanting to allow him to take her right back to his bed. His hand gripped her hips pulling her closer, before sliding to her breasts, flicking her nipples. After several more kisses, they were interrupted by a loud clearing of someone’s throat. At which point Trick growled, and he glared at whoever it was. She lay against the wall panting in need, after several deep breaths, she finally looked to see Mary Ann standing near them, glaring.

  “Umm…Mary Ann what’s up?” Katie asked, even though what she really wanted was Tricks mouth back on hers and his hands moving on her breasts, as they’d been only seconds ago.

  “We’re leaving in ten minutes, I thought you’d want to get something to eat before we leave.” Mary Ann growled, throwing another glare at Trick.

  “Where are you ladies going?” Trick asked, not moving away from her. He was still pressed firmly against her, with one hand on her hip. Making sure that Mary Ann got the picture that Katie was his now. He wasn’t about to allow her friend to come between them. Katie tried to pull back, but he only followed her. She looked up to see him looking down at her with a darkly handsome look of hunger.

  “Titus, is that okay?” She asked, knowing that she didn’t want to do anything he might consider unsafe with her stalker having pulled the crazy stunt yesterday.

  “Yeah, sugar. That’s fine as long as Pretty Boy and Log are with you. I’m sure that Bone will send Rock and a couple of prospects with you too.” Trick ran his hand down her face leaning forward to lightly kiss her one last time before he pulled away. Whispering heatedly, “I’ll see you tonight. We will discuss your punishment then,” then louder, he finished. “Have fun and stay safe, sugar.” Before he stalked off with a gruff ‘later’ thrown in Mary Ann’s direction.

  She glared at Katie. “Are you really going to just forgive that asshole and let him take over your life like that?” Mary Ann demanded.

  Katie was still tingling all over from Trick’s promise, so all she said in reply was, “Yep.” Which made Mary Ann scowl, as she followed her back towards the diner. She sighed when she saw that Monica was waiting in the doorway, smirking. This was going to be a fun outing she thought in dismay.

  Chapter 14

  Katie almost laughed, she’d been watching Lisa and Brandy argue for the last fifteen minutes. Brandy was still upset that Lisa had left her baby with Rex. Lisa rolled her eyes after Brandy’s last comment.

  “Mind your own business!” Lisa demanded. “He’s my freaking baby. I can leave him with whomever I want to.�
� She stood with her hands on her hips glaring at Brandy, who stood in a similar pose.

  “Jeez, give it a rest, bitches!” Racheal demanded, and she moved around them in the aisle.

  “Fine, but if he ends up killing your baby. You have no one to blame but yourself!” Brandy said, storming away, all the while muttering under her breath.

  Mary Ann laughed, she was standing next to Katie near a clothing display. She leaned over whispering, “These women are out of their minds.”

  Katie chuckled, “They’re normally well-adjusted and fun to hang around. I don’t know what’s up with them today.” She replied.

  Although, she was sure she really did know what was wrong with the women. They’d been up late, waiting to see if their men would come home from whatever they had rushed off to do last night. The thing that had kept Trick out well into the wee hours of the night. She had tried to wait up for Trick, only she hadn’t slept well the last few days. She headed to bed, wondering, as she was sure the other women had been, if their men would make it home in one piece.

  She didn’t tell Mary Ann this, though. She’d been around the Red Devils MC long enough to know that when it came to club business, discussing it with an outsider was a big no, no. Even if what you knew was not even a drop in the bucket of their business. Club business was handled by the Devils and anyone sticking their nose where it didn’t belong were dealt with, harshly. So, she just shrugged and laughed it off, as if she had no idea what was going on with the men’s old ladies today.

  “I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t hear from Trevor last night. He usually calls me.” She said, with a shrug. Katie wasn’t fooled, her friend was upset.

  “I wouldn’t worry, Mary Ann. He might have had something to do for the club.” Katie reassured the other woman, who still looked disappointed. Katie knew that he had been with the club last night, Pretty Boy had said what was going down was big.

  “Maybe,” Mary Ann replied, looking at the racks of clothing, and suddenly she exclaimed, “Oh, wow, look at these, Katie. We should both get one!”

  Katie almost cringed as she took in the red and blue flora print jacket Mary Ann was holding up. There was no way in hell she was ever going to be caught, even dead, in that jacket, Katie thought. The woman had lost her mind. Not that there hadn’t been warning signs, she supposed. She was always wearing the most awful prints, and Katie could never figure out why. She didn’t want to hurt her friend’s feelings, but she wasn’t ever going to take any fashion advice from her again. That thing was horrid.

  “Umm…I already have too many jackets. I don’t need another one.” Katie said, still staring at the jacket in dismay.

  “Yes, but we would be matching. It would look really neat when we go out on the town together.”

  Yep, she’d lost her mind, Katie decided. Wondering, how she was going to get out of this dilemma. Shit, she didn’t want to hurt MaryAnn’s feelings, only she was so not wearing that, ever. About to open her mouth to say something, she was sure she would have felt bad about later, she was saved. Saved, by a five foot nothing woman with dark hair.

  “Come with me I need you to see what Miss Pearl found over here.” Molly said, taking her arm and dragging her away. “We’ll be back in a little bit Mary Ann.” She called over her shoulder.

  Katie shrugged at Mary Ann, as she was pulled away by Molly. Throwing an apologetic look over her shoulder, at an angry Mary Ann. They neared Miss Pearl and she smiled at them.

  “You girls having fun shopping.” Miss Pearl asked.

  “Pearl, of course they are! You know young women love shopping.” Aunt Mae grumbled, shaking her head at her bosom buddy.

  “Not everyone, Mae! Molly’s not much into shopping. So, quit acting like a know it all.” Pearl cackled back. Making Aunt Mae glare at her and flip her off. Katie noticed two nearby ladies shocked expressions and laughed. She guessed to most people the bash duo were shocking, but to her they were just Mae and Pearl. Mae was the closest thing Katie had to a mother, and Pearl was Racheal’s mom and a new addition to their family. She’d fit right in, just as Molly and Racheal had before she had arrived. Now, none of the people in the club could image life without any of these women. She knew she couldn’t.

  Smiling, Molly laughed. “I was saving Katie from Mary Ann’s bad sense of fashion. She can thank me for that later.” Molly cringed.

  “Thanks, I was just about to say something that would have hurt her feelings, but there was no way I could have worn that jacket.” Katie shivered in distaste at the thought.

  “Yeah, I was about to pass out when she suggested that you guys get matching ones. How can she like that horrid pattern?” Molly asked, looking dismayed.

  “I’m not sure, sometimes Mary Ann seems blind to those patterns. They make my eyes cross, but she loves them.” Katie replied.

  “Huh, well you owe me for the save sister, and I always make people pay up! Now, let see if we can find something to knock the socks off your man. And let’s hope while we search she loses interest in that horrible jacket.” Molly began to drag Katie into the lingerie.

  Almost two hours later, Katie was sitting in the back of the van, which a prospect was driving, listening to Mary Ann and Monica chatting next to her. Monica had been at the diner this morning and had invited herself on the shopping trip. Although, the woman had been almost tolerable today, none of them wanted her to attend their next outing. None of them liked her much, only Mary Ann seemed to tolerate her well. Katie knew that was just because Mary Ann was too nice to be mean to her.

  It had been Monica who’d actually saved Katie from telling Mary Ann the jacket she’d picked out was horrible. When Monica had told Mary Ann that she had one just like it at home, and if all of them had one they’d be twins. Mary Ann had decided that the jacket wouldn’t fit her. It had been faster than any insulting comment, or light encouragement she could have uttered to make Mary Ann not want that jacket.

  “I had a great time today! We should do this more often.” Monica was saying excitedly. Almost vibrating with her overly happy self. Damn, the woman was starting to annoy her again. Lisa was sitting upfront and she was the one who responded to Monica.

  “Sure, we might do this again in a few months.” Lisa muttered tiredly.

  Katie wanted to smile, grateful that the other women in the club felt the same way about Monica as she did. She and the girls all met once every week to hang out, and Mary Ann usually joined them if it wasn’t a club only function. They’d started the tradition not long after Molly had arrived. The small five women gatherings had continued to grow, now they were likely to have ten or more on a typical outing. Katie had grown very fond of these get togethers.

  “That’s so cool.” Monica was saying as she bounced up and down in her seat, making Katie want to hurl. Mary Ann looked at her and rolled her eyes. Katie let out a laugh that she disguised as a cough, not wanting to be rude.

  They finally pulled up outside the diner at about six, and when Katie finally crawled out of the van, she was not looking forward to the long drive she needed to take. She needed to head over to her house to grab her backup for her handheld computer, and then she’d have to drive all the way back to Trick’s. She was saying her goodbyes and collecting hugs when she felt a tingle shiver down her spine. She turned to see Trick standing at her truck waiting on her. She grinned, looking at the sexy man leaning on her truck door, watching her.

  She muttered a goodbye to Mary Ann, who glared over at Trick once before climbing into her little, beat up cavalier, and driving off. She waved to Molly, who was climbing onto Bone’s hog before they roared away. She headed over to Trick.

  “Hey, sugar. You have a good time?” He asked as she neared, taking her packages and opening the door for her to climb into the cab on the passenger side.

  “Yeah, but can we stop by my place to grab my handheld?” Katie asked, as he climbed in on the driver’s side.

  “Sure, sugar. Only I thought you might want to head over
to Frenzy for dinner.” Trick said, looking at her.

  “Umm…I’m not really dressed for something that fancy, Trick.” Katie replied.

  “It’s fine, baby. You look beautiful in everything.” Trick reached over and rubbed her cheek with a gentle hand.

  “Okay.” Katie muttered, charmed by the desire she saw in his eyes. Wanting nothing more than to make this man happy, she consented. She was hungry anyway.


  Watching her climb into the truck, I want to roar. How dare she? Jealousy made me want to growl. Rage burst inside me. She was supposed to go home. How else was she to get the gift I have for her? I wanted to jump up and down. Only I can’t here, someone would see. I wave to the people watching, a smile plastered on my face. Even as I want to go nuts. They have no idea that she’s a whore. A whore who needs to be punished.

  I head to her house. He won’t take her home again I’m sure. He never takes women home with him. I pull up to her place, seeing that her father’s not home. Perfect. I will have to hurry it won’t be long, and I need to get this done. I wanted her to see the gift, now I’d have to punish her instead. I move into the woods a bit where I stashed her gift in a cooler nearby, and then I head inside still fuming. I will make her pay she will know not to do it again. The stupid whore!

  Going inside through the window with a broken latch like always, I enter her room. Standing there I look around. Smelling her perfume, I walk to the closet. Inside I lift her jackets to my face and inhale. She smells so sweet, but she’s not. She’s a whore, and I don’t know why everyone in the club thinks she’s an innocent darling. She knows that she’s not. Evil bitch. I pull out the knife, time to make her pay. I get to work, knowing I won’t have much time.

  Katie was full and tired when they finally pulled up to her house an hour and a half later. She didn’t notice at first that there were six bikes parked outside, and when she did she just assumed that her father was having a poker game. Only as they neared the front door, Log opened it, muttered shit and slammed the door. What the hell?


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