Alphas: Supes and Badboys (8 Books in One)

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Alphas: Supes and Badboys (8 Books in One) Page 42

by Myles, Eden

  “I didn’t know you had a sister.”

  “She goes to a special school for the blind.”

  “Oh.” Josh nodded. “How about Saturday?”

  That weekend, in the darkened movie theater, Kevin kissed a boy for the first time. It was a nice kiss, warm, not too sloppy. It was swiftly followed by many more weekends, and many more kisses. That summer, after school let out, Kevin and Josh went to Youth Camp in the hopes of finding some alone time away from parents and teachers. When they could get away from the counselors and daily activities, they spent their time making out in the woods.

  One night, after they’d snuck away from their cabins and met up in a clearing outside camp, they laid down together in the leaf litter, kissing and touching, and Josh said, “You taste really good, you know that? But your eyes look funny in the dark.”

  “Do not.”

  “Do too.” Josh touched Kevin discreetly between the legs for the first time, gently squeezing his balls.

  Kevin lurched from the sudden, unfamiliar sensation and sat up. Josh looked worried and said, “Hey, man, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t hurt me,” Kevin said. He’d liked how it felt, actually. It made him feel more alive than he’d ever been. The forest looked brighter, lit in shades of bright grey, and the air was alive with scents so powerful he could taste them in the back of his throat: the decomposing leaves, the cool, damp earth, the sap of trees and musky scent of animals. He could smell the thin sheen of sweat on Josh’s skin, the coppery tang of blood underneath it. He realized he wanted to kiss Josh’s skin, his blood.

  When Josh pulled him down for yet another kiss, Kevin nibbled his bottom lip, followed through with a quick, sharp bite to the side of Josh’s neck. Josh moaned as a little blood trickled loose.

  He was half afraid that Josh would tell him to fuck off, but Josh seemed to like it, and Kevin did too. He sniffed along Josh’s hair and neck. He licked at the tiny wound he had made. The scent of Josh’s blood burned coolly in the back of his throat. He kissed Josh, and they made out while they fumbled with each other’s pants.

  Kevin licked along the other boy’s lower belly, licked and snuffled along Josh’s skin until Josh was stiff and almost bursting with arousal. They rolled over, blowing each other and giggling like idiots. It was the most fun Kevin had ever had since sneaking out of the house with Hannah to see a horror movie at the local cinema when they were younger.

  Afterward, Josh got redressed and hurried back to camp. He said the woods were too spooky to sleep in at night. Kevin stayed. He didn’t think they were scary; he thought they were beautiful and full of life and energy. He didn’t want to go back yet. A few drops of Josh’s blood had fallen to the damp earth from the place where Kevin had kissed him. He could smell it. When Josh was out of sight, Kevin carefully licked the earth where they had fallen.

  He shivered all over as the wolf took him over, quickly and efficiently. He’d seen enough werewolf movies to know what was happening, but this wasn’t anything like those horror movies that he and Hannah had seen late at night. It didn’t hurt. It was like a rush of adrenaline. He felt fear, triumph, and sudden, overwhelming…freedom. In seconds he shimmered from a young man to a four-legged animal, his russet fur glinting in the moonlight.

  He was hungry, ravenous. Soon he was racing with wild abandon through the woods, his heart pumping, his human thoughts a low, steady murmur in the back of his brain. He knew who he was and he knew he had no wish to hurt anyone, but also knew he was a wolf, and the wolf needed to hunt. He bounded easily over rocks and deadfalls. He splashed through streams, the icy water soothing his fever and soaking his plush, reddish pelt. His feet barely seemed to touch the earth. He felt less like he was running and more like he was flying. His energy was boundless; he felt he could run all night long.

  And he did, gobbling up whatever prey fell into his path—squirrels and chipmunks, snakes and frogs. He drank from a nearby riverbed, then ran again. His hunger to be free seemed insatiable.

  Come morning, he woke on the outskirts of camp, muddy and naked, lying behind a rotted log. Thankfully, he was up before anyone else and was able to sneak back to his cabin without being seen. He thought about what he was, but it didn’t seem awful, just another part of him that needed to be accepted, like being gay. And it wasn’t the last time the wolf visited him, though he never told anyone about the wolf—not his parents, not Hannah, though he told her everything else.

  He came to accept what he thought of as the wolf’s visits. The wolf was not something to be feared, exactly, though certainly respected. He supposed it was similar to how Hannah felt about her disability. It was as much a part of her as anything else. After his first shift at age fourteen, Kevin became rapidly obsessed with lycanthropy. He read all the books, saw all the movies. He studied every “real life” account he could find.

  He didn’t find much that helped him, though. The wolf didn’t walk only during the full moon like in the movies—it could appear almost anytime. Silver and wolfsbane seemed to have no effect on him. He didn’t know what, if anything, could kill him, but he wasn’t big on finding out. The only thing he knew for certain was that the wolf wasn’t his enemy, though it did require time off the leash.

  Over the years that followed, he and the wolf learned to compromise and coexist. It let him live his human life, but if he didn’t let it run at least a couple times during the month, it became wilder, more demanding, more difficult to control. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, least of all Hannah—after their parents died when he was eighteen and Hannah twelve, she was all the family he had left—so he took pains to give it space and let it run.

  The job at the Barracuda became a godsend. Jolene was a great boss, the best he’d ever had. He was a good barkeep, watched after her dancers, did her favors all over the place, and in return, she lent him the cabin and time off when he requested it, though she had no idea what he did with that time. No one did. Hannah thought he had his porn stashed up here; Jolene figured he had a married boyfriend he was hiding. Both of them were wrong.

  How do you explain to your boss, your friends, and your kid sister that you change into a wolf a couple of times a month? How do you tell your lovers?

  The wolf made him stronger, faster, more intuit. But in return, he had to respect its boundaries. He had to run his life around it. A career was out of the question. He knew there was no job he could take where he could make his own hours. He couldn’t be a doctor or lawyer. He would never do better than the Barracuda, and sometime during his second semester of college, he got practical and dropped out. It hurt to give up, to give in, but he managed. He knew he wanted more out of life than to be a barkeep forever, but he didn’t know what that was or how to get it.

  It hurt more to know he would be alone for the rest of his life. He never told Josh, or any other lover he ever had, about the wolf. They wouldn’t understand. They’d figure he was a freak. But not telling them left him feeling like a liar, like he was deceiving them. He had this huge secret, this massive, private part of his life, and he couldn’t share it with the one he loved. There were boys in high school, of course, and during his college stint, he’d been with a few guys, though he never let things get too serious. He made it just about sex. The emotionally-distant relationships he developed never lasted for very long.

  No, he thought even as he cut soundlessly through the trees and leapt effortlessly over ravines, the forest skirting by him in a dark green blur, he couldn’t trust his heart to anyone. His heart, like the rest of him, belonged to the wolf. The wolf was all. The wolf was all he would ever be.

  His lungs, brain and body filled with the lush wildness of the evening forest. He loved the woods and he loved to run. In a way, it was his lover. He let it fill his senses to overwhelming, until the aching, haunting loneliness inside him subsided once more to a low and almost imperceptible murmur. In the twenty-eight years of his life he had never met another werewolf. He was likely t
he only one of his kind, maybe the last werewolf on planet earth. He could never allow himself to fall in love. It just wasn’t in the cards for him.

  Then he met the black wolf, and everything changed.

  * * *

  Chapter Four

  He was digging out a family of chipmunks from under a large, flat rock when he picked up the intruder’s scent. Forgoing the prey, he breathed in the new, musky, male scent and bolted into the trees. The intruder’s trail was warm, recent, and unfamiliar. There were coyote in this forest, but this didn’t quite fit that scent. It was interesting enough to draw him on until he reached what looked like a small clearing with a creek running through it.

  The sun was almost completely down, the light soft and purple. The canopy of the forest made the shadows long. But despite these things, he recognized the figure standing on the opposite side of the creek.

  The wolf was huge, shaggy, bigger than he was, almost the size of a Shetland pony, and all black except for its glaring yellow eyes. It watched him steadily from atop a deadfall, head down, tail carried low. Obviously, it was wary, wondering the same things as he: Was he a threat? What would come of this encounter?

  Kevin felt his heart thudding thick and heavy against his furry chest. He sniffed the air. The wolf smelled like wolf, but also like a man. Could it be like him? Could it be…another werewolf? Throwing caution to the wind, he took a few tentative steps forward and saw the wolf tense. He stopped and lowered his head, instinctively flattening his ears. He hoped by appearing submissive, the wolf would let him get closer. He hoped it wouldn’t run. He couldn’t bear to see something so beautiful run away, not after believing he was the only one of his kind for so long.

  It let him approach. When the creek was all that separated them, it leaped down off the rotted log and jumped the small ravine, then trotted bravely toward him, eyes keen, ears pointing forward. Kevin hadn’t expected that and cringed as the bigger wolf loomed over him, sniffing him from head to tail. It was huge, older than he, powerful. He sensed that immediately.

  An alpha.

  The wolf barked at him. The sound startled him, and for a moment he was offended, but then he recognized the sound as friendly, even welcoming. The wolf was inviting him to run with it. The wolf took off into the deep woods, and Kevin followed. He raced after it, covering the ground in long strides, keeping the black wolf in front of him at all times.

  The black wolf led him on and on and they chased each other through the trees, up and down gales, over creeks and rocky outcroppings. Kevin huffed and puffed but managed to keep up until the end, when the wolf disappeared down a long, woody embankment where he knew a fast-moving river ran.

  Kevin trotted through the trees, seeking his new companion among the foliage, but it was nowhere to be found. He finally stopped at the edge of the riverbank where a gorgeous, naked man waited for him.

  It was the British man from the bar, the one with the long hair. Ponytail. He was absolutely breathtaking, like some fae who belonged to the deep woods. A matting of dark hair peppered his well-muscled chest and a soft pelt glistened at his loins. Spray from the river made his pale flesh gleam almost golden in the moonlight. He had heavy balls and a thick, partially erect cock that lay softly against the fur of his groin. He had the same beautiful, simmering golden eyes as the wolf. He was waiting for Kevin on the banks of the river, a hand outstretched as he beckoned.

  Kevin immediately called the wolf back and shifted back to his human form. The feel of it was like a tense, cramped muscle letting go. Normally, he was a very modest person, even for being a werewolf, but seeing another of his kind trumped any embarrassment he might have had in being naked before this beautiful man. He climbed carefully down the spongy riverbank so he could take the hand of the strange man.

  The man looked him over, licking his lips in obvious hunger. The lascivious look he offered was both man and beast. He said nothing. No words were needed.

  He pulled Kevin close so he was pressed against the firm, lean muscles of his chest and belly. He used his other hand to touch Kevin’s face lightly with his fingertips, then leaned down to sniff at his hair and the side of his face. His heat and touch and smell engulfed Kevin. He wanted desperately to ask question, to learn who the man was, but instead he just rubbed himself against his companion’s body. All that came out of his mouth was a low moan of pleasure and desperation.

  The man answered it with a rumbling growl of approval, and when Kevin lifted his head, the man claimed his lips in a fierce, crushing kiss. The sharpness of his canines cut Kevin’s lip, but Kevin didn’t mind the pain. He relished it, in fact. The man licked at his wound, tasting his blood, soothing the injury. The bank they stood upon was at a steep angle. The stranger easily pushed Kevin down to the mossy ground and straddled him. His aggression was both startling and exciting.

  He touched the other werewolf’s chest, ran his fingers through the silky, spare fur there, felt the warm wall of muscle beneath his skin. It was insane that this should be happening. He thought he must be dreaming. But when the man nudged his legs apart, dipped his head and began licking his balls, Kevin’s eyes fluttered closed and he let out a sigh of relief as he started rocking his hips back and forth, the gravel on the riverbank scratching his back.

  If this was a dream, it was the best one he’d ever had and he never wanted it to end. He nested his slender fingers in the long ribbons of the man’s raven-black hair as the man licked up and down his cock, along his perineum and around his asshole. He was greedy and aggressive, exploring every inch of Kevin’s most private areas as if they were his to have. The shadow at his chin and throat scratched him thrillingly. He lost himself in the sheer pleasure of the man’s long, hot tongue entering him, quick and demanding, wetting him with his saliva and licking hungrily at the inside of his body.

  He’d never made love to another werewolf before, but there was something infinitely different and richer about it than being with a human. It felt raw and unfettered. There were no pretences, no masks involved. The stranger wanted his body and he wanted to give it to him. He wanted to feel the alpha inside him, dominating him.

  He could feel his climax building, sharp and sudden, but before he could go off, his new lover moved up his body, licking along his ribs and over his peaked nipples. His tongue was rough like sandpaper and made Kevin whimper in the back of his throat. The stranger’s thick, steely cock rubbed against his balls, wetting Kevin with a generous amount of precum. His hair smelled like the forest and Kevin breathed it in, lost himself in the sensation of being taken by this wild creature. He licked imploringly at the man’s mouth, clutched his slim ass, lifted his hips welcomingly. The other man understood and instinctively thrust inside Kevin, quick and harsh.

  Kevin let out a sharp yelp, relishing the rush of pain and pleasure as his lover filled him. He was bigger than Kevin was used to, his cock fat, swollen and eager. He was almost afraid the man would stop or withdraw, but he was entirely lost in their mating. He braced one sinewy arm above Kevin’s head, his weight holding him down, and thrust lazily in and out, a growl lodged deep in his throat. His other hand went to Kevin’s cock, squeezing and caressing until Kevin mewled and scratched at the man’s back and buttocks, leaving shallow red scratches that healed almost as quickly as they were inflicted. The man inclined his head so Kevin could taste the man’s full, soft lips and hot tongue.

  The man kissed Kevin, sucking at his mouth as he pumped slowly and rhythmically in and out of his body, the sharp slap of flesh against flesh loud in the stillness of the forest. Their eyes found each other and locked, and they watched each other closely as they enjoyed every moment of this rutting. The man’s eyes went from a yellow to a greenish-brown, then back again as the wolf took him over. Kevin knew his own pale green eyes looked golden-orange in the moonlight.

  The stranger increased his rhythm as he reached his end, plunging deeper and faster inside him, their two bodies working together as one. The divine friction inside Kevin’s bo
dy was too much; he could hold off no longer. He gasped aloud as a massive orgasm shuddered through his body and he came in the man’s hands, shooting hot, sticky spunk against the beautiful man’s abs and lower belly. The man gripped his shoulders and pinned him to the ground as he growled and slammed deep inside Kevin’s ass, finally coming with a trembling lunge and flooding him with his come.

  They rubbed their seed and scents against one another. Both were exhausted when the stranger finally pulled out, and it wasn’t long after that Kevin drifted to sleep in his lover’s strong arms.

  * * *

  Chapter Five

  Kevin woke with the sensation of the stranger spooning him and caressing his body, running a strong hand down his hip before detouring to give his cock and balls a friendly squeeze. It was full dark out, the sky starlit, the moon hanging gravid above the treetops. The night was full of the whistling of night birds and the twittering of insects, comforting sounds that had never made Kevin feel afraid. It was the sound of home, safety. Life. The darkness felt good on his skin, and the stranger’s lusty breathing in his ear raised his desires once more.

  The stranger nudged him over onto hands and knees. Kevin compiled, arching his back and lowering his head submissively. He liked the feeling of the man forcing his legs further apart and sniffing along the crack of his ass. The man licked and sucked at his balls before mounting him from behind.

  Kevin didn’t say a word. Neither did the man. No words were needed. He knew what the alpha wanted, and he was more than willing to give it to him.

  The alpha was rough and demanding this time. Breathing hard through his lust, his engorged dick slapped between Kevin’s legs, his precum dripping down the insides of his thighs. Kevin didn’t mind submitting to the powerful alpha, but he didn’t want the alpha thinking he was a pushover, either. He felt his lover should have to prove himself if he wanted the privilege of fucking him twice.

  As the alpha was getting into position, Kevin growled out a warning and shook himself, tried to throw him off. The alpha let out a snarl in response and snapped at his shoulder, his teeth grazing Kevin. The pain was immediate and paralyzing, yet strangely pleasurable. Kevin was immediately hard from the bite, the shock of it making him tremble with need. He obediently lowered his head and raised his ass, letting the alpha find the right angle to enter him and take his pleasure first.


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