His Bear's Necessity: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (Return To Bear Bluff Book 2)

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His Bear's Necessity: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (Return To Bear Bluff Book 2) Page 7

by Harmony Raines

  Chapter Thirteen – Amanda

  It was dark. She had to keep a level head as she drove back along the narrow roads to her lonely little cabin. Not that she was lonely anymore; she had Jed by her side, and a bed at home just waiting for them. Before she came out this morning, she had changed the sheets, not that she had expected him to come back with her, and make love to her again.

  But a girl could hope, couldn’t she?

  “Tell me what you’re thinking?” he asked from the darkness of the passenger side of her car.

  “I’m thinking that your mom is a wonderful cook.”

  “Liar,” he said silkily.

  “So tell me what you are thinking.”

  “You already know,” he said, his hand sliding onto her thigh and making her jump as she turned into the track that led up to the cabin. Never had the dirt road seemed so long.

  “I am thinking that if you aren’t careful, you are going to make me run off the road,” she said, adjusting herself in her seat as his hand crept higher.

  “Nearly there,” he said, squeezing her flesh, leaving his meaning ambiguous. Did he have any idea how wet he was making her? Of course he did.

  She parked the car, and reached to undo her seat belt, but he grabbed her hand, and pinned her back in her seat, his mouth on hers. “I want to taste you first.”

  He kissed her, his hands roaming her body, somehow touching her breasts, her thighs, and her neck all at the same time. Caressing her, soothing her as she moaned against his mouth. When they parted she was gasping for air. Talk about kissing her senseless.

  Dazed, she got her seatbelt off and then opened the car door to stagger out. But he was there, scooping her up in his arms and kicking the car door shut behind her; then he strode to the cabin. All Amanda could think was how unfair it was that he seemed to be totally in control, when she felt as if she had been launched into space to float amongst the stars.

  The cabin door creaked on its hinges, as he shouldered it open. Carefully he carried her inside, closing the door behind them, and without hesitating took her upstairs to her bedroom. There he placed her on the bed. Standing up straight, trying to avoid banging his head on the eaves, he quickly stripped off his clothes. She wanted to watch, but she also wanted to be naked, skin against skin with her man. She slipped out of her work clothes, first of all wriggling out of her pants and then removing the white blouse, laying it carefully on the chair in front of her dressing table.

  Swift stolen glances at Jed saw him watching her, his cock erect in front of him, evidence of his arousal. But he had made a promise, and when she took off her bra, he came to her, pushing her back on the bed, his fingers going to the elastic of her panties, pulling them down and casting them aside.

  Positioning her on the edge of the bed, he knelt on the floor, easing her thighs open, and drawing his fingers along the length of her sex. The sensation was incredible when he pushed two fingers inside her, watching her reaction. She closed her eyes, arching her back, offering herself to him. When his mouth covered her clit, and he flicked his tongue over it, her eyes flew back open, and she strained to watch what he was doing to her.

  His tongue tortured her clit, flicking over it, lapping at her, while he fingered her slowly, her breathing labored as she fought to keep control. She needed to come, but she didn’t want this to end, she wanted to lie here forever, while he gave her more pleasure than she thought possible.

  Waiting was impossible, he took her to the edge of oblivion and left her hanging there for an endless moment, his breath caressing her flesh, and then he sent her over the edge, his mouth and fingers working in unison to drive her climax to greater heights than she thought possible.

  Before her orgasm had subsided, he moved, climbing up the bed, hovering over her, and then entering her in one swift movement to impale her on his cock. She cried out, the invasion sudden, the fullness welcome. She craved him to take her, this time to claim her in the most primal way.

  Jed slipped his hand under her bottom and pinned her in place, pulling out and then thrusting forward over and over. Amanda kissed his chest, hands stroking his arms, his back, her legs wrapped around him, urging him on. Jed rose to the challenge: he was right, his stamina was incredible. When she came the first time, she expected him to follow, but he stilled, gaining control, before taking her to new heights again.

  After her second orgasm, he drove her towards the next, his thrusts becoming more urgent, his lips hot on hers. With a shuddering groan he gave into the need to fill her with his seed, jerking into her until he was spent. Slow flexes of his hips moved him gently in and out of her, until his arousal was gone, and he pulled out of her, to lie down by her side.

  “That was incredible,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

  She turned to face him, stroking his damp hair back from his face, and kissed his lips. “You are incredible.”

  He returned her kiss, pulling her close. “I love you, Amanda.”

  “I love you too,” she said, and they lay in silence until sleep claimed them both.


  She got up early and showered, listening to Jed downstairs making breakfast. When she was dressed, she went into the kitchen and said, “Is my cooking that bad, you are taking over in the kitchen?”

  “I learned from an expert. Although my mom is fiercely protective of her kitchen, and always likes to cook herself.”

  Amanda sat down at the old wooden table that was her grandma’s; it had been scrubbed smooth, and she loved to run her hands across it and think of all the meals that had been eaten here. Although this morning she kept conjuring up images of the first time they had made love. Pushing those thoughts away, she said, “I thought about remodeling this kitchen. But I can’t bear to change it.”

  “We can update it without changing too much,” he said. “It all needs a bit of TLC, a few screws here and there to straighten the doors. Maybe new handles.” He began to dish up the food, making her mouth water. The breakfast he had made was wonderful: the eggs were cooked just right, whereas when Amanda made eggs they turned out either too hard or too runny. Crispy bacon added a wonderful flavor, and tomatoes and mushrooms were delicious.

  “I like the idea of that,” she said. “I’ve tried to keep as many of the original features as I could.”

  “Like a creaky door?” he asked.

  “Like a creaky door.” She laughed, sipping her coffee. This was happiness. Two people in love sharing breakfast.

  A simple life, that was all she craved, and now she had it.

  Chapter Fourteen – Jed

  “Morning,” Jed said cheerfully as he went into Dylan’s office.

  “Morning. Good, you’re here. We have to swing by the hardware store, collect more nails, and then get to work. The house is really taking shape, and I have someone coming to look at it tomorrow.”

  “It’s nowhere near finished,” Jed said.

  “Ah, but between the plans and the work we’ve already done, anyone with half an imagination can see what it’s going to look like. And the view of the mountain sells it.” Dylan grabbed his jacket. “If you go and load the truck up, I’ll be there in no time.”

  Jed went out to say goodbye to Amanda, who was sorting through the mail. “I’ll see you later. Maybe we could go for a walk over the mountains,” he said.

  She didn’t answer; instead, she stared intently at an envelope, turning it over and looking at it closely before looking at the address again.

  “Amanda? Is everything OK?” he asked, placing his hands on the desk and leaning towards her. “Hey, you look pale.”

  She started, as if she had just realized he was there, and then placed the letter down. Her hand covered it, as if she were trying to hide it. “Sorry. I was miles away.”

  “I could tell. Is there anything wrong?” he asked.

  Her eyes flitted to Dylan’s office. “No. Nothing at all. Are you going to the house today?”

  “Town first, and then over to the hous
e.” He watched her face, and the way her thoughts were elsewhere.

  “That’s great.” She looked down at her hand covering the envelope.

  “Is there a problem?” He came around the desk and looked down, seeing her hand twitch.

  “No. I’m just tired.” She placed a smile on her face, but it wasn’t genuine; it hid a deep turmoil within her, a turmoil he wanted to calm.

  “You can tell me anything,” he said, wanting to ask her if this had something to do with the past she was so afraid of. “Anything.”

  “I know. Thank you. But I am fine, really.” She looked up. “Dylan’s ready to leave.” She came to Jed and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Ready?” Dylan asked.

  “Certainly am,” Jed said. “As long as you are OK?” he asked Amanda, his voice low so Dylan wouldn’t hear him as he walked outside.

  “Go. I’ll speak to you later,” she said.

  Her words made him frown as he followed Dylan out to the truck. There was a change in her, and he didn’t know why. But it had occurred since they had arrived at work, which made him believe it wasn’t something he had done.

  Climbing into the truck next to Dylan, he put his seatbelt on and looked back at the office, to where he could see Amanda, still standing where he had left her. When he got back later he would try to find out what was wrong. He only hoped she would be there later.

  A dark shadow crept over his mind. He didn’t know what he would do if he lost her, if she ran away from him. Not when they had their whole lives in front of them. She knew exactly what she meant to him. There was no way she would just leave without telling him why, or saying goodbye. But he remembered how she had told him someone had broken her heart, and he was scared she would do the same to him.

  “Jed,” Dylan said, pulling him away from his disturbed thoughts. “I’ve been talking to Steph, and there’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”

  Jed’s mood deteriorated even further. Don’t say as quickly as he had found his mate and a job, he was going to lose them all again? Mentally going over the last couple of days, he could think of nothing he had done wrong. Unless Dylan still harbored distrust for Jed. Damn that lunch money incident.

  “I’m all ears,” he said, keeping his voice amiable.

  “As you know, soon I am going to be a very proud father.” Dylan turned the truck into the main street through Bear Bluff, heading for the hardware store.

  “Congratulations,” Jed said, wondering why Dylan would choose to tell him what he already knew.

  “And Steph is not planning to give up work completely. So we’ve agreed to share baby care. Which means that I am going to need a foreman,” Dylan said, glancing sideways at Jed. “I think you would make the ideal candidate.”

  “You are joking?” Jed said.

  “No, no joke. Of course, we’re thin on employees right now. But as the company grows, I’ll be expecting you to take on more responsibilities. You said you need all the hours I can give you, and the hourly rate would go up in line with the responsibilities.”

  Jed let out a breath, which had become stuck inside his lungs as if he too were paralyzed. “That would be great.” His eyes narrowed. “Tilly didn’t come begging again, did she? Or Amanda?” Was that why her mood had changed? But she hadn’t had chance to speak to Dylan alone this morning.

  “No, this is all you. I’ve watched you work over the last couple of days, and I see how you are with Amanda. You have commitment, and I like that. I know what it’s like to feel the need to work hard for your mate.”

  “Thank you,” Jed said. “It means more than you could ever know.”

  “I know you won’t let me down,” Dylan said.

  “Hey, listen,” Jed said. “There is one more thing you could do for me.”

  “What I’ve just said isn’t enough?” Dylan asked.

  “This is more personal,” Jed said. “So when I get my first paycheck… I want to buy you lunch.”

  “Like on a date?” Dylan asked with a wry smile.

  Jed shook his head. “If that’s what you want to call it.”

  Dylan slapped him on the back. “If you feel the need to make up for the lunch money incident, then buy me a manly burger, and we’ll call it quits.”

  “Done,” Jed said, and got out of the truck, whistling as he followed Dylan into the hardware store. Maybe when he told Amanda about this later it would cheer her up.

  His good mood teetered on the edge of oblivion, but he pulled it back. Amanda was probably just tired. They had spent the last two night making love; she probably just needed some rest.

  Maybe tonight they should just sleep in each other’s arms. But damn if he didn’t want to make love to her every opportunity he got.

  “Mind on the job,” Dylan reminded him as they entered the store.

  “Yes, boss,” Jed said with a smile. Who would have thought: Dylan Taylor, giving him a chance to be a success?

  Chapter Fifteen – Amanda

  She looked at the envelope. Picking it up, and then placing it back down on the desk again. She recognized the handwriting.

  Feeling sick, she sat down, her head in her hands, and fought back tears. How did he know she worked here? And the other, more disturbing question: What did he want from her?

  Going to the bathroom, she splashed water on her face, and then patted it dry, looking at herself in the mirror. Her happiness had left her. Gone.

  “Damn him!” she said out loud, turning away from the face in the mirror, and leaving the bathroom.

  “Damn who?” Steph stood in the outer office, the expression on her face questioning.

  “Nothing. No one,” Amanda said, going back to her desk.

  “That face says it’s more than nothing,” Steph said. “Lover’s tiff?”

  “No, it has nothing to do with Jed,” Amanda insisted.

  “So that at least means there is a something wrong.” Steph came around and sat on the edge of the desk. “Listen, I know you are new in town, and you don’t have any family around to talk to. I was the same when I moved to the big city. So, if you need a friend, let me be it.”

  Amanda felt tears pricking her eyes. Steph was so nice; she and Dylan were the best people she could ever have wished to work for. They deserved the truth. Even if it cost Amanda her job. There was no way she wanted to risk their new business. She might be overreacting, but she knew Mason would only be out for what he could get out of this situation. Since Dylan was the man with the money, then that was whom he would target.

  “This came in the mail.” Amanda picked up the envelope and handed it to Steph.

  Steph looked at it. “What’s in it?”


  “I don’t understand, who sends a letter with nothing in it? It’s not even addressed to anyone here; it’s addressed to Amanda Peaks. Did they get your name wrong?” Steph asked, looking at the back of the envelope. “There’s a return address.”

  “The return address is my old address, and the name Amanda Peaks is my old name.”

  “Your old name? Like your maiden name. You mean you are already married? Oh, honey, Jed will understand.” Steph put her hand on Amanda’s shoulder.

  “I’m not married. I changed my name to escape who I was.”

  “Oh. Do you want to tell me who that person you are trying to run from is?” Steph kept her voice even, not hinting at the uncertainty that crossed her face. Instead she rubbed her swollen baby-filled stomach thoughtfully. “Or is this something you want to share with Jed first?”

  “No. I don’t know. I wanted to keep it secret.” Amanda sighed. “Or maybe I should just leave town. I don’t want to mess up Jed’s life.”

  “Amanda, the only way you will mess up his life is if you leave him. You are his mate, and that will never change. He will not be able to live without you. Not happily, anyway.”

  “I don’t deserve him,” Amanda said.

  “Well, tough. He’s yours, you
are his. Get over it. Whatever it is, you’ll get through it together. That’s what you would do for him. Right?” Steph said, and she was right. Amanda would do anything for Jed, and his family. Including walking away. But that would hurt him, more than the details of what she had to confess.

  “There was this man.”

  “Isn’t there always?” Steph said. “Go on.”

  Amanda stood up and walked to the window. “It goes back before that, though. Way back.”

  “Then start at the beginning.”

  “I was a lonely child. An even lonelier teenager. One day this guy, Mason, walked into the jewelry store where I worked, he had a ring that needed adjusting.” She took a deep breath, not wanting to go into every sordid detail. “Anyway. I fell for him hard. One day as I was closing up, he came into the store, and he persuaded me to make love in the back room. I still lived with mom and stepdad, which meant no privacy, so you know…”

  “Let me guess, jewels went missing and so did he?” Steph asked.

  “That is about right.”

  “And you didn’t turn him in?” Steph asked.

  Tears came now, rolling down her cheeks. She wiped them away angrily. “He texted me. Said he was sorry, but he had a girlfriend and a daughter. That the only reason he stole was for them. Maybe I was a sap, but all my life I had wanted a father who would do anything for me.”

  “Oh, honey. I see where you are coming from. You did what you thought was the right thing.”

  “That’s some of it. But I also felt guilty, as if I was to blame. The store was my responsibility and I let my boss down. I trusted him, but he turned off the security camera while I was locking the door…” Amanda turned back to Steph. “That envelope is a warning. It sends a message that he knows where I am.”

  “You think he’s going to try the same thing here?” Steph said. “We don’t exactly have jewels lying around the place.”

  “He’ll have some scam up his sleeve. I’m guessing he’s going to try to blackmail me. Money or my job. Heck, he probably knows I inherited my grandma’s cabin and thinks he can con me out of it. Or that I’ll give him a cash lump sum to get rid of him.”


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