Vanished Kingdoms

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Vanished Kingdoms Page 102

by Norman Davies

  Sobieski, Jan 282, 363–4, 459

  Sobrarbe 159, 162, 163, 164, 165–6, 185

  Social Democratic Labour Party (SDLP) 674, 681

  Solferino 421

  Solidarity movement 716, 722, 723

  Solomon of Montpellier 181

  Solsona 181

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 715

  Somalia 731

  Somerset, Lord Henry Richard 499

  Soviet Communist Party 301, 302, 706, 712, 717, 721, 732–3

  Communist Party of the Soviet Union (KPSS/CPSU) 715

  Soviet Russia (RSFSR) 328, 702, 703, 717, 721

  Soviet Union (CCCP) 737

  1945–1991 716

  Belarus 231–9, 232

  and the Bolsheviks see Bolsheviks

  and Carpatho-Ukraine 631

  Cold War see Cold War

  collapse and disappearance of 3, 303, 328, 723, 724–5, 727–8, 732–3; dissolution day 699, 723

  concentration camps 382, 479, 706

  creation of 699–703

  détente 716

  economy 706, 725

  and Estonia 689–728

  Five Year Plans 382, 706

  and former Galicia 478, 479–80, 483

  and Germany 301–2, 382–8, 478–9, 710, 712–14, 721; Operation Barbarossa 301–2, 382, 479, 710

  glasnost 721, 722

  and Halich 446, 449

  and Hungary 631

  and the Irish Republic 652

  and Kaliningrad oblast 328

  NKVD 302, 712, 713, 714

  nuclear arsenal 715

  occupation of Lithuania 301–3

  perestroika 721

  and Poland 388, 618–19, 716

  post-war era 715–17

  Red Army 89, 301, 302, 382–7, 446, 478, 479, 618, 631, 702, 705, 710, 712, 713, 714

  resistance to Moscow 722–3

  Stalinism see Stalinism

  Storming of Königsberg 385–7

  as a superpower 3, 710, 724

  takeover of the Baltic States 301–2, 618, 710–12, 737

  transformation under Stalin 706

  and the US 715, 716, 724, 726

  Western former USSR after 1991 726

  World War II 301–2, 382–6, 478, 479–80, 709–15; takeover of the Baltic States 737

  Sovietskiy Monument 695–6

  Sovyetsk Gvardejsk 334


  Aragon see Aragon, empire

  and the Bull of Donation 215

  Castile see Castile, relations with Aragon

  Catalonia see Catalonia/Catalans

  and France 506–7, 522–3; Franco-Spanish War 222–3; Treaty of Aranjuez 509

  Valencia see Valencia

  Spanish Inquisition 218, 221

  Spencer, Lady Diana, princess of Wales 572, 573

  Spike Island 663

  ‘Springtime of Nations’ 416, 469–70, 560

  SSSR/CCCP see Soviet Union (CCCP)

  Stalin, Joseph 382, 383, 479, 618, 703, 710, 711, 719–20

  transformation of the USSR 706

  Stalingrad 382, 710

  Stalinism 233, 301, 382, 477, 478–9, 480, 703, 706–7, 710–15, 717, 719–20

  see also NKVD; Red Army

  Stamford Bridge, Battle of 75

  Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers 2, 658–9

  Stanislas 141

  Stanisław-August Poniatowski, king and grand-duke 285–6, 287, 289–90, 305–6

  Stanisław, Feast of St 464

  Stansgate, William Wedgwood-Benn, viscount 627–8

  Stary Sącz 487

  statehood 729, 738

  theories of the death of states 729–39

  lo Statuto Albertino 416

  Stefan Batory, king 278–9

  Stefanyk Library, L′viv 487

  Stefanyk, Vasyl 467

  Steinbach, Erika 392

  Stella, Erasmus 349–50

  Stockholm 714, 715

  Stoye, John 7

  Strathclyde 71, 74–5, 76, 77, 78

  Kingdom of see Alt Clud, Kingdom of the Rock

  Strauss, Johann II, 562

  Stuart, Mary 39

  Succat 51

  Sudan 731

  Sudetenland 625

  Sudovians 338

  Suevi 17, 18, 31

  Suleiman the Magnificent 442

  Sunningdale Agreement 669

  Supreme Ruthenian Council (Holovna Ruska Rada) 470

  Susi, Arnold 715

  Suvorov, Alexander 289, 327, 505

  Sveti Stefan 579

  Svyatoslav 245

  Sweden/Swedes 281–2, 283, 355, 361, 362, 363, 368

  Switzerland 112, 125, 138, 408, 409, 505

  and France 517

  and Sabaudia 409, 425–6

  Syagrius 24

  Sybel, Heinrich von 367

  Szela, Jakub 456

  Szeptycki, Andrzej 463

  Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord 506, 511, 515, 517, 536

  Tallinn/Reval 339, 691–3, 696, 700–701, 703, 705, 718, 722, 723

  Museum of Occupations 695

  National (previously Kruetzwald State) Library 720

  Talorgen 64

  Tarnowski, Jan 269

  Tarnowski, Stanisław 465

  Tarragona 181

  Tartars 237, 251, 252, 254, 256, 260, 261, 265, 268, 269

  Muslim Tartar cavalry 347

  Tartu/Dorpat 259, 277, 691, 703, 713

  Tartu Treaty 705–6, 722

  Taylor, A. J. P. 4–5, 7

  Temperley, H. W. V. 608, 610

  Tenew, queen of Lleddiniawn 55

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 73–4, 589

  Teodoricus, Flavius (Theodoric the Ostrogoth) 23–4, 25, 26

  Teruel 190, 204

  Tetmayer, Kazimierz 466

  Teudebur map Beli 64

  Teutonic Knights 247–8, 252, 253, 256, 259, 270, 339–42, 350–51

  Teutonic Ordensstaat 340–44, 345–8, 346, 351–3

  Thatcher, Margaret 672

  Thatcherism 683

  Theodoric I (Theodorid) 18, 20–21

  Theodoric II 18, 21–3

  Theodoric the Ostrogoth (Flavius Teodoricus) 23–4, 25, 26

  Theodosius, count 48

  Theodosius, St 266

  Theodosius I, emperor 46, 314

  Theuderic II 102

  Thirty Years War 280, 356, 358

  Thomas Aquinas, St 730

  Thorens, Château de 435

  Thorismund 18, 21

  Thorn 342, 349

  Treaty of 348, 350

  Thun 121

  castle of 122

  Thuringia 542

  Tiananmen Square massacre 723

  Tief, Otto 714

  Tigernach, Irish Annals of 64

  Tipperary 652

  Tiso, Jozef 626

  Titan Rain 697

  Titles Deprivation Act 566–7

  Tito, Josip Broz 614

  Titograd 580

  see also Podgorica

  Toledo 29

  Visigoth Kingdom of 28

  Tolosa, city of Palladia Tolosa 18–20

  Tolosa, Kingdom of 19, 18–31, 734

  Tõnisson, Jaan 704, 709

  Torino see Turin

  Torquemada, Tomás de 218

  Torrellas, Arbitration of 189

  Tortosa 177

  Tournus, abbey of 107

  Traugutt, Romuald 296

  Treason (Felony) Act 682

  Trefusis, Violet (née Keppel) 499

  Treitschke, Heinrich von 353, 367, 376

  Trevor-Roper, Hugh 5

  Trimble, David 674

  Trinacria, Kingdom of 193, 194, 197

  Troki 275

  Troki, Isaac ben: Hizzuq Emunah 280

  Trokiele 266

  Trotsky, Leon 300, 702

  troubadours 167, 172–3

  True People’s Party (Montenegro) 592

  Trumbić, Ante 598–9, 604, 607

  Tsernagora see Montenegro/Tsernagora
  Tsukanov, Nikolay 335–6

  Tully 643

  Turbil, M. 426

  Turin (Torino) 406, 407, 409, 415, 416, 417, 418–19, 429, 437

  Shroud 406, 409, 432

  Treaty of 423–5, 436

  Turkish Ottomans see Ottomans

  Turkmenistan 725

  Tuscany 214, 422, 426, 501–3, 505, 506–8, 509, 515, 529, 534

  Etruria see Etruria

  Florence see Florence/Florentines

  and France 525, 526

  regiments 525

  Tutagual 52, 57

  Two Swords, doctrine of 122

  Uberti 496

  UDA (Ulster Defence Association) 669

  UDR (Ulster Defence Regiment) 669

  Ujejski, Kornel 462

  Ukraine/Ukrainians 244, 251, 252, 260, 265, 267, 281, 282, 288, 368, 703, 706, 738

  Carpatho-Ukraine see Carpatho-Ukraine

  Cossacks see Cossacks

  ‘Ukrainian Awakening’ 467

  Ukrainian Insurrectionary Army (UPA) 479

  West Ukraine/east Galicia 442, 450–51, 477, 478, 480, 481–3; see also Galicia; Distrikt Galizien 479; Halich 441–9

  Ulcinj 579

  Ulster 655, 656, 667–8, 676

  Annals of 52, 61, 69

  and the Northern Ireland ‘Troubles’ 667–9, 677, 679–80

  Plantation of 641

  Protestants 641, 650, 654, 660, 667–9, 674, 684

  Royal Ulster Constabulary 654, 666, 667, 668, 669

  Volunteers 645, 650, 656; see also Ulster Volunteer Force

  Ulster Bank 677

  Ulster Defence Association (UDA) 669

  Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) 669

  Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) 641, 645, 650–51, 665, 666–7, 668, 673, 677, 678, 680, 681, 684

  Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) 668, 669

  Uluots, Jüri 714

  Umberto I Il Buono 429

  Umberto II 400–401, 429, 431–2

  Una Vincenzo, Lady Troubridge 499

  Undaunted 530

  Uniate (Greek Catholic) Church 237, 277, 295, 301, 463, 625

  United Irishmen 642

  United Kingdom 3, 41, 578, 641, 650, 666, 673, 732, 735

  disintegration of 6, 648, 679–85

  and the fate of the monarchy 681–2

  New Labour 680

  see also Britain

  United Nations 577, 616

  United Sich Riflemen 473, 474

  United States of America

  and Albania 601

  and Charles Edward, duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 569–70

  and Montenegro 596, 598, 601, 609, 611

  and the Nazis 569

  and Russia 727

  Russo-American START Treaty 335

  and the Soviet Union 715, 716, 724, 726

  World War II 710

  Upper Burgundy 108, 110–15, 113, 118, 138, 147

  Urban II 169

  Urgell 162, 175, 181

  Urien, king of Rheged 56–57

  Urraca of Leon 170

  Usatges de Barcelona 174

  USSR see Soviet Union (CCCP)

  Ustrzyki Dolne 479–80

  Utrecht, Treaty of 223, 409

  UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force) 668, 669

  Uzbekistan 233, 721, 725

  Uzhgorod 623, 624, 625, 627

  Vagad, Gualberto Fabricio de 219

  Vaino, Karl 717

  Valdemar/Volodimir (Vladimir the Great) 245–6

  Valdemar the Victorious 89

  Valdensians/Vaudois 126, 408, 416

  Valdo, Peter 126

  Valencia 173, 176, 189–90, 221, 222–3, 225, 736

  bishopric 181

  Furs de Valencia (‘Charters of Valencia’) 190

  pogrom 182

  university 184

  Valentinois 118

  Vall d’Aran 159

  Valladolid 210

  Vallia 18

  Vandals 17, 18, 22, 23, 31

  VAPSI movement 709

  Varangians see Vikings/Varangians

  Varmia/Varmians 338, 342, 349

  Vasari, Giorgio 213

  Vatican Council II 671

  Vaud, Pays de 404, 407

  Grandson in the Vaud 138

  Venel, General 600, 606

  Venice 429, 739

  Grimani Collection 481

  Verdun, Treaty of 104, 106

  Versailles settlement 380, 381, 382

  Verulamium 46

  Vesontio (Besançon) 95, 118

  Vézelay, abbey of 108

  Via Aquitania 19–20

  Viareggio 534

  Vic 173, 181

  Victoria, queen 3, 83, 549–51, 554–5, 557, 558–9, 562, 643, 648

  Victoria, princess royal, ‘Vickie’ 558

  Victoria Adelaide of Schleswig-Holstein 566, 571

  Victoria Maria Louisa of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 546–7, 549–51, 556

  Victoria, Damnonia 46

  Victorius 19

  Vidal de Besalú, Ramón 172


  Congress of Vienna 294, 369, 412, 415, 420, 451, 533, 534, 536

  and Galicia 452–3, 455–6, 470, 471, 734

  museums 481

  Ottoman Siege of Vienna 282, 364

  Palais Coburg 559

  Vienna Awards 625

  Vienne 108

  Colonia Julia Vienna 95, 97

  Council of 200–201

  counts of 127

  Vigilantius 20

  Vikings/Varangians 53, 66–9, 70, 72, 242, 738

  invasion routes 67

  Villiers, George 417

  Vilna Martyrs 254

  Vilna-Radom Act 256

  Vilnius/Vilna//Wilno 238, 251–2, 255, 261, 266–7, 275, 280, 281, 289, 290, 291, 293, 298, 300, 301

  Vincent of Saragossa, St 181

  Vincent the Deacon, St 181

  Vincentius 20

  Vincenz, Stanisław 465

  Vindogara 46

  Visigoths 16–19, 26, 27–31

  Kingdom of Toledo 28

  Kingdom of Tolosa 18–31, 19

  sacred art 29

  Viskuli 303

  Vistula 285, 344, 345, 349, 453

  Vitebsk 249, 275, 277, 286, 291

  Vittorio Amadeo II /Victor Amadeus II 409–10

  Vittorio Amadeo III 411

  Vittorio Emanuele I 415

  Vittorio Emanuele II 416–17, 422, 424, 429

  Vittorio Emanuele III 429, 430, 431, 593

  Vittorio Emanuele IV 432–3

  Vivarais 125

  VKP (Vsyesoyuznaya Kommunisticheskaya Partia) 703

  Vladimir the Great (Valdemar/Volodimir) 245–6

  Vladimiri, Paulus 347–8

  Vojtech of Prague (St Adalbert of Prussia) 337

  Vojvodina 605

  Volchin (Wolczyn) 306, 307

  Volhynia 264, 270, 272

  Volodymyr (Lodomeria) 450

  and Galicia see Galicia: Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria

  Volodymyr, Pan 441–2, 443, 445, 448

  Voloshyn, Avgustyn 625, 626, 631, 633

  Voltaire 280, 283, 285, 315, 419, 583

  Votadini 46, 47

  Vouillé 15, 25, 26

  Voulon 26

  Vsyesoyuznaya Kommunisticheskaya Partia (VKP) 703

  Vyazma, fortress 268

  Vytautus the Great 255–6, 260, 262

  Wadowice 453

  Waldensians see Valdensians/Vaudois

  Wales/the Welsh 42–3, 684

  Walewska, Maria 531, 533

  Walewski, Alexander Florian Colonna- 533

  Wallace, William 39, 79–80

  Wallerstein, Immanuel 632

  War of the Reapers 222

  War of the Two Peters 207

  Warhol, Andy 624

  Warsaw 277, 289, 293, 296, 349, 358, 361

  Battle of Praga 289

  creation of Duchy of 452

  Washington, George 641–2

  Waterloo, Battle of 533

  Wawel Castle 306

  Wedgwood-Benn, William 627–8

  Wedgwood, Josiah 505

  Wehlau, Treaty of 361, 364

  Weigl, Rudolf 478

  Weimar Republic 380, 567

  Weiss, Leopold (Muhammad Asad) 478

  Wells, H. G. 308

  Welsh Annals 52, 68–9, 70

  Wemyss Bay 38

  Wessex 68, 72

  West Francia 104, 106, 110, 115

  Westphalia, Treaty of 132, 409

  Weyden, Roger van der 135

  Whitby 57

  Synod of 60

  White Russia 291

  White Ruthenia 249, 251, 254, 260, 265, 267, 284–5, 291, 295

  Whithorn 63

  Candida Casa 52

  Widgery Report 677

  Widsith 93

  Wieniawa-Długoszowski, Bolesław 473

  Wiesenthal, Simon 478

  Wikileaks scandal 235

  Wilde, Oscar 650

  Wilfred the Hairy (Guifré El Pilós) 175, 184, 224

  Wilfrid, St 60

  Wilhelm I 374, 376

  Wilhelm II 377, 378, 379, 561, 562, 566, 567

  Wilhelm Gustloff 385, 386n

  Willebad 103

  Willets, Harry 8

  William, duke of Cambridge 682

  William III of Orange 641, 650–51

  William IV 549, 551

  William of Normandy 75

  William of Toulouse 171

  Wilno see Vilnius/Vilna//Wilno

  Wilson, Woodrow 602, 607, 611, 618

  Winch, Michael 628–31

  Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 317

  Windsors 566–7

  Mountbatten-Windsors 572

  Winrich von Kniprode 341

  Wísniowiecki 272

  Witos, Wincenty 477

  Władysław II Jagiełło 347

  Władysław III 256

  Władysław IV Waza (Ladislas IV Vasa) 278, 280

  court of 359

  Wolfsschanze (‘Wolf’s Lair’) 383

  Wolowicz, Ostafi 271–2

  women’s rights (Ireland) 671–2

  Wordsworth, William 739

  World War I 377–80, 599–600

  Galicia 473–6

  and Germany 377–80, 474–5, 701, 703

  and Italy 430

  and Lithuania 300

  and Russia 377–80, 701–2, 703

  World War II

  Estonia 695, 710–15

  and the former Galicia 478–80

  and Germany 301–2, 382–6, 478–9, 710, 712–14; see also Nazism

  Holocaust 302, 479, 480

  and Ireland 663–4

  and Lithuania 301–2

  Nazism see Nazism

  Operation Barbarossa 301–2, 382, 479, 710

  and Prussia 382–6, 384

  and Sabaudia 436

  Soviet Union 301–2, 382–6, 478, 479–80, 709–15


  Borbetomagus 93

  Concordat of 122

  Wrocław 486–7

  Wyspiański, Stanisław 466

  X-Case 672

  Yalta 710

  Yantarny 334

  Yaroslav the Wise 246, 253

  Yeats, William Butler, ‘Byzantium’ 323–4


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