Blood Lines: Kallen's Tale (Witch Fairy #3.5)

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Blood Lines: Kallen's Tale (Witch Fairy #3.5) Page 10

by Bonnie Lamer

  I put my hand over my heart and say with my best mock sincerity, “My honorable cousin, it pains me that I have wronged you in such a way. I beg you to accept my humblest apology.”

  His eyes tell me what he wants to say about my apology. He is wise enough not to say these things out loud in front of Tabitha and Grandmother. Oh yeah, I will have to be on my guard for quite a while.

  “Are you boys about done with this nonsense?” Grandmother asks. I grin and Kegan glares. She takes both responses as yeses. “Xandra, I have arranged for you to meet with Dagda first thing in the morning. After that, you will begin your training.”

  Her brows scrunch together. “Training?”

  Grandmother nods. “Yes, your training. We cannot have you going about almost killing people, now can we?”

  Xandra is nervous now even though she had asked for this. “What kind of training?”

  “It will vary. I have enlisted Tabitha to work with you on delicacy. She has the gift of serenity, so she can help you relax and focus better.”

  Confusion rolls onto her face. “What do you mean by ‘gift of serenity?’”

  “That means that my touch has a calming effect on the minds of others,” Tabitha says. “You may have noticed that earlier.”

  Xandra nods thoughtfully. Looking back at Grandmother, she asks, “What other type of training will I have?”

  “Kallen will be working with you on offensive magic, as you requested.” She looks at me when she says, “Kegan will be working with you on honing your reflexes and hand to hand combat.”

  “Um, what do I need to learn that for?” Xandra asks naively.

  Grandmother smiles somewhat patiently. “Because not all wars are fought with magic. Sometimes, the easiest way to defeat a foe is to not use magic. A well placed sword can do the job very nicely.”

  “Oh.” Now there is a little trace of fear in her eyes.

  “I am able to teach her those skills,” I say between a clenched jaw. I am picturing Kegan finding any number of ways to touch her while supposedly training her. “Kegan need not be bothered with the task.” I do not care if I sound like a jealous ass at the moment.

  “It is no bother. I will be happy to assist,” Kallen says with a grin a mile wide.

  Before I can say the cutting retort on my lips, Alita asks, “Is there anything I can do to help?” She has been quiet throughout this entire conversation.

  “Yes, dear, there is. You would be excellent as a companion to Xandra. I am sure it will be nice for her to have someone around her own age to talk to and spend time with while she is here.” Not to mention help keep me out of Xandra’s bedroom. Fat chance that will happen. “I do not want Kallen monopolizing all of her time.” She sends a warning glance my way. She must have picked up something from my expression. I try to look innocent but I know she is not buying it.

  Alita inclines her head towards Grandmother. “I would be honored.”

  Tabitha rises from her stool. She still has her eye on both Kegan and me to make sure we don’t start at it again. “I was going to offer you fresh fruit, bread and cheese for lunch. That is, until my best fruit was used for target practice.” Her eyes turn to Xandra who looks contrite. “Now, it will have to be sandwiches.”

  Tabitha starts bustling around the kitchen, getting enough food ready to feed a small army. I sit down on the stool next to Xandra now that she actually is done being angry with me. Kegan sits across from me and continues to glower in my direction. I ignore him.

  “What does it feel like? Being such a powerful Fairy, I mean.” Alita asks shyly.

  Xandra shrugs. “I don’t know. I just feel like me, I guess.” She grimaces at the lack of depth in her response and tries again. “I haven’t known about magic for very long, so it’s all kind of new to me. It’s frustrating that I can do things like what I did to Kallen when I’m mad or upset, but I can’t do basic magic without blowing something up.”

  Kegan grabs an apple from the bowl where Tabitha put the fruit again and takes a bite. “What’s the most impressive thing you’ve done with your magic?” he asks with a mouth full of apple. His manners certainly will not earn him points with Xandra.

  I field his question. “She created an imbalance and set the air on fire.” Alita looks shocked and Kegan about chokes on his apple.

  “Really?” Kegan says around his food.

  I nod. “That was after she buried us in an avalanche. And almost crushed us with a rock slide.”

  “Are you done?” Xandra asks crossing her arms over her chest.

  Nope. “Oh, and there’s the time she almost threw her grandmother out the window with all the furniture. She also ripped open the realms and threw Maurelle and Olwyn back here at Dagda’s feet.” That was one of the most glorious things I have ever seen.

  Alita’s hand covers her mouth as she gasps. Kegan lets out a low whistle. And Xandra’s cheeks are getting redder by the second. “You forgot about the times I took away your voice because I wanted you to stop talking.”

  Kegan snickers. “No wonder Kallen does not mind that you have Witch blood running through you. You are about a thousand times more powerful than he is. I bet you can kick his ass anytime you want.”

  “Kegan, I will not have such talk in my kitchen,” Tabitha warns with a no nonsense look.

  “Sorry,” Kegan mumbles.

  Xandra however smiles brightly. “Yes, I can.” Suddenly teasing her is not as much fun.

  “Enough chatter, now,” Tabitha says as she distributes the sandwiches she whipped up. “Eat your lunch and then skedaddle. You are all going to be busy in the near future, so enjoy the beach and the sun while you can.”

  When we have all eaten our fill, Xandra turns to me with a smile. “What should we do now?”

  Oh, there are so many things that we could do now. Just the sought makes my entire body tense. Xandra’s instant blush tells me I am wearing my thoughts on my face. Even Alita blushes a little.

  “What else is there to do?” Xandra asks.

  Kegan chuckles. “Sorry cousin, Alita and I are your shadows ALL afternoon.” Grandmother’s idea I suppose. I will find a way around it.

  Alita looks uncomfortable. “If you would rather be alone…”

  Xandra laughs. “That’s not going to get you the chaperone of the year award.”

  “I do not want to impose,” she says softly. No matter how often we tell her that we love having her around, Alita always feels like the odd one out. I hate that. “It is not your company that we find objectionable, Alita.” I look pointedly at Kegan.

  Xandra pipes in. “How about you and I go looking for those coconuts you were after earlier.” She nods her head towards Kegan and me. “They can work out their hostility without us.”

  Alita smiles. “Okay.” I guess there are some people Xandra is capable of putting at ease. Good to know.

  Xandra slides off her stool and I do not hesitate to follow. Looking up at me, she says, “Like looking for coconuts, do you?”

  “I adore it.”

  “Uh huh.” Even if she does not believe me, she still slips her hand in mine.

  Chapter 13

  Kegan and Alita prove to be harder to shed than I thought. It does not help that Xandra adores Alita and has not shown much interest in sneaking away from her. I guess I cannot blame her. Xandra has never had a female friend before. Or a male one for that matter.

  We spend the afternoon on the beach as Tabitha expected. Kegan is having a great time. I believe he is mostly enjoying the fact that I have not been able to ditch him.

  When it is time to prepare for dinner, Tabitha calls Xandra inside. She is going to help her dress herself with magic. I tag along to see how she does. So do Alita and Kegan. I half expect Tabitha to kick us out just in case Xandra ends up naked, but she does not. The three of us sit on her balcony as she works ‘gentle magic.’

  Her first few attempts have us all changing clothes along with her. First, we are in ball gowns of a putrid green
color and a bare back that dips just a little bit too far. It goes down to our knees. We stay seated. The second time is a little better. Same dress but this time in a tolerable blue color. On Xandra anyway, not me. It is also starting to get a little drafty on the terrace with no backs to these dresses. The third, I have to take issue with. I rise from my chair covering my rear with my hands and hobble into the room as Kegan laughs behind me. I lift my foot and almost topple over. “Really? Heels? I believe I liked the bikini better,” I complain. I am beginning to think that Tabitha only keeps her trying for her own amusement. And Kegan may not be complaining but I know he is not any more comfortable than I am with the cross-dressing. I think he is not complaining right along with me just because he is trying to suck up to Xandra.

  Xandra’s response to my complaint is sticking her tongue out at me and then giggling. I shake my head and hobble back to the balcony. I believe I already have blisters on my feet but I cannot take the damn things off until Xandra undoes the magic. Her fourth try we are all naked which makes me sorry that I came back out here. I would much rather be in there enjoying a better view. Kegan thinks the same thing as he leans forward to peek around the curtain so I am forced to punch him hard in the arm.

  Her fifth try I believe she is getting frustrated and we all end up in jeans and a t-shirt. I am okay with this look. Except for the fact that I will never be able to change my clothes again. At least the t-shirt is black, not pink or lime green.

  Finally, on her sixth try, Xandra is able to both release the magic that is making us dress in the same clothing and create a dinner dress for herself. It is long and sparkling blue; the contrast makes her green eyes shine even brighter. Tabitha has swept her hair up into a loose knot with wisps falling down to accentuate her beautiful face. This was worth the dresses, and the heels and having Kegan almost see her naked. Okay, it was not worth the last part but nothing would ever be worth that much.

  I am not surprised when Alita excuses herself from dinner. She once again feels like an intruder. We did make her promise to return tomorrow and she agreed.

  Dinner is delicious. After all of the boxed and canned food I ate in the Cowan realm, I feel like I am in heaven. I believe I eat more than I ever have. Which makes Tabitha smile at me fondly. She loves it when people enjoy her food.

  After dinner, Xandra can hardly keep her eyes open. As much as I do not want to, I agree with Grandmother when she suggests that Xandra turn in early. She is reluctant at first but finally agrees when she falls asleep while I am talking to her.

  I walk her to the stairs hating that I have to stop there. Wrapping my arms around her, I push a stray strand of hair from her cheek. “We have not talked about tomorrow. Are you ready to meet Dagda?” I am worried about her having a restless night despite how tired she is.

  She shrugs nonchalantly but I am not fooled. She is nervous. “I’ve already met him, remember?” she says.

  “You do not have to do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “Pretend like you are not scared or angry. I would be both if I was in your shoes.”

  “I’ll be okay.”

  I smile. “Yes, you will.” I lean down and give her a lingering kiss. Forcing myself to let her go to bed, I stand up straight and step back. “Good night, Xandra. I will miss you this evening.”

  I think I see disappointment flash through her eyes. With a small smile, she says, “Good night.”

  Does she honestly believe that I will not join her this evening? I am simply biding my time until Grandmother turns in. Pulling magic, I create a soft, silk nightgown and send it to her room through the balcony with a note attached. I desperately want to see her in it. Soon.

  Returning to the family room on the first floor where we had retired after dinner, I play a couple of hands of cards with Kegan. It is not long before everyone is yawning. Finally, Grandmother says good night and leaves. I play a couple more hands of cards before turning in myself. Kegan keeps giving me strange looks but I do not let on that I am going to do anything except retire to my own bed.

  When it seems like enough time has passed, I yawn and stretch my arms over my head, arching my back. “I am beat. I am going to bed.”

  Kegan gives me a ‘yeah right’ look which I ignore. I make my way upstairs and then down the hall to my room. The one that is the farthest away from Xandra’s. Once in my room, I do not waste a second changing into my raven form and flying out the balcony door. I fly above the house in case prying eyes are looking out windows. When I have reached the other side of the house and Xandra’s balcony, I change back. Her room is so dark I can barely see her on the bed but I can hear her even breathing. She is sound asleep. As tempting as it is to wake her, I do not. She has had a long day and needs to rest her mind.

  As quietly and softly as I can, I pull back the covers and slide in next to her. After making sure that my hands are not cold enough to wake her, I slide my arms around her and pull her close. With the moon shining in, I see a tiny smile on her lips as she cuddles next to me without waking up. Almost as if even in her sleep she knew I would come. I am asleep as soon as she is nestled beside me.

  I am not sure what is worse – having the thing you are sleeping on disappear out from under you or having someone wake you by smacking the back of your head. Hard. “Ow!” I complain loudly. I know who it is before I even turn my head.

  “If your grandmother found you in here, she would have a conniption,” Tabitha says. She has her hands on her hips and disapproval in her eyes.

  “We are sleeping, nothing more,” I say while trying to rub the pain from my head.

  “You are darn lucky I believe you. Otherwise, we would have the hand-fasting set by this afternoon. Now, you get on out of here. Xandra has a big day, and she does not need the likes of you distracting her with your moon eyes and wagging puppy dog tail.”

  Xandra lets out a small giggle but squelches it as soon as Tabitha turns her glower to her. Left with no other choice, I climb out of bed foregoing the good morning kisses that I was looking forward to last night. I make a large arc around Tabitha as I make my way to the door. The woman packs a mean palm. I am surprised I do not have a dent in my head from all of the smacks I have received from her over the years. I feel the back of my head again just to make sure that is still true. Yup, skull still intact.

  I make my way down the long hall to my own bedroom. It is similar to Xandra’s in that it has a balcony, but the furniture is quite different. The color scheme is varying shades of green with oak trim. I have a large desk in one corner where I used to slave over my homework in addition to the history of the Fae and other realms that Grandmother insisted I study. I have a couple of reclining chairs and a small table in another corner. It makes for a nice escape from the world. At least, it did when I needed one. I find I do not seek its comfort at the moment.

  I know Xandra has to be growing more and more confused and angry as the time draws near to her meeting with Dagda. I admit I am as well. I grew up loving the man. He is my uncle by marriage and he has taught me a great many things over the years. Even as he ranted and raved about using his daughter to get back to the Cowan realm, I guess I never really took him seriously. It was simply a debate of principals for many years with him on one side and me on the other. Today, I will stand before him not as his nephew, nor his friend. Today, everything is real. I will stand before him as a traitor to his crown and a defender of the one who has been considered the enemy amongst the Fairies for as long as I can remember. Today is the day I stand behind my ideals and stand next to the person I love and would die for if need be. It is going to be a hell of a day.

  After a quick shower, I dress in clothes appropriate for a visit to the palace. I have on black pants and a deep red button down shirt. I even comb my hair. Might as well make the best impression that I can. When I am satisfied with my appearance I meet Grandmother in the main hall at the bottom of the stairs.

  Xandra is apparently taking her time. Grandmother keep
s checking her watch and sighing. I start pacing and going over potential scenarios at the palace. Though I am sure Xandra will put her own little twist on anything I think of. That makes me smile.

  The smile, however, is washed from my face when I see Xandra at the top of the stairs. I am in awe of the beautiful creature walking nervously down the steps. Her long black hair is piled on top of her head in braids and curls with soft wisps loose around her face. Garland and sea shells are wound through her hair making her look like nature’s most beautiful gift to the world.

  She is wearing makeup. A sight I have not seen before. She certainly does not need makeup to be gorgeous but wow. Wow. Her eyes are lined in black and her lashes are long and sexy, framing her eyes perfectly. Her lips are deep red, a stark contrast to her alabaster skin. I would like nothing more at the moment than to spend several long hours kissing it off from her.


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