Easy (Trojans MC Book 7)

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Easy (Trojans MC Book 7) Page 1

by Sam Crescent



  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-198-4

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Trojans MC, 7

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017


  “We can turn back,” Duke said.

  “No, we can’t turn back. We have to do what we can to protect the club, right?” Holly said.

  Duke stared at his woman, holding her hand. He knew she was going through a lot of shit right now. More shit than he could even begin to imagine. There was a life that she had never gotten to know, and would never know. Lies upon lies that had not only hurt the club but her as well. He hated that she was never going to get that time back with her real father. Even if the bastard was a piece of shit, but then again, at least she wouldn’t have to deal with the trauma if he was a piece of shit.

  “This is all just so surreal to me right now, Duke. I don’t … nothing makes sense anymore. My life, my dad, everything. I’ve been living with a guy I thought was my father, and he’s not. I’ve lived a total lie, and what makes it worse, Mom and Russ haven’t always been happy. They’ve been so miserable with each other. Why do it? Why risk it? Maybe it doesn’t matter. I doubt they even know why they did.”

  “Do you think they stayed together because of the risk with Abelli?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. All I know for certain right now is this could go to complete crap in a second. We’re protecting Maya, and I think she’s like my half-sister. My real father is the kind of man that doesn’t mind ordering the rape and torture of his own daughter, and she’s just a kid, Duke. Younger than Matthew, and he’s a baby as well.”

  “Matthew would argue that.”

  “I’m terrified, Duke. I’m scared that the club will be torn apart, and I’ll have to watch innocent people die. Our friends, our family. I can’t live with that. I won’t.”

  “I’m going to do everything in my power to protect you, Holly. You, our family, our club, and the Trojans belong to us. We’re the ones that run it, together. I’ll never go down without fighting.”

  She nodded, and he saw the tears in her eyes, the fear. He hated that she felt any kind of fear.

  “Let’s do this.”

  Climbing out of his car, he rounded the vehicle, and helped Holly out.

  Entering the restaurant, Duke noted several waiters who were in fact bodyguards. This was the most logical way of entering Abelli territory. They were lucky that they hadn’t been shot on sight, and he was sure the only reason they hadn’t been was because of Abelli wanting to know his daughter. The one that was taken from him.

  “Over here,” a rough voice said.

  Putting a hand on Holly’s back, Duke made sure to guard her, making sure no one had a shot at his wife. He would die protecting her, and Pike knew if anything happened to him, he was to take care of Holly. The club would avenge him.

  They were just a simple MC. They played hard, fucked hard, but when it came to their women, and their club, they were fucking savages. No one stole from them. No one hurt who they cared about and got away with it.

  “Abelli?” he asked, taking a seat after Holly.

  The man’s face was shrouded in darkness. Duke didn’t like not being able to see his opponent.

  “It is I,” he said, leaning forward.

  Holly let out a gasp, and Duke wasn’t feeling all that good either. The man’s face was something out of a horror movie, gashes and burn marks. There was nothing remotely human looking about him, apart from his eyes.

  “Does it shock you?” Abelli asked.

  “You look like a nightmare,” Duke said, being honest.

  Abelli burst out laughing. “You’d think that this face would stop me being popular with the ladies, but I’ve got enough money that I can make whores lick my face as I ride their pussies.”

  “Ew,” Holly said.

  “I’d appreciate it if you don’t talk like that in front of my girl.”

  “So this is my daughter.” Abelli lit a cigarette with his gaze focused on Holly. “You’re pretty.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “Wow, you’ve also got manners. You sure Russ has been pretending to be your father? That fucker didn’t have a polite bone in his body when I knew him.”

  “He let you live, didn’t he?” she asked. “I’d say that is pretty polite.”

  “I’m a human monster. I’m like a superhero with no great abilities. I’m used for one thing, and one thing only. I’m the monster, the bogeyman that people are afraid of. The only difference is I am fucking real,” Abelli said. “Regardless of who or what I am, are you happy, Holly?”

  Duke didn’t take his gaze away from Abelli. He didn’t trust the fucker. Over the years his instincts hadn’t let him down, and right now, he didn’t trust anything this man said or did.

  “I don’t know if this is supposed to be a trick question or not.”

  “I want to know the truth about you. Are you happy?”

  “Yeah, I am. I’m a mother,” she said. “Erm, I, er, I don’t … my memories are vague, and I didn’t remember you until recently.”

  “Your mother decided to shack up with a Trojan, and I can’t say that I blame her to a point. I wasn’t exactly the model husband. I fucked every woman that walked in my path, and I loved it. She was a dutiful wife until Russ came along and started to fill her head with shit. Couldn’t get to them though. One thing Trojans have, it’s a reputation that no one wants to mess with, not even me.”

  Duke held onto Holly’s hand as she squeezed it tightly. Russ had built the Trojans up, and Duke had to wonder if he did it right after Anton, or even just before. The Abelli hadn’t come out for revenge. Just by looking at him, Duke knew he had to have been in some serious need of recovery. The scars on Anton’s face, that wasn’t a week of healing. No, the scars on his face must have taken months. Enough time to give the Trojans a reputation that rivaled most.

  “You’ve got a lot of brothers and sister. Bastards, and some of them hate me probably as much as Maya does.” Duke didn’t make a move, but Holly did. “Ah, I knew you had her in your care. I couldn’t give a shit what she told the lawyer friend or cop friend of hers. She’s not the only one speaking out against us. She won’t be the first, and she won’t be the last. What makes it interesting is that she’s now with the same man that did this to my face, and took my woman and kid.”

  “You knew where I was this whole time?” Holly asked.

  “Yes, of course. The truth is I couldn’t give a shit about Sheila or Russ, or you, and it seems that the Trojans have a reputation that goes far beyond family loyalty.”

  “You’re saying that your own family wouldn’t exact revenge?” Duke asked.

  “Let’s just say I’m not the most well-liked. Anyway, you’re here because you have something of mine, and as it is, my family wants to silence Maya. I’ll offer you a trade. I’ll take Russ or Sheila, and you can keep Maya. Make sure she stays quiet, and that lawyer friend of yours, he’ll live as well. If not, I’ll destroy the town of Vale Valley, and every single person within it personally.”
/>   “You expect me to give you my mother or my father?” Holly asked.

  “Or I will make sure Matthew doesn’t live to see his place within the Trojans. Drake and Bell, I will kill them as well. The choice is yours, and I think all things considered, I’ve been reasonable.”

  Chapter One

  “You’re an embarrassment to this family. You think we don’t know where you are?” her father asked.

  Eliza listened to her father rant and rave, and she hadn’t even gotten the chance to say hello yet.

  “Darcy is on his way down there. He’s going to sort this out, and then there will be no more crap anymore.”

  She rolled her eyes, and then snorted. Darcy against Brass, there was no competition. Brass would crush Darcy like a bug. The man her parents wanted her to marry was in fact gay, and had even told her so. The marriage was just a ruse to make sure he could continue his lifestyle, all the time she was looking like the doting wife. Darcy didn’t even expect her to find a man for herself. He even told her that she was too fat and ugly to have a man who wanted her.

  Well, not only did she have a man that wanted her, he was damn good as well.

  “That’s good to know, Dad. Really, it was great listening to you again,” she said. For some strange reason she really didn’t give a shit about what he had to say. It was the first time in her life that she really didn’t care about her father, his opinions, or even trying to impress him. He wanted her to give up her whole life for a guy he’d picked out, who was in fact cruel, mean, and hurtful. “I’ve got to go now. Oh, if Darcy thinks he can come and get me, tell him that’s okay, but I’m seeing someone, so he can kiss my fat, ugly ass.”

  She hung up the phone, and took a deep breath to smile. She could smile.

  The sound of clapping hands made her jump, and as she spun around, she saw Brass was standing in the doorway.

  “I didn’t know you were there,” she said.

  “This is my apartment, babe. I went to get you coffee. Fat, ugly ass? Do I need to spank you for that shit?”

  She shook her head. “No, not at all. I told you about Darcy, my supposed husband to be?”

  “Yeah, you may have mentioned him when I was balls deep inside your sweet pussy.” He handed her a steaming cup of takeout coffee. The bag he had in his other hand smelled delicious. Brass, last name and even first name unknown, but she didn’t care. She was just basking in the fun with him. Never had she been able to be herself, and yet, Brass demanded it.

  “Well it’s what he told me. He’s gay. Has a guy who he actually sleeps with. It kind of sucks really, to be honest.”

  “Wait, wait, wait. You’re telling me that the guy your father wants you to marry likes dudes? He takes dick?”

  “I guess he is. He also gives it.” She had walked into his office when he had been giving it to his boyfriend. It had been a real eye opener. “Do you have a problem with that?”

  “I don’t give a shit about a guy’s preference. Personally, I love a good pair of tits, a nice tight pussy, and with you, I actually like talking to you.”

  “Wow, thank you.” She chuckled. She had stayed in Vale Valley a couple of weeks, and had found that Brass wasn’t being mean, or blunt. This was simply who he was. There was no underlying motive. He loved to fuck, ride his bike, and party. The partying wasn’t really her scene, and apart from going to see Knuckles and Beth’s wedding, she hadn’t participated in any of the parties. She wasn’t going to give Brass a reason to send her on her merry way. She was known for being a stick in the mud, and right now, she wanted to enjoy the small freedom she had been given.

  There would come a time she had to give up, but until then, she was going to try to keep this happiness for some time.

  “It’s not that, babe, you know it. I just—he told you that you were fat and ugly.”

  “Yes. His demands in marrying me were that I’m to give the show of loyal, forgiving wife, and even though he can have a man of his own, I’m not allowed any.” She shrugged. “I guess this is what you call a little rebellion. Sounds great, huh?”

  Brass put down the coffee and bag of food down. Her stomach chose that moment to growl. “You’re hurt?”

  “No, I’m not hurt.” She blew out a breath. “Okay, maybe I am. Growing up I always wanted to have the kind of marriage you read about in books or see in the movies.” She felt the tears starting to build, and she took a breath. Years of keeping them at bay, the training wasn’t forgotten, and she wasn’t about to spill them over. She stared down at her hands. “It’s silly.”

  “It’s not silly.” He placed a finger beneath her chin and tilted her head back. “Never believe that something like that can be silly. Wanting that kind of shit, it’s natural.”

  “Did you?”

  “No. I didn’t want to be. My folks were constantly at each other’s throats,” he said.

  “My parents pretended the other didn’t exist. I’m not trying to get pity or anything. It’s just the way it is.” She pressed her hands against his chest, not to push him away, just because she wanted to touch him.

  “You’re not okay, are you, baby?”

  “I am. It’s just … talking with my dad always makes me feel like I failed. Like I fucked up big time.” She tried not to care what he thought, but the truth was, she did. She cared a lot. “I can’t even marry the right man.”

  Brass stroked her cheek, and she stared into his eyes, finding comfort in his stare. He was big, so powerful. She loved it when his muscular, inked arms surrounded her. The way he groaned each time his cock plunged inside her as if he couldn’t hold in the pleasure.

  “You’re thinking dirty thoughts right now, aren’t you?”

  “A little bit.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, forgetting about the coffee, and everything else. His hands were on her back, pushing up her sweater, and flicking the catch of her bra. She should care that he knew how to do that, and with such ease, and yet she didn’t.

  His experience was her gain. Brass shoved her against the wall, and gathered up her skirt, and tearing away her panties. “What have I told you about wearing these?” he asked.

  “Not to, unless it’s that time of the month.”

  “Nothing has changed.” He released her long enough to tear open a condom, and then his hands were on her ass, lifting her up. “Oh fuck! Tight, so fucking tight,” he said, filling her with his cock.

  He was so long and thick. Each thrust filled her to the brim and then some more.

  “Oh, God,” she said, gripping onto his shoulders as he began to thrust inside her. The hold he had on her ass would leave a bruise. She didn’t mind. In the past couple of weeks her body was covered in Brass shaped marks. Good bruises from some hard fucking, and boy, did she love fucking him.

  “That’s right, baby. You’re not marrying the right man because there is no other man out there that can give you what you need.” One of his hands left her ass, and he tore her skirt away. “Watch us, Eliza. Watch my cock fill your pussy.”

  She looked down, seeing his cock pull out and thrust forward. The condom was covered with her cream. She was so damn aroused, and already she was addicted to his cock. Nothing else would do for her.

  “You’re mine, Eliza. You don’t want the prim fucking life of the rich. You want to be with a man who knows how to take care of you. Who knows how to get you so fucking dirty that you don’t ever want to be clean. I can give that to you. Your body craves me.”

  Eliza leaned forward, sliding her tongue against his pulse as she reached between them, and started to tease her clit. Stroking over the bud, she felt the beginnings of her orgasm. Brass held her ass once again, and started to thrust up, harder, bumping her hand as they fucked against the wall.

  She screamed his name as her orgasm caught her and threw her into that zone where she didn’t give a fuck about anything, only the pleasure that Brass could give her. He had taken her to this point of pleasure that sh
e never wanted to leave Vale Valley, or him.

  Brass came, and even through the condom and her own orgasm, she felt the pulses of his cock, and she wished there was no condom between them. She would love to just let loose and give into the need that he awakened inside her.

  Together they sank down to the floor, and she pushed her hair out of her face and smiled down at him. Brass moved them so that his cock was still inside her, and she straddled his hips.

  “You’re going to kill me.”

  She laughed. “You’re the one that started this.” She ran her fingers through his hair and played with a few strands at his neck. There was nothing clean-cut about him, and she loved that.

  “You don’t have to think about husbands or shit like that.”

  “I should stay here forever?” she asked.

  “Yeah, if that’s what you want,” he said.

  They had started fucking a few weeks ago when her car had finally been fixed. Once again, she stared into his eyes, and wondered if she could do it. Could she stay? He wasn’t on his knees begging her, or declaring love for her.

  There was no way she was ever going to expect something like that. Declarations of love never happened to her, and Eliza was under no illusions about what this was. She was an easy fuck.

  The Trojans were notorious around these parts, and she was simply a girl in a long line of them. The only difference was she was the only sleeping with one of them.

  “I’m hungry,” she said, pulling off his cock.

  What had started out as fun was fast starting to take its toll. She didn’t know what hurt more, the thought of staying and watching him with other women, or leaving.

  It was a decision she had to make.


  Brass stared at the car in front of him, and he really didn’t give a shit if it rode again. He was pissed off, and angry, which was the fucking same thing, but it didn’t.


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